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What If D.e Added Grineer Nullifier Drones To Normal Missions (Yes Draco Too Because It's Getting Out Of Hand) )


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From a Lore standpoint, it'd make sense.  After the event where the Grineer tried to wipe out the Corpus, I doubt they're going to do business.


Ohohoh! The next event could be the Corpus asking the Tenno for help because the Grineer are raiding their labs and are trying to get a hold of the Null tech! 


That sounds pretty interesting +1

Yeah that will just not stop people from going to draco and it will make players quit.


so players will quit because they cant level up every weapon available in 1 week?  Then goodbye to them

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The root of the problem is not that people are xp farming the place you like to play, but the fact that the many players feel the need to endlessly grind for xp, resources or credits. 


Give the game a progressive story and this problem with smooth itself out over time. Otherwise just deal with players xp/credit/resource farming. The game is getting to the point where it is purely catering towards the end-game players and the last thing it needs is even more reason for new players to get frustrated and move on to another game. In the end, the game is a business model that needs balance for new players and veterans alike. I think the game currently is doing a good job of balancing that agenda.

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Players go there to power level everything, you basically take 1 - 2 Mesa there with either Limbos or trinity to full them. Players get all their gear maxed in 4 waves. Makes MR look diluted since anyone can climb to high MR using this method in pretty much a few days. 

Guess what? MR doesn't mean anything. Time to get off your MR horse. 

Edited by low1991
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how is this screwing with the playerbase?

Oh I don't know.


DE gave us a sandbox and a variety of toys, most of which require many hours of gambling to actually get.

Then DE started to take away and nerf the toys we already have while making new toys and tools even harder to acquire.


One time, they are all about giving toys and empowering players, while a few minutes later they notice that new toys and empowerment they just gave us don't fit their imagination of how we should play their game so they take these toys and tools away. Be it super high costs, rng, time and grindwalls or enemies that outright cancel or are immune to our arsenal.

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Oh I don't know.


DE gave us a sandbox and a variety of toys, most of which require many hours of gambling to actually get.

Then DE started to take away and nerf the toys we already have while making new toys and tools even harder to acquire.


One time, they are all about giving toys and empowering players, while a few minutes later they notice that new toys and empowerment they just gave us don't fit their imagination of how we should play their game so they take these toys and tools away. Be it super high costs, rng, time and grindwalls or enemies that outright cancel or are immune to our arsenal.


no one is saying nerf anything. this is to stop powerleveling

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no one is saying nerf anything. this is to stop powerleveling

People powerlevel because levelling by playing (DE's intentions) is dull, slow and boring.


And on top of that, you need to powerlevel your weapon like 6 times to make it viable for stuff you do usually for fun.


Imagine if every weapon had a bunch of challenges that gave massive affinity boosts on completion.


Kill 25 enemies with headshots? Here's your 10k affinity. This would make playing with given weapon actually viable, in contrast to just leeching of some Mesa instakilling everything within 50m radius.


And no, current per-mission challenge won't cut it.


Powerleveling is caused by how unrewarding normal gameplay is, pretty much everyone playing Warframe focuses on efficiency eventually. Draco is pretty much the most efficient spot to gain affinity, rep, and to an extent, resources and mods.

Edited by Mofixil
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What MR horse, chump? He asked a question I simply answered it. Not my problem you didn't like the answer.


Players go there to power level everything, you basically take 1 - 2 Mesa there with either Limbos or trinity to full them. Players get all their gear maxed in 4 waves. Makes MR look diluted since anyone can climb to high MR using this method in pretty much a few days. 

Post #11. 

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Can't argue with that - it kinda is teamwork - however it involves most of the team standing around doing squat while 2 people hold down one button. Gets the job done but its certainly not high octane action!



Sure, but can we really tell them that's wrong? Some powers are meant to be used in a defensive position. Peacemaker, Snow Globe, whatever Limbo's rift sphere is called, are all powers that support defense. And as such they should operate in that manner. I have my moments where I'm just lazy and want to peacemaker all day myself, but I also have my moments where I like to run around and challenge everything. I can't agree with dictating how players play, especially when there are more things to Warframe than just Draco. That could have side effects like unintentionally affecting the viability of defense-centric frames. 


However if the value of MR is the issue, refer to my earlier post:


maybe looking at what it takes to increase MR is something that should be looked at if it's value is what's the problem here. Example would be like Titanfall where you have to complete certain challenges to prestige. 

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When the map blows up, Draco won't exist.


You can enjoy your twenty Spy maps if DE rolls that for your selection.
Remember when maps blow up, the entire game essentially becomes an alert game, with maps switching rotation everyday.

Edited by fatpig84
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I think this would be a great addition. On one hand we have the corpus nullifiers and now we would have the grineer nullifier drones . Just like the ones on Nightmare raids.


This would also help with the power leveling problem going on right now. While it might be a slight band aid to the bigger problem it would certainly help the situation somewhat.


I never really thought draco was a bad thing till i got recruited into a squad with a MASTERY RANK 2 hosting with a rank 0 frame, primary, secondary and melee.


Now i know most of the community/players use this aswel but it's come to a point where it's gotten out of hand. 


Do you think this would be a good addition?


This so too funny !


Draco is fine, you don't like who's in the squad then Bail.


