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Pc Psa: Covert Lethality + Exalted Blade Changes


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We appreciate that this will remove certain fitting strategies however we feel that those combos were not the intention of the ability and want to avoid making it so that you only want to play Excalibur with one or two specific weapons.




Strange , really strange


Why Excalibur have a passive to make him more efficient with specific weapons?


Long sword-katana..dual sword?


Master Swordsman

Excalibur has improved proficiency in the Tenno art of the blade, receiving +10% attack speed and +10% damage when dealing melee attacks (including via Exalted Blade) while wielding the following weapons:



isnt it to make ppl play more thoose specific weapons?



Following your logic we should have access to all the mod related with thoose weapons

Edited by Tsoe
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Wow the ammount of QQ for a boring, brain-dead Excalibur build... I am so glad I won't be seeing Excaliburs spamming the S#&$ out of that Exalted Blade skill. 

It's funny. Now that it does less damage, people are just going to spam it for longer durations in order to kill enemies.

But you would have no right to complain, right? How dare anybody "QQ" over anything.

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Why are you comparing two completely different weapon types in an attempt to state the obvious that you can't shoot bullets, arrows, rockets, beams, grenades and kunais with a Melee?


We all know that any weapon loses efficiency against high lvl AI units, its the game's nature. But I believe that RiouHotaru was reffering to Melee alone when shared his oppinion.


@RyouHotaru: The ones that think that the only good thing about Excal is his #4 and the ones that honestly think Melee weaponry are pointless on their own are the very same ones that think that Excal = Exalted Blade exclusive.

The point I was making is that Melee has become vastly inferior to gunplay in the long-term, which, much to my own dismay, makes them pointless in end-game content. Exalted Blade was essentially the answer to that problem, giving the lovers of sword and board something that they could use well into late game. Losing the syndicate mods will remove a large amount of utility and, in some cases, 25% of the damage per strike. This of course will really stack up when you get to the enemies that exalted already requires up to 10 hits in order to kill. To remedy the loss of damage, excal users will have to give up either their duration, which will reduce the usability of radial blind, or give up their energy efficiency, which will reduce their overall effectiveness. 


One thing a lot of people have yet to realize, it would seem, is that the only ability that won't be losing damage from this nerf is Blind. Both Slash Dash and Radial Javelin take their damage from the same values that exalted does. 

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This seems...a little extreme. You don't *need* bright purity to make EB work well, but...combined with the changes to blocking EB has still fallen quite a few notches. And as others have said, from a purely logical standpoint, why wouldn't EB benefit from bright purity? It's a skana mod...and the exalted blade is a skana. There's pretty much no reason to use the prisma skana or the skana prime with Excalibur now when there are other weapons...everyone just gonna go back to their d-nikanas and scindo primes. I thought it was cool that there was a benefit from running the "poster boy" build...Excalibur with his Skana. You could have just taken off the syndicate explosions at most. Making it a total waste of a mod slot whenever your Ult is out is just bad synergy.

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Well Prisma melee weapons you had your moment to shine. Sadly, you're just credit fodder now. The syndicate weapon mods that complimented them well back to garbage bin that is transmute fodder.

Thanks PC for helping to ruin yet something else console players will never enjoy. Serves you right on that one. Its's like PC gets the venereal disease from playtesting. Console just gets the vaccine for an easy going experience.

Regardless, Megan you're just doing your job letting us know. The only thing left to do is adapt, move and stop *@##$ing. Living in la la land being nostalgic for crap that will never happen again, EVER!

Excalibur still kicks &#!.

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The mod NEEDED to be "Nerf" FIXED, why? Well put simply, Excal plus covert= ONLY FRAME YOU'LL EVER NEED. Damage? HA you'll just ult, melee spray and pray that nice range from the wave blades ;D? Enemy units DEAD instantly...No reason to ever use any other frame for "dps" wont ever need frost because the enemy would just die before spotting the def target e,e....Yea that was beyond broken >,>

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Much whining from Excal players. Yet There sits Valkyr, with the same old crap base damage and crit only scaling on her Hysteria. Leading to the same "Meta" weapon choice limitations.


Why not just take everything away from the now-entitled Excal players entirely and make Exalted blade directly equivalent in mod compatibility to Hysteria?


Then everyone can just equip Atterax and be happy with their only choice of a melee weapon on both frames.

Edited by SanguineXIII
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Much whining from Excal players. Yet There sits Valkyr, with the same old crap base damage and crit only scaling on her Hysteria. Leading to the same "Meta" weapon choice limitations.


Why not just take everything away from the now-entitled Excal players entirely and make Exalted blade directly equivalent in mod compatibility to Hysteria?


Then everyone can just equip Atterax and be happy with their only choice of a melee weapon on both frames.

They should just buff Valkyr. Though I think Excalibur and Valkyr work really well together now. With their similar ultimate. 

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So.. now we have to decide if we want to bring a weapon kitted out for normal melee with augments, or a weapon that actually benefits Exalted Blade.


Guess the underdog swords are getting kicked back under the table.

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So.. now we have to decide if we want to bring a weapon kitted out for normal melee with augments, or a weapon that actually benefits Exalted Blade.

