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Iron Skin Needs To Be Buffed


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Yes its another "buff iron skin" thread and I think the commuinity should keep making them untill DE decide the poster boy of tanks for warframe becomes a tank.

No I dont have any suggestions the ones on other threads are great and I would highley recommend you read them or search for them as, they tend to get buried under "mesa 2 op pls nerf" or "saryn needs a rework" threads

Rhinos other powers are fine in my opinion but his bread and butter as a frame is just the worst type of bread and butter, luke warm butter on burnt toast please DE give rhino some half decent toast with good butter, none of that left out on the counter untill its slightly to warm rubbish.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by DOGE-of-the-void
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Yes i do agree that rhino deserves some love and attention maybe with his new skin patch he could be so much more but he does need some tweaking right now rhino is a joke of frame

I cant agree more. Rhino looks amazing and all of his powers are great to be honest but as a tanking frame he is really bad at tanking because iron skin is a really bad power right now and is pretty much a overshield with proc ressitance.

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If Rhino will be made a 100% tank, he will lose his buffing and cc abilitys.

I dont mind if he loses them as long as he can tank damage like a tank should. Look at frost his snow globe is pretty much a iron skin that covers other players and objects yet frost keeps all of his CC and does damage. Rhino needs a rework for iron skin and they should reduce the effectivness of all of his powers par rhino charge and make iron skin his ult

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I dont mind if he loses them as long as he can tank damage like a tank should. Look at frost his snow globe is pretty much a iron skin that covers other players and objects yet frost keeps all of his CC and does damage. Rhino needs a rework for iron skin and they should reduce the effectivness of all of his powers par rhino charge and make iron skin his ult

I cant agree more. Rhino needs to be a tanky macho man

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rhino in my opinon is not really a bad frame but one witch needs helps more than any ember is ok if you use her right but no matter what rhino is weak i remember rhino being my first frame who i built and i was so happy but then i saw other people playing as way more stronger frames he is just to weak compaired to excal,mesa,chorma,frost,sayrn,trin, trin is really good btw even though soo many nerfs she had but rhino got nerfred once and now he is tooo weak

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i think that rhinos iron skin should have a iron shrapel built in but instead of re casting after then explode it explodes and does damage and gives a puncture proc witch reduces armour by 10 % power strength affects it and swap his stomp to his 2 ability and mabye charge has a reduce armour by 5% power strength and roar gives a buff to armour and damage or shields and damage

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I agree IS needs a buff, in a way that keeps it from being too strong at low levels but so it scales and is useful at higher levels.  It's a great ability but it just falls off.



Of course, I also think we should keep all discussions about topics in individual threads and not start 20+ threads about the same thing, which in the long run will just make DE ignore them most likely as it's too spread out and confused.


So what do I know? LOL

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İ have only used iron skin till now and after lvl 45 mobs that iron skin peels of like banana... İ think we should call it banana skin?by the way i have prime so its really like a banana...İts my still favorite tho ... at least it dont fall down with a little kick...

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If Rhino will be made a 100% tank, he will lose his buffing and cc abilitys.

People need to stop saying this.

Chroma can buff alies in a number of ways with elemental ward and cc with some of them as well as effigy but is still a tank.

Valkyr can buff allies with warcry, also warcy slows enemies and paralys can stun lock but she is still a tank.

Frost can slow, freeze and knock enemies around and shred enemy armor...also a tank who can block damage in whole areas.

Heck, Trinity can heal the whole team and provvide unlimited enery to everyone but still works great as a tank.

So let's all stop acting like rhino is sooooo much more versitile than other tanks.



I dont mind if he loses them as long as he can tank damage like a tank should. Look at frost his snow globe is pretty much a iron skin that covers other players and objects yet frost keeps all of his CC and does damage. Rhino needs a rework for iron skin and they should reduce the effectivness of all of his powers par rhino charge and make iron skin his ult

Rhino should be the embodiment of a tank, charging into super high level enemies without taking a scratch while lacking the speed and CC of other frames


I cant agree more. Rhino needs to be a tanky macho man

Seriously guys...frames are generally pretty versatile. There is no need to nerf everything he has into the ground just to make him more durable. 

Edited by Ronyn
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Rhino Buffs:


-Apply Armor to his Iron Skin, Shields and Health.  This way he gets alot of damage reduction throughout all health stages.  Since hes supposed to take damage, let him take damage.

-Give him a new armor type that gives like -25% reduction to all damage types and has no vulnerabilities.  Call it Uranium Armor(since thats the amazing stuff on modern MBTs, tanky yes?).  I personally would even trade in the resistances to pulls, stuns, and the like to be able to take alot more damage overall. 

-Increase base shields/health to 250/250.  Base armor to 350.  This would allow him greater increases throughout the lvl and upgrading of mod cards.

-Give Rhino +5% Armor increases throughout his 30 lvl increases.  So, he would end with a nice sizeable armor increase by rank 30, every other lvl increasing by 5%.  So, a 75% increase to armor by the time hes 30.  This not even including Steel Fiber and Armored Agility increasing it by 155%. 

-Make his Iron Skin "Uranium Armor" as well, that way it lasts a good long while.  Maybe make it cost alot more energy to cast, so its less spammable, but so that its alot tougher overall. 

-Make Roar boost his and the group's damage reduction by an additional percentage, rather then increase his and his groups damage output.  Make it also reduce hostile's accuracy by a percentage as well, so, not only does he take less damage, he and his group get hit less, which ends up being a double whammy to incoming damage.

