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Ps4: Excalibur Revisited


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Interesting to see some people happy about GMag nerf while at the same time making the case for Excal [post rework] not to be nerfed or other frame in the game...


Honestly, I think both sides are just a bunch of crying babies (no offense).


For those who didnt like GMag, you always have the option to play with a squad that did not include a mesa or a GMag in it. Just because you didnt like it, it does not mean other players should be foreced to agree with you. Hint: host your own games rather than jumping into other player's squad.... Also, I can pretty much accomplish the same thing using other frames and strategies post GMag nerf. Hint: CAMPING....


For those who like GMag and are whining about it being nerfed, learn how to play using all WF's ability instead of simply spaming one. Same goes for those Mesa lovers who do nothing but spam peace maker. Here I should add those Nekros players who only use Desecreate as well as those Hydroid ones who only use Pilfiring Swarm. And before I forget, the newly Excal lovers who will only be spaming his 4th ability everywhere... I got a first glance at it last night.


I personally think DE should not be trying to curve or control whatever play style players want to use to enjoy the game. Rather, let player decides what works best for them. Some players enjoy running around, other likes camping while other like to stay in close proximity. Just find your play stile and couple of players like you and enjoy the farming!


In addition, I could not care less about Gmag nerf. I play the frame quite often and find her very powerfull. The only ability I almost never use is Bullet Attractor. However, I dont cry about it. I know there are players who may find it usefull. However, I thiink if we apply the same logic used to nerf GMag, we shall find other frames that should be nerfed as well.


At the end of the day, nerfed or not, some frames will always be more popular than others. Just relax and play the game with whatever frame you like...


Oh well...



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Interesting to see some people happy about GMag nerf while at the same time making the case for Excal [post rework] not to be nerfed or other frame in the game...


Honestly, I think both sides are just a bunch of crying babies (no offense).


For those who didnt like GMag, you always have the option to play with a squad that did not include a mesa or a GMag in it. Just because you didnt like it, it does not mean other players should be foreced to agree with you. Hint: host your own games rather than jumping into other player's squad.... Also, I can pretty much accomplish the same thing using other frames and strategies post GMag nerf. Hint: CAMPING....


For those who like GMag and are whining about it being nerfed, learn how to play using all WF's ability instead of simply spaming one. Same goes for those Mesa lovers who do nothing but spam peace maker. Here I should add those Nekros players who only use Desecreate as well as those Hydroid ones who only use Pilfiring Swarm. And before I forget, the newly Excal lovers who will only be spaming his 4th ability everywhere... I got a first glance at it last night.



I could care less when people used Gmag and Mesa to camp or cheese as long as I don't have to play an active part in it. I play Maggie all the time and I'm just happy it's gone because when joining a squad, the first thing they say is: "Gmag?" then I reply: "Nope, sorry man." Aaaand *Drumroll* Host left, squad disbanding.


getting called names and getting kicked out of squads just because I don't use a certain mod gets really really REALLY annoying. But now it's over HAH!

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Still no fix for:

Move up and move down not being secondary bindings. Basically they replace jump and crouch if you try to customize them.

CROUCH STILL HAS ROLL BOUND TO IT! The community has stated countelss times how this makes it HARDER to play the game. Just make roll it's own secondary command or have a button that is just crouch and nothing else. Please. It's ridiculous how long this has taken to fix. It's been nearly a year and this isw still a huge problem. Also, we have no Sprint/roll button like pc players -_- Sprint/Roll is so much easier to use than crouch/roll.

There is no toggle crouch button for people who want two different crouches customized into their controls. Instead there is justr an on/off option for crouch being a toggle, This makes it so that players who like customization have less opporunities and versatility. 

These have been problems for far too long. I love you DE, but god damn. Please fix those. It would take less than an hour to fix all three problems.

Edited by (PS4)TheHourMan
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I could care less when people used Gmag and Mesa to camp or cheese as long as I don't have to play an active part in it. I play Maggie all the time and I'm just happy it's gone because when joining a squad, the first thing they say is: "Gmag?" then I reply: "Nope, sorry man." Aaaand *Drumroll* Host left, squad disbanding.


getting called names and getting kicked out of squads just because I don't use a certain mod gets really really REALLY annoying. But now it's over HAH!


I hear ya. This will still happen from time to time except when you are the host.


I hope you are not one of those players who ask for INV knowing that you dont have the Frame the host asked for. There are tons of player in the recruiting channel who dont bother to read what the person recluting ask for. Others, do it on purpose. When this is the case, the disbanding functionality must be called into action.

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I cant download the update it says "preparing update" then goes to like 7% then back down to zero then says "cannot download". I then hit one it to retry when its says "To download the content, you must delete unnecessary content from system storage" but I have 20gb free space can anyone help

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Plz my maestri does not growing up more, i´m playing for a month with out rank up....

Come on man, how can i keep playin this game with this way.????

And when u try to support, say this session is working hard, plz try again later.....OMG, why this game is so Unfunctional....

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Make sure you have latest system update installed, as well as any screenshots from any other games you don't want deleted a few of mine were still in the upload process which may have inhibited the download. But delete as much as you can restart your PS4, delete that download and start a new one.

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Really enjoying the Simulor, it's great fun. I'll be testing Exalted Blade later today. Good job DE! C:


I hear ya. This will still happen from time to time except when you are the host.


