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Parkour 2.0,... How Is The General Consesus?


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It's awful, slow, and I still feel like I'm floating around in slow motion and like I have a whole lot of vertical movement ability that I rarely need at the expense of linear speed which I need constantly. 

I dont think its aweful though, but i can agree its definetly allot slower now...


Wall movement is still horrible.


And i thought the reason why they stripped the old wallrunning was to improve the movement on walls. Because they said that we don´t have that many "clean" walls in the game so they needed something to fight their own map design because they don´t want/can´t/not yet redesign them.


Guess what happened - the "fix" just not work it made things worse than before.

Any other part about p2 though is awesome. :)

Agreed, walrunning and jumping onto another wall, is definetly not as easy as it used to be now.


I'm not sure about general consensus, but my consensus is that Parkour 2.0 trades efficiency and speed for greater control and maneuverability. It is not perfect and has many issues that need to be resolved to fully make up for the lack of speed.


However, I'd rather discuss what Parkour 2.0 isn't rather than what it is, based off of the lack of actual critical feedback on this topic.


1. It is not faster than coptering. Quite obvious, but this needs clarifying all the same. Coptering is extremely efficient due to its ability to reach top speed instantly, and the ability to launch a player further or shorter depending on initial height. This allows a player to zing through doors with low clearance and high obstacles on demand. Bullet jumping on the other hand, has 3 different launch patterns, where the one that launches you directly horizontal is the shortest launch. This means to move at top speed, you need to combine high-jumps with even higher air rolls which is not optimal to do in most tilesets given low clearance, obstacles, and narrow doorways.


2. It is not "easier on the fingers" as the developers would suggest. To copter, a player only needed to jump and spin attack. To move effectively in Parkour 2.0, a player needs to do a combination of bullet jumping, rolling, and gliding, all the while looking in the right direction, because the type of bullet jump depends on the direction you are looking in.


3. It is not fun for everyone. Many players consider their idea of "fun" to be objective. Most of the arguments in Parkour 2.0 threads are mere opinions like "yes I know coptering is faster but Parkour 2.0 is more fun", and "air gliding is more fun than coptering, which is why coptering should not be reimplemented". None of these arguments consider for a second that many players enjoy moving fast and enjoy the sheer speed that coptering offers. Arguments about efficiency aside, wanting to move very fast is not a niche desire as most of the forums would like to suggest. Moving fast and leaping over large chasms, bombing through narrow corridors, and slingshotting yourself at top speeds through a large tileset only to land perfectly through the door onto the next tileset, those are all gone now, with no regards to the desires of players who enjoyed such experiences. It is perfectly understandable why many players dislike Parkour 2.0 so much. It did not just destroy the efficient movement that many players took for granted, but it killed the speed of Warframe which for many players including veterans, was an incredibly fun mechanic and part of the gameplay. By introducing Parkour 2.0 and removing coptering without a poll, DE effectively took a gamble and removed a part of the game that was loved by many in order to appeal to their design choices.

I really couldent have said it better myself,

totally agree, especielly as a Vet. that super enjoyed the super fast movement system,

it was for me, what specifically made WF stand apart from all other shooters...


It still does, just not as much anymore...

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Dismissing coptering as a "bug" and citing it as the sole reason for its removal is a shoddy argument. Many gameplay elements from other games have been derived from so called "bugs" that were made into key features. Skiing in Tribes Ascend was based on a glitch found by players in a prior Tribes game and it was so well-received and fun, that it was a key feature in Tribes. Team Fortress's Spy class was conceived when the developers noticed a glitch that allowed an enemy player to become the same color as their team. This in turn was the conception behind the Spy class which is so well loved in TF2 today.


It didn't take these developers long either to notice the potential these bugs offered. Coptering on the other hand was widely known and used by the majority of players for two years. It is indisputably fast and efficient, and for many an incredibly fun mechanic that allowed players to become human cannonballs at will. It was removed without polling the very players that enjoyed coptering, which left the community divided.


To call it just a "bug" is nothing more than a cop-out and offers no real argument to why coptering was removed instead of polished and remade into a key feature.


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Sprint, Jump, Slide, Smash E and use specific weapons only.


Do not try to make coptering seem more difficult than it is. You jump and slide attack. You do not need to "smash E" as much as you need to "smash E" on a regular slide attack. Coptering can also be done on any weapon, just not to some weapon's extent.


As for "playing catch-up", you are only as slow as you want to be. If you truly wish to be "caught up", you would have learned how to copter. The actual argument you wanted was "I want people to take their time like me", which is not up to you to decide. 


As for being limited to only Tipedo, that is untrue. A wide variety of weapons can copter effectively, not just Tipedo. Only slow, heavy weapons and certain claws/tonfas like Kronen had the worst movement with coptering, which could have been solved by equalizing coptering distance on all weapons. The funny thing about "you and many others", is that there are also "many others" that now simply choose not to equip a melee weapon. The irony of the situation is that the removal of coptering did not in fact, fix weapon diversity, but only made melee even more unnecessary than it already is.


The only people that benefit from the removal of coptering are melee only users who are heavy weapon enthusiasts who want people to take their time like they do. 

Again, couldent agree more..

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All I need is when i start holding W (or A, S, D) my character moves constantly with a sharp start and when i let go of W (or A, S, D) my character immediately stops even when sprinting.


When I'm sprinting and sharply turn around with mouse - my character shouldn't be doing a burnout with his legs, instead of extremely responsively change direction


When I jump I don't want any animation delay to get in the way and make the jump feel as sharp and chunky as possible, so the falling doesn't feel like with low gravity by default. (though it is okay now)


That will make the gameplay so much more enjoyable but arcadey, make it feel very skill and reaction based.

If DE is reading this... Could you please do something...? ;~;

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If you're worried about the maximum achievable speed then try this particular combination of movements starting on the ground;


Bullet Jump -> Air Slide -> Double Jump -> Air Roll



Doing those things in quick succession causes you to be propelled forward at a rather high velocity that, while slower than the highest speed coptering of old, is still more than snappy enough for anything relevant or needed.  This can be done on a very low to the ground Bullet Jump, so large areas are not needed to achieve high speed.  If you do have more upward room you may also transition from the Air Roll into an Aim Glide, and then Air Slide during that.  This allows you to almost literally fly across the open maps.


For me, well I practically couldn't be any happier with parkour 2.0 as it is now.  My only issue is with the zoomed in FoV when aim gliding, and even that isn't too bad as I've been using it more to get used to it.  All in all it's a straight upgrade over the old system in effectively every single way.

The air roll looks even more wonky than coptering ever did.

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Actually,.. after playing around with P2.0, seriously these last couple of days,

I have to change my view, im absolutly NOT a fan, its way too slow and cumbersome to move through the maps now. 


Really hope DE will make some serious changes to P2.0.

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New the game, only about a month or so in. I'm really saddened to hear about the axeing of Coptering.The speed is  one of the main reasons I like the game so much. Obviously, I haven't tried the new system yet though, so there is still some bit of optimism.


On the other hand I can totally see why it's going lol. I've been bypassing a ton of stuff in the void with it.


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