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-Pls Reply!-[Warframe Concept] Hexa The Hornet Queen[Hornet/bee Themed] [Hd Art, New Helmets, Syandana Based Abilities!]


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She is Hexa. The Queen. The Huntress.


Health, armor, shield:

Health: 150 (rank 30 : 450)
Shield: 100 (rank 30 : 300)
Armor: 155
Power: 100 (rank 30 : 150)
Aura polarity: 20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png
Polarities: 20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png 20px-Vazarin_Pol.svg.png


Hexa has two special syandanas. Only she can wear them. Her syandanas descirbe her abilities. When we craft her we need helmet, systems, chassics, and the "Mother of Swarm" syandana blueprint. This syandana transforms Hexa's abilites into Queen mode. We can get all blueprints (helmet, systems, chassics, syandanas) from Eximus units.

Hexa's second syndana, "Sting", activates Hexa's Huntress mode and abilities. We can select these syandanas from the arsenal. Hexa's starter syandana is "Mother of Swarm". We can change it to the "Sting" syandana after collecting it as a drop from Eximus units.

Queen mode:



0. Passive (Hornet swarm):

If the squad members are in a swarm of hornets, the hornets cover squad members' bodies. The squad members take less damage and are immune to elemental damage.

1. Hive (25 energy):

Hexa throws a small hive. The swarm in the hive will attack and slow down enemies in the hive's area. The hive has 50 HP. It decreases when an enemy enters the area. HP is equal to the hive's swarm. The Hive deals Corrosive damage.

2. Bastion (50 energy):

She creates a huge wall from her hornets. Enemies can't pass through or shoot through it, but squad members can shoot and pass through it. It has 25 hp. It sounds low but the wall's hp regenerates.

3. Collector (75 energy):

The squad members get a swarm from Hexa. The swarms' hornets deal damage to nearby enemies and they collect the enemies' HP and shield, transfering them back to squad members.

4.Empire (100 energy):

Hexa's hornets swarm and overflow a huge area. They deal Corrosive and Toxin damage. The Empire has 100 HP. It decreases like the Hive's HP.
Huntress mode:


0. Passive (Hunting season):

Squad members gain a speed and damage output buff:

1.Wings (25 energy):

Hexa's wings grow from her back, and gains the ability to fly. The wings have 100 HP. Their HP decreases by distance traveled.

2 Sting strike (50 energy):

Hexa truns and attacks with her stinger. The stinger deals Toxin and Puncture damage. The stinger can hit more than one enemy.

3.Swarm wave (75 energy):

The hornets attacks enemies in Hexa's range. The swarm deals Corrosive damage.

4.Flying death (100 energy):

Hexa flies to the nearest enemy, stings the target, zips to a new target and attacks again. She hits up to a maximum of five enemies in this attack. Her attack grows stronger with each enemy stung.

This ability deals Toxin and Puncture damage. Enemies killed drop health orbs.

Alternate helmets:

I made some new helmet with old color pack:



I made some weapons for Hexa. They don't have statistics but they have special abilities/attributes.

1. Kapitar:

Kapitar is an infested shotgun. This a half hive, half gun weapon that shoots swarms of hornets. The swarms deals Corrosive damage and if the hornets miss the target, they return back into the gun!

1. Sfeat:

Sfeat is a kunai. Its really fast but it deals less damage.


Sprec is a dagger on a chain. It has a charged attack when the user of the sprec throw it away. The charged attack deals Toxin damage and pulls enemies toward the user.


Edited by vakitaki
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woahwoahwoah wait... 25 hp is super low (bastion), even if it regenerates, its going to be one shotted by well, anything. IMO you should add some more detail, specifics (im confused af about most of the abilities), and buff a lot of the stuff. For example, rhino's iron skin has like 1000 hp.

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woahwoahwoah wait... 25 hp is super low (bastion), even if it regenerates, its going to be one shotted by well, anything. IMO you should add some more detail, specifics (im confused af about most of the abilities), and buff a lot of the stuff. For example, rhino's iron skin has like 1000 hp.


