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Iron Skin Needs To Be Buffed


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Switching rhino's tankiness primarily to passive is an interesting idea. There may be something in that.


As for your specific ideas to replace his abilities. They are just too much of a departure from what the frame is now.

It's basically an entirely different frame. I can't support that kind of thing, Particularly when I don't think it needs to go that far to get rhino to the right place.




Ok to the  tankiness boost.

But the complete rework would be too much


But why would a complete rework be to much?  Is it more you have learned him one way and dont wanna relearn?  Really, I find his abilities outside 2 and 4 to be largely pointless anyway.  I have pressed 1 only when with my bro's trin or my dad's trin to keep my energy up, I press3 when people ask for it, otherwise, i never use either.  I save all energy for 2 and 4.  I feel that all abilities on a frame should be useful, good and actually play a viable role in the game at every stage.  1, while its neat, I dont find rhino slow, just a W, Shift, Ctrl, Space, space, ctrl, space, space, solves all my speed issues...So, 1, I find completely and utterly useless, its damage is nill and the bowling pin effect of throwing the mobs helter, skelter all over the place I find irritating.  3, 50% more dmg, no more dmg, I dont see any worthwhile increase to me damage.  Once all the right mobs are dead, normal mobs die in a shot or 2 anyway.  Its more about dropping the pedo bears then giving myself 50% more dmg.  Then, I find most people just 1 shot entire rooms anyway.  So 3 is pointless. 


His 4 is fun, and semi useful, but at a certain point just acts as a stun over any kind of ultimate, like Excal's 4, or EMbers 4 where it kills....


For the most part, I just jump around with Rhino, sometimes use 4, sometimes I dont, I use 4 when I need to revive, I use 4 to allow my shields to recharge.  Rhino right now, feels more like a Everquest 1 Warrior.  He has a few skills, but none really game changing or ones you cant live without.  He is OP and pretty tough down low, but higher up loses all his flair and just becomes a  worse everything, CC, dmg, tank...not a single thing he does, someone else cant do better....


Hell, my Oberon can tank just as well as my Rhino, but he has 2 good damage spells, 1 massive CC and a heal.  My Oberon dies just as often, ive cleared all 4 revives like 2x ever in my 15d worth of playtime.  1 was that Gorgon Wraith alert and the other, well, I dont even recall, otherwise, regardless of class, I die maybe 1 time every 2-3 days and even need to be revived maybe 1 time every 2-3 days....and not even on RHino w/ stoneskin. 


I did link my entire post of a rework for Rhino and it would serve to make him a tank, and make all his abilities useful in thier own right, a little more so then now.


This is more my own "official" how I would rework Rhino



Edited by KnightCole
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But why would a complete rework be to much?  Is it more you have learned him one way and dont wanna relearn?  Really, I find his abilities outside 2 and 4 to be largely pointless anyway.  etc...

IMO a rework in the magnitude you suggest would be too much for one main reason.

A lot of folks actually like the core concept of rhino (inducing the developers), and have enjoyed it for a long time but feel he has just fallen behind as warframe has changed over the years. We want him fixed, not turned into something else. If any power is under performing it can often be improved with small tweaks or, if it truly needs to be replaced, it could be replaced with something in a similar style.


Example: There are many who feel that charge isn't very good as it is. Some folks just want it to trigger faster and have a wider impact area. Some want to give him a sort of toggle action where he runs forward, knocking everything aside, until the player cancels it. Two different approaches to the issue but in both cases they are trying to keep the spirit of his theme, a charging rhino alive in his rework.



\This is more my own "official" how I would rework Rhino



It's really your idea of how you would make a Tank frame. It's got very little to do with rhino.

It would just be his name and look with some other frames kit.


Honestly I think you're better off just proposing a new frame idea altogether.

Edited by Ronyn
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IMO a rework in the magnitude you suggest would be too much for one main reason.

A lot of folks actually like the core concept of rhino (inducing the developers), and have enjoyed it for a long time but feel he has just fallen behind as warframe has changed over the years. We want him fixed, not turned into something else. If any power is under performing it can often be improved with small tweaks or, if it truly needs to be replaced, it could be replaced with something in a similar style.


Example: There are many who feel that charge isn't very good as it is. Some folks just want it to trigger faster and have a wider impact area. Some want to give him a sort of toggle action where he runs forward, knocking everything aside, until the player cancels it. Two different approaches to the issue but in both cases they are trying to keep the spirit of his theme, a charging rhino alive in his rework.



