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Choosing A Syndicate For Preference Reasons


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So like, for their ethos?  I'm biased towards New Loka, they seem chill and have a very sound doctrine. I like to think that I'm fighting for humanity, and for earth- not like the others who have unreachable goals like total annihilation or ascension.

EDIT: everyone says they are Nazis and hippies, but if you look at New Loka's doctrine, all they really want is to restore humanity to it's former glory.

Edited by Oomatu
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In general, there are mulitple ways to judge the syndicates:


1. By their offerings: Mods, Weapons, Gear. Syndicates offer differnt things, so you might want to chose that syndicate that synergizes best with your favourite warframe/weapon.


2. By their proc: One step further, if you use Syndicate-weapons or -modaugmented weapons, you can proc an aoe in mission that buffs you and hurts enemies. The elements and what buff you get differs, so that might be important to you too (if you're that precise).


3. Backgroun/Ethos/Optics: Sigils look differently. The associates in missions and rooms in relays look differently. Maybe you just don't want to help some insane nutters that want to burn the world. If that is important for you, don't hesitate to choose the ones you feel most connected to.

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Based on background and goals:


Veil and Meridian.


They are the two groups most intent on bringing down the Corpus and Grineer empires to try and get something better to rise from their ashes. People like to berate the Veil for being "dark and edgy", and while they do have that motif I see their goal one that ultimately will lead to a greater good - provided they keep it up and don't go into cryosleep after they're "done".


And the Meridian as pretty much as close to "lawful good" as Waframe gets, so there's no contest there.



If I could, I'd personally go Steel Meridian (to fight for the innocent) and New Loka (to restore humanity). But for some reason they're opposed. 


New Loka are space racist, clones aren't "pure".


Jokes aside, it probably boils down to the fact that Steel Meridian has its origins in the Grineer, which is responsible for countless atrocities and oppression since the fall of the Orokin, and old hatreds die hard (hard to have a sense of "pure humanity" when you come from murderers and butchers) - though kudos to them for getting over that more than Sequence.

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New Loka:Restoration of Humanity

Red Veil:Purify the system with violance if it's an option

Perrin Sequance:Diplomatic peace

Cephalon Suda: Hunger for knowledge,will learn by any means,ANY MEANS.It can gather intel from Grinner if she accepts their propose

Arbiters of Hexis:Same as Suda.

Steel Meridian:Save innocent.

I say go New Loka

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Based on background and goals:


Veil and Meridian.


They are the two groups most intent on bringing down the Corpus and Grineer empires to try and get something better to rise from their ashes. People like to berate the Veil for being "dark and edgy", and while they do have that motif I see their goal one that ultimately will lead to a greater good - provided they keep it up and don't go into cryosleep after they're "done".


And the Meridian as pretty much as close to "lawful good" as Waframe gets, so there's no contest there.




New Loka are space racist, clones aren't "pure".


Jokes aside, it probably boils down to the fact that Steel Meridian has its origins in the Grineer, which is responsible for countless atrocities and oppression since the fall of the Orokin, and old hatreds die hard (hard to have a sense of "pure humanity" when you come from murderers and butchers) - though kudos to them for getting over that more than Sequence.


Very well said. This is why i chose Red Veil and Steel Meridian.

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EDIT: everyone says they are Nazis and hippies, but if you look at New Loka's doctrine, all they really want is to restore humanity to it's former glory.


I agree, I don't get the nazi thing at all. Sure, they go on about purity, but they also tell Tenno in positive standing with them that "you are pure", so it's obviously referring to purity of deed, not some genetic supremacy thing. I do think that there is some truth to the idea that New Loka is a sex cult however, but that just makes them more awesome.


Personally, I follow Perrin Sequence. I love Corpus, and also anything to do with math, numbers, and statistics, so they're the perfect fit for me.

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New Loka are space racist, clones aren't "pure".


Jokes aside, it probably boils down to the fact that Steel Meridian has its origins in the Grineer, which is responsible for countless atrocities and oppression since the fall of the Orokin, and old hatreds die hard (hard to have a sense of "pure humanity" when you come from murderers and butchers) - though kudos to them for getting over that more than Sequence.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It just seems weird that the people who want to fight for and protect the innocent are allied with the people who want to burn everything and kill everyone. Damn you New Loka, why do you have to have cool weapon mods?

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Let me offend all syndicates in a poorly written poem.

