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Ash:bladestorm *toggle Drain Mode*


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Lordkoga or shadowofkoga ideas have always been as wild as they can get and I always found it funny with all this animations. In my opinion its going a bit overboard in that department, I doubt that DE would do all that for one warframe and like I said before ash doesn't need a rework. A revamp would be just fine and bladestorm is a example of this. I'm interested on how DE would come about this change but one thing I agree with Koga would be his whole special weapon. DE like to reference mesa and ash for their unique weapons but has a very limited usage on their actual abilities. I like to see more of this unique weapon (like archer for example).

And you forgot the oni-helmet. HOW COULD YOU HAVE FORGOTEN THE ONI-HELMET?!

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Man dude you really like ash.

I personally think he has the best appearance in the game but his abilities are pretty lack luster.

I main this frame ( until chroma came around) for the longest for one reason.

Cause he looked cool.

Blade storm was a cutscene that got boring eventually.

This rework is amazing and i wish it got more attention

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I don't even play Ash but I have to say if they implement these changes to him I might have to give him another try.



P.S. I still think Ash needs that Evil Oni Mask as an alt helm. It's just so badass!


and if this ^^ happens I'm definitely going to start playing with him again lol

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I think the bladestorm change would be great within reason, I say invisibility when not being attacked, casting smoke screen would cost half, no invincibility cause that might be broken, and the clones for casting 1st ability while in blade storm would be awesome, I might actually like ash if that happened, I would also love the anywhere teleport

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Just remember, if you get a free aim Teleport, I get Cutting Winds. If you get to make Teleport a straight upgrade to Tail Wind, I get to make Tornado a straight upgrade to Bladestorm.


How does a Short Range Teleport Break Tail Wind? Honestly Sir You sound like Your just being a Troll. No reason to compete here. I agree Zephyr needs a nice Rework and she will soon but lets make Ash feel better to be played with dont You think?


If You really Hate Ash and feel the need to make ideas to disappoint others and ruin a frame because of whatever reason then I think this game is doing you more bad then good and need to take a break.


I came here to have Fun and maybe socialize with great people but there are some running amidst with cruel intentions.

A game should be to enjoy yourself, not to destroy yourself


Btw I think WuKong will Ruin Your Zephyrs mobility and You cant  do anything about this. She kinda breaks Ash and Lokis stealth abit too but we shall see soon....

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I know DE is having fun with this "interactive" meme and changing powers to that, but what if I enjoy the show that Bladestorm currently is? Why do powers have to be changed that way? What if I don't like the spam clicking that is using EB, Atlas' 1 or the proposed changes to Rhino's Charge? With how many spawns there are in a given area(especially higher levels such as dark sectors), it actually starts to hurt to be clicking all the time. It's honestly why I take automatic weapons instead of snipers, bows, or burst-shot weapons.


If the spawns were reduced to how it was in closed beta with higher xp gain and enemy strength, fine, but with the unholy waves of enemies I'd like to not speed up my carpal tunnel.


Anyway, I do like your ideas for Ashe's other powers, especially Smokescreen and Teleport, because those two are kind of the underdogs in his kit.


I hate the toggle drain ability crap and how it's going to be forced into so many abilities now because it's the "new thing" like "interactive" smh

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Hey koga, nive thread tho

u know im not completly into that kind of ideas u have here, but maybe think about how to pull of the combos in BS, its horrible to pull of hold-stuff, add rmb and move backwards etc instead of hold...just saying


Edited by Dragonblack175
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How does a Short Range Teleport Break Tail Wind? Honestly Sir You sound like Your just being a Troll.


Tail Wind moves you from point A to point B very fast. A free aim Teleport would move you from point A to point B instantly, thus making it a straight upgrade to Tail Wind. Brains are useful.


Then again, if the Teleport had an additional limitation placed upon it that kept Tail Wind as a superior mobility skill, it should be fine.


If You really Hate Ash and feel the need to make ideas to disappoint others and ruin a frame because of whatever reason then I think this game is doing you more bad then good and need to take a break.


I came here to have Fun and maybe socialize with great people but there are some running amidst with cruel intentions.

A game should be to enjoy yourself, not to destroy yourself


Let's reverse the situation.


Did you see my original Cutting Winds fake suggestion? It was basically an augment for Zephyr's Tornado that would make Tornado perform Bladestorm's effect on top of what it already does, making Tornado a straight upgrade to Bladestorm.


