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Theories About Tenno And Other Stuff (Possible Major Spoilers)


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Pleace dont post info irrelevent to the topic.

There are 2 theories about Tenno: they are humans or they are "energy".


First is realy dumb one IMHO, there are many frames with diffrent bodytypes and sex. It would be imposible so swich frames if Tenno were mear humans.


Second is harder to disprove. We dont know what that energy is, so we dont know if it can feel or be hurt. It allows to swich frames. The hardest argument against it is that frames bleed if under slash proc.


I think that nither of those are true or false. Tenno are energy but frames have humans inside. How can it be possible you might ask? Imagine AI controling machines but has limited capacity, it can only use 1 at a time. When the machine stops working AI is cut of from it and cant control it any longer. That is how Tenno operate, they are post human beings capable of swiching bodies. In frame is a human body which is and interface for Tenno to use the frame. Tenno manifests from Liset into the frame so it controls it from afar. Its not like remote control, Tenno's consciousness is in the frame but when the frame dies, Tenno does not die. Its very similar to Sentinets (we know that they will be hard to kill, they will be revinving itself if we dont destroy its core - Oro), the only diffrence is that they can control more than 1 interface. More than 1 drone.


Now to the other stuff.


Sentients - they are AI: either alien AI or invented by Orokin. I would the 2nd coz we dont know about any aliens in Warframe, we dont even know if FTL travel is possible in Warframe. The name refers to Sentient Machines. Thats how they were able to turn Orokin weapons against them, those weapons were robots, just like Orokin drones and turrets in Void.


Cephalons - Sentients that dedided that fighting the Tenno is not worth while. The 2 cephanlons i suspet fo being Sentints themselves are Suda and Simaris. Ordis and other butler cephalons were made by those 2 listed before. Also Janus (key) living in the void might be Sentient.


Lotus is/was Sentient herself. We know that she has a body now so. I suspect she made a body, modified it to be able to transfer herself into it and done it. She still uses her abilites of higher consciousness to comunicate with all Tenno at once.


As for those points I think that it was a mistake taling with Tenshin in Natah quest. What we should have done is to talk direcly to Simaris about the Sentients, he mey very well know what to expect.


All those point are based on scrap info and a little bit of speculations. Tell me what you think about it.

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Pleace dont post info irrelevent to the topic.

There are 2 theories about Tenno: they are humans or they are "energy".


First is realy dumb one IMHO, there are many frames with diffrent bodytypes and sex. It would be imposible so swich frames if Tenno were mear humans.


"The Warframe Does it" we're talking about techno-organic power armour made from the byproducts of a biomorphic infection. The idea that _maybe_ The Warframe can impose a shape on the pilot is far from much of a stretch.


The game is called Warframe, the Warframes have center stage. The Tenno are the voiceless projection of the player. if in doubt "The Warframe does it"

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"The Warframe Does it" we're talking about techno-organic power armour made from the byproducts of a biomorphic infection. The idea that _maybe_ The Warframe can impose a shape on the pilot is far from much of a stretch.


The game is called Warframe, the Warframes have center stage. The Tenno are the voiceless projection of the player. if in doubt "The Warframe does it"


It's useful to note that Guyver was also once cited as a source of inspiration for Warframe by Steve - Guyver feature biotic suits that physically reshape the user to fit inside them, not matter their shape outside.


So, there's that.

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The hardest argument against it is that frames bleed if under slash proc.

Actually, I never understood why people use this argument against the Tenno-are-energy theory. Warframes themselves are partially organic. They can bleed from slash procs, no matter who (or what) their operator is. 

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Actually, I never understood why people use this argument against the Tenno-are-energy theory. Warframes themselves are partially organic. They can bleed from slash procs, no matter who (or what) their operator is. 

Energy theory say that it is not organic. That there is no human inside the frame and that it is only a shape that resembles humans.


I think Tenno are nrg is bust straight out. WE as player have control over multiple Tenno. That is because this is simply there as a part of the game.

Vor actualy is in that state so we know it is possible - he is in his body but when he dies he tells us that he will be back, that he cannot be killed. Also Sarus Ruk is not sure if Warframes have humans inside.


