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Can We Talk A Little About The "constant Regen Of Energy"?


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DE you've taken the skill involved in map control out of the game. Now cheap first skills can be spammed with zero skills involved. Sure it doesn't require much skill before, but at least the guy put in some effort running around the map collecting energy without dying. Now almost nobody bothers map control anymore. 


Just ... why ... 


Also the Follow Through mod. Previously it's "gain 6 energy on enemy kill". Basically a kill streak reward. You get a reward of a 1st ability cast by killing five players without dying. It felt good and didn't upset the balance (some might say snowballing but 5-kill streak is not trivially easy). Now it's "spawn with 6 energy". --Are you kidding me? With the current energy regen, spawning-with-the-25-energy-you-previously-had-before-dying, 6 energy on spawn is completely pointless and pitiful!


End of rant. 

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Wow the one time where at least 95% of the powers are in a good place you are now complaining that now there is too much energy. Looks like the tables have turned...


This is what a lot of people asked for "powers are fine" "powers need to be apart of warframe because its warframe" well now we got it.


Give them all the energy they want, this is the first warframe build since the initial release of 2.0 that I can finally counter spammers!


Enjoy ^_^

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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I agree in part with Eureka - most powers are in a good place now where the excess energy can be justified but their are a bunch which stand out badly which may need a second look (keyword may - I am not sure).

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Wow the one time where at least 95% of the powers are in a good place you are now complaining that now there is too much energy. 


I'm not complaining about power. I'm complaining about the EFFORT TO GET ENERGY. Zero effort involved. A guy basically just sits in his roost and free energy comes out of his rear end, like some chicken producing eggs. 


It baffles me that DE would nerf energy spawn rate from 20sec to 45sec in response to complaints, then adding auto-regen energy into the game.


It's basically ability cooldown, with cooldown-accelerating item spawn on top.    

Edited by elele
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I'm not complaining about power. I'm complaining about the EFFORT TO GET ENERGY. Zero effort involved. A guy basically just sits in his roost and free energy comes out of his rear end, like some chicken producing eggs. 


It baffles me that DE would nerf energy spawn rate from 20sec to 45sec in response to complaints, then adding auto-regen energy into the game.


It's basically ability cooldown, with cooldown-accelerating item spawn on top.    

And what there was effort required before? You are a comic. If anything this is much better stop complaining about things that don't need fixing especially since the previous energy system was garbage.

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I like the new energy sistem: some powers have been nerfed, and it's ok, most of the time you won't run out of energy when you need.

But Valkyr's paralysis ( or wathever is that power, the one where she scream) is one of the most annoying for me, as slash dash too, mostly because of the broken stagger mod that doesn't work, but I guess they will fix it soon. However, I've been with a guy that used 38 abilities used in one match... dude, keep calm, there's no need to be such a spammer

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the energy regeneration is minimal, like 1 each 3 seconds, theres enough energy from affinity to have 25 or more, at almost any time, and that is the reason why most players dont care about energy orb respawns, but if you try to control the orbs you still get advantage, just not as much as you would get before

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And what there was effort required before?



Running around getting energy, not attaching to a high wall with parkour 2.0 while waiting for energy to recharge. 


Previously you can counter them by reaching energy spawns. Now you can do jack sh$t while they pull energy from that hamster in their head. 



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Running around getting energy, not attaching to a high wall with parkour 2.0 while waiting for energy to recharge. 


Previously you can counter them by reaching energy spawns. Now you can do jack sh$t while they pull energy from that hamster in their head. 



no I don't because fundamentally, I can kill power spammers with ease as opposed to the previous update. Despite energy regen, I can dodge and counter powers with the use of my parkour skills.


So now I can do S#&$, and now I can pwn players who derserve to be pwn'd and cannot rely on powers as a crutch. There are only two powers in the game where I deem broken. Slash Dash and Sleep. The rest is possibly synonymous to the inability to counter power users with means other than powers.


The removal of map control was DE decision, and clearly it worked for the better.

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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There are only two powers in the game where I deem broken. Slash Dash and Sleep.

Those two alone got me to quit. They are so cheap. With the amount of energy we have and the amount of people going into PvP with Equinox and Excalibur, those two powers need to be nerfed hard.

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I'm mostly fine with the energy regen system (maybe it would be better if it was a tad slower), but I don't like what it has done with the powers.

Basically, after the update, everyone has energy, always. This means that they become less of a managed resource used to turn the tide, and more of a something you spam without a second thought. Meanwhile, since the overall amount of energy has grown, the power damage has been nerfed to prevent one-button kills (I guess). For example, shuriken wasn't particularly useful before the update - now on my last match it was doing 16 damage (for both shurikens!). That's comparable with a single Lato shot. The raw damage first powers are pretty much useless at this point, while those with other gimmicks are still useful, perhaps more so now that you spawn with enough energy to use them (looking at you, post-buff mind control). Furthermore, I haven't seen it in action (because not many people spam ults now), but I believe Volt and Frost's ult can be reliably countered by shooting them in the face mid-cast, while they can't dodge - if you're not injured, you'll survive anyway.

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no I don't because fundamentally, I can kill power spammers with ease as opposed to the previous update. Despite energy regen, I can dodge and counter powers with the use of my parkour skills.


So now I can do S#&$, and now I can pwn players who derserve to be pwn'd and cannot rely on powers as a crutch. There are only two powers in the game where I deem broken. Slash Dash and Sleep. The rest is possibly synonymous to the inability to counter power users with means other than powers.


The removal of map control was DE decision, and clearly it worked for the better.


But this thread is not about "powers are balanced now" (they mostly are, I agree). It's about "energy regens so power is so cheap to spam now". 