Seeing as how you think its acceptable for Teleport to be a straight upgrade to Tail Wind, you must find the inverse acceptable as well to not be a massive hypocrite.


Btw I think WuKong will Ruin Your Zephyrs mobility and You cant  do anything about this.


I can tell you why you're wrong.


Tail Wind is the best mobility skill in the game; Wukong's flight actually appears to lower his speed. You can't really compare the two, as Zephyr's flight is 100% mobility focused, and Wukong's flight is 100% survivability focused. They do entirely different things, so nothing ruins anything.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I think there are enough separate threads for ash rework suggestions. I'll leave mine here.


shuriken mark enemies


1) shuriken - single target shuriken throw (can be used on terrain).

2) smoke screen - ability like suggested: aoe smoke cloud, rather than a mere invisibility. 

3) now called bladestorm - multitarget aoe shuriken throw (around ash).


4) now called teleport - will work in a similar way the former bladestorm did but only on marked enemies.  


Recast teleport will teleport you to the next shuriken/ enemy with aim-glide like slow-fall and focus on target. After each cast attacks do increased finisher damage for a short time. You can use your melee for silent melee finisher or ranged weapons.


Example: You have low energy and see an orb. Now you can throw first shuriken at the first enemy the second on the position of the orb the third on another enemy and the last at a save position. After activating blade-strom ash will attack the first enemy then pick up the orb attack the second and finally teleport to a save position. 


shuriken into teleport for tactical use. bladestorm into teleport for faster close combat. Combination is possible, too.


Example:Throw a shuriken into a group of enemies cast teleport to reach there position use bladestorm in order to mark everyone and keep using teleport.

Edited by Arcira
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Tail Wind moves you from point A to point B very fast. A free aim Teleport would move you from point A to point B instantly, thus making it a straight upgrade to Tail Wind. Brains are useful.


Then again, if the Teleport had an additional limitation placed upon it that kept Tail Wind as a superior mobility skill, it should be fine.



Let's reverse the situation.


Did you see my original Cutting Winds fake suggestion? It was basically an augment for Zephyr's Tornado that would make Tornado perform Bladestorm's effect on top of what it already does, making Tornado a straight upgrade to Bladestorm.


Seeing as how you think its acceptable for Teleport to be a straight upgrade to Tail Wind, you must find the inverse acceptable as well to not be a massive hypocrite.



I can tell you why you're wrong.


Tail Wind is the best mobility skill in the game; Wukong's flight actually appears to lower his speed. You can't really compare the two, as Zephyr's flight is 100% mobility focused, and Wukong's flight is 100% survivability focused. They do entirely different things, so nothing ruins anything.



Yes I am well aware who You are and Im sure this community Knows just who 4G3NT_0R4NG3 is.


When touching the Teleport subject you get in Your feelings and become a Troll, while Your Tail wind Teleport Rant is in fact understandable but pointless because Im sure Koga has stated before its SHORT RANGED DASH TELEPORT but i think You dont like to read what people have to say do You? If it doesnt concern You and Zephyr then You care not what it is soo long it doesnt break Your Niche.

Hope this can ease Your mind this is pretty much the Free aim teleport concept. Its cheapp to cast and is short  ranged and free aimed. gives Ash Evasive manuevers and some mobility, I agree Ash should Fly, but he is a Ninja he should be agile and elusive. Disappearing and reappearing from clouds of smoke. Thats what I picture Ash doing. 


Your Cutting Winds Troll idea is in fact a Good Idea with Bad intentions. You are a brilliant person with a dark soul. You might need to lighten up my friend. Bladestorm will still Kill, remember it marks enemies in radius and the enemies attacked by Ash/clones are invulnerable to attacks from anyone besides Ash/clones.  Remember Miasma exists and will still take all Your Kills, it seems like Your a Hard Core Elitest Kill Streak Junky. 

We are playing PvE dude Lighten up lol

Your precious Zephyr will get a Nice Rework, In fact she has Better Parkour now. Last Draco I did she felt like she could Fly :D Literally.


I dont see You hating on WuKong. I like that Frame 

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Yes I am well aware who You are and Im sure this community Knows just who 4G3NT_0R4NG3 is.


When touching the Teleport subject you get in Your feelings and become a Troll, while Your Tail wind Teleport Rant is in fact understandable but pointless because Im sure Koga has stated before its SHORT RANGED DASH TELEPORT but i think You dont like to read what people have to say do You? If it doesnt concern You and Zephyr then You care not what it is soo long it doesnt break Your Niche.


