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Atlas - Suggested Overhaul For A True Brawler/geomancer Combo


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My ideas for overhauling Atlas (Combining the Brawler and the Geomancer aspects into a single, coherent, synergistic frame):


-1st Ability: - Stone Fists (toggle, 6/4/2 energy per second): Atlas encases his fists in stone, replacing his melee weapon and adding staggering force and increased damage to all melee blows.


-2nd Ability: Beam Quake (25 Energy) - Atlas pounds the ground, sending forth a tremor that staggers or throws enemies in front of Atlas CLOSER to him. (Thus setting them up to be pummeled by his stone fists).


-3rd Ability: Bulwark (50 Energy) - Atlas encases a 5/10/15m area around himself in a wall of stone 2/4/6m high, with 400/600/1200 health. The stone wall has hit points, and on deactivation, it rapidly closes in on the encased area, crushing everything inside and knocking it down, except Atlas himself and allies. 


Theme: You have now created your own tempoary brawling ring, safe from outside fire. At this point you have wrapped your fists in stone, propelled staggered, stunned enemies closer to you and wrapped them in your own personal boxing ring to be pummeled until you feel like crushing them. 


4th/Ult - Brawler (toggle, scales with melee mods): Atlas enters Brawler mode. Every use of melee propels Atlas toward the closest enemy he is currently facing, dealing extra damage and gaining a 50% chance of stagger with each blow. Each successive blow reduces the cost of the energy drain for Brawler, up to a reduction of 80%. 


Basically we are making Atlas's first ability his Ultimate, truly creating a Brawler frame who fortifies himself with the strength of Earth while he fights. Synergistic, powerful but fair, and very thematic. 





-Strength of Stone (Stone Fist Augment): Each blow from stone fists guarantees a stagger and has a 50% cto break an enemy's weapon (disarm).


-Earthquake (Beam Quake Augment): Enemies affected by Beam Quake are knocked down and tossed in front of Atlas at his feet. Their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds upon landing.


-Repelling Bulwark (Bulwark Augment): Enemies knocked into the inner walls of Bulwark are stunned for 3 seconds and repelled back toward Atlas slightly. While stunned, melee damage dealt to the affected targets is Finisher damage instead of the normal type.


-Heavy Weight (Brawler Augment): With each rush forward toward the next target, Atlas stomps the ground, staggering enemies within a 5m radius very briefly. Melee damage dealt to staggered enemies is Finisher damage.


The augments make Atlas seem overly powerful and perhaps they do. But remember, none of these things will ever TRULY affect more than a single enemy at once, as they depend on Atlas finishing said enemy with melee damage. 

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As good as these sound, what's done is done. Atlas is a solid frame and fun to play so there is no need to change him.


You know what they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it.


basically this, although OP's ideas are not bad, and would be fine for another frame down the line maybe

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I gotta say this sounds like a really great idea for a frame, but as said above, I think it's far too soon for something like that. Now, if you wanted to apply this to another frame concept, like a Metal or Crystal frame.. that could be cool.

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As good as these sound, what's done is done. Atlas is a solid frame and fun to play so there is no need to change him.


You know what they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Actually I wouldnt say atlas is solid frame, he is release-oberon-tier, there is no synergy to his abilities, and most of his abilities are inferior to abilities of other frames, like its ult is inferior in everyway to nekros Shadows Of The Dead..


I am still waiting for promised to us brawler frame since atlas for sure isnt one, giving frame one ability related to brawling doesnt make it a brawler, atlas is a earth manipulating frame. The sadest thing is that atlas best and most useful ability is his landslide(combo) ability which is ironic since best ability of earth manipulating frame is ability that has nothing to do with earth manipulation, it makes you wonder how awesome would be TRUE brawler frame that has all abilities related to brawler theme.

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Actually I wouldnt say atlas is solid frame, he is release-oberon-tier, there is no synergy to his abilities, and most of his abilities are inferior to abilities of other frames, like its ult is inferior in everyway to nekros Shadows Of The Dead..


I am still waiting for promised to us brawler frame since atlas for sure isnt one, giving frame one ability related to brawling doesnt make it a brawler, atlas is a earth manipulating frame. The sadest thing is that atlas best and most useful ability is his landslide(combo) ability which is ironic since best ability of earth manipulating frame is ability that has nothing to do with earth manipulation, it makes you wonder how awesome would be TRUE brawler frame that has all abilities related to brawler theme.

Well, he's fun to play and that's all that matters to me.



Also don't get me wrong. Atlas is definitely not a brawler. It's just that, after all the work put into him,


The animations, the art, etc.


They won't just up and change him just because a few players don't like the design or his powers. All that work over the past few months would have gone to waste.


Atlas is fun to play so that's mission accomplished. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Atlas is fun to play. But so are a ton of other frames people already have. "Fun to play" isnt going to sell a frame that becomes obsolete long before the point in the game where you can actually unlock it by playing. Long before.


While I dont advocate new-Excalibur/Valkyr levels of power on every new frame, Atlas, fun as he is - and he is fun - he is also useless beyond the mid part of the star map. And that, isnt fun.

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Well, he's fun to play and that's all that matters to me.



Also don't get me wrong. Atlas is definitely not a brawler. It's just that, after all the work put into him,


The animations, the art, etc.


They won't just up and change him just because a few players don't like the design or his powers. All that work over the past few months would have gone to waste.


Atlas is fun to play so that's mission accomplished. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.



Dont get me wrong, I know they wont change it, but at least we can show DE that we dont want to be lied to(promised one thing and get something completly different) and also I want make them think about usefulness of abilites.


Also "fun" alone will only get you so far, everyone jumps to new frames but eventually everyone returns to frames that are both fun and useful.

Edited by Culaio
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