It's really your idea of how you would make a Tank frame. It's got very little to do with rhino.

It would just be his name and look with some other frames kit.


Honestly I think you're better off just proposing a new frame idea altogether.

Prolly so.  I would love a dedicated tank frame.  I play tank in every game ever, and while Rhino kinda gives the feel down low, its very clear that the tankyness dies off at higher lvls.  Its like RHino should just not evven be allowed to go in battles above lvl 50.


  They should also change Rhino's description from the "tanky frame" to more the....idk....if not the tank, idk what he is.  Hes not a tanker, hes not DPS....hes like some quasi, brawler type dude.  Hes got a few things to kinda let him get into the fight, but no true "tanky" style abilities. 

Heaviest warframe?  Hes got significantly less armor then Chroma or Valkyr.  His armor, even buffed, is made less then either of them.   And oddly, Valkyr's Invulnerability is better then Rhino in that hers is "As long as she has power" while Rhino's is POW gone...cast, POW..gone..cast..POW, gone....ive had it shot off in 1 or 2 shots so goddamn much. 


But even if they dont change any of his abilities, I still think his armor should apply to his shields and perhaps if t hey change nothing, I think my Iron SKin rework would be better then current Iron Skin.  It should reduce incoming damage, vs just buffing hitpoints. 


Cuz, think about it, what MMO does a tank class just increase hitpoints to tank better?  No, rather, every tank ever gets his Plate armor to reduce damage so he tanks better.  Rhino should be much the same.  Initially, higher armor vs other classes, then armor modifiers affecting him more so, and his Iron skin being an additional boost to his armor, then applying that to health and shields, that way he gets damage reduction over other toons. 

Edited by KnightCole
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Prolly so.  I would love a dedicated tank frame. .....

Warframe has been through a lot of changes over the years. Rhino started out as a very clear tank but as the game changed he fell behind and he is just in need of attention from the DEV's. A new look. in a similar way to what they have done with frost.

Not long ago DE mentioned that they could see some issues with Rhino's place in the game but were busy working on another frame.

So they made a few adjustments tow hat they could for the time being. He will get his due..at some point. and be brought to a better spot.

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But why would a complete rework be to much?  Is it more you have learned him one way and dont wanna relearn?  


A complete rework would create a whole new frame, instead of fixing the problems of the old one.

Like someone has a car with flat tires and suggest him buying a new car^^



And for most players (if it is about his mechanic) rhino is actually fine.





Hes not a tanker, hes not DPS....hes like some quasi, brawler type dude.  


You're right, rhino is currently not that much of a tank(compared) to others. 

But his abilty concept:


1. Mobility

2. The "Tank" skill

3. Little dmg boost (he is a tank after all^^)

4 some good old cc


... is actually fine.


He doesn't need a big rework (in my opinion)

What he needs are some tweaks



-it would be cool if roar would taunt the enemies

-also IS needs to scale better into late game


Hes got significantly less armor then Chroma or Valkyr.  His armor, even buffed, is made less then either of them.   And oddly, Valkyr's Invulnerability is better then Rhino in that hers is "As long as she has power" while Rhino's is POW gone...cast, POW..gone..cast..POW, gone....ive had it shot off in 1 or 2 shots so goddamn much. 


In his current state, an armor buff wouldn't much of a benifit.

Since he has more shields than health.

The recent buff s actually kinda pointless.


And Valkyr is going to get a rework(we cann be pretty sure that the invincibility well be removed)



But even if they dont change any of his abilities, I still think his armor should apply to his shields and perhaps if t hey change nothing, I think my Iron SKin rework would be better then current Iron Skin.  It should reduce incoming damage, vs just buffing hitpoints. 


Cuz, think about it, what MMO does a tank class just increase hitpoints to tank better?  

I also think that this would be something great.

But the others are right a flat hitpoints increase would still not make him a tank.

I thought about something:

With some squishy frames you can reach (about)99% dmg reduction. Still not tank, but very tanky.

Over 100% would be valkyrs ulti (which is too OP)

So how about this:



Rework Idea

He starts with flat IS Hitpoints:

Lets keep the suggested 2/3/4/6*(current armor)


-At rank 30 with the non prime rhino you would have 

1140 hitpoints.(Tanky, but not quite a tank)


-Now we add to IS damage reduction:



With no extra armor or power strength at rank 30 with non prime rhino, you have following stats:

-1140 hitpoints

-80% damage reduction(for IS)



The balance factor:

-While power strength only affects the damage recution

-Armor only increases the hitpoints (cuz (base armor)*6)


This way IS would be better than other (suishy - frame) dmg reduction skills. Without being OP

And with mods, it could scale well in to late game



Thought about the dmg reduction part.....

may be lower it down to


and cap it at 80% with strenght mod

Edited by SteaKnight-X
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A complete rework would create a whole new frame, instead of fixing the problems of the old one.