I don't understand how you can say removing map control is a good decision: take Slash Dash for example. Previously at least I can map control and deny Excal that energy. Now I can do nothing. How is that even a good decision ... you must be joking. 

Edited by elele
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But this thread is not about "powers are balanced now" (they mostly are, I agree). It's about "energy regens so power is so cheap to spam now". 


I don't understand how you can say removing map control is a good decision: take Slash Dash for example. Previously at least I can map control and deny Excal that energy. Now I can do nothing. How is that even a good decision ... you must be joking. 

Of course you use the worst example, Slash Dash along with Sleep and paralysis is broken an needs to be fixed. We don't need the energy to be fixed just those particular powers.


Your "map control" was just flying to energy spawns getting 4 orbs and spamming 1 or 4. That's not map control. Powers would decide battles, they were exploitive. Now with the new system players can use powers as much as they can but they are nowhere near as effective and are do not guarantee a win in a fight. The "Map Control" in 2.0 does not work on this game, it was exploitive and it makes the game completely devoted to spamming powers. No one liked it, many thought it was garbage and that's why they changed it.


Last thing we need is to change this system, it's the best it has ever been. Once the exploits are ironed out the game can be all powers+melee+guns just like how most people wanted it. You asked for this not me.

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Running around getting energy, not attaching to a high wall with parkour 2.0 while waiting for energy to recharge. 


Previously you can counter them by reaching energy spawns. Now you can do jack sh$t while they pull energy from that hamster in their head. 



If you cant hit a non moving target on a high wall man.... sorry you deserve to get rekt. No one is going to farm energy stationary, and everyone knows that one ability cast isnt a guaranteed kill, so most smart players will get an energy reserve of 50 before trying anything, unless its an emergency.

Your fighting a one man battle agasint every PvP player who likes having energy, and understands that there should be more to conclave then controlling energy spawns.

You like hogging the energy spawns so everyone you fight is like a "3-year-old" right? powerless before you ;)

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If you cant hit a non moving target on a high wall man.... sorry you deserve to get rekt. 


Do you even understand the meaning of "hiding"? He freaking HIDES by jumping between walls! 



so most smart players will get an energy reserve of 50 before trying anything, unless its an emergency.


Sounds really smart to me. Hiding like a chicken before coming back with a free kill. How's that worked out for your Equinox spam?

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Do you even understand the meaning of "hiding"? He freaking HIDES by jumping between walls! 




Sounds really smart to me. Hiding like a chicken before coming back with a free kill. How's that worked out for your Equinox spam?

Actually great! :) I wreck everything and love it. But its because the ability is broken, not because of the energy re-gen. Actually I dont hide like a chicken i usually just wait till my energy gets to 25 cuase. the. ability. is. broke. But I always check the closest energy spawn.

I understand the meaning of hiding up top.  I hunt people down up top all the time. PvP for me is most fun up top as i used to be a PvP 1.0 player and parkour actually takes skill. 

Also if someone wants to bide there time and wait for the optimal moment to strike... I dont see whats wrong with that. Snipers for instance shouldnt get 0 access to energy because they are mostly stationary. Energy re-gen adds a new layer of strategy to conclave and a sense of urgency as you understand the longer you wait the stronger your enemies become. It levels the playing field by making EVERYONE a tiny bit stronger.

Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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Slash Dash is ridiculous, next time your in a team anihilation and you see a bunch of players taking shelter in a snow globe. Jump in there with 100 energy and spam slash dash. you will slaughter them all.

Ill stick with Ash Prime - with no powers.

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PvP is ALMOST at its best. They need to fix sleep and fix the Lex Prime bug and we'll be there then we'll see where new weapons and frames take us. The new Parkour system is now the lifeblood of the PvP system. No longer chasing Bo prime copters or suffering from infinite knockdown from kogake because now you can parkour away! Even as someone who used Kogake 99.9% of the time its good to see it more balanced and the energy system lets people be for flexible and more creative. As of U17 i believe the only PvP one shot is valkyr melee and thats fine since u need to get in close with it.You focus on this concept of map control but how is it fun for people to be snowballed to death because someone picked up a tiny little blue orb .2 seconds before them and won the game. Use the opticor, run around with the tigris like a badass and blow someone to pieces break someones legs with the bo prime and then smash them in the face. Turn someone into kubrow kibble with fang's the choices are numerous! soar like a bird with zephyr and snipe like MLG NO SCOPE MASTER. Do whatever but stop complaining and find a play style that fits you and makes you happy, use the new energy to your advantage! NOW GO ELELE GO AND HAVE FUN MY FELLOW TENNO, FOR THE SENTIENTS ARE AWAKING AND WE MUST PREPARE TO FACE OUR OLD ENEMY ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

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Wow the one time where at least 95% of the powers are in a good place you are now complaining that now there is too much energy. Looks like the tables have turned...


This is what a lot of people asked for "powers are fine" "powers need to be apart of warframe because its warframe" well now we got it.


Give them all the energy they want, this is the first warframe build since the initial release of 2.0 that I can finally counter spammers!


Enjoy ^_^

yep my words.

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powerful power are still powerful, we always have something to spam.



you still sure loser to a 100 energy oberon/mag if you have no energy/  situation didn't change for my spamberon






Also the Follow Through losed it's value and purpose. 15 mod points :P joke

Edited by cary2010haha1
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I think energy orbs should be removed from the map and energy acquired through mods and mechanics. Follow through as an example, death streak [3 consecutive deaths with no kills, start with extra energy]. Kill streak - gain bonus energy next time you respawn. Enemies drop energy orbs already and there can be other things.


Or leave energy orbs in the maps, but picking up an energy orb increases the energy passive gain by 2 or 3 for a few seconds.

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