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I Thought Arcwing Was Going To Be The Next Big Thing


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Few play it cause it doesn't have much game play variety and is much less rewarding then normal missions. 

Also, space flight in archwing is very 2 dimensional with a fixed vertical axis. 

DE needs to incorporate 3D based flight mechanics to make it somewhat interesting and make it feel like you really are in space where there's no up or down imo.


I continue to vouch that would only make me sick.

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we need arcwing bosses  i just realized.


A boss isn't going to make people want to play archwing, just like giving us a prime archwing didn't make people play it. We're getting the boss in the raid for 17.5, and unless they drastically overhaul the gameplay for archwing, then I expect that to be barren as well.

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Mostly because the devs abandoned it, and thus so did the players. A new weapon every few months doesn't make archwing interestingenough when there are about 10 enemies per faction, and about 20 tiles for the corpus and maybe 20 objects for the grineer, with only 2 game modes for each.


Compared to the rest of the game, archwing mode sure is fun yeah, but it gets repetitive very fast, in a game where the entirety of the gameplay hinges of repeating content, you need to make that repetitive feeling as minimal as possible, and archwing is the very definition of doing that wrong with its incredible lack of content.


The scary part is we're getting a raid primarily involving archwing soon, which will hopefully but most likely wont add new content to the majority of archwing outside the raid itself, and without doing that there's going to be a lot of people not able to do the raid because they never bothered with archwing since the content was incredibly dull, or complaining about having to do archwing and how dull it is.

It'll likely involve puzzles rather than killing again, so you're gear shouldn't matter. 

Archwing was advertised as being the fastest thing around, but then DE proceeded to make it focus almost solely on interception and being stationary. 


1) It takes way too long to progress.

XP alone is crazy, but then you take into account the sheer difficulty (comparatively) in getting other weapons and archwings. We've got what, 25-ish warframes now? Almost all of them have a good use and can fit into a composition and they're distinct. Why is that not happening with Archwing?


2) Stationary

I'd rather stand still with my amazing warframe and weapon than in the cover-less void of space with an underpowered imperator and Odonata. When I first played warframe in that exterminate mission, I was having huge amounts of joy! Why? Because of all that speed. Speed (or the sense of speed) I hadn't felt since Sonic games. You're going to give me that and then rip it from me when I realize I level at a crippled snail's pace in comparison to interception? F*ck you bro! I mean no hostility, but archwing has ONE single thing over regular Warframe. Disregarding that one majort difference was the single worst thing DE could have done. 






Give us levels faster and release more content. The grinding needs to stop for now. Once players begin to enjoy archwing again, the grind can come back, but DE, you're going to take a "loss" because you're building a new "company." It's an investment. Speed needs to be the top priority, period. Sprinting while shooting is the first thing that needs to be there. Extra movement for dodging is a good idea too. DEFENSE (if it's in the pipeline) AND INTERCEPTION NEED TO BE REMOVED, PERIOD.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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A boss isn't going to make people want to play archwing, just like giving us a prime archwing didn't make people play it. We're getting the boss in the raid for 17.5, and unless they drastically overhaul the gameplay for archwing, then I expect that to be barren as well.

we really do need arcwing bosses though. its a start. its better than the same old mission types.

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 but awhile after it came out i dont see anyone playing it >.< 0 squads most of the time. Im sad. ;( 


I'm sad about this too.  I think out of all concepts/additions to this game it was the most hyped and had the most potential.  It just fizzled.


I do like how much love they put into the underwater archwing stuff.  I hope that the space missions get more attention.

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Just couple of ideas to make it a little more exciting for Archwings:


1. PvP

Capture the flag



2. Make archwing missions produce more loot.

3. Make arching missions produce loot only obtainable through these missions.

4. Archwing campaigns, result of this campaigns affects regular missions. Example: unlocks new locations, unlocks hidden areas, new bosses.