"The Warframe Does it" we're talking about techno-organic power armour made from the byproducts of a biomorphic infection. The idea that _maybe_ The Warframe can impose a shape on the pilot is far from much of a stretch.


The game is called Warframe, the Warframes have center stage. The Tenno are the voiceless projection of the player. if in doubt "The Warframe does it"

It is a nice idea, I thought about it many times but the only "biomorfic matter" lorewise in game is Technocyte. De said that Dark Sector was only an base insipration for Warframe, there is no confirmation if it Teno are desendents of Hayden Tenno. He is a creation of inection with Technocyte but we dont know how do we have our powers in Warframe. Technocyte virus in Warframe is also more unpredictible and invasive so infested look and are like they like. Also nanobots would be a tremendous wasto of energy. Imagine haveing to reform body each time you swich frame.

Edited by Xardis
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They're horribly mutated humans who've been given disgusting deformations by the poisonous powers of the Void. I don't see how Rhino Prime's codex entry could have possibly been unclear about this


So logically they don't have the same body type as humans, and can fit into various Warframes that themselves have different shapes. When you factor in how each aspect of Equinox can be stored in hammerspace/pocket dimensions, it shouldn't be hard for these monstrosities to fit into things as tiny as Nyx

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It's useful to note that Guyver was also once cited as a source of inspiration for Warframe by Steve - Guyver feature biotic suits that physically reshape the user to fit inside them, not matter their shape outside.


So, there's that.

The Guyver is the topic of my next essay on the myriad influences on Warframe, that no one reads.

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It is a nice idea, I thought about it many times but the only "biomorfic matter" lorewise in game is Technocyte. De said that Dark Sector was only an base insipration for Warframe, there is no confirmation if it Teno are desendents of Hayden Tenno. He is a creation of inection with Technocyte but we dont know how do we have our powers in Warframe. Technocyte virus in Warframe is also more unpredictible and invasive so infested look and are like they like. Also nanobots would be a tremendous wasto of energy. Imagine haveing to reform body each time you swich frame.

Read the blurb for the resource "Nano Spores" Every single Warframe uses some form of technocyte derived material in construction (Plastids, nano spores, mutagen, etc)

The Dark Sector not being canon issue is whether the _Tenno_ are infected, I'm not suggesting that, In saying the suit uses materials derived from the Technocyte disease whose primary manifestation is referred to as "The Infestation" in Warframe.

The Rhino Prime Codex strongly suggests that the precursor of the Rhino Warframe was an infested creature and Devstream 10 virtually outright states that the Devs were thinking about the "living metal" posited in Dark sector when they were coming up with the setting for Warframe.

Warframe takes place waaay beyond that timeframe. Ridiculously after, If you can imagine something like that, something that integrates itself with the body or could be re-purposed as technology this idea of metal that is also alive and changeable and so on, and the way it channels energy, this is deja vu, but we talked about, when we talked about a sequel ages ago we were talking about taking a big leap forward in time and saying "what were the societal repercussions of this idea"

Then we have the explicit statement by Vor in the Arid fear victory text that the Grineer Warframe technicians were talking about nanotechnology within Warframes

So yeah, as confirmed as anything is in this game, I think we can safely say that Technocyte material or by products was used in the construction of Warframe.

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1.) I don't think Warframes having humans inside of them is too popular of a theory. I've literally seen that maybe once since I've been here. So I wouldn't say it's 1 of 2 theories. 


2.) I'm pretty sure the "hardest" argument against the "Tenno are energy" theory is that antagonists in the game constantly refer to us as flesh or to the flesh under our suits—things of that nature. 

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2.) I'm pretty sure the "hardest" argument against the "Tenno are energy" theory is that antagonists in the game constantly refer to us as flesh or to the flesh under our suits—things of that nature. 


Alad V of all people knows what we are inside, and he says we have bones

(source http://images.wikia.com/warframe/images/8/82/HarvesterVictory.ogg )

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Read the blurb for the resource "Nano Spores" Every single Warframe uses some form of technocyte derived material in construction (Plastids, nano spores, mutagen, etc)

The Dark Sector not being canon issue is whether the _Tenno_ are infected, I'm not suggesting that, In saying the suit uses materials derived from the Technocyte disease whose primary manifestation is referred to as "The Infestation" in Warframe.

