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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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will we see in game cinematics like, Vor talking to the Queens ?


and will we get Conclave Weekly or Monthly Tournaments, that are held on DE servers, to earn Trophies or Cosmetics or Color Skins for Warframes or whatever ?


will you add more Conclave "Quality of Life" improvements like, Ping display, Better UI, Changing Loadouts in the play season etc. ?


are you planing Conclave Max Rang ? for the Dual Nikanas and Syndana ?


are we getting MORE BETTER QUALITY BLOOD !? PLS ?!


Steve: Can you add an better Anti-Aliasing in to the game ? My eyes would appreciate it.



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Hope my questions are accceptable;


1) After mentioning that model reworks of older content is something that might be done, will frost prime get looked at? He feels rather underwhelming as a prime compared to the great new ones (with newer techniques) that have been released.


2) Any plans on non-corrupted orokin enemies? (other than the drone) Would be nice to see unique designs from them.


3) Any hints as to how the orokin moon (unicron prime) will be unique to warframe as all your other tiles have been?


4) Anymore on those sweet lisets that we definitely didn't hear about from the Devstream...


5)Will Kavats have the same breed functions as kubrows? Or will they have unique types. Keeping some normal ones like sunika and raksa as a shared breed might be nice, with some breeds unique to Kavat and Kubrows may be itneresting.


6) Will Kavats use the same mods as Kubrows?


7) Any Dojo fun in the pipe? Decors or rooms


Hope you consider answering some of them. 

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I am currently enjoying the aim glide aspect of parkour 2.0, but when using sniper rifles with the enhanced zoom it becomes disorientating. Could we see a toggle to make the intense zoom while gliding removed or lessened on said sniper weapons?     

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Can we expect to see sentinels get reworked similar to warframes?  Some of the sentinel's abilities have become obsolete through tweaks (ex. revenge) and some sentinels (ex. dethcube) have fallen behind the others in their usefulness.


What are the plans to reduce the grind for prime parts in starchart 2.0?


When can we expect quests to be replayable?

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Are We ever going to see old primes such as Excalibur prime and frost prime possible get a remodel or a touch up in appearance ?


with primes getting more attention to detail.. excal prime and frost prime seem to be lacking in that department.

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Can we expect to learn more about the background story of the game in the near future? As example, why Ordis has a split personality or why he is talking in riddles sometimes or lost his memories? Or something more about the Orokin in general?


Thank you.

Edited by PrometheanLegacy
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I just started playing around a month ago but im learning alot just by experiencing it with my clan.. Warframe is different from most 


mmo's..I set it above the rest that I have played ! great job. Ive sent referrals to friends but we are a group of adults 30 yrs old and 


up that don't get alot of time to play but we will... vacation is approaching :) Old guys like us should get Tenno canes LOL .. I have a 


couple of questions.. First about Forma.. Will it be easier and more widespread in the future to obtain? I have only received it 


once as a login reward and have checked the wiki and spent alot of time in the void for blueprint drops and/or rewards but havent yet


recieved any drops or blueprints of forma. I will explore more drop locations soon. 2nd question That I have is will the future of 


warframe hold an extraction that will allow for each individual player to extract in their own timeframe? Im just wondering because


when my clanmates are all offline and i queue for a group,  they just run through as fast as they can to meet their single 


objectives, and i like to take my time on the missions and loot all that I can.. I get called a newb alot for this reason but I don't


mind.. I just don't want to hold up the whole group because I choose to loot like a madman.. maybe Devstream 59 can make it


possible just on queued groups???? If not, I will still play the game and enjoy it very much. Thanks  

Edited by integritizer
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Hello DE (^_^)

1. What about Valkyr Prime? It's make sense to wait her?

2. What about Valkyr's backstory? Do you have some plans to develop it? This "lab victim girl" concept is sooo interesting


Sorry for bad english (T_T)

Edited by Aoki_Hagane
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I want to know ... is there any future plans to add a system for Keyshare mission ?

The system now is all about trust .. and in online games , it's the worst ... 


My small idea is if all the players get in a squad ... the host can choose a mission and choose if he want it to be keyshare or not ...

if yes the other player will have a small voting if they accept or not ,if they accept , the one key from each player will be taken and 

it will start the mission , once the mission is over , the next will start immediately , just  like the Raid .. if anyone left his key will be gone  and the rest of the squad will continue without him ...