This "25 HP" is NOT 25 health point. For example Rhino's Iron skin has 100 "HP" but it's real HP is 1000 or much as you said. What do you think about the theme? 

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Magyarul is itt vannak Hexa képességei csak a magyaroknak:


Hexa képességeit az határozza meg milyen synadát hord.Ezeket csak ő hordhatná. A bluprintjéhez is az alapelemek kívül (helmet, systems, chassichs, orokin cell) szükséges Queen mód synadája a "Mother of Swarm".
Amikor elkészítettük Hexát, miután az Eximusoktól begyüjtöttük az alkatrészeket és a "Mother of Swarm" blueprintjét beszerezhető lenne még egy synada tervrajz ami a Huntress módra váltja át Examen képességeit.
Ez a Sting. Az arzenálban tudnánk feltenni a Stinget amitől az alapból rajtunk lévő Mother of Swarm synada eltűnne és ezzel átváltottunk Queenből Huntressbe. Röviden:
Alap warframe(Alap rajta a mother of swarm) = Queen mód, Stinges warframe = Huntress mód 
A Queen mód képességei:
1. Hive (25 energy):
Egy kicsi kaptárat dob le. Az ebből áradó raj sebzi az ellenfelet és lelassítja őket.
A rajnak 50 életpontja van ami attól csökken ahogy a rovarok kiepülnek belőle
az ellemfélre.- Korrózív sebzést okoznak.
2. Bastion (50 energy):
Egy rovarokból és lépszerű anyagból készült áttetsző ugyanakkor erős falat rak le maga elé. 30 életereje van csak de ez regenerálódik a rajta lévő kis építők miatt.
Az elleffelek keresztüllőni se áthaladni nem tudnak rajta azonban a squad tagjai keresztül tudnak rajta lőni
3. Harm (75 energy):
A squad tagokra rátelepszik egy egy adag raj amik felgyorsítják őket és növelik a meele sebzést.
4.Empire (100 energy):
Egy kör alakú területen a rovarok elözönlik a teret. Az ellenfelek
itt sebződnek (Korrózív sebzés és Méreg sebzés). 
Ezen kívül az ellenfelek elvesztik az eszüket az őket támadó rovaroktól.
A Hive-hoz hasonlóan úgy fogy a képesség életerje ahogy elhasználódik a raj.
A Huntress mód képességei:
1.Wings (25 energy):
Hexa szárnyai kifakadnak hátából és képes lessz erpülni. 100 életerő pontja van a szárnyakanak ami megtett repülési távolságtól csökken.
2 Sting strike (50 energy):
Hexa megfordul és egy adott irányba kinyújtja végzetes fulllánkját. Az ellenfelek ettől fél Puntrue félig Méreg sebzést szenved. Több célponton is keresztül szúr akár egy nyílvessző.
3.Swarm wave (75 energy):
Hexa oldaltáskájából egy nagy rovar hullám száguld ki előtte tíz méteres körben. A raj korrozív sebzést mér azokra kik az útjában állnak.
4.Flying death (100 energy):
Hexa a legközelebbi ellefélre rárepül és belemártja a fullánkját aztán továbbrepül a következőre és őt is megszúrja. Ezt a folyamatot összesen 5ször hajtja végre. Minden ellenfél megszúrásával egyre erősebb szúrásokat ad le.
Az ezzel megölt ellenfelek életerőt dobnak.
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I agree with the concept for a wasp/bee frame, it's one I felt could realistically fit a niche of abilities, like the hive one.  I had the same idea even, only not so obvious ploys of corrosive and toxin damage for armored and shielded targets, respectively.  Maybe puncture and heat or viral (allergic reactions,) but that's it.  For heat, see:

In fact, this video pretty much single handedly inspired the entire concept of a bee/wasp frame on my end.


 The rest though? 


