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13 Tips And Tricks (Pvp Guide)



These are just 13 tips and tricks about improving your PvP game and how to approach PvP.
also I didn't proof read this as I wrote it at 2:00am. But I will tomorrow.


TL:DR - if your too lazy to read this then your loss.

disorientation in relation to PvP (for me) occurs when a player dies. When they die they lose track of the fighting, get randomly teleported, and need to reorient themselves before their next fight (I.E. collect energy, find opponents)

weak is any other player low on health and running.

1)75% rule, 75% of the time when your shields go down turn and run. Find cover, rethink your strategy. If you have already taken down your opponents shields and some of there health and think you can survive the encounter without being beneath 50% health, stay and fight it out. In PvP you have to think about surviving your next fight, and getting the next kill. Not just the Immediate one. Plan accordingly. When you die you have down time, your KD is lowered, and you lose the pace of the battle and enter disoriented.

2) Dont. Stop. Get it? Get it? Never stop moving. If you stop moving your dead. End of Story. The only time movement should stop is if your a frost in your bubble, but even then you need to be ready to dodge the MOMENT you take damage. If you take damage you are in the air, rolling, or changing direction and facing your attacker. Never stop moving or your a sitting duck. Even during a dog fight you keep jumping, rolling, and sliding. OUT MANEUVER YOUR OPPONENT.

3) The law of tank. Say your opponent is a tankier frame, (Frost, Valk, Rhino, Saryn, Ash P)you need an edge, if you have no stun abilities, low energy, or no decent damage abilities, and your approaching him head on, YOUR DOING IT WRONG. to handle a tank when you have low energy is suicide. EVEN IF YOUR A TANK. To kill a tank you need to out DPS them, out smart them or out tank them (The latter is a terrible idea, second one is the best approach). Wait till the tank is weak on health, wait till the tank is low on energy, wait till its distracted. Then attack like the devil, hit em with powers first, then shoot. If its a blade-storm wait till you lower them till all they have is 80% or less health and blade-storm to finish them. If he is tankier then you double your efforts to deal damage and cast debilitating powers, double your efforts to dodge bullets, and if your shields go down, and he is at 90% health or higher. Run. Like. Hell.

4)The Weak Must Fall. You see someone low on health? Go out of your way to kill them. If someone is low on health slay them immediately. There are two reasons for this: 1) lowers potential enemy damage dealing. 2) removes a factor from the battle field and disorients the slayed. Even if you need to chase them around the map. You kill them. A weak player on low health is a free meal. So you better darn take it.Often times a weak player will run from the majority of the fight, and you following the 75% rule should have more health and shields then them. So killing them wont be a problem. Take your free kill.

5) Distractions of the weak. When chasing an opponent who is low on health do not get distracted. Distractions are what a good player low on health is waiting for. A smart player when low on health runs past healthy players hoping they will attract the person chasing them. usually they will. Ignore them and chase the weakling. If the weakling stops and turns to fight you (understanding there is a player chasing you too now and senses a tactical advantage) run past him and then turn and shoot at him. Now the weakling will be surrounded by two healthy players and you will have the upper hand as the player chasing you is now most likely distracted.

6)Be a coward. Only fight when your health is high, only fight when you have the tactical advantage, only fight when your opponent is weaker then you, or less skilled. The only time you fight someone who is as good as you in skill or better, is to get better yourself and learn how they move, and what they do that keeps killing you. If your not trying to learn and want to rack up kills, and end up on top of the list at the end of annihilation, then you better target the weak, disoriented, distracted, or animation-frozen players.

If you get hit and you don't know by who or from where, run like @(*()$ hell till you do. You cant fight blind so don't @(*()$ try, just immediately go into evasive maneuver mode.

7)Be a Thief. Steal oro, steal health, steal energy. War is not fought fairly, so don't play fair. Everyone is going to steal the oro you earn, so you better darn steal theirs. In Warframe you don't win by playing fair or honestly, you win through cold, calculated, decisive moves. Stealing oro is part of the PvP in warframe, it is an aspect of the combat and therefore not dishonorable.