That's all .. and thx :)  

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Ok here are my questions
1) Do you consider raising the rewards for conclaive matches? apart from killing each other, a tenno cannot get enough cores to power up generic mods or credits
2) Could you please revise the quest system in conclaive. Every time you join a match with high ping quests just wont run properly.
3) What is there for tenno these days to gain from conclaive? Most tenno farm at the void or run trials for their awsome loot will conclaive get something similar? Maybe something that would prove usefull in the upcoming Dark Sector Conflicts?

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I have to you several questions.

1. I have heard that there will be changes in appearance liset .Will they affect anything other than appearance? For example the rate of production warframes, weapons, guards, and so on? I would be happy to see that they give something more than a nice view.

2. When will add new types of missons? Just it became boring game of survival, defense and others. I would like some variety.

3. Will there be new rooms and tools for decorating the dojo? I like to tinker with the clan and design dojo, but upsetting a small selection of scenery, I'm not saying that they can not all be placed.

4. Will there is a new marketplace? Not really even pleasant to sit chatting Trade and write their offer for sale \ purchase of a particular subject, I'm not talking about that do not always appear the buyer \ and seller agree to buy \ sell everything you need at your desired price. I would suggest something like the marketplace Steam, where all objects have a fixed price (to make it more difficult to trick newcomers T_T) .where all requests for sale \ purchase of an item placed on the marketplace in a single click for all to see. I propose here is to add a tab type: Warframes, weapons - Others make it easier to find what you need.

5. I often sit in Liset glancing in the front window and see the passing ships Grinir and Corpus .and I'm thinking - "Why they do not attack me?" . It would be great to face with a giant face to face to try to defeat him (as with friends and solo), or at least, his fleet on his Liset .Oooo ... imagine this show !!!

6. Will there be ground equipment (tanks, artillery) and the appropriate mission for her. I think it would be a good addition to the game and gameplay.

7. If you are interested to step №5, it will be possible to attack on the dojo from Grinir and Corps? It would be interesting to all or a part of the clan of the clan to go to the defense of the dojo in which so much has been done, and not to lose and want. If a clan or someone from the clan did not appear to protect the dojo in time or failed mission to protect the dojo, the clan will lose one \ several rooms, several studies and decor. Just when the clan has absolutely everything that can be in it, then there is no absolutely any interest to come to the dojo, but to trade. Quest for the protection of the dojo would be for the majority of the clans and a priority to go to such tasks would be very, very interesting, in order to diversify weekdays Tenno.

These were all the questions I wanted to ask you today, I hope my message notice)))

Sincerely - Artem_Padya_98

P.S - Since I am from another country, I had to use an interpreter.

Edited by Artem_PADYA_98
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Good afternoon, I really like to play PvP in this game. But I was very interested in whether to add a game mode where two teams will be of 4 players.

What would have been the rounds, and after each death you get into spectator for his team.

This mode can be called as pro modes.

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Just a few thoughts/ideas/questions for you to put someone on the spot with. 

1) Team boot so we don't have to restart a squad.

2) Swapping between squad access while in a squad (Public, Private, Friends Only)

3) Inventory Access from Dojo for less embarrassing trades without proper funding.

4) Multi-Building crafting ingredients in the foundry ie Forma, Fieldron, Orokin Cells

5) ETA on Equinox Augment mods

6) Orokin Vault

7) Tonkor Prime? 

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Syndicate Questions

1. Can Sigils get some sort of quality of life check? Not simply in terms of being able to apply them to all frames with one click, but in terms of stats. Examples I have in mind would be universal rep cap bonus (+15% for all regardless of rank), perhaps unique stat bonuses based on the syndicate (+Damage vs Grineer from a Steel Meridian Sigil), and possibly allowing arcane enhancements to be applied to Sigils.

2. Will we get more specific mission types/objectives and more transmissions from leaders?

3. Would the leaders ever join you in missions? Also, are they ever going to get names?!

4. Will Syndicates ever have Headquarters that the players can visit and/or lead an assault on?

5. With the starchart rework, will syndicates actually have more of a presence in the overworld?

6. Will syndicates ever offer their own type of pet/companion? I feel this would be a unique addition to their offerings and give them more personality.

7. Any word on Syndicate Death squad reworks? More personalized/cooler units?

Companion + Breeding Questions

1. Seeing as how it's even in the community hot topics, are there any plans to universalize abilities like Vacuum and Retrieve as general companion abilities?

2. With the orbiter rework on the mind, is there a possibility we could PLEASE get separate spaces for incubating, imprinting, maturing, and active Kubrows/future pets? This would go a long way as a QOL improvement.