The number #2 I would suggest is Praetorian Guard:  A swarm with 225 life (increased via power strength) envelopes the frame granting an effective 2700 armor.  The amount of armor provided is a percentile equal to the remaining life of the swarm vs. it's maximum.  150 life of 225 would be 66.6%, so 66.6% of 2700 armor is 1798 armor.  Remaining damage is then again calculated against the frame's armor before dealing damage to health.  It also returns a portion of the damage to the attacker.  Lower armor = more damage returned (more bees/wasps are lost per hit as armor decreases.)  It should be clarified - the damage to that 225+ life is calculated AFTER the armor calculation of the skill.  Thus, the shield actually has more than 225 effective life, but not 2250 either (just initially.)


It's easier to think of #2 as applying tons of extra armor with durability and falling mitigation as durability lowers.


#3 would be Swarm:  The warframe releases a cloud of bees erecting a dome in an area.  Tenno within the area that damage enemy combatants regenerate a portion of their health with each kill and gain increased melee attack speed.   The swarm reduces the damage of all projectiles that pass through it by an amount equal to 300 armor (increased with power strength.)


#4 would be Tyrant:   She is the queen. She is the hive.  The warframe cocoons herself for a brief duration and becomes incredibly durable.  When she hatches, a swarm will emerge with her with damage and range influenced by the amount of damage she suffered while cocooned.  Her attacks are replaced with stinging melee strikes and directing swarms towards her enemies (think glaive mechanics.)  Fellow Tenno within her swarm gain +10% puncture damage with their attacks and, like with Praetorian Guard, are granted retaliation damage whenever they take a hit.


Passive:  For the Queen - for each active (maximum of one instance per) ability, the power strength of each ability is increased by 10%.  Dropping 3 hives would not increase the power output of the hives to 130% or even 110%.  But if Praetorian Guard were also active, then both Praetorian Guard and Hive would have 110% power strength.  A maximum of 130% power strength can be achieved with all four abilities active.  Basically, more bees = better abilities.

Edited by Littleman88
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I agree with the concept for a wasp/bee frame, it's one I felt could realistically fit a niche of abilities, like the hive one.  I had the same idea even, only not so obvious ploys of corrosive and toxin damage for armored and shielded targets, respectively.  Maybe puncture and heat or viral (allergic reactions,) but that's it.  For heat, see:

In fact, this video pretty much single handedly inspired the entire concept of a bee/wasp frame on my end.


 The rest though? 


The number #2 I would suggest is Praetorian Guard:  A swarm with 225 life (increased via power strength) envelopes the frame granting an effective 2700 armor.  The amount of armor provided is a percentile equal to the remaining life of the swarm vs. it's maximum.  150 life of 225 would be 66.6%, so 66.6% of 2700 armor is 1798 armor.  Remaining damage is then again calculated against the frame's armor before dealing damage to health.  It also returns a portion of the damage to the attacker.  Lower armor = more damage returned (more bees/wasps are lost per hit as armor decreases.)  It should be clarified - the damage to that 225+ life is calculated AFTER the armor calculation of the skill.  Thus, the shield actually has more than 225 effective life, but not 2250 either (just initially.)


It's easier to think of #2 as applying tons of extra armor with durability and falling mitigation as durability lowers.


#3 would be Swarm:  The warframe releases a cloud of bees erecting a dome in an area.  Tenno within the area that damage enemy combatants regenerate a portion of their health with each kill and gain increased melee attack speed.   The swarm reduces the damage of all projectiles that pass through it by an amount equal to 300 armor (increased with power strength.)


#4 would be Tyrant:   She is the queen. She is the hive.  The warframe cocoons herself for a brief duration and becomes incredibly durable.  When she hatches, a swarm will emerge with her with damage and range influenced by the amount of damage she suffered while cocooned.  Her attacks are replaced with stinging melee strikes and directing swarms towards her enemies (think glaive mechanics.)  Fellow Tenno within her swarm gain +10% puncture damage with their attacks and, like with Praetorian Guard, are granted retaliation damage whenever they take a hit.