Like someone has a car with flat tires and suggest him buying a new car^^



And for most players (if it is about his mechanic) rhino is actually fine.






You're right, rhino is currently not that much of a tank(compared) to others. 

But his abilty concept:


1. Mobility

2. The "Tank" skill

3. Little dmg boost (he is a tank after all^^)

4 some good old cc


... is actually fine.


He doesn't need a big rework (in my opinion)

What he needs are some tweaks



-it would be cool if roar would taunt the enemies

-also IS needs to scale better into late game


In his current state, an armor buff wouldn't much of a benifit.

Since he has more shields than health.

The recent buff s actually kinda pointless.


And Valkyr is going to get a rework(we cann be pretty sure that the invincibility well be removed)



I also think that this would be something great.

But the others are right a flat hitpoints increase would still not make him a tank.

I thought about something:

With some squishy frames you can reach (about)99% dmg reduction. Still not tank, but very tanky.

Over 100% would be valkyrs ulti (which is too OP)

So how about this:



Rework Idea

He starts with flat IS Hitpoints:

Lets keep the suggested 2/3/4/6*(current armor)


-At rank 30 with the non prime rhino you would have 

1140 hitpoints.(Tanky, but not quite a tank)


-Now we add to IS damage reduction:



With no extra armor or power strength at rank 30 with non prime rhino, you have following stats:

-1140 hitpoints

-80% damage reduction(for IS)



The balance factor:

-While power strength only affects the damage recution

-Armor only increases the hitpoints (cuz (base armor)*6)


This way IS would be better than other (suishy - frame) dmg reduction skills. Without being OP

And with mods, it could scale well in to late game



Thought about the dmg reduction part.....

may be lower it down to


and cap it at 80% with strenght mod


I know that In the current state, armor wouldnt benefit him.  I keep saying, make it so Armor DOES affect both health and shields for Rhino.  THEN it would matter. 


And Yes, giving him damage reduction would make him a tank.  Cuz think about it


As it stands right now, you get 1200 Iron Skin, 1280 shields, 860 health.  But lets see, When a bombard hits you for 1000, you take 1000 dmg.  So now you have 200IS 1280 shields, 860 health.  Another hit, you have 480 shields and 860 health.  Anotehr hit and your at like 240 health....so, in 3 hits, you are pretty much dead.


Now, lets do this with simply a 50% damage reduction among all IS/Shields/Health.  You take that same 1000 point hit, but now its reduced by 50% to 500.  Now, that 1st hit reduces you to 700 IS, 1280S 860h.  2nd hit, 200IS, 1280s, 860h.  Another hit and you are now at 1080 shields, 860 health.  See, how just by cutting damage in half, you have MASSIVELY increased your survivability, and well, tanking ability.  Never mind the lower lvl guys who are shooting you for like 20-30 a shot, reducing that by 50%, makes it like 10-15 a shot. 


And RHino with 701 armor gets like 60% damage reduction....so, really, I can see how that change alone would help Rhino immensely.  It would scale better with higher tiers, as your armor increases, so does the reduction, making rhino better higher up.  But I still feel Iron Skin or something should give Rhino an additional armor boost, make it so Rhino Skin increases Armor rating by like 10/15/20/25%

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They should make it some what frost snow globe, that the armor adds health to it.


Tanks of the game


Rhino/Prime : Armor: 275

Starter Iron skin health : 1200 

Max Blind Rage + Max Transient Fortitude + Max Intensify = 4300+ iron skin health




Frost/Prime 190 after rework 300

Starter Snow Globe Health : 4000

Max Blind Rage + Max Transient Fortitude + Max Intensify + Max Steel Fiber + Max Armored Agility = 12500+ of snow globe health. 



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And Yes, giving him damage reduction would make him a tank.  Cuz think about it

Yes, that why I wrote IS should have a dmg reduction^^



And RHino with 701 armor gets like 60% damage reduction....so, really, I can see how that change alone would help Rhino immensely.  It would scale better with higher tiers, as your armor increases, so does the reduction, making rhino better higher up.  But I still feel Iron Skin or something should give Rhino an additional armor boost, make it so Rhino Skin increases Armor rating by like 10/15/20/25%


701 actually gives you about 70% armor reduction.