BTW I think what you really should be talking about is that Draco is the ONLY spot in the entire map that is worth playing to gain experience at a decent rate. DE should really add more and I hope the version of the Star Map will address this.


Power Leveling is only a problem for those who can't do it......

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When the map blows up, Draco won't exist.


You can enjoy your twenty Spy maps if DE rolls that for your selection.

Remember when maps blow up, the entire game essentially becomes an alert game, with maps switching rotation everyday.


The problem is , is that U18 is like 4 months away... Every player playing currently can level up everything by then

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please explain how this game is balanced

Inner planets in the solar system are playable to the low level players and can provide adequate challenge for new comers even as far as Jupiter. Higher level planets, void and raids are the playground for higher level players. You will always find those using the high xp hot spots to farm, it is simply part of this style of game and has been in place for over a decade in xp based gaming. The game has some semblance of balance whether you may see it or not.


Also, MR means absolutely nothing in this game other than the time you've wasted leveling up weapons or frames you'll never use again. It is an e-peen with no direct reflection on your ability or contribution to the warframe community.  

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The root of the problem is not that people are xp farming the place you like to play, but the fact that the many players feel the need to endlessly grind for xp, resources or credits. 


Give the game a progressive story and this problem with smooth itself out over time. Otherwise just deal with players xp/credit/resource farming. The game is getting to the point where it is purely catering towards the end-game players and the last thing it needs is even more reason for new players to get frustrated and move on to another game. In the end, the game is a business model that needs balance for new players and veterans alike. I think the game currently is doing a good job of balancing that agenda.


I like your statements. But I think honestly that the game is not catering to end-game players as much as you arrive there by natural course at some point. Once you have played all the missions, unlocked all the planets/nodes, played through every quest, there really is nothing left for you but two things: the introduction of cool alerts or weekend missions like the Infested one for the Gorgon Wraith that just passed and acquiring and leveling equipment in the game. I have unfortunately hit this wall recently. I just made MR 13, I have all planets open so can go anywhere and all of my nodes are actually unlocked. I have played every quest that has been available to me since I started playing. The only thing left for me now is to grind for gear I don't currently own and work on my MR tests. I do have some Synthesis left to do, but that's not enough to keep most people going since not everyone participates in this particular community project. 


The only other option is PVP and if you enjoy that, that will keep you hooked as well. But if you are like me, it's a part of the game I have absolutely no interest in. 


One way to combat this is coming up when they redo the star map (hopefully). I think another way to help (at least newer players) is to remove all standard frames from the grind and give each of them their own quest. I far more enjoyed playing for Mirage and Limbo than I did for Mesa. Yes, some of the mission types repeated, but at least it changed things up rather than just kill Alad V 1,000 times before he gives you all three parts. Now Prime frames, absolutely keep those in a drop table for farming. They should be harder to get than standard frames. 


But in the end, while DE works on mechanics, we really do need more actual content. Some is coming for consoles soon (sharkwing), but it's something that is sorely lacking after you've ticked most things off your play sheet.

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Inner planets in the solar system are playable to the low level players and can provide adequate challenge for new comers even as far as Jupiter. Higher level planets, void and raids are the playground for higher level players. You will always find those using the high xp hot spots to farm, it is simply part of this style of game and has been in place for over a decade in xp based gaming. The game has some semblance of balance whether you may see it or not.




Did u not read my main post? Mastery rank 2 players are power leveling on draco. how is this balanced? because they have a good connection they host a match and go in with 0 rank frame , primary , secondary , melee and max it all of other players.

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Ok nerf draco we will go somewhere else we going to keep nerfing till everything gives 0 xp?


no one is nerfing xp. the drones will simply stop people being able to stand in 1 spot and max everything in 10 minutes. you can still earn xp the normal way.

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sorry to burst your bubble , but its not fine


My *insert 4 frame* was carrying MR2 rank 0 frames in T1 and T2 D to 20 waves.

Remove draco and another steps in. Nullifiers don't even appear until wave 20 for these games.


Plus they can gets ducats in the process.

Edited by fatpig84
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no one is nerfing xp. the drones will simply stop people being able to stand in 1 spot and max everything in 10 minutes. you can still earn xp the normal way.

You do know it's easy to send one guy to kill a nul no need to stop standing in place.

I carried a MR 3 guy in T4 surv for 60 mins should T4 be harder?

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I think this would be a great addition. On one hand we have the corpus nullifiers and now we would have the grineer nullifier drones . Just like the ones on Nightmare raids.


This would also help with the power leveling problem going on right now. While it might be a slight band aid to the bigger problem it would certainly help the situation somewhat.


I never really thought draco was a bad thing till i got recruited into a squad with a MASTERY RANK 2 hosting with a rank 0 frame, primary, secondary and melee.


Now i know most of the community/players use this aswel but it's come to a point where it's gotten out of hand. 


Do you think this would be a good addition?


I have every OP weapons and I don't want other players become OP easily, just push all the pain into public matching and new players, because I always play with my friends.


I've been joined a high-level defense alert, none my teammate has their weapon/frames modded, nobody could save you nor help you. I aborted the mission and joined another one, BAM!, another exp farming party versus level 40 enemies.THREE TIMES IN A ROW.

Then I quit, swearing in front of my monitor about those fanboy's selfishness.

If DE nerf all the farming maps today, things would be worse because everyone will try to leech the pathetic small exp in every single mission.

Edited by VCaptiion
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