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Warframes and skills


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So far I have enjoyed the last 5 days of my gaming experience with this game; however, I do have my fair share of gripes and complaints regarding warframes and progression.

Most of the skills for most of the classes are rather lackluster, with that said I have only played as Excalibur, Mag, Trinity, and Ember.

To start with, on Excalibur:

- Slash Dash: I feel this is one of the better skills available, but it doesn't seem to provide affinity to the melee weapon as I would think it should when getting a kill.

- Radial Blind: A completely situational ability, but nothing I felt I ever needed or even thought about using as it feels too expensive for the few seconds of benefit. Maybe having it as a passive ability that upon being hit has a chance of being activated with a 5 second blind, and has a 10 second cooldown.

- Super Jump: This is really a pointless ability, yes I can get to unusual places that no one else really can, but I have yet to find a reason for it. If this was a combo builder for say an even more powerful ground slam, that would be awesome!

- Radial Javelin: Haven't made it to this point as I didnt buy, or find the blueprint, for reaching this upgrade yet. Therefore, my lack of experience with this ability limits my input on it. But I do feel 100 power cost should be reduced to say 75.

Next is Trinity, I felt as a "supportive" warframe she wasn't very supportive. Most of her abilities are built to help, but rely on enemies to provide the benefit.

- Well of Life: An okay ability but has a very low effect time, and is a bit costly to make it useful. Usually the best tactic is finding the longest living target in a pack, however, this is more of a boss type of skill as they will live the longest. I believe this ability would be better as an aura affect up to 40 meters, and anything within the aura will provide health, not to mention last a bit longer.

- Energy Vampire: This ability is on par with Well of Life, I believe they should be handled the same way, or even make this a passive ability, and a chance on critical hit to provide a chunk of energy to all allies.

- Link: This one is a bit difficult to play with, its expensive and it costs nearby players/enemies to soak up your damage. Which is great, and I like this ability, I just wish it had a longer duration and maybe a graphic for targeting (ex: a circle around Trinity on the ground as a marker, anything in the circle is affected).

- Blessing: Not really interested in this ability, sure it would be nice to be invincible for a short duration, but being a support class I don't feel this should be my final ability. This might be better for a more melee built warframe. As a supportive healer, I was anticipating a regenerative ability or a defensive ability for myself, something I can fall back on. Maybe have this ability bring out one of them flying robots, as a friendly, and heal players shields/hp/energy for 30secs, its single target but it chases the players in a queue list of who requires it most. Or like that flying robot that causes those mobs to be damn near invulnerable.

On to Ember, I like the idea behind this warframe.

- Fire Ball: is rather fun from time to time, but seems to need work as I know i am hitting targets but they are not always taking damage, or sometimes the damage just seems too low. Reduce the cost to 20.

- Overheat: I still have issues with this skill, it seems to only work on targets that were nearby when it was cast. But its classified as an aura so I should be able to run around burning targets, that didnt seem to be the case at all. Not to mention the damage was rather low for the high cost, and the cast animation/time hurts when in the middle of a fight. This skill has great potential, could even be a chance on hit as well to provide damage to nearby targets as a passive skill.

- Fire Blast: I have not personally used this ability, but I have seen it used and its very well done. I would feel the power cost should be reduced slightly, or damage increased slightly.

- World on Fire: This skill has me completely confused, I saw my screen turn red and my friend said he saw the same, but none of the enemies had taken damage. So... is it just a very expensive special effect? Is this just a more powerful version of Overheat? Why?

And finally Mag. I really don't have anything to say on her, as I like all of her abilities and function. One addition to this warframe, in my opinion would be the option have having loot pulled into them as they are technically a magnet.

With all that being said, I love this game and I know its rather early and still beta with lots of changes to come. I just felt I would share my input!

Things I would like to see:

- Passive abilities on the class tree, and the class tree expanded.

- Multi-stat mods

- Magic Find/Gold Find (Yea .. Diablo 2)

- Affinity drops, why not mastery on a rare occasion? Maybe even small amounts of platinum?

- Weapons do need work and variety... but thats a different subject.

Thanks for reading, please provide comments/suggestions/etc. in reference to my post below!

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