The Rhino Prime Codex strongly suggests that the precursor of the Rhino Warframe was an infested creature and Devstream 10 virtually outright states that the Devs were thinking about the "living metal" posited in Dark sector when they were coming up with the setting for Warframe.

Then we have the explicit statement by Vor in the Arid fear victory text that the Grineer Warframe technicians were talking about nanotechnology within Warframes

So yeah, as confirmed as anything is in this game, I think we can safely say that Technocyte material or by products was used in the construction of Warframe.

Yes, most of those materials are used in crafting frames. It allows humans iside to see that is outside without having any visor. It boosts awarness of environment and bind frame and human. We dont know what is the source of Tenno powers - human inside, armour of the frame or the nanotech inside the human. My theory bypases all of that, frames (as the whole frame not the armour) have powers and Tenno are the consciousness inside Liset that manifests itself into frames to use them. Humans inside are without mind, they are the interface for Tenno.


The idea is derived from my homecoutry authors book "Perfact Imperfection". There are humans and other alien beings with biological bodies. Then there is a post human (or other alien life) being which eveloved from previous form. It lives as consciousness within Plateau (a form of Internet but i wont discribe it in here, it would be too long) and projects itself into bodies in the real world made out of nanobots or into biological bodies.

Edit: link to wiki with the book and summary of most its ideas for people that want to read about it more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Imperfection

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Yes, most of those materials are used in crafting frames. It allows humans iside to see that is outside without having any visor. It boosts awarness of environment and bind frame and human. We dont know what is the source of Tenno powers - human inside, armour of the frame or the nanotech inside the human. My theory bypases all of that, frames (as the whole frame not the armour) have powers and Tenno are the consciousness inside Liset that manifests itself into frames to use them. Humans inside are without mind, they are the interface for Tenno


The problem with that is that it completely negates the intro. The Tenno+Warframe in the intro is complete, it was due to be evacuated in a Lisete provided by the Lotus which was destroyed (Hence didn't contain anything critical to the Tenno+Warframe) and then we stole an ancient Lisete that was barely functional.


* If the damaged Lisete contained our "consciousness" then the Lotus would not have sent a different Lisete to recover us.

* If the undamaged Lisete contained our "consciousness" then we would not have been able to escape on a different one.

* If we are carrying everything we need to be hole through the intro, why do we need any form of "projection" at any point?


Regardless how you look at it the intro was constructed with the design goal to illustrate the the Tenno+Warframe was whole and complete _and_ vulnerable while in Cryo. This fact blows away any notion of external projection.


The _only_ "theory" that supports everything that we currently know and all the design direction in story, drama and pacing is that Tenno have been changed by the void but are still fundamentally physical, organic beings. Changing Warframe is handled by the Warframe by some as-yet-unspecified mechanism. Warframes define the power effects possible but the Tenno provides the Void-energy required to make then happen.


Anything else has to weasel itself around the countless mentions of physicality ("corpse", "blood, "bones", "skin") the explicit mentions of Warfame-as-suit ("exo-armor", "second skin", "Hollow", "tenno inside") and somehow maintain dramatic threat, when the Tenno isn't "really" in the Warframe _and_ maintain character grounding even when your "character" has no visual, physical, mental, personality definition.


Now I could accept Energy-as-per-Void-Vor, that is, a real, physical form that in extreme circumstance can break down an reform. while fundamentally still being physical and tangible. but even that is a bit of a stretch IMHO.


All because people don't like the idea of the Warframe altering the physiognomy of a Tenno, which IMHO is perfectly in-word and very much in-theme with the rest of the setting.


Non-physical Tenno just relies on _way_ too many unfounded assumptions to be credible to me....

Edited by SilentMobius
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First is realy dumb one IMHO, there are many frames with diffrent bodytypes and sex. It would be imposible so swich frames if Tenno were mear humans.