Edited by KnightCole
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people are being a bit ridiculous if you ask me.  yeah, iron skin is mostly useless once enemies get into the 40+ range, but so are ALL of the damage based powers in the game... 


the problem isnt so much with ironskin as it is with the games scaling. once you get past mid 40s there are a very limited number of things that are useful anymore.


but its been the same way since i started playing the game. i doubt it will ever change. they just spend their time releasing new MR garbage and making things more annoying. not trying to hate, but yeah, its just gotten old to me. every time i try to play the game any more i just quit after a couple missions again. 

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people are being a bit ridiculous if you ask me.  yeah, iron skin is mostly useless once enemies get into the 40+ range, but so are ALL of the damage based powers in the game... 


the problem isnt so much with ironskin as it is with the games scaling. once you get past mid 40s there are a very limited number of things that are useful anymore.


but its been the same way since i started playing the game. i doubt it will ever change. they just spend their time releasing new MR garbage and making things more annoying. not trying to hate, but yeah, its just gotten old to me. every time i try to play the game any more i just quit after a couple missions again. 


I do notice they are just making getting the new gear more and more, just give us your money...with how derpy they make stuff to get.  Equinox is no longer, grind 3 parts and done, now its grind 7 parts and double the time to get it. 


Mesa, is mesa really 3 Alad V Nav Coords to make 1 key, to get 1 chance to get 1 piece for mesa?  So you need, in a perfect world, 9 Alad Nav Coords, 3 keys and 3 runs just to get Mesa.  And of course, we know its not perfect world, so its gunna be like 10-20-30 runs to get mesa, each requiring 3 Nav Coords for 1 key?  Then, is it really true  that Mutalist Alad takes over a person in the group?  My bro said yesterday, he got taken over by Alad V and 1 shot his group, ruining the run cuz Alad charmed him.

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The way I see it, there are only a few ways to buff IS for late game. Both include reducing the initial amount of shield.


1: Let it work like the new frostglobe rework.


Like, Rhino gathers all aggro from enemys within 50 meters (good for ACTUALLY tanking), and is invuln for 3-5 seconds. Then he gets a shield worth 100% (+% power strenght) of damage dealt to him plus 400 (+% power strenght) base. Armor now affects IS, and Rhinos armor should be nerfed to 230 or something. Keep the proc resist though, thats also for actual tanking.


2: Let it scale of his health and shields.


Rhino gets a shield of 100% (+% power strenght) of his health and shields. IS is now affected by armor. Rhinos base health is increased to 150, yet his armor is again nerfed to maybe 200 this time. Keep the proc resist.


Number one is for a frame that can actually now draw aggro and act as a tank. He needs the snowglobe like scaling now though, els his IS is again like butter.


Number two makes Rhino into a little bit of a passive tank. Thats why his armor must be reduced even more then with number one, because he would be statistically to strong. 


In both casses IS MUST be affected by armor, so that Rhino can actually scale into late game.




But remember, even if IS isnt buffed, Rhino still needs a passive, which might make him the tank he needs to be.


Edit: there is another way of dealing with the scaling on IS, yet I had to think pretty far in order to find it.

The issue with IS is always the flat shielding, and it isnt really buff-able. A slight buff makes it OP, yet holding it where it is now keeps it UP and under used (which in turn makes Rhino unused). A good way of dealing with this is to actually REMOVE Iron Sin from the game. Now hear me out, this skill would actually make more sense in gameplay terms. 


Option 3: Remove IS, add Agressive Shout.


Agressive shout would be something that a classical MMORPG tank would need to rally up groups of enemys. 


Rhino shouts at all enemys withing 25 M taunting them for 6 seconds and invigorating him, healing him for 20 HP (+ PS) for each enemy taunted while giving enemys a puncture proc for dubble the taunt duration. Taunt duration is effected by PD.


For this to shine however, Rhino and his abilities need a bit of a change too


Rhino stats: 75 shields, 200 health, 300 armor, rest the same.


Rhino stomp: reduce radius to 15 M and pulls enemys slowly in for the duration.


Rhino charge: speed increase to 50 M/S and duration to 0,50 seconds, but no longer scales with PD.


Rhino's stats should be pretty obvious: he is and always be the posterboy of the tanks, and with this new heal, he can make good use of this health boost. The 25 extra armor is just for that extra push to slot in a steel fiber, and makes him even more of a tank.


Rhino charge is more of a cumbersome fix: if rhino is bould on PD, his charge goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far and would put rhino himself out of combat, which you dont want your tank to do.


Rhino stomp is a little different. The reduction of the range is made to have a better synergy with Agressive Shout: this new ability needs to have more range then RS because he can now pull enemys closer to stomp MORE enemys at once, but having a 40M range shout or even just 5 M more (thus 30M shout) would be OP. 

Then the slow pull to rhino himself: this has a great synergy with other ''mage''-like frames. An Ember and Rhino combo doesnt sound that crazy for late game now does it?

Even when soloing this feature of RS would come in handy, because with a little bit of PR his charge can now actually ragdol tons of enemys at once. 


I truly hope DE is reading this, because it took me maybe half a month to come up with a replacement of IS that wouldnt be to OP xD. At least I hope they will change IS to work better at late game runs before or when the new skin is released. From a marketing point of few, this would be optimal, because everyone will be trying the reworked rhino with his new skin. I would like Rhino to have some solo-potential, thats why I gave him a heal.


Hope to hear any featback ^^


After edit: Edit:


Rhino Primes Lore entry would be f@$ked over is Agressive Shout becomes a thing. No longer can the ''thing'' mauling ppl to death be Rhino, since he has no Iron Skin anymore. Ofc they could give the shout a fisual effect when Rhino heals it would look like liquid iron flows over his body to heal him, and this issue is again fixed xD.

Edited by IvoD409
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