Since you asked, I was explaining the problems of a free aim Teleport to you. I also left this clarifying statement:


Then again, if the Teleport had an additional limitation placed upon it that kept Tail Wind as a superior mobility skill, it should be fine.


Apparently you don't like reading either.


I'm totally open to the concept of Ash getting higher mobility with Teleport. I adore the idea of letting Ash teleport to shurikens he's thrown. But if an ability does exactly what another ability does, only straight up better, that is BS. I don't care if it involves Zephyr or not. I hate Cutting Winds just as much as I hate a free aim Teleport with no limitations.


Your Cutting Winds Troll idea is in fact a Good Idea with Bad intentions. You are a brilliant person with a dark soul. You might need to lighten up my friend. Bladestorm will still Kill, remember it marks enemies in radius and the enemies attacked by Ash/clones are invulnerable to attacks from anyone besides Ash/clones.  Remember Miasma exists and will still take all Your Kills


If Cutting Winds was added to the game, how many people would play Ash over Zephyr? The problem is not how powerful it is; a free aim Teleport with no restrictions wouldn't be nearly as powerful as half the other abilities in the game, in terms of how much it actually benefits you to have. The problem is that, as I've already said, if an ability does exactly what another ability does, only straight up better, that is BS.


it seems like Your a Hard Core Elitest Kill Streak Junky. 


It seems like you've got some pretty big issues with nonsensical misconceptions.


We are playing PvE dude Lighten up lol


So balance doesn't matter in a PvE game?


Thank goodness! Now I can present my new weapon concept. I was worried it might be a tad unbalanced, but since balance doesn't matter in a PvE game, obviously it should be totally fine.


I call it the ASD (anti-sanity device). It has 100 fire rate, infinite ammo, and each shot instantly kills every enemy on the map without exception.


Balance doesn't matter in a PvE game, right?


I dont see You hating on WuKong.


That's because Wukong and Zephyr have absolutely nothing in common and don't interfere with each other in any way, as I've already told you.


Tail Wind is the best mobility skill in the game; Wukong's flight actually appears to lower his speed. You can't really compare the two, as Zephyr's flight is 100% mobility focused, and Wukong's flight is 100% survivability focused. They do entirely different things, so nothing ruins anything.

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Since you asked, I was explaining the problems of a free aim Teleport to you. I also left this clarifying statement:




Apparently you don't like reading either.


I'm totally open to the concept of Ash getting higher mobility with Teleport. I adore the idea of letting Ash teleport to shurikens he's thrown. But if an ability does exactly what another ability does, only straight up better, that is BS. I don't care if it involves Zephyr or not. I hate Cutting Winds just as much as I hate a free aim Teleport with no limitations.



If Cutting Winds was added to the game, how many people would play Ash over Zephyr? The problem is not how powerful it is; a free aim Teleport with no restrictions wouldn't be nearly as powerful as half the other abilities in the game, in terms of how much it actually benefits you to have. The problem is that, as I've already said, if an ability does exactly what another ability does, only straight up better, that is BS.



It seems like you've got some pretty big issues with nonsensical misconceptions.






That's because Wukong and Zephyr have absolutely nothing in common and don't interfere with each other in any way, as I've already told you.


Soo how do You compare Ash to Zephyr when they have nothing in Common?


Its a mobility thing? Wukong will surpass Tail Wind and Teleport with Flying Nimbus.

Dash teleport has limitations its short range did You see the video?


The one thing i can say that Zephyr has thats from Ninja Lore is the Tengu alt helm, would make sense if Ash got an Alt Oni Helm or Kogas Bladestorm Oni design which looks Insane thanks to Fulcrvm's art.


See the beauty in collaboration and positive feedback along with open minds?

Your Cutting Winds infact is a good idea but You created this to make an analogy of Your grief towards Free Teleport and made an attemot at black mailing Koga with a superior concept to Bladestorm.


Ill tell you one thing, we dont care about being the biggest killer on this side. we only wish to correct Ash and make his potential form evolve into manifestation. 

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Soo how do You compare Ash to Zephyr when they have nothing in Common?


Tail Wind moves you from point A to point B very fast. A free aim Teleport would move you from point A to point B instantly, thus making it a straight upgrade to Tail Wind. 


I seem to find that it's most efficient to quote myself with alarming frequency.


Its a mobility thing? Wukong will surpass Tail Wind and Teleport with Flying Nimbus.

Dash teleport has limitations its short range did You see the video?