8)Relax. Dont play tense, don't get angry, and if you do, deep breaths. A frustrated player is a dead player. You cannot be tense when fighting in PvP. When your muscles stiffen they fight against each other and your reaction time slows. Stay relaxed, analyze your opponents, and think about WHY you died and how to avoid it. If you fight calm, you'll fight like the devil.

9) Stealth, timing and speed are key. If you move faster then your opponents they cant catch you, they cant hit you, and they will never kill you. Moreover if they dont know your there, they cant do S#&$ can they? "Stealth is not possible in PvP" WRONG. This is where orientation is important. Perception is everything, if someone is fighting for their life with another player everything else but the jackhole attacking them doesnt exsist. When a player charges into a fray, they dont see the sniper perched hundreds of meters away. Hundreds of yards in the air, crouching behind cover. and That sniper needs to be you. Whether you have a vectis or boltor you can rack in all the kills by staying away and "hidden" from there perception. The best place to hid is in plain sight.

Never underestimate simply following another player. If you get behind a player, dont immediately attack, wait until they are in a corridor, wait until they are sniping, wait until they get distracted. THEN KILL THEM. If you attack at the wrong time you are dead.

Time your attacks so they make the most difference. For example know your damage type. If your playing ash, and your opponent has shields dont open with blade-storm. Slash is weak against health. Lower their shields and then attack with blade-storm. With Zephyr, open with tornado as magnetic will lower there shields then kill em with your weps. Frost, hit them with your first the first thing, the slow gives you an advantage, the cold lowers shields, and the fact its a power startles inexperience and even moderately experience players into "oh S#&$ im being attacked mode"

10)Most important advice. Understand your opponent and counter accordingly. you need to know what every power in the game sounds like. So you know when to run. For example if you hear an ember casting World On Fire, GET THE F*** OUT OF THERE. If its an equinox approach so they cant cast sleep. (Behind) if its a ash understand that ash moves faster then you and plan a quicker TTK then normal or attempt to stagger. If your enemy has a gorgon, understand its inaccurate at long range but hella beast upclose. If they have a vectis or lex prime get good and close and beat em to death with something that has a faster fire rate as it will do better in close quarters. If they are a melee spammer (a completely dishonorable art form in my mind but whatever its a thing) simply run away and shoot backwards, or roll under there melee and turn and fire. Basically think about what your opponent has at their disposal and fight them like its the worst case scenario from shot #1.

11)Understand your equipment inside and out + KEY-BINDS. Know your key-binds. If you have your powers on 1,2,3,4 your not doing it right. All your powers need to be easily accessed. I suggest binding a power to mouse 3, q, c, alt, or ideally have everything off of your mouse. You need to be able to attack with your powers with out debilitating your movement. IF YOU CANT MOVE YOUR DEAD. IF YOU STOP MOVING OR MOVE WRONG YOUR DEAD.

Know your gear, know when its outclassed, understand when you need to compensate for it, how to compensate for it, and what gear you perform best with. Always use gear you are good with, if you are bad with your gear, then you better be playing for fun or a new experience. The best PvPers have mastered there gear, and understand why its good. Research and play your gear till you hear it shooting, slashing, and grinding your opponents to dust in your dreams.

12)Crossfires, Not going to say much here other then STAY OUT. And be the guy on the edge. The people in the middle of the crossfire will die. The people who charge into or toward it will die. The man who waits and attacks from a moderate distance and angle will not. Learn how to lure opponents into a crossfire, how to get them to start one, and how to get everyone else fighting each other, so they can die and you can live bathing in there blood and oro.

13)Modding only a few words on this as i dont want to give away all my strategy and trade secrets. All your weapons need to be able to handle every frame. Mod accordingly. *cough* damage types.