Guess the underdog swords are getting kicked back under the table.

Or we will see the high end swords that have been absent, ie- the d. Nikana, dakra P, etc. Honestly, you all should try a gun/melee build with radiant finish... High level heavy right there? Don't put away your gun, just t radial blind, use quick melee to one shot her, go back to killing as normal...

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I'm cool with the changes. Nerfs, sure, but that seems to have taken a negative connotation, so I'ma call 'em changes.


I like the idea of speedy finishers, though. They're not horridly slow, I can still pull them off and get behind cover before losing invis, generally, but making 'em a little faster wouldn't hurt.


As for EB changes, I dunno if it makes too much difference... it's still tearing through enemies left, right, and center, and I didn't care too much about the syndicate procs anyways. They're nice, but eh?




Hm, on the topic of stealth finishers, why can't robots/infested be finished? With a robot, it's as easy as jamming the knife into a vital point, maybe wherever they're CPU's are? And with infested, I guess it's a little more difficult to pinpoint a weak/vital point, so I guess it's understandable that they're harder to do finishers on, but still, wouldn't a Tenno be able to find a good point to stab/slash, instantly killing the enemy? Just wondering.

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The mod NEEDED to be "Nerf" FIXED, why? Well put simply, Excal plus covert= ONLY FRAME YOU'LL EVER NEED. Damage? HA you'll just ult, melee spray and pray that nice range from the wave blades ;D? Enemy units DEAD instantly...No reason to ever use any other frame for "dps" wont ever need frost because the enemy would just die before spotting the def target e,e....Yea that was beyond broken >,>

What are you talking about? Lol no one here cares about that, and we all know it was broken. From what I read so far, people are talking about the syndicate mods on excal and how slow stealth finishers are.

nice profile icon by the way

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Us console players just got reworked Excal & P Skana, we don't even have Covert Lethality yet, and already there both getting nerfed pretty hard... Just another day at the office I guess... :D

At least you won't have to waste your time picking up P Skana and Bright Purity

P Skana off to the trash dump you go

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Next week we intend to limit the Melee mods that work with Exalted Blade strictly to generic mods (ie: Pressure Point, Molten Impact, etc) but not weapon-specific augments. We appreciate that this will remove certain fitting strategies however we feel that those combos were not the intention of the ability and want to avoid making it so that you only want to play Excalibur with one or two specific weapons.

We hope that you will agree that this is better for Warframe balance and makes conceptual sense for how you would expect the power to work.


oh well.... there goes my prisma skana and excal into the storage bin again

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Great, what the hell am I going to do with a potatoed mire now!?


(Free energy every time it procced!)


I think nerfing EB to not include syndicate mods is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The syndicate mods themselves were not too OP.

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I completely disagree with the exalted blade changes that are coming. Excalibur already has the passive from long swords, dual swords and nikanas, so i really don't see how this will open up other options for melee use on EB. It made the ability unique and when you consider scaling, the damage from the mods become insignificant. 


The real tragedy is that EB excalibur is one of the reasons I still find enjoyment in this game. It was an added bonus having the syndicate procs and made playing him rather fun. I realize that EB will still be pretty powerful, but this change seems really unnecessary and out of left field when you were first thinking of a way to balance Covert with EB.


I really hope this is reconsidered. 

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I completely disagree with the exalted blade changes that are coming. Excalibur already has the passive from long swords, dual swords and nikanas, so i really don't see how this will open up other options for melee use on EB. It made the ability unique and when you consider scaling, the damage from the mods become insignificant. 


The real tragedy is that EB excalibur is one of the reasons I still find enjoyment in this game. It was an added bonus having the syndicate procs and made playing him rather fun. I realize that EB will still be pretty powerful, but this change seems really unnecessary and out of left field when you were first thinking of a way to balance Covert with EB.


I really hope this is reconsidered. 


I really hope its reconsidered as well, I am really sad about it, the synergy with the syndicate mods made him unique and made sub par weapons pair up well with him. I normally play warframe everyday because its my favorite game but I honestly havent played since this change was announced and I have a feeling Ill be playing significantly less if the EB changes goes through. It might seem extreme to say that but when you have played for 1000s of hours and then you finally have a chance to use your favorite gear (prime starter weapons) and your favorite frame(all that were previously sub par for upwards of a year and a half)  and they all synegize together and it takes a fair amount of effort to get/max all the mods needed to make a build viable for endgame and then DE snatches that away it really feels undermining for someone who has been playing as long as I have. It also really shakes my trust in their development process. This is really uncharacteristic of DE to make such a knee jerk reaction so I hope they reconsider because I have a feeling I am probably not the only long time player who is /has been feeling this way. 

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it takes a fair amount of effort to get/max all the mods needed to make a build viable for endgame and then DE snatches that away it really feels undermining 

Exactly that. Going through that grind and farm of collecting and forma'ing the frame to its maximum potential brings a sense of satisfaction and joy when you see how strong excalibur can get. This also takes a good amount of game knowledge to pull off. Its not so simple bringing him up to endgame status. 


MR20 player here and I've supported wholeheartedly lots of previous imbalances (i.e Trinity), but I just cannot see the benefit or the good that can come from this update. 

Edited by FaintestAura
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