Steel Meridian are emo grineer,

Arbiters are Tenno wannabe,

Suda is your local libririan,

Red Veil are the edge lords,

Perrin are capitalist pigs

And New Loka hugs trees.

I chose Perrin due to apple pie and baseball. I chose the ones that were the easiest to make fun of.

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Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It just seems weird that the people who want to fight for and protect the innocent are allied with the people who want to burn everything and kill everyone. Damn you New Loka, why do you have to have cool weapon mods?


The way I see it, the RV-SM alliance is due to the fact they're both the most proactive in combating the Grineer and Corpus - Loka and Sequence seem to take a more side approach (spreading wealth and... whatever Loka does), at least in terms of doctrine, and based on their doctrines Suda and the Arbiters just dont' seem to care.


"Burn and kill everyone" is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to what Veil does, imo - as I see if they want to bring down the institutions they see as corrupt, not walk down the street whistling and decapitating people.

Let me offend all syndicates in a poorly written poem.

Steel Meridian are emo grineer,

Arbiters are Tenno weaboos,

Suda is your local libririan,

Red Veil are the edge lords,

Perrin are capitalist pigs

And New Loka hugs trees.

I chose Perrin due to apple pie and baseball. I chose the ones that were the easiest to make fun of.


Fixed the Arbby one for you.

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The way I see it, the RV-SM alliance is due to the fact they're both the most proactive in combating the Grineer and Corpus - Loka and Sequence seem to take a more side approach (spreading wealth and... whatever Loka does), at least in terms of doctrine, and based on their doctrines Suda and the Arbiters just dont' seem to care.


"Burn and kill everyone" is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to what Veil does, imo - as I see if they want to bring down the institutions they see as corrupt, not walk down the street whistling and decapitating people.


Yeah 'Burn and kill everyone' is bit of an extreme description. Thinking about it, I would have thought New Loka and Red Veil would make good allies, as Red Veil want to cleanse the system/ burn away corruption, and New Loka want to restore humanity's 'purity', both seem like a good fit with each other. What you said about their proactive approach makes a lot of sense though.

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Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It just seems weird that the people who want to fight for and protect the innocent are allied with the people who want to burn everything and kill everyone. Damn you New Loka, why do you have to have cool weapon mods?


Red Veil only kills the evil Grineer and Corpus to achieve balance in the system. They basically do what the Tenno are doing.

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The way I see it, the RV-SM alliance is due to the fact they're both the most proactive in combating the Grineer and Corpus - Loka and Sequence seem to take a more side approach (spreading wealth and... whatever Loka does), at least in terms of doctrine, and based on their doctrines Suda and the Arbiters just dont' seem to care.

"Burn and kill everyone" is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to what Veil does, imo - as I see if they want to bring down the institutions they see as corrupt, not walk down the street whistling and decapitating people.

Fixed the Arbby one for you.


Yeah 'Burn and kill everyone' is bit of an extreme description. Thinking about it, I would have thought New Loka and Red Veil would make good allies, as Red Veil want to cleanse the system/ burn away corruption, and New Loka want to restore humanity's 'purity', both seem like a good fit with each other. What you said about their proactive approach makes a lot of sense though.

Fire kills trees. New Loka likes their trees.
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This wins all the things.


Yeah 'Burn and kill everyone' is bit of an extreme description. Thinking about it, I would have thought New Loka and Red Veil would make good allies, as Red Veil want to cleanse the system/ burn away corruption, and New Loka want to restore humanity's 'purity', both seem like a good fit with each other. What you said about their proactive approach makes a lot of sense though.


Like AM-Bunny says above, and like I thought I had been talking about, "humanity's purity" is likely more a psychological sort of "purity of deed" - the whole "be good to your fellow man and stuff" thing rather than genetics; with them not really being able to work with SM again because of the atrocities fresh in their minds from the group SM hails from, though that they have turned their back on their people's goals is probably why they're only "Opposed" rather than hated.


Sort of couple that with the proactive measures... really though we just need introduction quests for the Syndicate system - where you play sort of ambassador to "determine if these sydnciate groups truly wish to aid the Tenno" and do little missions for them while they talk more in-depth about their goals and why they ally and hate who they are allied with and glare daggers at.

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This wins all the things.



Like AM-Bunny says above, and like I thought I had been talking about, "humanity's purity" is likely more a psychological sort of "purity of deed" - the whole "be good to your fellow man and stuff" thing rather than genetics; with them not really being able to work with SM again because of the atrocities fresh in their minds from the group SM hails from, though that they have turned their back on their people's goals is probably why they're only "Opposed" rather than hated.