Parting shot: Don't rely on any one thing, use all your gear. Dont fight only channeling melee, its annoying and cheap. Understand when its a good idea to use melee, but remember you have the advantage when your opponent comes to you. Never go to your opponent to melee kill, your handing them an easy kill strategy and its overall a bad idea. (In my opinion, i also have a pet peeve against melee spamming so there is that bias)


If you wish to contact me about joining my Clan Gearhart, PM me in game. I am usually on around 8:00-12:00PM PST. (You can also message Renocraft) We are open to accept anyone who wants to be or is a PvP player looking for a group of Tenno to PvP with. PvE is welcome as well. (All research is completed, Complete dojo.)

EDIT: Added Contact Info


Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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So, let's start the analysis of this wall of text ...


To 1.)

I'm not sure whether you should call it 75% rule or not, but it has an important message:

Staying alive is as important as killing. It isn't worth it, if you kill an opponent by dying yourself and depending on the killpotential of both dead players it can also be something bad for your team. Scoring points has the same importance like not letting someone score points.


To 2.)

Yup, nothing to say here.


To 3.)

You can't standardize this point. It depends too much on your weaponry and the skilllevel of both players. Outplaying (out smarting) a player without energy is already your 2.) point and it should be clear, that a squishy has a huge disadvantage, if he tries to play without energy.


To 4.)

I agree with you here in general, but chasing a player isn't always a good idea.

It can be dangerous, if the running player knows what he is doing (=is good at running so that he can replenish his shields and ambush you while he knows exactly from where you are coming). And the chase can also be something really good for the opposing team, if the kill potential of the chasing player is a lot higher than the one of the chased player. You can remove the biggest risk of every teamfight by letting you get chased.

So try to focus low-health players, but don't waste time on them.


To 5.)

I don't agree here.

It is way too easy to become prey by yourself, if you are too careless and continue to chase the low health player. If I run past a second enemy, then I will most likely attract his attention. There is a very high chance that you'll get into a crossfire of 2 enemies, if you continue your chase for more than ~ 2-3 seconds. After all it is your focus to abuse all your advantages without to get disadvantages and this doesn't follow your principle.


To 6.), 7.) and 8.)

Basic pvp-knowledge:

Use every advantages, you can find!

Hide every disadvantages, you have!

Don't let yourself get carried away!


To 9.)

Basicly you just say here, that you shouldn't let yourself get into the focus, what is totally right. Attack your opponent while he is distracted, then when you know exactly what he'll do.

The easiest way to hunt your prey is to wait until it is hunting.


To 10.) 

Not very much to say here.

Anticipate the action of your opponent based on their current status, find its weakness and abuse it.


Special advise:

If you know that your opponent is strong, than also anticipate that he knows, what you're planning to do and develop a strategy to let him move into your trap/to not move into his trap.


To 11.)

Well, this depends on every single players preferences.


To 12.)

This is basicly the same as 9.). Don't let yourself get into the focus.


To 13.)

Oh come on, it isn't that big of a deal to use different dmg types on your weapons. You can specialize your weaponry with the new converter-mods as well as standardize. Just look that your weapons complement one another.

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I like your post but some of those tips remind me of some really annoying players lol.

My points will be from the perspective of a Rhino user.


1) This percentage depends on your skill and your opponents. Most of the time, i'm in a killing frenzy so I keep going until i'm dead unless I know the other person can beat me while i'm weakened. Works out great for me.


2) This is true. You don't need to go all tarzan and swing all over the place like a mad monkey but even a little side strafe while shooting goes a long way.


3) I like using Rhino Prime so usually i'm the tank. If i'm going up against other tanks, it becomes a DPS race. However I use Iron Shrapnel to quickly dispatch fellow high armored frames. When fighting other Rhino's, just out perform them. For Valkyr, you can drop her shield and then practically 1 shot her with Iron Shrapnel, just make sure to fly away if she's using Hysteria. Ash isn't really a threat since you can tank his Bladestorm with an iron skin. Frost can get tricky with that Snow Globe so you'll have to decide if you want to finish him or back off. Don't have Saryn on PS4 conclave so I can't comment there.