5. NPC ships, vs player archwings.

6. Allow archwing missions to happen in other star systems.

7. Archwing customization - make it a new mini game, allow players to modify stats of archwing frame, component to be customization (wings, energy source and etc.) Similar to what players can do with Kubrows.

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I've always been of the school of thought that Archwing content should a goal to progress towards when going along your Warframe playing career, and thus the difficulty/rewards/enjoyment of the mode would reflect this - a sort of inherent 'high risk high reward' section of the game that is unique from the rest of Warframe. Unfortunately in its current state it is neither of those things.


The problems with Archwing IMO boil down to two very basic issues. The first, and most important one, is rewards. It is an undeniable and inexplicable fact that if content offers inciting rewards, people will play it and pursue those rewards. EVEN IF the content is lack luster. Archwing offers very little in this department, even for the few things that are unique to it, such as many of Archwing weapons which are a pain to acquire because of the unrelenting RNG. It's simply not worth your time over something else.


The second issue is of course the gameplay itself. Disregarding the many bugs and QOL issues that plague Archwing (which certainly don't help) the primary issue with it is that there's very little to do and what's there isn't particularly engaging. What DE has managed to accomplish though is a very accurate depiction of real life space. It's big and pretty empty. So one would argue that if DE simply fixed Archwing's pacing issues then it would be a lot more fun. While this is true to a point, it's not necessarily the most effective solution. Take for example your average regular old non-archwing exterminate mission, what happens during said mission? Well you drop in, kill some stuff, run along, kill some more stuff, loot some crates, blah blah blah and then you leave. In an Archwing exterminate, the ONLY thing you can do is kill some stuff, then you leave. There is no looting, no exploration, minimal environment variation, etc. All of the things - very basic things mind you - that we have in vanilla Warframe are for the most part missing in Archwing, and thus it feels flat and boring. Among various other reasons as well. 


Archwing had and has so much potential to be explored and it pains me to know that up until this point, and until proven otherwise, the devs don't really seem to care about making it something people might actually want to play just to play it. I'm sure they have their reasons for that neglect, and I'm sure then that they'll understand that I have my own reasons for neglecting it as well. 


I want to like Archwing, I really do.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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It's definitely true that archwing has been in the low-light for a while, but I think it's something that they're going to work on once it becomes a priority. I think it's in a weird state of limbo (ha...) between fresh and polished. It's okay, but it's not great.

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I know AW needs work, but what do people expect DE to do about Kubrows and Sentinels?

They seem pretty feature complete. They feel like a finished feature, not abandoned.


They look finished on the outside , however they all lack content and major polish.

Kubrows , to this day have just the dumbest AI coupled with extremely bad pathing.

They constantly just stand around doing nothing or get stuck in everything ever in the level , they take forever to just attack 1 target.

Their priority is off in wonderland , they attack when there is no one and they go retrieve items while you get shot.


They lack content , 6 breeds with only 3 actually useful breeds , for all of these only 1 "mod" is unique.

No commands for them either.


Non of these issues were ever addressed on any level.



Sentinels are essentially the same , there are a couple available, out of those maybe 3 are worth investing in.

The majority of their mods are just weak.

Their priority is sometimes all over the place.

lack of content , we get a new sentinel once every couple months and they barely add anything to the total content pool.







Its just a tiny fraction of potentially fantastic content they just ignore , that's why it feels abandoned.

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Just couple of ideas to make it a little more exciting for Archwings:


1. PvP

Capture the flag



2. Make archwing missions produce more loot.

3. Make arching missions produce loot only obtainable through these missions.

4. Archwing campaigns, result of this campaigns affects regular missions. Example: unlocks new locations, unlocks hidden areas, new bosses.

5. NPC ships, vs player archwings.

6. Allow archwing missions to happen in other star systems.

7. Archwing customization - make it a new mini game, allow players to modify stats of archwing frame, component to be customization (wings, energy source and etc.) Similar to what players can do with Kubrows.

Oo pvp sounds cool.

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