Even if armor would affect the dmg reduction of your IS.... and increase would be so minimal that you would barely notice it.

Lets say 700 gives you about 70% dmg reduction

+25%  equals 875 armor 74% dmg reduction

to reach 80% armor reduction you would need about 1500 armor (valkyr can reach that amount)



I know that In the current state, armor wouldnt benefit him.  I keep saying, make it so Armor DOES affect both health and shields for Rhino.  THEN it would matter. 


And Yes, giving him damage reduction would make him a tank.  Cuz think about it


As it stands right now, you get 1200 Iron Skin, 1280 shields, 860 health.  But lets see, When a bombard hits you for 1000, you take 1000 dmg.  So now you have 200IS 1280 shields, 860 health.  Another hit, you have 480 shields and 860 health.  Anotehr hit and your at like 240 health....so, in 3 hits, you are pretty much dead.


Now, lets do this with simply a 50% damage reduction among all IS/Shields/Health.  You take that same 1000 point hit, but now its reduced by 50% to 500.  Now, that 1st hit reduces you to 700 IS, 1280S 860h.  2nd hit, 200IS, 1280s, 860h.  Another hit and you are now at 1080 shields, 860 health.  See, how just by cutting damage in half, you have MASSIVELY increased your survivability, and well, tanking ability.  Never mind the lower lvl guys who are shooting you for like 20-30 a shot, reducing that by 50%, makes it like 10-15 a shot. 


And RHino with 701 armor gets like 60% damage reduction....so, really, I can see how that change alone would help Rhino immensely.  It would scale better with higher tiers, as your armor increases, so does the reduction, making rhino better higher up.  But I still feel Iron Skin or something should give Rhino an additional armor boost, make it so Rhino Skin increases Armor rating by like 10/15/20/25%


I know that In the current state, armor wouldnt benefit him.  I keep saying, make it so Armor DOES affect both health and shields for Rhino.  THEN it would matter. 



It wouldn make him stronger, ...

instead it would make him OP.

A 1110 shield bar(with redirection) that have a free regen... and then add about 50% to 70% dmg reduction to it?


Good way to describe OP^^.... 



If the additional dmg reduction only affect IS, you tankiness would be limited to your abilties and your energy (which balances it)


This is one way that could work:

Rework Idea

He starts with flat IS Hitpoints:

Lets keep the suggested 2/3/4/6*(current armor)


-At rank 30 with the non prime rhino you would have 

1140 hitpoints.(Tanky, but not quite a tank)


-Now we add to IS damage reduction:



With no extra armor or power strength at rank 30 with non prime rhino, you have following stats:

-1140 hitpoints

-80% damage reduction(for IS)



The balance factor:

-While power strength only affects the damage recution

-Armor only increases the hitpoints (cuz (base armor)*6)


This way IS would be better than other (suishy - frame) dmg reduction skills. Without being OP

And with mods, it could scale well in to late game



Thought about the dmg reduction part.....

may be lower it down to


and cap it at 80% with strenght mod

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I suggest (I actually constructed this idea last week)


Iron Skin:

Armour now adds to hp of iron skin where power strength no longer will on a scale of 1:4 ratio

Iron Skin will also feature damage reduction which is affected by power strength at a base of 25%


Rhino's roar augment

Provides an iron skin to allies. HP is solely affected by armour and damage reduction isn't affected by power strength. Will last a set duration.

Edited by Unholyrequiem
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Yes, that why I wrote IS should have a dmg reduction^^




701 actually gives you about 70% armor reduction.

Even if armor would affect the dmg reduction of your IS.... and increase would be so minimal that you would barely notice it.

Lets say 700 gives you about 70% dmg reduction

+25%  equals 875 armor 74% dmg reduction

to reach 80% armor reduction you would need about 1500 armor (valkyr can reach that amount)





It wouldn make him stronger, ...

instead it would make him OP.

A 1110 shield bar(with redirection) that have a free regen... and then add about 50% to 70% dmg reduction to it?


Good way to describe OP^^.... 



If the additional dmg reduction only affect IS, you tankiness would be limited to your abilties and your energy (which balances it)


This is one way that could work:


Free Regen+Dmg reduction, IDK about OP, but tanky. 


Cuz right now, Bombards, snipers and melee knock out my shields in 1-2 shots usually...and I have 1280.  Reducing that to be knocked out in like 5-9 hits would just make a beefy tank.


