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Golem Why?


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ok first question - DE can you add a abandon quest option it would help for those with the frame in question be it limbo or atlus of whoever comes out next secne the quest will continue to pop up for ever with no tru way to make it stop

Second question - why is golem a hitpoint sink? its a pain to get to him farming the juggernaut thin after that velocitus thin itzal seems to be the only way to kill him? what is the reason. you have vore in the void ok you shoot his chest but he actuly takes the attack and eventuly dies invencability frames for bosses are ok some what like lt krill but golem? hes a enormus infested why would only his jet thrusters be vulnerable? and if thats the only spot thats damagable why dose it have so much health?

Edited by scaily
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Second question - why is golem a hitpoint sink?

Because of two reasons;

-DE is not very good at creating engaging enemies that aren't cheap or sponge-ish

-The ridiculous weapon scaling in this game means you kinda need a lot of HP so a boss isn't instagibbed

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Because of two reasons;

-DE is not very good at creating engaging enemies that aren't cheap or sponge-ish

-The ridiculous weapon scaling in this game means you kinda need a lot of HP so a boss isn't instagibbed

your second answer makes sence but thats the point arkwing is boring as is. why make it more so with a boss i mean hey reduce the damage on his other parts but make them hurtable they could have made it so like corosive weapons can hurt him or heres an idea move his hit box around some i mean look at lephantas multiple phases multiple killing points to any new player hes a pain but when you beat him it feels enjoyable with golem its like pulling teeth.

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To be fair - DE have never been all yay great with bosses but as was already said - with our ludicrous damage output - there's really only one way to go.

Nor do I understand all the griping around here over sponginess or invincibility phases with every new boss fight.

That's 90% of all bosses ever made in gaming - it's practically the definition of a boss.

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To be fair - DE have never been all yay great with bosses but as was already said - with our ludicrous damage output - there's really only one way to go.

Nor do I understand all the griping around here over sponginess or invincibility phases with every new boss fight.

That's 90% of all bosses ever made in gaming - it's practically the definition of a boss.


Yh I know, I don't know a boss that didn't 


- Do insane amounts of damage

- Have Insane Hitpoints

- Have phases where he can't be damaged

- A lot of ways to CC


Without dying to players in seconds and then people saying "That was it?".

But it is sad when you go with an Unranked Nyx to pluto's boss that the Mobs kill you more often then the boss does =/

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To be fair - DE have never been all yay great with bosses but as was already said - with our ludicrous damage output - there's really only one way to go.

Nor do I understand all the griping around here over sponginess or invincibility phases with every new boss fight.

That's 90% of all bosses ever made in gaming - it's practically the definition of a boss.

true but the thing is those bosses that are not just bullet sponges are the ones most remeber sure golem is the first arkwing boss they have done but thats no exscuse for him being a terrible boss. warframe is highly adaptive to game play some bosses required real effort to kill some timeing some even alittle bit of pelting till they reveal a weak spot. so why with all this dose the new arkwing boss the one that lets you travle up down left right and every angle known to man restrick you to just shooting it in the thrusters...it feels forgetable and lazy...as if it was realy rush or they though hey lets make it look neat and forget the possible battle mechanics. they have shown they have the ability to make a cool boss corrupted vore was cool lephantas was neat if alittle odd sometimes hek even ambulus was neat with its ability to create rings of fire like ember sadly bosses like lt krill are understandable they have a working decent invicability mechanic mutalist alavd was alittle lazy feeling with his frames but agin he dosnt have zanuka to pick him up so it made sense.  why with this new boss that is fresh due to rework/imagening is it so dull? it like ok fill it with a rediculus hp bar now make it killable from the back only ok what next thin make it shoot lazers and lightening balls and look like a odd rhinobeetle in space

tldr:whats the point of reworking a boss and adding a new mechanic if you dont take advantedge of what that new stuff can realy do

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level up your gear or get better teamates. use corrosive projection.  My final team i had was amazing we stomped it down relatively fast.

its not that its easy or hard its that its boring and unimagenative with so much potental that isnt used

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20 000hp its has

and golem is great boss

Note to be offenssive but your telling me this shoot it in the rear boss fight is great compared to there other fights? tyl regors new look and fight are amazing even the mushroom salad is more intertaining he can literaly tpk your whole squad by controling you i know because he controled a ally with a sancti tigress and blew us all to the void and back  golem is terrible in comparison to there previous bosses

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Tyl regor is boring  easy pie 2 shoots he is dead

ok go fight him with non formaed wep or potatoed wep and ina  warframe you just got and try to enjoy get that 2 shot kill considering hes a double stage fight that involves changing the terrain

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Any Archwing is viable, I peronally prefer Odonata/Velocitus (2x crits). But even Elytron would excel at keeping the mobs back.


Yeah, Velocitus is by far the best weapon, but the only way DE could balance Velocitus in the rest of Archwing content was to give it a massive damage per second/shot in order to compensate for it being very difficult to use (a good decision imo). Unfortunatly that measn that every time we have something with a high HP pool, Velocitus will reign supreme.


I do think the boss fight could be a bit more engaging, but its attack scheme seems pretty spot on, it is just he way in which we damage that is skewed.

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Any Archwing is viable, I peronally prefer Odonata/Velocitus (2x crits). But even Elytron would excel at keeping the mobs back.