I hope you are not one of those players who ask for INV knowing that you dont have the Frame the host asked for. There are tons of player in the recruiting channel who dont bother to read what the person recluting ask for. Others, do it on purpose. When this is the case, the disbanding functionality must be called into action.


I know but it'll be much less frequent now. ^^

And when people ask for a specific frame I don't even bother asking for an invite. I'd like to play I frame I like thank you very much.

I agree about the rest though. When they ask for specific frames and people join who don't have them, then I won't complain about them disbanding the squad but just because I have no Greedy Pull? Bunch of scrubs ... Not a problem when I'm hosting though. my message in recruiting is always: "Hosting [Whatever], need your favorite frame."

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Plz my maestri does not growing up more, i´m playing for a month with out rank up....

Come on man, how can i keep playin this game with this way.????

And when u try to support, say this session is working hard, plz try again later.....OMG, why this game is so Unfunctional....

You might wanna clean up and try that again, you won't get much help if we can't understand what you're saying.

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Posted Today, 12:30 PM

(PS4)eradan2013, on 07 Aug 2015 - 5:37 PM, said:snapback.png

Plz my maestri does not growing up more, i´m playing for a month with out rank up....
Come on man, how can i keep playin this game with this way.????
And when u try to support, say this session is working hard, plz try again later.....OMG, why this game is so Unfunctional....

You might wanna clean up and try that again, you won't get much help if we can't understand what you're saying. 



i believe the translation is 

"Please help my Mastery does not increase anymore.  i have been playing for a month without a rank-up opportunity.

come on man, how can i keep playing when i cannot level up.

when i ask support it says they are working hard please try again later, why is this game not functional"


now that the translation is out of the way simply put if you are having an issue with your Mastery Rank not going up usually the answer is quite simple 


Mastery Rank only increases when you level up new weapons or Warframes the first time as well as the first time you complete a node on the star chart. 


so if your Mastery Rank has not gone up you may need to get new weapons the MK1 weapons tend to be a good start but building more weapons and warframes to level will increase your mastery rank 

Edited by (PS4)Raydri
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Well the new Excaliber move is annoying as S#&$ to listen to. Any game I get into Excaliber is spamming that swing move the whole run through and it's just a constant annoying sound of "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish". From spawn to extract. I'm going to have to specify No Excalibers in my games when I'm hosting. At least not until then fix that sound.



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Well the new Excaliber move is annoying as S#&$ to listen to. Any game I get into Excaliber is spamming that swing move the whole run through and it's just a constant annoying sound of "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish". From spawn to extract. I'm going to have to specify No Excalibers in my games when I'm hosting. At least not until then fix that sound.




I recently come from the PC vercion (my laptop died), and I must say that here in PS4 are more annoying kids and lame players (a lot of camping and spaming). Indeed my only frame at the moment is Excalibur, and I'm not going all the time "swish" "swish" "swish" "swish" is annoying but the problem is not the ability, the players are. I also left missions when a lame player camp or spam any ability. DE should fix the camping problem by changing the respawn system but not nerfing something. Finally, I am afraid that because of lame players, Exalted Blade will get nerfed.

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Well the new Excaliber move is annoying as S#&$ to listen to. Any game I get into Excaliber is spamming that swing move the whole run through and it's just a constant annoying sound of "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing" "shwing". From spawn to extract. I'm going to have to specify No Excalibers in my games when I'm hosting. At least not until then fix that sound.




Edited by (PS4)Toycammander666
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I dislike like seeing all these new Excaliburs.... Nerf please. I liked him better when I was in the 10% of Excalibur users. Now it's more like 50%. Not requesting a kill. I enjoy his new abilities (especially the slash dash barrage type rework) and I love that armor buff. But Exalted Blade... Maybe the waves shouldn't go so far. And maybe he shouldn't auto guard. Just nerd enough to make people go back to Rhino (ToT)

[also the various Exalted combos are stupid stylish! LOVE em]

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Idk why so much hate on excal I think he is fine I think the only hate for him is that more ppl use him but isn't that how every warframe works, once they release a new warframe for like the first 2 weeks everybody is using it and after it dies down. I mean it's not like excal is invincible he is still very killable and update 17 makes rhino armor to 275 so he will be used again lol. So we do also have to remember excal is the mascot and of course they had to pump up there mascot keep him fresh and up to date woop woop <(^~^<) (>^~^)> ^(^~^)^

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its not fair pc got update 17 first should it be relesed at the same time

You what mate? Are you trolling? It's standard procedure PC gets it first then they hotfix the bugs send it to cert and we wait on microsoft or sony to greenlight the update respectively.

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I dislike like seeing all these new Excaliburs.... Nerf please. I liked him better when I was in the 10% of Excalibur users. Now it's more like 50%. Not requesting a kill. I enjoy his new abilities (especially the slash dash barrage type rework) and I love that armor buff. But Exalted Blade... Maybe the waves shouldn't go so far. And maybe he shouldn't auto guard. Just nerd enough to make people go back to Rhino (ToT)

[also the various Exalted combos are stupid stylish! LOVE em]

..... Yes nerf an ability to make the frame rarer? I'm sorry but no. I do agree though seeing too many excaliburs.

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