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"could Not Update Account Information. Progress Was Not Saved"


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Hey, I've been playing Warframe for quite some time now and never encountered this bug before, Its been a few days after U17 and every time i finish a mission, it sends me a message along the lines of:


"Could not update account information progress not saved"


It wasn't the recent hot fix because I've been playing whit that hot fix for a while now, This bug is making it really hard to continue farming....

Thanks for your help!


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I'm having the same issue.


I posted in the other thread with the same topic a more in-depth explanation of whats causing it for me but basically revolves around editing certain loadouts (colors or mods) right before a mission. In particular the Harpak is one of the weapons that causes this for me.


We will probably have to wait until Monday at the least since DE doesn't work weekends.

Edited by Ryunaki
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Since 17.0.2, I believe, I have been nearly unable to make any progress whatsoever in Warframe. Almost every time I complete a mission it won't update anything, and all of my mods, loadouts, my appearance, attachments, and so forth reset. Occasionally I will get rewards from one mission but it's a bit rare. I would say 60-70% of the time I lose progress. I had very few, if any, issues with this prior to the hotfix.

EDIT: Did 17 runs last night to test after not playing a while. Did 10 runs with all old gear (Volt, Boltor P, Seer), 5 with Equinox (Boltor P), and 2 with Equinox + Harpak (new). I did very fast Tower I Captures, and surprisingly I did not get any errors. I tried hosting for some, and my friend hosted for the rest. Prior to that, we usually were playing interception to round 4 and doing defenses, with me getting resets almost every round so what I'm drawing from this is that it possibly is connected to longer missions. Didn't get a chance to test more, but it could be different weapons I hadn't tried as well. The two friends I was playing with had their mods keep resetting but didn't get the same error that I did.

Edited by Ouendanation
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same here..happening to myself and friends, except that it did not happen with one new weapon while fighting tyl regor..


it did happen while carrying 2 new weapons in a low level solo mission later on


I can't give you any technical info, but you guys have a problem that I have not encountered before this last update...fix it..!!!

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I have been having this problem as well. I am noticing that it is whenever I am changing mods on my Twin Grakata, but I also noticed it with some of the newer weapons. I would add a mod, run a mission, and it wouldn't save anything. I would run the mission again, without adding any mods, and it would save perfectly fine. I would also notice that in occasions where the account information wouldn't be updated, I wouldn't get a reward from the mission I was running (Equinox BPs mainly).


I then tried to change mods and log out and back in again, and the same thing would happen, no mods would be saved in the weapons. 

I then tried to switch to all older weapons, and adding/removing mods saved just fine.


This is a really weird problem, and I can't really seem to find a 100% reproducible way. It is a bit frustrating to be losing booster time because of this bug.

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Same to me  T^T   but it happen when i buy that new warframe Equinox .

my another warframe can do mission normal   i think it because new update problem some 

I Try fix game in steam  but not work DOWNLOAD GAME AGAIN not work   Download and fix again not work too  i try a lot - -*

Edited by STARzGrayFox
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yeah I've been having the same issue trying to rank up a Prisma Grakata past rank 7. Maybe it's just grineer weapons that have the problem. Though the mods not saving issue happened with my warframe too.

may be , I have the problem on Hek and The Twin Grakatas , while other weapon doesn't suffer with this problem

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I'm also having this problem. It could easily be coincidence but it seems to be when I change some mods around on any of my gear. I've been swapping warframe and weapons about too but that doesn't seem to have any affect. The mods I change work for the mission, but when I finish the mission it reverts my mods to what they were previously.  


It's not saving any mods or credits or xp, but does save the fact I used a void key, so I've lost out on quite a few rewards :/ I was doing T4 Sabotage mission and the last mission page would show the mods and materials I found in that mission and the exp I gained etc. etc. but I wouldn't receive any of it, plus it wouldn't show what the reward was from the mission or cache, if this info is any use to anyone. 


EDIT: Had the problem a few more times, however once was without modding, but was after changing my weapon appearance. 

Edited by Hazo36
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