I have that 70% reduction to my health and I see it dropping by hundreds per shot.  Bombards its like 1 or 2 shots and down I go.  Especially later game.  And by later, I mean lv50-60, since thats all the further ive been.  I dont need to see lvl 100+ to know its...POW one shot...my dad is already experincing that with his Trin and Banshee vs Grineer snipers...walk in a room..POW..down he goes.

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Free Regen+Dmg reduction, IDK about OP, but tanky. 


Cuz right now, Bombards, snipers and melee knock out my shields in 1-2 shots usually...and I have 1280.  Reducing that to be knocked out in like 5-9 hits would just make a beefy tank.

A beefy tank who dont need abilties at all anymore. Since It would mean:

Like 9 free shots.

Take a little rest for regen

9 free shots again


Without energy use.


-Like trin. could heal for free

-like Saryn would pop out free healing molts

-like ash and loki would always be invisible for free

-like excal would always blind enemies when he comes in range....also for free


The definition of OP



Why does Rhino has so much Shield?

Cuz this is part of his mechanic:

-Shields go down

-you activate IS

-your shields regen


The IS is the main prob after that many changes. It just doesnt scale well into late game.

This is why only IS needs the buff. Not the shields.


If the shield would have that dmg reduction.... IS would be a waste of energy..... Just walk with your shield and you're gonna be fine.(with enough skill^^)

I suggest (I actually constructed this idea last week)


Iron Skin:

Armour now adds to hp of iron skin where power strength no longer will on a scale of 1:4 ratio

Iron Skin will also feature damage reduction which is affected by power strength at a base of 25%.


We had similar thoughts^^ 

Good to know that I am not alone with that^^


Rework Idea

He starts with flat IS Hitpoints:

Lets keep the suggested 2/3/4/6*(current armor)


-At rank 30 with the non prime rhino you would have 

1140 hitpoints.(Tanky, but not quite a tank)


-Now we add to IS damage reduction:



With no extra armor or power strength at rank 30 with non prime rhino, you have following stats:

-1140 hitpoints

-80% damage reduction(for IS)



The balance factor:

-While power strength only affects the damage recution

-Armor only increases the hitpoints (cuz (base armor)*6)


This way IS would be better than other (suishy - frame) dmg reduction skills. Without being OP

And with mods, it could scale well in to late game



Thought about the dmg reduction part.....

may be lower it down to


and cap it at 80% with strenght mod

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I had an idea and it's a bit out of the box.

What if Iron skin was reactive?

It's kinda hard to explain what I mean but I'll try.

First. Rhinos Armor rating would apply to Iron skin kinda. It would only be a portion.

And 2 Roar would pull Aggro. (I think it used to)

And 3 is the fun part.

Rhino would gain armor based on incoming damage.

What I mean by that is as rhinos Iron Skin is taking continual damage it's armor increases along with it temporarily.

And when rhinos Iron skin isn't taking damage the temporary armor starts to fall.

Also Iron skin at base (no incoming damage) only uses 50% of rhinos armor rating.

The idea is to make Rhino useful to a team not though buffs. But by pulling Aggro. And making him a true tank by giving him the potential to reach crazy damage reduction levels by pulling Aggro and being in the fray.

Also a small but important detail of this is with iron skin. Damage is taken first, then the temp armor buff is added. This is to make burst damage more effective against Rhino.

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A beefy tank who dont need abilties at all anymore. Since It would mean:

Like 9 free shots.

Take a little rest for regen

9 free shots again


Without energy use.


-Like trin. could heal for free

-like Saryn would pop out free healing molts

-like ash and loki would always be invisible for free

-like excal would always blind enemies when he comes in range....also for free


The definition of OP



Why does Rhino has so much Shield?

Cuz this is part of his mechanic:

-Shields go down

-you activate IS

-your shields regen


The IS is the main prob after that many changes. It just doesnt scale well into late game.

This is why only IS needs the buff. Not the shields.


If the shield would have that dmg reduction.... IS would be a waste of energy..... Just walk with your shield and you're gonna be fine.(with enough skill^^)


We had similar thoughts^^ 

Good to know that I am not alone with that^^




Trin already basically can heal for free.  I have no issue keeping my power pool basically maxed, and I dont even use all those meta corrupt mod cards.  I use the basic flow, streamline and vitality, redirection.....2, shoot the mob, 2, shoot the mob...instant max power. 


