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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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Since elemental combinations were introduced, the presence of base elements (short of Fire with Corrosive+Fire builds against armor) has been all but eliminated to the superior utility of the combined elemental types.


Just some examples:

- Fire and Ice's CC is overshadowed by Blast's forced knockdown. Even Impact's stun is better for slowing enemies down!

- The DPS of Fire and Toxic is overshadowed by the combination of the 2 in the form of Gas which also has an AoE component. Slash is also better because it ignores armor and shielding!

- Ice and Electricity's effect on shields/mechanics is overshadowed by Magnet damage.

Etc etc.


Could there be a way to rely on these base elements better than their combined counter-parts inb certain situations to increase their presence? Perhaps make a way so we can have 2 base elements without them blending (but only 2)?

Edited by DBugII
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hey DE,


ive always been a fan of hydroid and how he has the power to control water, however with stamina removed, and newer warframes clocking in, i feel as if his kit is overshadowed by most of the frames, not to mention his current kit feels, "out of sync"


will there be any look at refreshing his kit so that his abilities give a smoother experience? or if theres any plans in general for him?

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Heya DE! I'll copy/paste my post from the Community Hot Topics :)


I'd love a Tileset 2.0. We've been running through the same locations in the older tilesets for ages now.


Some fresh areas in the old sets would be nice! Add some cool secrets (like time trials!), refine for the new parkour system, and sprinkle some of that PBR magic ;-)

Edited by Saavedro
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When are Saryn's power names going to be fixed?


Thing that spreads and fits the profile of a contagion = "venom"
Thing that sticks things with a pointy object and makes them sick, thus fits the profile of a venom = "contagion"


Every so often someone in my group talks about Saryn, and every single time we all get super confused about the power names.

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When can we expect sentient based weapons and sentinals? 

When will syndicates offer warframe skins? 

Will we hear more from the arcane machine(s)?

Can we get some more nikanas?


(EDIT: will nexus 2.0 come with a grineer and corpus to english translator? I want to speak like john prodman and the clem squad)


-Your sword and gun, 


Edited by remsellis
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Why can't we do conclave 1 V 1 or friend V friend cause everyone just wants a friendly game not everyone V everyone?


What will the new prime access have like what warframe and exclusives I know everyone is wondering but ash was so good there expecting saryn, banshee, or valkyr and to be honest I am voting for valkyr shes the bomb in my book and would live to see her in a prime form?


When will the new valkyr skin be coming out, is it soon or will it be a bit longer than expected cause everyone is still hyped about it and the other new frame skins?


When will we see umbra pop up, will it be like prime access but umbra access and we will see 2 forms be up at once compareing side by side in compotition to see which one people like more, and will the umbra's states differ from its prime counterpart?


When will we see a dual nikana or dual dragon nikana, let alone a dragon nikana prime, I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves this weapon due to the fact it is the only katana in the game, people would like to see something nice and interesting come out such as the dual form or a prime form, but on that note will weapons also get an umbra form like the warframes?


Could it be possible that weapons would have an umbra form such as prime dakra, now umbra dakra?

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Can you either fix or replace the Vaykor Hek? The consensus seems to be quite negative towards it. Perhaps allow the syndicate mod to work on it? Also what is your guy's opinion on underslung heavy weapons, i.e. a minigun? Or on the possibility of getting a sword and shield that is a broadsword and a kite shield? Will Oberon be receiving an ability overhaul? The community usually labels him as a useless frame. Perhaps he could get a ult similar to Excalbiler but he'd have a sword and shield made of energy and not send out energy waves.

Edited by (PS4)Oreic-Reynier
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Why the Hek and not the Sobek as the Steel Meridian syndicate primary?  The Sobek seemed like a perfect candidate since the Hek already had the syndicate mod.

Any news on when the Gorgon Wraith bug will actually be fixed?

Sobek has a syndicate mod too.


Anyway, I was originally going to ask questions about the focus system, speeding up sharkwing for quality of life and others just like last devstream, but with the new Vaykor Hek I find myself irritated enough to focus everything on one issue:


Why in Regor's name is Vaykor Hek so bad for its MR lock and cost? What reason do I have to acquire this weapon except mastery? It's an MR12 locked gun that needs 125k rep just to acquire, if you're maxed out in a syndicate. It is, at my most charitable, a sidegrade to the normal hek, which is MR4 and available from a market BP, with it merely needing 25k rep at syndicate rank 4 to unlock its true power.