4) I can agree with this. I've seen too many people get away with their Bo copter so I make a point to hunt them down. On the flip side i've tried baiting people into chasing me while i'm weak as I run into a health orb and crush them but a lot of times, i'll turn around and see no one there.


5) As stated before, once I pick a target, I will go after them hard, however this is not always possible. You must prioritize the more dangerous target. If you kill the person you were chasing only to get shot in the back by the person you skipped, that's not a good plan.


This reminds me of a really rough game where it was 2 v 2 in team annihilation. My teammate was very new so he couldn't do much but feed them kills. One of them was an Excalibur who kept coptering with his Bo P for energy and spam Radial Javelin while the other one rushed me will all he had. I would try to kill the spammer but his partner would always get in my way. I'd kill him and then me and my partner would get killed by the Radial Javelin. In the end, I still scored more kills than anyone but we still lost and it was a frustrating experience.


6) If you think you can beat them, then go for it. Generally though, you should make sure that your health and ammo are always full for best performance.


7) This is one of the more annoying things in Annihilation but it's expected and it can actually benefit you. Technically you should only need 25 kills to win but if you let other people steal your oro, you can farm more kills. It always looks nice at the end but don't get carried away if you're opponents can match you.


8) Love this advice. You should definitely remain calm at all times. It allows you to make smarter decisions and even play better. You can come up with some nice counter strategies when you're able to see clearly.


9) Being faster than your opponent is good but if all you do is run away then you won't be getting as many kills. I've found the best form of stealth is to attack from above. Most good players will be cycling their camera in 360 degrees so you won't get them from behind unless they are already preoccupied. 


10) Understanding the game mechanics and your opponents arsenal is definitely an integral part of countering them.


11) Definitely love my key binds. Still have so many friends that use the default. (This is on PS4)


12) Crossfires are definitely dangerous if you're in the middle. In Annihilation it's best to look for 2 people going at it and then killing them both.


13) For me I use the Braton Prime for Slash, Lex Prime for Puncture, and Dual Raza for a good mix of both.


I too have a dislike for the people that only know how to melee.

Edited by (PS4)Double991
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My advice is easier and shorter. Dont listen to anybody who tell u this good and this not. Using the most comfortable equipment and playstyle for urself is the best thing u can do to get better. If u look for the video i made which is called vectis headshot montage or smthing like that. There are scenes in which im just standing around or attacking back after i received dmg. Forcing urself to do certain tactics means limiting ur own talents

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My advice is easier and shorter. Dont listen to anybody who tell u this good and this not. Using the most comfortable equipment and playstyle for urself is the best thing u can do to get better. If u look for the video i made which is called vectis headshot montage or smthing like that. There are scenes in which im just standing around or attacking back after i received dmg. Forcing urself to do certain tactics means limiting ur own talents

Okay, I won´t listen to you. :p

Only kind of a joke - I agree to a degree with the sentiment but for different reasons. The right advice can be quite valueable (espescially for newer players) but language can often only do so much - don´t take advice for iron clad rules since they won´t always apply (for example nr 2 is true like 93% of the time but sometimes one knows for whatever reason that it is very unlikely that anyone will shoot at you making it a great time to stand still for aim). Rather take good advice and try figuring out on why it works than you can determine for yourself when the advice can be subverted/ignored.

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Okay, I won´t listen to you. :p

Only kind of a joke - I agree to a degree with the sentiment but for different reasons. The right advice can be quite valueable (espescially for newer players) but language can often only do so much - don´t take advice for iron clad rules since they won´t always apply (for example nr 2 is true like 93% of the time but sometimes one knows for whatever reason that it is very unlikely that anyone will shoot at you making it a great time to stand still for aim). Rather take good advice and try figuring out on why it works than you can determine for yourself when the advice can be subverted/ignored.

ignore rule 2 as sniper XD
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ignore rule 2 as sniper XD

bad idea. the best snipers are those that remain mobile. and can shoot in a second before zooming away. if your a sniper. its best to hunt for targets mid fight with another target. take out both when they are weak. sometimes even three. but standing around in a match with only a few people and trying to snipe one.. if they are good they will just charge around your shots and stomp you. if you are a sniper .rule two is even more important. because you dont have the ammo or fire rate to brute it out with heavier frames.

