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[Player Concept] Jaeger (?) Frame


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Last update: [04/09/15]

Hi there, i've started to develop a warframe concept (How do I dare myself?!), that I, now, want to share.

I'm calling it "Jaeger" (german - hunter) for now, waiting for a better name.


Concept: hunter, druid, tamer, feral



"Some of the Tenno didn't get the chance of being awoken by Lotus... Some of they, didn't get the lucky of being rescued by another Tenno... Some of they woke up alone into strange places, with hostile environment, barely remembering who they were.

Those Tenno had to adapt, had the will to stay alive.


They had learned to keep the balance with those creatures that still fighting for survival, like he did. He forgot who he was, to learn who he needed to be.

An Tenno? A beast? A animal? A hunter?

He didn't got this power, but the need of it, and he learned how to master it...

What secrets lies in his soul?


What powers has kept him alive?




"Only the fittest will survive"



Role: control, rogue.




1 - oculus - (Like termal glasses, Revealing targets behind walls or even invisible) Surrounds itself in an aura, that reveals enemy locations, making them glow to all allies, behind walls or even invisible. - Synergizes well with, exploding arrows and bolts, granades, rockets and glaives. (The aura needs to be really large) -




2 - hide /  predation (?) - (Open targets to finishers, with or without stealth bonus , help to stay unnoticed, or make the foes "forget" about him.). - Synergizes with the new parkour and dagger mod, helping stay safe when wall running or "flying" around, and applying the finisher bonuses - Becomes barely noticeable, only get seen if comes closer to a target line of sight (6 m?) and don't kill it.


REF: none


3 - howl / unleash (?) - summons random wildlife (desert skates, kubrows n kavats (?), to cause a mess). - Synergizes with it own passive ability -




4 - wendigo (?) [in progress] - embraces the past, getting into some kind of trance; showing its feral side... Becomes uncontrollable, glowing his eyes, breathing deeply. leaving his breath in the air... Like the beast, that he needed to be to survive. What makes him looks like a wraith, a hungry ghost. 


Gains a buff [a really nice buff] of speed and gets restrict to melee attacks, with it bare hands, shattering enemies apart, every killed unit triggers a small radial wave, within chances of cause panic or fear on the enemies.- Helps to avoid shots and meele attacks, while u can attack ur targets really fast, several times. Notice that, u don't recover health, u still receiving damage, but only if they catch u -


[Guess that ultimates should be overpowered. What? Froze everything n make it explode, disarm all foes, a lightsaber doing higer damage that throws waves of energy aren't enough overpowered?]




REF 2:http://www.evageeks....C354_blinky.gif


Other stuff...

=> Mentioned as "the lost", "the forgotten".

=> Chances of turn wildlife n trained animals (only Grineer at time) into allies (radial aura?).

=> Most affected by continuity, range and power strenght. But, at point, this skill set do not add damage. Power strenght should only intensify (...) the proc chance of some skills and the summon numbers.


Inspiration: druids, hunters... Wendigo?... #Werewolffeelings


Possible stats: (for being a very balanced frame)


Healt: 100 (300 at rank 30)

Shields: 100 (300 at rank 30)

Armor: 225

Speed: 1.0

Energy: 100 (150 at rank 30)



If doesn't open: http://img09.deviantart.net/4ef0/i/2015/239/a/5/untitled_by_47v3r8-d97d7ab.jpg


Why this concept drawing?


- The hood?

R: A hood kubrowskin made? (Maybe) That sounds like honoring the spirit of the woods that remains.


- Why such armor on the left arm and none in the other? 

R: Looks like an archer of the old world.




1 - My wife idea. Basically thinking of the "termal glasses" thing.


2 - Trying to look like a feral resemble of teeth and nose of an animal.


3 - Trying to resemble a gas mask. Why? That was cool in my mind.



If anyone want to give suggestions, add ideas... Don't be shy.




Also: thx to Archistopheles, MacOliver, nickshadow178 for the feedback.


Edited by AzVerb
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So, Nekros meets Valkyr, meets Banshee? 