I don't mean to point anything out, but I was talking about New Loka/ Red Veil in that quote, not New Loka/ Steel Meridian :P  I would have thought that New Loka would see Red Veil's 'cleanse away corruption' as a 'purity of deed', as it is wanting to remove the corruption or evil in the solar system, hence why I thought they would have made good allies.

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I don't mean to point anything out, but I was talking about New Loka/ Red Veil in that quote, not New Loka/ Steel Meridian :P  I would have thought that New Loka would see Red Veil's 'cleanse away corruption' as a 'purity of deed', as it is wanting to remove the corruption or evil in the solar system, hence why I thought they would have made good allies.


See, I don't think they would. As we've sort of moved away from the idea of them being "purge the sub-humans" it kinda takes the idea they just want everyone that doesn't see eye-to-eye with them dead, and that they ally with Perrin Sequence MIGHT also hint towards a more passive-aggressive kind of approach, change people's minds rather than just kill your enemies.


But that whole kinda discussion is just another reason we need introduction Quest(s).

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Yeah 'Burn and kill everyone' is bit of an extreme description. Thinking about it, I would have thought New Loka and Red Veil would make good allies, as Red Veil want to cleanse the system/ burn away corruption, and New Loka want to restore humanity's 'purity', both seem like a good fit with each other. What you said about their proactive approach makes a lot of sense though.


well you will notice they don't have beef with each other, so I level Loka and gain rep with Perrin, and then i level Red Veil and gain back my Rep with Steel

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See, I don't think they would. As we've sort of moved away from the idea of them being "purge the sub-humans" it kinda takes the idea they just want everyone that doesn't see eye-to-eye with them dead, and that they ally with Perrin Sequence MIGHT also hint towards a more passive-aggressive kind of approach, change people's minds rather than just kill your enemies.


But that whole kinda discussion is just another reason we need introduction Quest(s).


Ah, ok that makes sense, I didn't think about how they actually went about their business.

Introduction quests sound like a fantastic idea.

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Everyone's throwing opinions, so I might as well.


Steel Meridian - Grineer scum. We're already doing what you are, you're being the third wheel.

Arbiters of Hexis - They're saying that we're not warriors. In a fighting game. Nice try. Next.

Cephalon Suda - She's a Cephalon. Ordis is also a Cephalon. Any questions?

The Perrin Sequence - They're Corpus. I don't care if they're splintered, they're Corpus in body and ideal.

Red Veil - Ouch, that edge is really sharp!




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I personally went with Red Vail for 2 Reasons:


1) They are allied with the Steels who protect the colonies and fight against the Factions

2) They seem to be the true to what they are, they don't hide it, and what the Tenno are, assassin. In a war things are ugly and any nation involve do anything to win it, assassination, spying, torture, blow or burn stuff up... that's reality. Any veteran of war in real life can tell you that... the other syndicates seem more focus on their own agendas or gain, even Loka seems a bit of a racist I can easily see another war coming from them in their pursuit to restore humanity's purity.


Now if you want to go all fantasy like the Naruto Anime, with orange ninjas, honor, profit, curiosity, truth, purity, restoration, or anything in those lines, more out of reality of what a ninja is or was in those times... then really just pick any you feel like... I like going with the theme of things and as close to the lore as possible...specially knowing that our first allies where the Reds...they even had an event to rescue one them... I think it was called "Specters of Liberty". So when I saw them in the Syndicate list it was not that hard to decide. 

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everyone says they are Nazis and hippies, but if you look at New Loka's doctrine, all they really want is to restore humanity to it's former glory.

New loka wants to restore Prue humanity to all it's former glory, killing anything "unpure" (the proper term is impure, but I'm sure I've heard New Loka say unpure somewhere).  This is a very nazi-like doctrine.  Given the fact that Tenno are (presumably based off of what little background we have) Freakishly mutated, we probably don't fit into their vision of "pure humanity," Nor do any Grineer (and we know there are some decent Grineer out there).  Not only that, but they are also hypocrites, using specters of the absolute least pure form of humanity imaginable, infested ancients.


All that to say, if you're looking for the moral high ground, Steel Meridian is probably your best choice.  

If you're looking for the best specters, go New loka.

If your looking for best Warframe or weapon augments, I can't really say 'cause I don't know what you use.  I personally prefer Steel Meridian's weapon mods because all three are weapons I like (as opposed to other syndicates only having mods for one or no weapons I like), but that's my opinion.

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