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Big Problem Concerning Players And Mr.


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Why do a majority of players still think that MR equates to your skill level?

Mastery Rank's are shown for how much gear you've aquired and maxed out, not how good you are at the game. I'm genuinely sick of trying to join a raid or a squad and it's full of elitist bigots that feel because i'm MR8 i'm not good enough to play in a squad with them?

I attempted to join a raid the other night, I said my frame "Disarm Loki P" and my MR which at the time was 7.

I have plenty raid experiance and this obviously lovely player messaged me back with, "MR7 HAHAHAH" and put me on ignore.

Words could not describe how annoyed I was.

Edited by Leproxia
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Take it easy man, not all of us think that way.

Either way, I will tell you why, most high MR people have played with enough weapons to know how mechanics work, and just some low MR people are actually good at the game, since most low MR players are new players.

But the people you met are just a$$h0les, and like in any other game, they exist.

Btw, there is no need for caps.

Edit: Typo.

Edited by DarkLordX2
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The epeen brigade have always found a way to big up themselves in this game, MR is their fallback.  For a while it was Conclave rating, they would not take anyone under 1200 when the raid was first introduced.


I let them live in their own small elite circle, add them to ignore and never see them again.

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You don't miss much by getting ignored from such people. They ussualy begin with doing 2 hours of planning on normal raid before even starting and end up with no revievs left after messing the second part a few times.

Meanwhile there are some people that just says they want this and that frame, goes on a nightmare raid with 4-6 people and does it flawlessly.

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You should be angry at other low mr players who suck and who started the whole low mr=bads trend instead of being angry at guys who don't want to deal with a chance of having a luggage in their raid.


The guy who ignored you is also in extremes, a polite "sorry, looking for high mr players due to previous bad experience with low mr players" would be better.


Im also amazed at people who don't bother with mastery and then expect all doors to be open for them and all content available...without any prejudice. Yeah...right.

Edited by kiteohatto
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You should be angry at other low mr players who suck and who started the whole low mr=bads trend instead of being angry at guys who don't want to deal with a chance of having a luggage in their raid.


The guy who ignored you is also in extremes, a polite "sorry, looking for high mr players due to previous bad experience with low mr players" would be better.


Im also amazed at people who don't bother with mastery and then expect all doors to be open for them and all content available...without any prejudice. Yeah...right.

I agree with this 100%. 

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I attempted to join a raid the other night, I said my frame "Disarm Loki P" and my MR which at the time was 7.

I have plenty raid experiance and this obviously lovely player messaged me back with, "MR7 HAHAHAH" and put me on ignore.

Words could not describe how annoyed I was.



Just ignore it, plenty of a* clowns to go around, it's no use to get hocked on just one of them. ;)


And yes, there are plenty of good players with low Mastery Rank, but like kiteohatto mentioned, some people have just had some awful experiences with lower rank players so they just want to be cautious and rather not waste time.


Again it's best to just ignore that person.




There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

Edited by Ahcruna
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I remember a long time ago when these low mastery players were in fact an annoyance, in such simple things as doing a good xp farm mission, the amount of ignorance they had was really destroying my joy of playing.

Even when I tried to teach them or show them the how, they would just ignore it.


MR might not mean skill, but it might mean better mods and better weapons, the proper stuff one needs on a team mate, plus the actual knowledge of knowing how to play.


MR doesn't mean skill, but fully ignoring it and saying it is meaningless is also wrong.



Sadly that guy wasn't very friendly either, most ppl "win" arguments with the easy solution of ignoring others, its sad.

Edited by 7grims
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the problem lies with both elitist High MR's and very Low level MR's who ruin their games. personally I feel a bit of dread when I see someone fresh out of the tutorial trying to do level 30+ content. because I know I'm going to have to carry them.


the thing is, mastery is purely optional, so if you don't want to do it you don't have to, but I would recommend focusing on MR, but only using the loadouts that you prefer and are more skilled with when doing High level content.


you're not the first to encounter this, and you certainly won't be the last.

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You should be angry at other low mr players who suck and who started the whole low mr=bads trend instead of being angry at guys who don't want to deal with a chance of having a luggage in their raid.


The guy who ignored you is also in extremes, a polite "sorry, looking for high mr players due to previous bad experience with low mr players" would be better.


Im also amazed at people who don't bother with mastery and then expect all doors to be open for them and all content available...without any prejudice. Yeah...right.

I couldn't have said it myself. Well put.

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We need to be able to view the amount of raids a player has completed. That would be 10x better than MR checking.

Players can get carried though, in fact high mr with less raids done will be picked more than low mr with more raids done.


Higher mr:

-higher equipment count = more flexible

-more farming done = more hours played = hopefully picked up some skill along the way in all that grind


It's not that high mr = skill directly, but higher mr takes time and with time people tend to aquire more experience....and with experience comes skill.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Players can get carried though, in fact high mr with less raids done will be picked more than low mr with more raids done.