I've tried to not repeat skills. Not properly...
1 - show locations of foes
2 - open to finishers, hide itself (without being invisible or stun enemies)
3 - summon holograms, not attacking minions
4 - becomes "boss like", not heals itself. 
Edited by AzVerb
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I've tried to not repeat skills. Not properly...
1 - show locations of foes
I have a scaner...why i would want another one?
2 - open to finishers, hide itself (without being invisible or stun enemies)
Ash already has this...its called teleport...
3 - summon holograms, not attacking minions
lokis decoy 2.0?
4 - becomes "boss like", not heals itself. 
wanabe histeria?



sorry but...your idea just seem like mashed powers from other frames...nothing particularly original on your frame idea

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sorry but...your idea just seem like mashed powers from other frames...nothing particularly original on your frame idea


Any improvements? Suggestions?


1 - show locations of foes
I have a scaner...why i would want another one?
-> U can't attack with ur scanner
2 - open to finishers, hide itself (without being invisible or stun enemies)
Ash already has this...its called teleport...
-> Ash don't "stay teleporting" during a time 
3 - summon holograms, not attacking minions
lokis decoy 2.0?
-> Ok, can be... But, we have two invisible frames, don't we?
4 - becomes "boss like", not heals itself. 
wanabe histeria?
-> Nope. If I could name some skill ... Should be Warcry, but some most powerfull one...
Edited by AzVerb
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I've tried to not repeat skills. Not properly...
1 - show locations of foes
2 - open to finishers, hide itself (without being invisible or stun enemies)
3 - summon holograms, not attacking minions
4 - becomes "boss like", not heals itself. 


Change it to Loki rather than Nekros then. Also, this was partly joking, and that's because you have some similarities in either theme, or capabilities. Banshee reveals targets and weakspots, Loki has Decoy, and Banshee has a move that should work how you describe, basically allowing you to go into a berserker melee form and shred the enemies in the game. 


I'm not saying you copied the other frames, I just think it's kind of funny how it ended up with such similar abilities. 

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I would suggest names for the 2nd and the 4th skill:

2nd Skill

Blend , Silent Steps , Transparency.

4th Skill

Frenesi Momentum, Unleash Rage, unstoppable (Fists/Anger/Fury)

The concept is good, need to be polished though, there are some skills that may remind the others Warframe's... but frankly  if the creater think that way, Loki or Ash(both teleport and go invisible), only one would exist. So is not how similar is the skill but the details that apart the similarity. Let the gamers developer take a look, they may see something we didn't .

Keep up!  

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I would suggest names for the 2nd and the 4th skill:

2nd Skill

Blend , Silent Steps , Transparency.

4th Skill

Frenesi Momentum, Unleash Rage, unstoppable (Fists/Anger/Fury)

The concept is good, need to be polished though, there are some skills that may remind the others Warframe's... but frankly  if the creater think that way, Loki or Ash(both teleport and go invisible), only one would exist. So is not how similar is the skill but the details that apart the similarity. Let the gamers developer take a look, they may see something we didn't .

Keep up!  


Just to clarify, I never said that it was a bad thing that ideas seemed similar to other Warframes. 3 in 1 seems a little overkill though. 

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Good idea by the frame, but some of the abilities are a bit sick... We already have the helios, so 1 won't help so much (You can tweak to a night vision-like power, that would match with the frame), paralisys already do that second ability stuff, but some frames has they useless abilities (hello, Teleport), i expect the third ability be like a shadows of the dead type of skill, and whe can make it last for ever, draining our energy, and (syndicate mod) makes one unic summon, but a giant kubrow, or flying skate (the desert Ray from Phobos), that we could mount on them (featuring a New mechanic?) , and the fourth ability should do other thing, i'm done with frames that uses a special weapon, it should be like a mix of Sarco%&^he (i don't know how to say that), shadows of the dead, vex amor and exalted blade, making You a giant ent, buffing Life, damage and armor, and summoning minor kubrows that uses the stats of your kubrow (if not, just a normal chesa that brings up energy and Life globes to You). Anyway, that are my tweak to the abilities, hope DE see that post bro! See You later at the alliance raids!

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