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Well first off thanks for the comments. This is rad. Should definetly help newer pvp players.

@feyangol yeah, you are right that some of my strategies when looked at individually can get you killed, which is why I don't just have one tip and trick. Applying all of them will let you know Whether or not chasing a player is worth the effort, whether you should chase then as a guise, etc etc. I guess don't take any one of my statements alone apply them at the same time.

@double091. Things definitely change as you play a tankier and tankier frame, and as I play a lighter armored frame most of the time lots of this applies to avoiding situations wherein you would get wrecked by iron shrapnel or some other such skill. So basically adapt the rules / concepts as you can take more damage. Bur low health. Tanky or not is low health. Pretty much and frame can be one to two shot with ease below 50% health with no shields.

@lord noctus erm.... Excuse me? So your saying not to listen when someone tells you what is good and what isn't. And then saying what is good and what isn't. That makes little to no sense. I agree rule two doesn't apply as much for snipers, renos still right though the best sniper can land a shot from a hundred meters away while moving a hundred meters per second perpendicular to there target. But for them I have two pieces of advice. Shoot first. Don't miss.

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i just tell people to play in their comfort zone using their talents instead of trying tactics that dont fit to them thats all




dont u remember me ? however

1:16, 1:21 2nd shot, 2:14,  2:44, 3:39 im visible for all yet i stand still in place, 3:42,  pretty much all shots after 3:52 im standing still in place to land them


my point is i wouldnt have land these shots if i would have been in a crazy airborne animation moving while zooming disturbs the accuracy and is only neccessary in rare situations

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i just tell people to play in their comfort zone using their talents instead of trying tactics that dont fit to them thats all



dont u remember me ? however

1:16, 1:21 2nd shot, 2:14,  2:44, 3:39 im visible for all yet i stand still in place, 3:42,  pretty much all shots after 3:52 im standing still in place to land them


my point is i wouldnt have land these shots if i would have been in a crazy airborne animation moving while zooming disturbs the accuracy and is only neccessary in rare situations

1) yes i know you. i have outsniped you using vulkar repeatedly in the past. including in a race to 10.  2) all the best snipers are mobile. period. if you are getting shots while standing still. it is because you are fighting people who underestimate you. and people who have less skill. or you are just lucky. making a "montage" of your fights. doesnt prove much. it shows you can edit video -_-

2) you where mobile for much of that video. proving my point.

Edited by Renocraft
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For newer players, this is mostly sound advice.

I recommend never stopping, and working on getting good at hipfire, as ADS will get you killed unless you're shooting across the map.

Also I wouldn't read too much into post contradicting what you said, especially if they contradict themselves.

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1) yes i know you. i have outsniped you using vulkar repeatedly in the past. including in a race to 10.  2) all the best snipers are mobile. period. if you are getting shots while standing still. it is because you are fighting people who underestimate you. and people who have less skill. or you are just lucky. making a "montage" of a single fight. doesnt prove much. 

2) you where mobile for much of that video. proving my point.

lol i never lost a fight against you and you lost the race to 10 i think it was the attempt on getting into sfu... yeh i beated you there and in other matches.

also murkano, soullessego, doublecheese played with similar playstyles back then and all were very successfull pvp players. if u have any doubt or wanna prove me u got better i challenge you to 1 vs 1 


2) decado is mobile not me. for alot shots im standing still to aim accurate. its rly just situational when to move and when not

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um... no. i got into SFU and won... i have the screenshot of that match to prove it if you like. it would be very embarassing for you though. you shouldnt have so much ego on the forums. it makes you look bad.