And while, yeah, your ability is cool I suppose it would be neat ot have dmg reduction to his IS, a small reduction in damage to his shields would be good to, if not more then maybe 20-30%. 

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hows an idea of cumulating dmg with Iron skin and you have to release it with 4 before every tick. if you cant leash out enough cumulated dmg to have some dmg cumulated at the end of tick for iron skin, you take the dmg at the end of every tick while iron skin is on. hows this idea O-o just came to mind not much thought into it..

Edited by Nineart
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Trin already basically can heal for free.  I have no issue keeping my power pool basically maxed, and I dont even use all those meta corrupt mod cards.  I use the basic flow, streamline and vitality, redirection.....2, shoot the mob, 2, shoot the mob...instant max power. 


And while, yeah, your ability is cool I suppose it would be neat ot have dmg reduction to his IS, a small reduction in damage to his shields would be good to, if not more then maybe 20-30%. 

There is a difference between low energy costs with max efficiency and no costs at all.



This is Rhino's mechanic:..... the shield is supposed to go down.....so you have a reason to activate IS.... and the shield can regen

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There is a difference between low energy costs with max efficiency and no costs at all.



This is Rhino's mechanic:..... the shield is supposed to go down.....so you have a reason to activate IS.... and the shield can regen


Really, I would rather his shield just get damage reduction and he gets no Iron skin, rather Iron skin just applies reduction to his shields.  Hes the tank frame, and a tank frame that loses 1280 shields in just a couple shots and has to run and hide is no tank at all.  Rather make his Iron Skin reduce damage to his shields, for the same 50 point activation cost as now, but then have a steady power drain for the duration that you have it on.  Maybe 5-10 power per second, that way you use it only for short durations during combat, then turn it off and regen.  But not this.....get hit, lose all your shields then jump behind  the squishies because you have to regen now.....


Idk if you ever played Planetside 2 and played thier Heavy assault with a resist shield....that really is how I envision Rhino.  Its pretty much on the spot 45% damage reduction.  It drains your energy rapidly, but gives you an edge over your opponents in taking damage.  Basically, Press F for 45% damage reduction, it lasts for like 10 seconds, reducing all damage for that time, then it has about a 20-30 second cool down time. 


But in WF, that would change in that, it rapidly drains your energy, 50 activation cost, maybe a 5-10 power per second drain.  So, if you just press F and keep it on, you will be out of power in short order, and in the same boat as now, with no good tanking power.  But if you manage it well, or have a trin or something, you will be nice and tanky.

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  • 1 month later...

I have just recentley seen the "rework" they gave valkyr and I cant understand why the community thinks its ok for valkyr to have god mode and do insane damage but rhino the poster boy of tanks gets slapped with label "noob frame" and is left in the dust.


Just give him his god mode back, its not a big deal anymore considering valkyr and trinity allready have it.

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I perfectly agree with you on this one doge. Rhino has been sitting in the dark for a bit too long whilst i have been seeing a lot of frames being buffed that don't really need one. The whole purpose of rhino is to be a tank/cc.


Personally since i have played him since closed beta, i have gone through two minor changes that haven't really served him a lot of justice as the roll of a tank. He really should be a higher level game frame but when he hits level 60 plus then iron skin is about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard. 



Rhino Charge

Iron Skin

Radial Blast

Rhino Stomp




Rhino charge 

Iron Skin





Rhino Charge

Radial Blast


Iron Skin

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I think after seeing what they did with valkyr the whole "god mode is op" arguement has gone out the window for me. I think they should do what slykon suggested and thats scrap rhino stomp put radial blast in as a "weaker" stomp as his third and make his iron skin a energy drain/duration "god mode", the way I can see this being a thing and not being to op is if they give it super strong agro like lokis decoy with every enemy dropping what they are doing to kill rhino.

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At this point I'd take his Armor getting raised higher, or as high as Valks if they won't buff his Iron Skin. But regardless with the Temple Skin coming soon, you can't have something that awesome looking being perceived as a suicide choice in the trials and upper end of the clock in survival.

I think most of us Rhino players are looking forward to our frame getting a bit of love full stop tbh. Naming the frame 'Rhino' is a complete giveaway to what he is supposed to be but as much as i regret saying this, he doesn't really hit the mark and hasn't done since closed beta.

Me and DOGE had been discussing about Rhino a lot and there is stuff kicking around in terms of rumours, the main question for the rework is a case of when and what?

When I played closed beta early next year after release, the number of players using rhino was immense. Now 2-3 years on you don't often see him in missions.

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