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New Quest Behind Immense Grindwall?


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I still have yet to receive the Pherliac Pod BP and i have been beating juggernauts well before this update. Why not just give us one BP some other way, maybe recieve it when the first part of the quest is active? We still have RNG involved with gathering the other parts and the BP is not reusable anyway. 


seriously DE, this grindwall is cheap and punishing considering how low the drop rate of the BP even is. 


and no, i don't need to here "hur dur i got the bp in one run" your just lucky. 

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40 runs and still no BP. This needs a quick fix.

Because of the BP droprate being so low, and it being single use, they should give us a BP when we start the quest. The fact that we start the quest and we have to grind and grind and grind just to even start the quest is laughable... 

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Not trying to flaunt but I didn't have any of the parts or blueprint before the patch and I got it with enough parts to make it in an hour or so on Cosis Eris. If you can, use or bring a Nekros. 


But regardless, I'm not a fan of this either and I wish the build time for it was reduced, but at the same time they are a company and are trying to turn a profit, so some inconveniences are expected. 

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I just finished a 3 hour non stop juggernaut massacre with a 4 man team and away we log off empty handed.
Just when you think the Oculyst BS couldn't get worse... here comes DE. At least we could chill doing actual missions until it spawned, now we have to purposely repeat the same mission over and over and over, for a chance to see an enemy, that has a chance to drop a blueprint, that eventually takes EIGHT hours of afk to even start the quest... I have no words. I feel disgusted right now.

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Strange, did they change the droprate of that BP?


I have done a bunch of Jupiter survivals not too long ago and have two BP's and many more sets of materials to make more pods (6-10 depending on each part). So the BP's always dropped less than the materials but NO drops doesn't really sound familiar to me.

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Strange, did they change the droprate of that BP?


I have done a bunch of Jupiter survivals not too long ago and have two BP's and many more sets of materials to make more pods (6-10 depending on each part). So the BP's always dropped less than the materials but NO drops doesn't really sound familiar to me.

Not strange to me, it's the new tactic, nerf'ing drop rate to make new stuff look more appealing.


on-topic: Needing to team up for a better chance on argon crystal is where it burns me out.

If DE put in more of such argon crystal for EVERY single new stuff requirement after U17.5, i might even consider quitting.

Edited by low1991
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So this is the new Kubrow egg DE, simply no not even going to bother farming it any more.  Just spent the last 4 hours farming Eris exterms, I kill a jugger and it doesn't drop I quit and repeat until now, enough is a enough with RNG gating

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I sorta got lucky with the BP drop myself but I agree that it's pretty low for a mandatory quest item. It should just be acquirable from the market with the pieces remaining as Juggernaut drops.



P.S. Come to think of it, does the Juggernaut drop anything besides the pod components? Kind of a ripoff for a miniboss to not drop anything of value.

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TBH, I find Pherliac pods useless and hard to farm


Hell, fighting the juggernaut is not worth it.


He has an attack (weird darts thing) that could 2-3-hit a valkyr with amxed vitality AND steel fiber. He can tar an entire room at the same time spawn mobs. He is incredibly tanky except for a weakspot that he reveals like 15% of the time.


And he rewards BPs like 1% of the time and only drops chitinous husks or palpating tubercles.

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The droprate for BPs is way to low. I farmed the last 2 hours and have way more parts than i ever need, but no BP. I wonder how the Devs think of players actually use the pods if they can never craft them...

Edited by Xebov
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You should grind it when the juggernaut first came out xD(I did it), no but seriously, its really have a very low rate.


I went on like 10 runs today when people in the group finally said that the pods don't drop its a blueprint from it, went and checked my foundry and sure enough,  I had the blueprint from it accidentally dropping back during the Behemouth Juggernaut event. =/

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I had perilac pods from the tac alert with the original behemoths.


So... cant really say im bothered by this any more than i am by The Limbo Theorem requiring Excavation missions that may not give you what you need to progress.

Edited by Dualstar
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Took us about 10 tries when we finally got the farm strat right


We went with Nova Speed and Saryn. We camp for like 30 seconds on a high spot at the spawn location, so that enough infested mobs can spawn, and then rush to the 3rd or 4th room without killing any of them. If by then the juggernaut did not shout reset the mission.


You have to kill 20 yellow enemies before the Juggernaut decides to go home. Make sure you wait until enemies turn yellow before killing anything. Bring explosive weapons, whips and stuff : your goal is not to show off your awesome DPS, it's to kill as many level 20ish infested as possible in the shortest span of time possible.

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Got to say i already had some spore already done but hell i hate that type of idea.


The last quest with the oculist (whatever his name) i made a statement saying : oh please don't make this RNG crap be a new way to put quest in.


guess no-one lisent. The DEV start to take a very shady road

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I'm not sure how much it'll help, but (and this is a rather roundabout way to do so), if you have some buddies or know someone who has the Golem boss node unlocked, you can technically double-farm for Atlas and the Pherilac pod stuff, because each run has a guaranteed Juggernaut Behemoth spawn.  It will let you into the node, as I had a friend who was further along in the quest than I was.  I tagged along, we unlocked the node even though I don't have the quest up to that point yet, and we ran him until I finally got the pod bp.


I will fully admit that it does feel rather bad that the quest is like "Hey, go make this thing that the bp is a drop from an enemy that doesn't always spawn".  Seriously, give us the option to by the BP in the market or...research it or something.

Edited by Nemorac
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Finally got it but only after I took Nekros, so any that were doing what I was and quitting the mission and retrying if it doesn't drop, you still need all the other three parts to make it so its not worth it.


So take Nekros and spam desecrate as its the only way 


Edit oh and forgot to mention it has a 8 hour craft time :/

Edited by 0Pinger
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