"dont u remember me ? however" <-----dat ego

"lol i never lost a fight against you and you lost the race to 10 i think it was the attempt on getting into sfu... yeh i beated you there and in other matches." <---dem lies.

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@lord noctus dude. You moved a ton. I never said jump up and down I said stay mobile. You stayed extremely mobile and slowed down briefly to line up your shots. That is what I talk about in my tips and tricks. Staying mobile. Never stopping and you never stopped moving you were even walking when you fired. (nice shooting by the way, great example of taking advantage of weakened and distracted players along with target prioritization (frost firs then excal)). Also alot of what I said is simply advice on what works. Some strategies just don't work, no matter how good you are at them. Inorder to better play and understand our opponents sometimes we must play like them. The other thing noctus is your standing behind or with cover to your right left and back usually a combination of two, meaning you knew the battlefield and properly oriented yourself as a sniper for fighting while leaving an escape route. You embodied alot of the subtler points here which only reveal themselves when using the tips and tricks I. Conjunction with each other to match your load out and skill set.

@renocraft @lord noctus please take your argument out of the thread. That is not the point of this. This is supposed to be about helping other players not finding the bigger horse.

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thank you for stearing the conversation back to the point gear. this shouldnt be a pissing contest. its a post to help newer or moderate players learn the ropes. the points are very good.

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@lord noctus dude. You moved a ton. I never said jump up and down I said stay mobile. You stayed extremely mobile and slowed down briefly to line up your shots. That is what I talk about in my tips and tricks. Staying mobile. Never stopping and you never stopped moving you were even walking when you fired. (nice shooting by the way, great example of taking advantage of weakened and distracted players along with target prioritization (frost firs then excal)). Also alot of what I said is simply advice on what works. Some strategies just don't work, no matter how good you are at them. Inorder to better play and understand our opponents sometimes we must play like them. The other thing noctus is your standing behind or with cover to your right left and back usually a combination of two, meaning you knew the battlefield and properly oriented yourself as a sniper for fighting while leaving an escape route. You embodied alot of the subtler points here which only reveal themselves when using the tips and tricks I. Conjunction with each other to match your load out and skill set.

@renocraft @lord noctus please take your argument out of the thread. That is not the point of this. This is supposed to be about helping other players not finding the bigger horse.

its just situational awareness. by knowing where each target is and predicting where the targets that u dont know the position of probably are u have the chance to stand still and line up the shots further movement while zooming ( becouse someone could shoot in ur back) would just be unneccessary. after the 4th minute in video im rly standing longer time on a place for the next shots. esecially on the last shot i saw the valkyr fighting with another guy and waited for them both to get back in my sight. u can see the other guy walking up to the valk in the end.

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@lord noctus yes I agree, and especially because you are using a one shot weapon like the vectis. So yes in that case less movement and accuracy are neccesary, however this advice is for beginners and moderately experienced players. The point isn't to give a guide on a niche called sniping its supposed to be general advice for all classes of fighter so some parts, yes, need to be read with a grain of salt. All of thus advice remains relevant whether or not you are using a sniper rifle. Of course your not supposed to do a back flip, bullet jump and god knows what before you take your shot with your vectis. But you should know your orientation on the battle field, be aware that the moment you get a kill, deal damage, or fire your position is revealed.

anyone can nit pick my tips and tricks for there particular playstyle and tweak one tip here and there. And they are all right. But this GENERAL ADVICE for players who are struggling it want to know more about conclave. Sometimes just plying isn't enough and you need things explained to you simply to diversify your game and become a better player.