Second is harder to disprove. We dont know what that energy is, so we dont know if it can feel or be hurt. It allows to swich frames. The hardest argument against it is that frames bleed if under slash proc.


I think that nither of those are true or false. Tenno are energy but frames have humans inside. How can it be possible you might ask? Imagine AI controling machines but has limited capacity, it can only use 1 at a time. When the machine stops working AI is cut of from it and cant control it any longer. That is how Tenno operate, they are post human beings capable of swiching bodies. In frame is a human body which is and interface for Tenno to use the frame. Tenno manifests from Liset into the frame so it controls it from afar. Its not like remote control, Tenno's consciousness is in the frame but when the frame dies, Tenno does not die. Its very similar to Sentinets (we know that they will be hard to kill, they will be revinving itself if we dont destroy its core - Oro), the only diffrence is that they can control more than 1 interface. More than 1 drone.

You know if the Tenno are Slender they can fit into every Warframe. I think one player is one tenno (who is almost as human as a Grineer) who can swith between different frames, still being the same person. Here are some agruments against the energy and multiple Tenno theories:

- In the The Profit Trailer one Mag is held by Alad V and four over tenno try to save her.Why would they do that if the Mag is Energy and cannot die (like the Excalibur who was killed a few seconds ago (against energy)

- In Vor's Price the Ascaris is attached on you and Vor says it'll reach your spine. Also the Ascaris stays if you switch frames. (against multiple, against energy)

- In a Tactical alert we had the opportunity to take revenge on Corpus killing Tenno (against energy)

- Ordis tells the Operator in the limbo theorem to use the Limbo frame with caution (Against multiple (Maybe against energy))

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The 'Tenno-are-energy' theory seems too ordinary for Warframe if you ask me. Whatever's inside the frames is a monster, probably something similar design-wise to the Chroma of Dark Sector. Take a look at Excalibur, for example. At his spinal area, to be specific - this is the part that seems eerily similar to the tissue found on those Technocyte-ridden creatures. A lot of Frames have these exposed parts too. So my theory is that the Tenno inside is a creature of bio-metal, an amalgam of both Void and Technocyte corruption, given the ability to shapeshift to an extent and thus dynamically fill any given Warframe.

That said, there's no confirmation that the Tenno ever were exposed to Technocyte and thus my theory remains just that. For the time being, at least.


I also fancy the hammerspace theory whereas a humanoid operator (Tenno) gets enveloped by the organic suit (Warframe) and is then placed in a Void pocket where his physical form gets altered so as to fit into the suit.

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The 'Tenno-are-energy' theory seems too ordinary for Warframe if you ask me. Whatever's inside the frames is a monster, probably something similar design-wise to the Chroma of Dark Sector. Take a look at Excalibur, for example. At his spinal area, to be specific - this is the part that seems eerily similar to the tissue found on those Technocyte-ridden creatures. A lot of Frames have these exposed parts too. So my theory is that the Tenno inside is a creature of bio-metal, an amalgam of both Void and Technocyte corruption, given the ability to shapeshift to an extent and thus dynamically fill any given Warframe.

That said, there's no confirmation that the Tenno ever were exposed to Technocyte and thus my theory remains just that. For the time being, at least.


I also fancy the hammerspace theory whereas a humanoid operator (Tenno) gets enveloped by the organic suit (Warframe) and is then placed in a Void pocket where his physical form gets altered so as to fit into the suit.

The spine area is simply where the suit armour shows the most. You can see it the best on Valkyr, it's normal hard-tech under the more maliable living-metal pseudo-organic material covering the rest of the suit.

I don't see any reason to assume infection on the part of the Tenno, it makes for a terrible story to "double monster" a protagonist.

"Oh woe is me, and I shunned from society because to the void energy tainting my body or the techno-organic virus that I also happen to have"

"Do people fear me because to the furious light of the void or the body-horror virus, I'm so confused."

"My powers are from the void, or maybe I also need to be infected with this other thing as well, which isn't the void, or connected to it, but I have that as well, I'm not sure specifically why."

No, if you're going to make a tragic protagonist then keep their tragedy clear, precise and poignant.

In Dark Sector, it was the virus.