3. Any plans to maybe simply have sanctuary or shelter as a universal companion mod ala animal instinct and refund the cores/credits spent via a script?

Overall Combat Questions

1. Have you considered channeling as a universal feature of warframes rather than a melee exclusive one? Additionally, have you considered channeling giving additional effects/enhancements to attacks as a base mechanic that doesn't require mods?

2. Have you considered making channeling an overall drain instead of cost per hit?

3. Are there any plans to make weapon switching instant? If not, why not?

StarChart Questions

1. Do you feel the current progress of the starchart rework is satisfactory? Do you feel like it cuts back on RNG/Grind overall?

2. Do some of your goals for the rework include more merit based methods of earning loot? As in, completing certain tasks across a wide variety of maps and objectives and having actual guaranteed rewards? The lottery/rng format for acquiring items is getting slightly played out.

3. How is the worldstate/world building aspect of the starchart shaping up? Can we see improvements to invasions and more dyanmic and consequential events happening in the system by the time this ships?

Mastery Rank Questions

1. Mastery Rank's gear requirement to actually rank up is a bit demanding past 8 or 9 based on the fact that it essentially requires players to bother with gear they may or may not want to play with. This has been a fundamental design flaw for a very long time, are there any plans to consider a serious rework of the format?

2. Additionally, why are rank up rewards beyond Syndicate rep cap so lackluster? Loadout slots are a standard feature in just about every other game, and the extractors have a very minimal impact. Can there be a more serious look at progression?

Cephalon Simaris Questions

Cephalon Simaris is relatively inconsistent in design compared to the other Syndicates.

1. His sigil doesn't grant any rep bonuses. Are there plans to address this?

2. He has no additional methods of gaining rep outside of scanning. Is there any solution being considered for this? Medallions, secondary objectives, daily missions from him that grant fixed rep amounts?

3. The rep gains from scanning are abysmally low, and the daily cap seems unnecessary. Could gains be increased and the cap removed for him?

4. Why is the Helios skin purely cosmetic for 100k rep? Could it not give Helios some sort of passive? Higher defensive and/or offensive stats, faster scanning speed, or scanning more than one target?

5. Teshin has a shortcut to his room in the menu. Why doesn't Simaris?


1. Many of the current mission structures are starting to show their age slightly. As you mentioned mission reworks last stream, do you have any further progress reports to share? Also, what are some of your goals in approaching this? Do they include making missions less linear, having more branching objectives, et cetera. Void Sabotage was a step up in terms of design, but things could still benefit from being more dynamic.

2. Are there any plans in mind to give relays more relevance/uniqueness? Additional exp for having one over a planet, as one example. Just things that give them more of a presence, really.

Related: Are there any new plans for clan rental space on the relays?

3. How are Dark Sector reworks progressing?

4. Are there any plans yet for further Parkour 2.0 tweaks and/or additional mods for further enhancement?

5. How's life?

Thanks for your time, DE.

Edited by somegreenguy
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Hi Devs,


I have two question. Let me ask;


Question 1: Do you plan developing on Radar System? Because all things shows on radar with same icon.

                     For example; Containers, Syndicate Medallions, Ammos, Resources etc.


                     This issue and some good suggestions talked in here;





Question 2: We know mobile APP developing. Is this mobile app Alerts Section has detailed customizable alarm system? Please read the below suggestions.


                   Meanwhile i developing small Java Desktop Application for read Warframe Tweets and send E-Mail to my Mailbox if some criteria exacth match (Some string matching i am using for this. For example [ if tweet contains "Mutalist" or "Tower" or "Vauban" Than send mail ] ) for not miss the important alarms for me.


                    My suggestion is: This Alert section should has String Matcher (User can enter his/her important things here),

                                                 Notification Sound should be customizable

                                                 Should has Time Interval for checking the Alerts which users can select (5 - 10 - 20 - 30 min.)



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I've got a few questions related to PvP.


Q1: Is the PvP team going to do anything about stuns. Taking control away from a player is generally a bad thing in games, especially in PvP. I honestly feel that powers that stun currently should have the stun removed and deal higher damage.


Q2: Does the PvP team have any plans to change how energy works. Currently energy is very abundant and allows people to cast ultimate powers very frequently (haven't tested the new changes to energy so maybe it was fixed with 17.3).


Q3: Are the solar rail conflicts in development, if so how far into it are they?

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