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@lord noctus yes I agree, and especially because you are using a one shot weapon like the vectis. So yes in that case less movement and accuracy are neccesary, however this advice is for beginners and moderately experienced players. The point isn't to give a guide on a niche called sniping its supposed to be general advice for all classes of fighter so some parts, yes, need to be read with a grain of salt. All of thus advice remains relevant whether or not you are using a sniper rifle. Of course your not supposed to do a back flip, bullet jump and god knows what before you take your shot with your vectis. But you should know your orientation on the battle field, be aware that the moment you get a kill, deal damage, or fire your position is revealed.

anyone can nit pick my tips and tricks for there particular playstyle and tweak one tip here and there. And they are all right. But this GENERAL ADVICE for players who are struggling it want to know more about conclave. Sometimes just plying isn't enough and you need things explained to you simply to diversify your game and become a better player.

i agree 100% all of these points are valid and can help any player get into pvp if they are having issues. you cant just "teach" how to shoot using situational awareness. its something learned through experience. and if you have that experience. then you dont need this tips. and its pointless to even post on here. some of the community forgets that everybody has to start somewhere in pvp. and many newer players would get discouraged at the steep learning curve. a newer player would read this and get a good idea as to what the reality of pvp starting out is like. and could adapt better for it. talking about situational awareness. sniping. ect ect. is for the higher ups and is only something you get a feel for after you have mastered the basics.

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@lord noctus yes I agree, and especially because you are using a one shot weapon like the vectis. So yes in that case less movement and accuracy are neccesary, however this advice is for beginners and moderately experienced players. The point isn't to give a guide on a niche called sniping its supposed to be general advice for all classes of fighter so some parts, yes, need to be read with a grain of salt. All of thus advice remains relevant whether or not you are using a sniper rifle. Of course your not supposed to do a back flip, bullet jump and god knows what before you take your shot with your vectis. But you should know your orientation on the battle field, be aware that the moment you get a kill, deal damage, or fire your position is revealed.

anyone can nit pick my tips and tricks for there particular playstyle and tweak one tip here and there. And they are all right. But this GENERAL ADVICE for players who are struggling it want to know more about conclave. Sometimes just plying isn't enough and you need things explained to you simply to diversify your game and become a better player.

its fine for a rly new player i guess but some players have different talents than other players so sticking to rules would in some cases be bad for someone this is what i wanted to say originaly

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I have a similar pvp rule set. It goes:

1: Tempo Royale

2: Tempo Royale

3: Tempo Royale

4: Tempo Royale

5: Tempo Royale

6: Tempo Royale

7: Tempo Royale

8: Tempo Royale

9: Tempo Royale

10: Tempo Royale

11: Tempo Royale

12: Tempo Royale

13: Tempo Royale

Seems to be pretty effective >.>

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I have a similar pvp rule set. It goes:

1: Tempo Royale

2: Tempo Royale

3: Tempo Royale

4: Tempo Royale

5: Tempo Royale

6: Tempo Royale

7: Tempo Royale

8: Tempo Royale

9: Tempo Royale

10: Tempo Royale

11: Tempo Royale

12: Tempo Royale

13: Tempo Royale

Seems to be pretty effective >.>

-_- wait till you play someone who knows what they are doing, trust me it wont work. Melee only players can try as they will, and farm inexperienced players all day but the effectiveness of melee against a experience player is nigh non-existent as countering melee is extremely simple and once you get the hang of it, very easy to pull off.

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Believe me, I know lol. Impossible to catch some people with the parkour changes.

I'd say oro slightly balances it out though. Melee player is always gonna be close enough to Steal dropped oro as long as they can stay alive long enough.

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Believe me, I know lol. Impossible to catch some people with the parkour changes.

Pick up a rifle and youll see they are much easier targets then you think ;) Especially if you learn to chase them, and learn to predict there movements, (Pretty much 80% of PvPers use the same routes to travel through the map.)

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before u17 melee was a problem. now it seems to take a certain ammount of skill but i cant judge it to well atm i gotta test it more.

Bo Prime is as strong as it was before its previous nerf atm, the same combo as before being the main offender. In some cases the Glaive prime can one shot, but I normally just see a lot of Gram ground slams.

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