In Warframe it's the Void.

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The problem with that is that it completely negates the intro. The Tenno+Warframe in the intro is complete, it was due to be evacuated in a Lisete provided by the Lotus which was destroyed (Hence didn't contain anything critical to the Tenno+Warframe) and then we stole an ancient Lisete that was barely functional.


* If the damaged Lisete contained our "consciousness" then the Lotus would not have sent a different Lisete to recover us.

* If the undamaged Lisete contained our "consciousness" then we would not have been able to escape on a different one.

* If we are carrying everything we need to be hole through the intro, why do we need any form of "projection" at any point?


Regardless how you look at it the intro was constructed with the design goal to illustrate the the Tenno+Warframe was whole and complete _and_ vulnerable while in Cryo. This fact blows away any notion of external projection.

It does not completly negate the intro if you think about it long enought. At the start you wake up in the frame, note that you at that moment are in the frame, if they killed you in that form you would die, as a Tenno. When you go to liset Ascaris blocks you from trasfering yourself into the Liset, you shound not be able to change frame at that stage of the game, Vets got to do that coz they had multipe of them. Imagine if you started new account and doing the intro properly. You would have only 1 frame. After the quest you transef yourlself into Liset.


You know if the Tenno are Slender they can fit into every Warframe. I think one player is one tenno (who is almost as human as a Grineer) who can swith between different frames, still being the same person. Here are some agruments against the energy and multiple Tenno theories:

1- In the The Profit Trailer one Mag is held by Alad V and four over tenno try to save her.Why would they do that if the Mag is Energy and cannot die (like the Excalibur who was killed a few seconds ago (against energy)

2- In Vor's Price the Ascaris is attached on you and Vor says it'll reach your spine. Also the Ascaris stays if you switch frames. (against multiple, against energy)

3- In a Tactical alert we had the opportunity to take revenge on Corpus killing Tenno (against energy)

4- Ordis tells the Operator in the limbo theorem to use the Limbo frame with caution (Against multiple (Maybe against energy))

1 Mag was not supposed to be there, Valkyr was. The treiler was rushed coz ps4 version was coming. Valkyr also was within her body completly, no on her Liset, she could not transfer herself onto one.

2 Game flaw, at this stage of the game you shound not have multipe frames. Ascaris should prevent you from switching and transfering yourself into Liset.

3 Tenno without Lisets, in the cryopods.

4 We should use frames with caution everytime or we will loose them. This isnt the game mechanic but lorewise should be.

Note that my theory is both and nighter of those at the same time.

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It does not completly negate the intro if you think about it long enought. At the start you wake up in the frame, note that you at that moment are in the frame, if they killed you in that form you would die, as a Tenno. When you go to liset Ascaris blocks you from trasfering yourself into the Liset, you shound not be able to change frame at that stage of the game, Vets got to do that coz they had multipe of them. Imagine if you started new account and doing the intro properly. You would have only 1 frame. After the quest you transef yourlself into Liset.


Even as a new player you can quite happily ignore the quest markers, defeat Vor outside of the Quest and head off to get another Warframe, or buy one. The Ascaris doesn't lock you to one Warframe and never did.


Secondly that doesn't even matter.


If you can be a Tenno+Warframe on your own without "Projecting" why is such a mechanism needed at all? If you're not doing it in the intro why do it at any other time?


It also doesn't explain where the "dummy plug" bodies come from that sit in each Warframe to be "projected" into. We don't build them, we only build the external Chassis. Also, if there is a body already in the Warframe that is not in actual fact "The Tenno" is that body not more accurately part of the Warframe? If thats the case why describe a Warframe as "exo armor" "exo" as in "outside" or "around" some other physical thing.


Which ever way you cut it, the dialogue and design of this game assumes real-physical Tenno inside a hollow suit or it get _very_ awkward. Two distinct entities, Tenno and Warframe, not ghost-Tenno, Warframe and some-random-body-we-never-talk-about-but-needs-to-be-there-or-most-of-the-NPC's-dialogue-stops-making-sense.


It's just not credible from a story perspective, given what DE have written so far.

