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Hotfix 17.4.3


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  • Vulklok fire rate has been decreased from .5 seconds between shots to .15 seconds per shots.


The two fire rates are given in different units.

The previous fire rate was .5 seconds per shot, or 2 shots per second.

The new fire rate is .15 shots per second, or 6.67 seconds per shot.


The notes should read:

.5 seconds between shots to 6.67 seconds between shots


2 shots per second to .15 shots per second

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oh darn, i'm already building him. can we get more clem blueprints?


That cold be something that gives us a reason to check in on Darvo every now and then, he could sell the BP instead of just having that boring % deal he always has.


Getting reputation with him to spend by smuggling goods for him, or going after some client that screwed him over :p

Edited by Ahcruna
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Vulklok Changes


  • Vulklok fire rate has been decreased from .5 seconds between shots to .15 seconds per shots.
  • Vulklok accuracy has been increased to 100%.



  • Attack speed Mods now affect melee finisher attack animation speed.
  • Fire rate mods now reduce time between shots per burst on burst fire weapons.



  • Fixed the ‘visible when holstered’ option not hiding quivers on certain bows and causing clipping issues of quivers going through the chest when in the Liset.


Wow DE I'm really impressed and I'm sure the community is too. Thanks for these! :D



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Alright, I have to admit, despite defending DE for a lot of things, that the .15 fire rate on the Vulkar is really extreme.  So much so that I'm switching it now even though I stuck with it before this update. It's far too slow to be useful at least before it was useful up close. 

I agree,

Edited by Pendragon1951
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Right now the fire rate is too low for it to be very useful. will all the fire rate mods (vile acceleration, speed trigger, shred) it only gets .420 fire rate which is less then 1 shot every 2 seconds. so as it stands right now, not good enough to replace my carrier prime. So unless it gets a small buff, like having a fire rate of .250 or if it gets the wraith/prisma treatment, its just not good enough.

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So now the Vulklock is good on nothing as opposed to just Carrier/Helios(2.0 RoF to 0.15 RoF, real cute DE). Way to spit on the Vulklock's grave.

It was working suprisingly well on Wyrm Prime (he was hiting consistently even on longer ranges)

Now it works on nothing

Well gona go check if they removed that hidden penalty to all other weapons accuracy on diriga, maybe it could be usefull with stinger, unless they left it in.

Edited by Deathman_Kenshi
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Can you clarify this for me please:


Vulklok Changes


  • Vulklok fire rate has been decreased from .5 seconds between shots to .15 seconds per shots.

Changing the fire rate FROM .5 seconds between shots TO .15 seconds between shots is a fire rate INCREASE, not a DECREASE. 0.5 is a much larger delay than 0.15. Am I missing something?



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