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Hey Taylor, Im clan Quantum Space Wizards hopefully meets your criteria.  We just gained Shadow status with 14 members total (as I type this there are 7 people on right now including myself).  We do not plan on growing higher than this as we enjoy knowing each other and bringing in someone new every once in a while.  The people who are on right now are the most experienced ones and have been playing since beta and will continue to play until it gets boring.  We are primarily a US east coast clan with a few on the west and in Europe but primarily they follow our timezone.  


About Quantum Dawn Gaming:  We are a multi-game PC community that started as a Planetside 2 outfit.  Eventually we migrated over to Warframe as PS2 because stagnant.  Now most of our members play WF but also group up for Path Of Exile, H1Z1, DayZ, Arma 3, and others.  Currently I, leader of the community, am looking to recruit more WF people into the mix while juggling RL responsibilities.  Which is why I am not the leader of the clan but a few others who are on several times daily.  Quantum Dawn has its own website (QuantumDawn.com) and teamspeak (ts.quantumdawn.com) which we own.  You may also find us on our twitch channel (twitch.tv/quantum_dawn) and check out some of our past broadcast with WF as well as other games.  I hope that answers most of what you asked or I can answer anything that needs addressing.  If not contact me @quantum_dawn or @damann222.  Good luck on your clan search.

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hey, so depending on how tightly you want to keep to those requirements my clan may or may not be a pretty good fit for you;


0) the dojo was originally designed by myself to be pretty small and centralized but in my absence kind of exploded


1) we originally were to keep it small but similar to point 0, during my absence it kind of exploded, i think we are currently considered a storm clan ... but as far as i have seen current activity is that about a ghost/shadow clan


2) i dont exactly know how they have handled recruiting during my absence but i dont think it was a "everyone is welcome" cuz the active warlord during the time was at least smart not to invite every random he ran with ... just "the good ones that werent already in clans"


3) i dont know much about the trial(s) as it was introduced while i was gone but we do run a few missions together, help each other with farming and stuff and when it comes to events ... we are pretty much full force at it


4) yes english is primary language 


5) as far as i know most of us are around the GMT -6 range in timezone


6) we are a general gaming clan, however the warframe branch is the largest and most active part of it


7) we are the Advanced Fighting Community


i know what you mean about the not liking large groups irl, im pretty much the same though i have learned to fake it when needed among more ... crowd centric friends, although the clan may be larger than you would seem to prefer as far as i have seen since i have gotten back into playing we seem to have about 4-7 people on at any moment granted that is a small sample of time throughout maybe a week of observation and those that have been inactive to long are pruned from the numbers. we had a website at one point but due to lack of payment it went down though im sure we can get it back at some point ... even though it was hardly used ... but yeah we do have a raidcall server though most of us prefer to use skype.


as i said i think we reached storm rank but overall, warframe and other games included, we are at about 75 members last we counted 


if you are interested or have any questions feel free to send me a message



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