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De, You Should Get Rid Of Multishot For Good


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And no, it's not a salty scream like "YOU NERFED MY FAVORITE RHINO?! THEN YOU BETTER REMOVE HIM FROM THE GAME COMPLETELY!!!!!11" I always thought multishot was mostly a weird unneded mechanics.


My point is — multishot is just second serration / hornet strike. It simply increase all damage and because of that it's absolutely must-have on all weapons. So, we effectively have 6 slots instea of 8  — because one is reserved for base damage mod, one is for multishot. I see no reason in occupying two slot for the same purpose instead of one.


So, my suggestion:

- normal multishot mods (like Split Barrel or Hell's Chamber) should be removed completely;

- "special" mods like Lethal Torret or Scattered Justice should be changed to give base or elemental damage;


Also look at melee weapons — they are absoluely fine without multishots. And so guns would be absolutely fine too.



EDIT: As a compromise solution removing multishot can be implemented along with scaling down enemies to retain our "powerlevel". After all the point of my initial suggestion was to relieve the game from weird mechanics, not to make people suffer.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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Also look at melee weapons — they are absoluely fine without multishots. And so guns would be absolutely fine too.

Also, sorry, but this doesn't work.


It's like saying guns are fine without reach mods, so we don't need reach mods. They work completely differently. One hits a few times a second, the other can hit dozens of times a second. The calculations are completely different.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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Removing it still creates that power vacuum (well not for cookie cutter weaponry)

so eitherway toning down enemies or making multishot mechanic tied to weapon level instead of mod (basically the higher the level of weapon the bigger the chance).

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love how people justifi there opinion by bashing the oposite site befor they have even started talking 




Because people will soon come and start:

"But muh DmG u stupid me need big numbers" something like that

 the reason its a bad idea is because everyone has forma'd there weapons to accommodate for this manditory mod DE would litteraly be making a new grind "the great grind of the V slot removal spree" sure you could replace it with a dual stat mod but you could also ya know dont fix what isent broken. because imo i dont see any problem with THIS part of the game at THIS current time but oh well my valkyr will get used alot more if this hits since ile basicly become a melee only player out of lazyness of not wanting to reforma 25+ guns 

Edited by XBlackLotusX
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It's like saying guns are fine without reach mods, so we don't need reach mods. They work completely differently. One hits a few times a second, the other can hit dozens of times a second. The calculations are completely different.

But many people suggested to introduce "Melee Multishot". Or more like Multihit. There's nothing limited to guns in Multishot mechanics. It's just a chance to get +100% damage on any hit — DE easily could create Multishot analog for melee. But they didn't. And hopefully they will remove Multishot mechanics for guns too.

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You can take your multishot and ammo consumption out, instead just give us a second serration mod. You dont need multishot? Just dont use it then. Because We all needed to make the best weapon in game. We just begging to have a multishot on melee, and this is what you guys decide instead. I really sad.

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1. Having clearer and more intuitive gun mechanics.

2. Gives more options in weapon builds (becuase only one mods remains absolutely mandatory instead).

3. Overall difficulty increase.

It won't give more options in weapons builds. As said before, it will be replaced with another elemental mod for damage. That's all. People will go for the best build (DPS based) and that's it. This is simply removing something because why not.

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It won't give more options in weapons builds. As said before, it will be replaced with another elemental mod for damage. That's all. People will go for the best build (DPS based) and that's it. This is simply removing something because why not.

You can say that there will be never any options: there's only one max DPS build, period. But people will actually have a choice between pure elemental or element / status or another fire rate or punchthrough or ammo mutation or something like that.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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I would disagree. To removed it completely would be silly, especially because its has a lot of applications outside of increasing dmg.

For instance, I use it on both my torid and tysis along with HC to get more spread on the projectiles and increase effectiveness.

It turns my tysis into a makeshift handcannon and lets me cover more of an area with the torids gas.

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I would disagree. To removed it completely would be silly, especially because its has a lot of applications outside of increasing dmg.

For instance, I use it on both my torid and tysis along with HC to get more spread on the projectiles and increase effectiveness.

It turns my tysis into a makeshift handcannon and lets me cover more of an area with the torids gas.

I agree on status. Multishot helps to make status procs more viable, that's true. But on the other hand, multishot is only a bandaid here. Status procs need to improved independantly from Multishot: we need normal status mods buff (and a big one — those mods are incredibly ineffective), an ability to control what status we proc (so, physical procs won't get in the way), an analog of "red crits" for weapons with over 100% status. If we get those improvements, we wouldn't need to rely on a Multishot. The only thing left is to convience DE to actually make those improvements.

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The changes DE are proposing are turning Multishots into ROF mods.

Things don't change.

Except people will still use more OP guns because they scale longer.

Multishot to RoF? that is just another Fast Trigger....



W/o Multi shot mods though, guns like the Gorgon and Soma would need some damage buffs, esp Soma, its only good once its modded up with as much damage as one can physically stuff on it. 

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I agree on status. Multishot helps to make status procs more viable, that's true. But on the other hand, multishot is only a bandaid here. Status procs need to improved independantly from Multishot: we need normal status mods buff (and a big one — those mods are incredibly ineffective), an ability to control what status we proc (so, physical procs won't get in the way), an analog of "red crits" for weapons with over 100% status. If we get those improvements, we wouldn't need to rely on a Multishot. The only thing left is to convience DE to actually make those improvements.

I agree that status needs some work, but thats not what i was talking about.

I'm saying multishot actually has some viable applications outside of dmg and status to make interesting builds.

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You can say that there will be never any options: there's only one max DPS build, period. But people will actually have a choice between pure elemental or element / status or another fire rate or punchthrough or ammo mutation or something like that.



except that they have that choice now. Multishot basically is just an improvement to a gun in every aspect. Want to proc more status effects? multishot. want more damage? multishot. Want more elemental damage? multishot. 


You have 8 mods on a weapon 3 of mine are damage/mutishot usually leaving 5 open for mods. 2-4 slots will usually be either max elemental damages or status elementals leaving any remaining mod slot for my choice of physical damage increase, punch through or crit related.


changing multishot would be a nerf to every aspect of a functioning weapon. the only way multishot could be changed is if it was replaced my a mod that improves all of a weapons stats by 100%

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