Passive:  For the Queen - for each active (maximum of one instance per) ability, the power strength of each ability is increased by 10%.  Dropping 3 hives would not increase the power output of the hives to 130% or even 110%.  But if Praetorian Guard were also active, then both Praetorian Guard and Hive would have 110% power strength.  A maximum of 130% power strength can be achieved with all four abilities active.  Basically, more bees = better abilities.

And what do you think about the syandana based alternate abilities? Dont you prefer the Huntress mode?

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I love it. I've been lusting after an insect frame and I think the warframe style would really suit a wasp. I also love the synanda idea and the look of the stinger one is just amazing!


I think some more synergy with her kit wouldn't go a miss, though. Maybe with each 'hive' she has up on the map in Queen mode, she adds more damage/longevity to her other attacks? (since there's more bees around?) I dunno, just a thought.


I could also totally see a sentinel skin that looks like a wasp following her around too <3

Edited by SpaceSheepie
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This "25 HP" is NOT 25 health point. For example Rhino's Iron skin has 100 "HP" but it's real HP is 1000 or much as you said. What do you think about the theme? 

Oh sorry for the misunderstanding :D. The theme is great though. Its not just some random reworked frame or an idea that you just think of.

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She is Hexa. The Queen. The Huntress.[/


Health, armor, shield:

Health: 150 (rank 30 : 450)

Shield: 100 (rank 30 : 300)

Armor: 155

Power: 100 (rank 30 : 150)

Aura polarity: 20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png

Polarities: 20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png 20px-Vazarin_Pol.svg.png


Hexa has special syandanas. She can only wear them. Her syandanas descirbes her abilities. When we craft her we need helmet, systems, chassics, orokin cell and "Mother of Swarm syandana" blueprint. This syandana sets Hexa abilites into Queen mode. We can get all blueprints (helmet, systems, chassics, syandanas) from Eximus units. She has two syandanas. When Hexa wears "Mother of swarm" syandana she is in the Queen mode and the "Sting" syandana causes Hexa's Huntress mode. We can put up these syandanas in the arsenal. Hexa's starter syandana is "Mother of Swarm". We can change it to the "Sting". "Sting" blueprint also dropped by Eximus units.

Queen mode ablities:

0. Passive (Hornet swarm):

If the squad members are in any swarm of hornets, the hornets covers squad members' body. The squad members get less damage and they can't get any elemental damage.

1. Hive (25 energy):

Hexa throws a small hive. The swarm in the hive will attack and slow down enemies in the hive's area. The hive hs 50 HP. It decreases when somebody in the area. HP is equal to hive's swarm.The Hive deals Corrosive damage.

2. Bastion (50 energy):

She creates a huge wall from her hornets. Enemies can't run over or shoot over on it only squad members. It has 25 hp. It's sounds low but the wall's hp regenerates.

3. Collector (75 energy):

The squad members gets a swarm from Hexa. The swarms' hornets deals damage to nearly enemies and they collects enemies' HP and shied for squad members.

4.Empire (100 energy):

Hexa's hornets overflow a huge arena. They deal Corrosive and Toxin damage. The Empire has 100 HP. It decreases like the Hive's HP.

Huntress mode abilities:

0. Passive (Hunting season):

Nearly squad members are faster and deals more damage:

1.Wings (25 energy):

Hexa's wings grows from her back. She can fly. The wings has 100 HP. It decreases by distance traveled.

2 Sting strike (50 energy):

Hexa truns and twinges with her sting. The sting deals Toxin and Puncture damage. The sting can twingle more than one enemy.

3.Swarm wave (75 energy):

The hornets attacks the enemy before Hexa. The swarm deals Corrosive damage.

4.Flying death (100 energy):

Hexa flies to the nearest enemy and twinge it.Than she attack another one. She does it five times. She deals stronger attacks per enemies.

This ability deals Toxin and Puncture damage. Killed enemies drops health.

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