Yeah, Velocitus is by far the best weapon, but the only way DE could balance Velocitus in the rest of Archwing content was to give it a massive damage per second/shot in order to compensate for it being very difficult to use (a good decision imo). Unfortunatly that measn that every time we have something with a high HP pool, Velocitus will reign supreme.


I do think the boss fight could be a bit more engaging, but its attack scheme seems pretty spot on, it is just he way in which we damage that is skewed.


this guy sees what im saying it seems lots of hp isnt what makes a good fight but how you fight it its like a table top rpg you can hit thim int he face till they die you can flank thim  or you can take  chance and try magicy stuff wich can be cool or horrible most the time its the magicy stuff but other option exist int his fight its just vel fly behind and pewpew.wooo rain in the credits and exp

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Well he is a bulletsponge, but I had no problems destroying him with a medicore modded lvl 17 Grattler so I won't complain.

thats all im seeing in any arkwing mission is eather the vel or the grat no other wepons seem good aginst him just feels/seems like a huge waste of potental

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ok go fight him with non formaed wep or potatoed wep and ina  warframe you just got and try to enjoy get that 2 shot kill considering hes a double stage fight that involves changing the terrain


That..Doesn't prove anything. Going with a loadout like that to most bosses and they'll whoop your &#!, hell even the Mobs for half of the boss battles could whoop your &#! if you went in all stock.

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That..Doesn't prove anything. Going with a loadout like that to most bosses and they'll whoop your !, hell even the Mobs for half of the boss battles could whoop your ! if you went in all stock.

the point isnt that its underpowered it that you get to actuly feel how the fight is ment to be takeing time to see just all the cool stuff that gets added in as the battle gose on not just the instant kill oh hey im done lets skip off to the repeat mission button to do it agin for instance you see how he actuly fights with the ak and brunt you see the combo only thing to realy kill fast would be the anoying manics  but thats only because its normaly a bombard and because they have instakills if your unlucky not to mention look at the poste it was a reply to


Tyl regor is boring  easy pie 2 shoots he is dead


TLDR: going into a fight with rank thirty 4 formaed weapon with a potato ends the fight to fast to actuly see what all is changed or how the boss acts  its literaly walk in bang its dead lets go farm more

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I'm fine with him being a bit spongy, I'd much rather that than have him either die in two seconds flat or have hardcaps on his health to artificially draw out the battle. I'd actually say that Golem is one of the best bosses in the game so far.


That said, my only major complaint is the lack of variety. The Golem only has like two or three attacks and once you get the hang of dodging them the fight does get a bit stagnant. The Golem could definitely afford to have different phases with different attacks to make the battle more interesting.

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thats all im seeing in any arkwing mission is eather the vel or the grat no other wepons seem good aginst him just feels/seems like a huge waste of potental

I killed him with a rank 30 Imperator with no catalyst and only 3~4 mods in it. It also didn't take very long because of the Odonata's first ability(basically a moving volt shield). Yeah he's a bullet sponge, which is good, they should put a S#&$ ton of health on all the bosses in the game that make sense(i.e Sargus, Tyl, Krill/Kryl?, Vay Hek, Lynx, Jackal, Raptor, etc.) WITH immunity to abilities. His engagement is fairly mediocre, but it's the first Archwing boss, so I'm not surprised. Cut DE some slack on AW it'll get where it needs to be.

Edited by Arcaedias
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I solo him just fine. Imperator Vandal fully formaed, lvl 20-ish Elytron with shield and health mods. Takes two to three full clips to kill him. It's super easy. 


Full 4-player squad will cause an increase to his HP, making him bullet spongy. 

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I killed him with a rank 30 Imperator with no catalyst and only 3~4 mods in it. It also didn't take very long because of the Odonata's first ability(basically a moving volt shield). Yeah he's a bullet sponge, which is good, they should put a S#&$ ton of health on all the bosses in the game that make sense(i.e Sargus, Tyl, Krill/Kryl?, Vay Hek, Lynx, Jackal, Raptor, etc.) WITH immunity to abilities. His engagement is fairly mediocre, but it's the first Archwing boss, so I'm not surprised. Cut DE some slack on AW it'll get where it needs to be.

at this point slack is cut if arkwing was still new..all the different mission types show they know there stuff for it this quest chain for arkwing makes more sence than when it first came out lvl 30plus mission for a new system for a new warframe right out the box? limbo and no allthe bosses sont need ridiculus hp because some have fail safes alreadyhenc the invicability frames like lt krill vey heck already can only be hit inthe face till final form a pin point shot  raptor literal flies all over and you can only hurt him in some cases when hes vulnerable unless your banshe..but thats a frame specific case unless that changed him sence last i wich was less than 4 days ago  sargus has a hp block for when you deal tomuch dp to a spot now lynx is a miniboss to new player jackle still hase his whole take out my legs befor my main body and hes a low lvl boss hes ment to be simple

bullet absorbing enemies realy kill the flow of gameplay unless your plaing a normal point and click mmo but that isnt warframe thats games like everquest and wow  warframe is more player involved so its open to crazy ideas not just a run of the mill rediculs hp tank even the behemonth you fight befor golem is a better fight than golem it has move variety it can kill a whole team if there unprepaired  like lambs to the slaughter

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