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It's useful to note that Guyver was also once cited as a source of inspiration for Warframe by Steve - Guyver feature biotic suits that physically reshape the user to fit inside them, not matter their shape outside.


So, there's that.


It was also cited by Mynki in the most recent of the art devstreams iirc.

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Even as a new player you can quite happily ignore the quest markers, defeat Vor outside of the Quest and head off to get another Warframe, or buy one. The Ascaris doesn't lock you to one Warframe and never did.


Secondly that doesn't even matter.


If you can be a Tenno+Warframe on your own without "Projecting" why is such a mechanism needed at all? If you're not doing it in the intro why do it at any other time?


It also doesn't explain where the "dummy plug" bodies come from that sit in each Warframe to be "projected" into. We don't build them, we only build the external Chassis. Also, if there is a body already in the Warframe that is not in actual fact "The Tenno" is that body not more accurately part of the Warframe? If thats the case why describe a Warframe as "exo armor" "exo" as in "outside" or "around" some other physical thing.


Which ever way you cut it, the dialogue and design of this game assumes real-physical Tenno inside a hollow suit or it get _very_ awkward. Two distinct entities, Tenno and Warframe, not ghost-Tenno, Warframe and some-random-body-we-never-talk-about-but-needs-to-be-there-or-most-of-the-NPC's-dialogue-stops-making-sense.


It's just not credible from a story perspective, given what DE have written so far.

The machanism is a is a failsafe. If you are in warframe you can die, if you project yourself into it you cannot coz you are not realy there. Phisicly does not matter, it is the same. The only diffrence is that you survive being killed. The bodies you asked for are in cryoposd you defend. We never talk about them coz they are not a novelty. "The dialogue and design of this game assumes real-physical Tenno inside a hollow suit" - yes and that is true, the only diffrence is that you are not that body, you are mearly in it. You tell that is the diesing of the game but also speek about not doing an intro quest that is desinged to be completed.


From my point of view this fits perfecly into the game, thats why im talking about so when U18, Sentients and "secund Dream" come I could tell you "I told you so". For example your theory about reshaping the body to fit into the frame is for me flawd, it would be a tremendous waste of energy for me. We dont have infinite energy because it would be pointless, it would make world of Warframe look dumb. If we had it we would not do ext missions coz we would incinerate the ship in a matter of secounds, we would have infinite Oxygen is survival, ect.

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The machanism is a is a failsafe. If you are in warframe you can die, if you project yourself into it you cannot coz you are not realy there. Phisicly does not matter, it is the same. The only diffrence is that you survive being killed. The bodies you asked for are in cryoposd you defend. We never talk about them coz they are not a novelty. "The dialogue and design of this game assumes real-physical Tenno inside a hollow suit" - yes and that is true, the only diffrence is that you are not that body, you are mearly in it. You tell that is the diesing of the game but also speek about not doing an intro quest that is desinged to be completed.


From my point of view this fits perfecly into the game, thats why im talking about so when U18, Sentients and "secund Dream" come I could tell you "I told you so". For example your theory about reshaping the body to fit into the frame is for me flawd, it would be a tremendous waste of energy for me. We dont have infinite energy because it would be pointless, it would make world of Warframe look dumb. If we had it we would not do ext missions coz we would incinerate the ship in a matter of secounds, we would have infinite Oxygen is survival, ect.

What are you even talking about with this "waste of energy" nonsense. It's blatantly obvious that organic reconfiguration is a trivial thing to do in the Warframe universe. Does the infestation need a huge power supply to do what it does to its victims. Do the tenno need similar to deconstruct capture targets. Not to mention that they change Warframes on the Liset, _not_ in a mission, a ship with enough energy to travel the solar system and to assemble new Warframes from scrap materials, atom by atom. So all that babbling about survival is utter nonsense, as that refers to in-mission energy constraints not in-lisete constraints.

I mean "waste of energy"? Really? That's your objection? Sheesh.

Personally I don't think that DE are making up the base lore as they go along and hence they wouldn't retcon existing story to make sense in a "ghost Tenno" setting. The story does not work without tangible physical bodies belonging to the Tenno in the suit.

Just too many holes otherwise that are too messy to fill.