As someone who's been a Meridian supporter since syndicates came out, it feels like the balance team punched me in the kidney with a ripkas here. Vaykor Hek is a travesty. I'm expected to be MR12 and shell out the most rep I've ever shelled out on a single purchase... For something that isn't any better than the gun I already use unless I happen to have primed ravage and the insane number of fusion cores it takes to max that?


I don't expect it to have an extra 30% more damage like the Sancti Tigris. Indeed, if it had the scattered justice multishot integrated into its base damage but couldn't use scattered justice, I'd be happy. If I could just use scattered justice on it, I'd be happy. Anything that makes it an actual upgrade to the normal Hek, instead of a sidegrade. Secura Penta? Upgrade. Rakta Cernos? Upgrade. Sancti Tigris? Upgrade. Synoid Simulor? Even that's an upgrade to the normal simulor. Hell, even the Telos Boltor is a massive upgrade to the normal boltor. But Vaykor Hek?

Vaykor Hek is the first syndicate gun that is arguably worse than the gun it was based on. And that is immensely frustrating as a Meridian fan.


Please make Vaykor Hek worth its place alongside the other syndicate primaries.  

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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[Lore]Q1: Do warframes with "horned" element helmet designs like Banshee, Excal, Frost, Saryn or Volt have a relation to each other, or are those visual similarities only motivated by aesthetics?


[Game Design]Q2: Why don't we see wall running enemies? Is that a technical limitation or a game design decision?


[suggestion/Game Design]Q3: Could there be a toggle option to switch the key assignments of secondary fire and zoom if a weapon without secondary fire is equipped? I like using the right mouse button to zoom when playing with snipers or bows but also want to use the same button on weapons that have secondary fire functionality and for which zooming is not that important, like flame throwers, grande launchers, etc.



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Will we be getting cutscenes in the coming quests?


Are we getting the Moon soon? If not, when are we getting it?


Will there be a package similar to Founder's Pack soon? Maybe a Veteran's Pack?


Can we expect to see a side-quest or an actual lore quest for the Syndicates? They are pretty stale after a while, maybe give them a short lore quest to let us have a feel of "belonging" to the Syndicates.




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Now that the syndicate primaries are out, alot of people now question if there will be any chance of having syndicate melees?

Also, while we're at it, will there be any syndicate-inspired archwings/archguns/archmelees? Also, will there be any chance of having syndicate sentinels or syndicate based kubrow? Syndicate companion mods? The syndicate weapon expansion is very well appreciated and very interesting in itself, kudos to you guys! The syndicate hype shall become real!

P.S. Regarding the sentients, will the Tenno have a chance to choose a "Lotus faction" vis-a-vis "sentient faction" or will the sentients be just another faction that will have to feel the true power of the Tenno?

P.P.S. Is it alright to hope that there will be any syndicate emblems? Or syndicate skins? :o

Edited by deviantru
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Are scythes (reaper ether, prime, and hate) on the list for a buff/rework? They were missed out on when all other heavy weapons were buffed.


Also has the idea of really big scythes been considered? Maybe make the weapon models bigger they ever get buffed. Currently scythes look (and feel) like little gardening tools instead of some epic heavy weapon that the grim reaper would handle. 


Lastly, the stances for scythes feel really odd in my opinion. Stalking Fan is great because it is so mobile, though at the same time it just feels so floaty and hard to control vs other melee stances. Reaping Spiral feels really solid, though because of this it is almost the opposite of Stalking Fan because there really isn't much movement, despite really active airborne animations, and I find myself swinging at the air just as the epic combo animations are starting.

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Last year there was a week long series of Back to School alerts that gave us a chance at the super rare stance mods and other things like the illusive Vauban set, any chance of another set of such alerts for the new hard or extremely hard to acquire mods such as vermillion storm or just rare mods like concealed explosives?

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What are the chances of Alad V and his Zanuka getting a rework? I know that Nef and Derf Anyo probably take priority, as the Sergeant is most likely a placeholder for them.


Most of the reason I'm asking this is because Alad V is a generally boring fight and his Zanuka just feels like you're fighting another Corpus robot, in the same vein as a less durable member of the Hyena pack. I was also thinking perhaps it could take on a more humanoid form, or actually use Warframe abilities, as that was Alad V's entire reason for creating it, was to graft Warframe abilities onto Corpus Proxies.


I just believe it'd make for a great fight, dealing with a proxy that can attack you with the same abilities you attack it with.

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Warframe has grown a great deal since I started playing (around update 7), but some of its more archaic systems are still in place, including some of its monetization avenues. Now that Warframe has many more cosmetics items offer for platinum than it used to, are there any plans to reassess, reduce, or even eliminate the need for "negative reward" spending options like inventory slots or crafting rushes?

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