Higher mr:

-higher equipment count = more flexible

-more farming done = more hours played = hopefully picked up some skill along the way in all that grind

Even though they get carried, they still learn (at least somewhat) from watching other players doing the raid. They should, in general, have a better knowledge of raids over players who have < 5 raids done.


And of course, higher MR is always nice for their vast arsenal of gear, but sometimes, I just need someone good for my raids (failed 3 raids yesterday with people only MR 12 and up and 1 because host wanted to bring his inexperienced friends).

Edited by Vaizis
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Even though they get carried, they still learn (at least somewhat) from watching other players doing the raid. They should, in general, have a better knowledge of raids over players who have < 5 raids done.

That's true, but equipment/frames can make up for the lack of skill(or at least lessen the chance of being downed) and with higher mr they have more arsenal available.

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You must understand one thing. Most players MR 9 and less always say: "I want play 40w/min minimal! Its no problem for me." Then they leave at 30 because you reviving them constantly and they dont want risk "their reward". So you wasted time and potential reward from C rotation.
I remeber event (gorgon wraith i think) when we defend pod without shields. 4 guys MR5, MR7, MR10, MR19 (me). MR5 guy die at start and leech until we did that job. It was hard for them but rest try their best and we win. After game they say "thanks we wont make it without you" and MR5 guy? Say nothing and leave with gorgon in his pocket. What you think? Both guys was angry on him even if we win.

It always risk take low MR player because is big chance they screwed it up and you dont waste time. But there are good guys what do their best until they deplete all revives but is very Rare to see them.

Best solution is. make progress, rank up on MR 14. And you'll have peace of mind.

ps. MR logic 0-8   = He dont know how to play, Low DPS
      MR logic 9-13 = He propably know how to play, Average DPS
      MR logic 14+  = He know how to play. High DPS

Edited by Technologic141
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That's true, but equipment/frames can make up for the lack of skill(or at least lessen the chance of being downed) and with higher mr they have more arsenal available.

I'd like to have both displayed to me; their MR and their completed raids. That way, I can weigh it out and see if I want to accept them into the group.

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I cant help but feel contempt for those who ask your MR when inviting to a mission.


Someone asked mine when I wanted to join a Raid. Just closed the window.


But you cant help but feel MR matters some in terms of how resourceful you are. I just wish I could see for how long they were in the game without going to their Profile.

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You must understand one thing. Most players MR 9 and less always say: "I want play 40w/min minimal! Its no problem for me." Then they leave at 30 because you reviving them constantly and they dont want risk "their reward". So you wasted time and potential reward from C rotation.

I remeber event (gorgon wraith i think) when we defend pod without shields. 4 guys MR5, MR7, MR10, MR19 (me). MR5 guy die at start and leech until we did that job. It was hard for them but rest try their best and we win. After game they say "thanks we wont make it without you" and MR5 guy? Say nothing and leave with gorgon in his pocket. What you think? Both guys was angry on him even if we win.

It always risk take low MR player because is big chance they screwed it up and you dont waste time. But there are good guys what do their best until they deplete all revives but is very Rare to see them.

Best solution is. make progress, rank up on MR 14. And you'll have peace of mind.

ps. MR logic 0-8   = He dont know how to play, Low DPS

      MR logic 9-13 = He propably know how to play, Average DPS

      MR logic 14+  = He know how to play. High DPS

What are you talking about 9-13 average DPS im Mr 10 and could easily go 60+ mins in a t4 surv no problem 

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This is kind of an annoying issue I agree even though there is an argument to be made on both sides.  On the one hand IMO MR doesn't mean anything aside from you spending a large amount of time leveling a lot of mostly crappy gear.  On the other there is a good chance that high MR usually means you have played for a long time and thus know what you're actually doing.  The main point that people need to get is simply this.


High MR =/= highly skilled player  (not automatically anyway)


I've seen MR 17s and up that have been terrible and I've seen some 3-5s that have put much higher MR's to shame.  I've been proven wrong thinking I would have to carry someone and then they turn around and show me they can handle it.  For me what frame and weapons a person is using means a lot more to me than what their MR is.


As an aside even though I'm MR 19 I refuse to join any group that asks for MR before they will give you an invite.  It annoys me to no end.

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I know how you feel.

My friend is MR 6 and finish the raid with alot of hourse putting in.

But he want to do more raid to get those enchanment but no luck because alot of Host are looking for mr 15+ And saying his lying that he completed XD.

The he say to that host i have the emblem i can show you. He agree and the party saw him in the group and be like WHAT A MR 6 DOING HERE WE ARE SO GONE FAIL XD.

But when ingame they see the emblem and everyone be like.


well... Sometimes i almost got to cry of laughing how some elites are so trashy to pull that kind of things while being high mr XD.

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