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What are you even talking about with this "waste of energy" nonsense. It's blatantly obvious that organic reconfiguration is a trivial thing to do in the Warframe universe. Does the infestation need a huge power supply to do what it does to its victims. Do the tenno need similar to deconstruct capture targets. Not to mention that they change Warframes on the Liset, _not_ in a mission, a ship with enough energy to travel the solar system and to assemble new Warframes from scrap materials, atom by atom. So all that babbling about survival is utter nonsense, as that refers to in-mission energy constraints not in-lisete constraints.

I mean "waste of energy"? Really? That's your objection? Sheesh.

Bioreconfiguraion in Warfame is not trivial. It is energy consuming, it consumes the body of infested victim, infested issues is degraded. Infeted have very clumsy unagile movment. Waste of energy refers to you changeing back and forth frames on your liset. As to asambling frames back its not true, we have this in game coz it would be dumb of DE not to implement it. If it was easy to build frames atom by atom why do we craft them in the first place?


Personally I don't think that DE are making up the base lore as they go along and hence they wouldn't retcon existing story to make sense in a "ghost Tenno" setting. The story does not work without tangible physical bodies belonging to the Tenno in the suit.

Just too many holes otherwise that are too messy to fill.

I think so too, DE has planed the lore very carefuly, Simaris codex proves it. "The story does not work without tangible physical bodies belonging to the Tenno in the suit." - Yes, your frame has a human body inside, but its only your body, not you.

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Bioreconfiguraion in Warfame is not trivial. It is energy consuming, it consumes the body of infested victim, infested issues is degraded. Infeted have very clumsy unagile movment. Waste of energy refers to you changeing back and forth frames on your liset. As to asambling frames back its not true, we have this in game coz it would be dumb of DE not to implement it. If it was easy to build frames atom by atom why do we craft them in the first place?


I think so too, DE has planed the lore very carefuly, Simaris codex proves it. "The story does not work without tangible physical bodies belonging to the Tenno in the suit." - Yes, your frame has a human body inside, but its only your body, not you.


If the Tenno exists without the body then it isn't "your" body. Either you're talking about one, never-mentioned-anywhere, body built into each different Warframe that the ghost-Tenno flits between (And you object to biological reconfiguration on the basis of "energy waste" but this is fine to you?) Or you're talking about one body that disappears from one Warframe and re-appears in another, configured differently, which is virtually identical to what I'm suggesting is the default hypothesis.


One-body-per-Warframe just doesn't work. We don't build it like that, there no mention of such a third entity existing anywhere and it really confuses this issue, I mean, why a separate body _in_ a battlesuit? Why not build a tech-all-the-way-through battle golem and stick the Tenno-ghost in that? It's just unnecessary narrative complexity to close plot holes, plot holes that simply don't exist if the Tenno is simply physical.


Which by the way is also supported by DE telling us that they didn't want to define what the player's Tenno looked like. I mean if there is a separate body in each Warframe and none of those are actually the Tenno's "real" body what do they look like? Who are they? Another point that was made by Steve is that because their world is weird they want to _ground_ the player in their character. Those are not the words of a creative team that has decided the players are a non physical ghost with a stable of bodies welded into battle suits who make an unmentioned new body every time they build a suit. Just ponder that for a moment, stack after stack of mindless clone bodies, stuffed into suits until the magic ghost turns up to animate them, it's a truly awful idea.


(Also "rack of clone bodies" it a shtick already done by the Grineer. Duplicating a shtick makes your characters less unique, and makes for a messy story.)


However "Your Tenno looks they way you want them to" and "The suit makes changes when you get in" are easy, simple and grounding. It's also based on the fiction of a related Anime show (Guyver) that DE have explicitly mentioned as an inspiration.


And just to remind you. The Warframe and Tenno are a combination of entities that can pull energy from the Void to enable them to produce enough power to electrify the air, produce antimatter and bend-space time... and you think that moving a few bones and muscle groups is a "waste of energy"? In a universe where we think nothing of popping from Earth to Uranus Just to say hi to a guy who sells shiny guns?

Edited by SilentMobius
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