Wukong doesn't have an ability called Flying Nimbus. According to the wiki, his abilities are Iron Jab, Defy, Cloudwalker, and Primal Fury. We only know what Cloudwalker and Primal Fury do, and neither have anything to do with mobility.


Your Cutting Winds infact is a good idea but You created this to make an analogy of Your grief towards Free Teleport and made an attemot at black mailing Koga with a superior concept to Bladestorm.


Cutting Winds is a terrible idea, because it would remove much of the reason why someone would want to play Ash instead of Zephyr. As such, A free aim Teleport with no other restrictions is a terrible idea, because it would remove much of the reason why someone would want to play Zephyr over Ash.


if an ability does exactly what another ability does, only straight up better, that is BS. I don't care if it involves Zephyr or not. I hate Cutting Winds just as much as I hate a free aim Teleport with no limitations.


Ill tell you one thing, we dont care about being the biggest killer on this side. we only wish to correct Ash and make his potential form evolve into manifestation. 


I don't care either. Improving ash is fine. Making Zephyr worthless in the process is not.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Throwing in my 2 cents:


On the current running argument, Ash's teleport as it is currently is (when modded) about 80m and instantaneous. Making it only a couple of meters a free aim barely seems like a buff to me, if at all with our current mobility system. Furthermore, some of the best things about Zephyr, like her slowfall for nearly stationary aim-glides, faster projectile flight speed for weapons like tonkor, and cc combined with damage in tornado won't exactly leave her a pointless frame even if she doesn't have the best "mobility" skill. That hardly seems like a good reason to ignore new suggestions for Ash.


IF it really is important in your experience though - and we know DE doesn't want to make any frame neglected - I don't imagine a short teleport could match tailwind if it has the range mentioned above. There isn't enough energy in the world to give you the kind of speed and distance that tailwind has no matter how instantaneous that teleport might be. 


Perhaps we can move on to discussing more on how inefficient SS is with mods for BS, or how Shierken should come with innate armor reduction and punch through so I can do something with Ash besides spam 4?

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On the current running argument, Ash's teleport as it is currently is (when modded) about 80m and instantaneous. Making it only a couple of meters a free aim barely seems like a buff to me, if at all with our current mobility system.


Then again, if the Teleport had an additional limitation placed upon it that kept Tail Wind as a superior mobility skill, it should be fine.


A range restriction should circumvent the problem, as long as it's not super lenient.


Furthermore, some of the best things about Zephyr, like her slowfall for nearly stationary aim-glides, faster projectile flight speed for weapons like tonkor, and cc combined with damage in tornado won't exactly leave her a pointless frame even if she doesn't have the best "mobility" skill. That hardly seems like a good reason to ignore new suggestions for Ash.


Cutting Winds probably wouldn't leave Ash entirely useless, as he has abilities other than Bladestorm. It's still a bad idea, though. Even if the frame still has uses outside of the ability that was rendered obsolete, the frame's usefulness has still been significantly diminished.

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Throwing in my 2 cents:


On the current running argument, Ash's teleport as it is currently is (when modded) about 80m and instantaneous. Making it only a couple of meters a free aim barely seems like a buff to me, if at all with our current mobility system. Furthermore, some of the best things about Zephyr, like her slowfall for nearly stationary aim-glides, faster projectile flight speed for weapons like tonkor, and cc combined with damage in tornado won't exactly leave her a pointless frame even if she doesn't have the best "mobility" skill. That hardly seems like a good reason to ignore new suggestions for Ash.


IF it really is important in your experience though - and we know DE doesn't want to make any frame neglected - I don't imagine a short teleport could match tailwind if it has the range mentioned above. There isn't enough energy in the world to give you the kind of speed and distance that tailwind has no matter how instantaneous that teleport might be. 


Perhaps we can move on to discussing more on how inefficient SS is with mods for BS, or how Shierken should come with innate armor reduction and punch through so I can do something with Ash besides spam 4?


Quiet Rare to find a fellow Tenno defend an idea thats not theres. I salute Your understanding and time taken to respond and speak your mind.

Almost feels like we are alone fighting and defending Ash.


Soo we made this clear


-Targeted Teleport for Finishers, Dash Teleport for short range maneuvering


-Choke Cloud for Smoke Screen, instantaneous Smoke Shadow buff no matter range


-Track enemies and deal more damage with Shuriken


The idea for smoke shadow came about by me and I told Koga this idea since he wanted to have a cloud up for allies to enter smoke shadow but allies wont always use this and you may lose time from smoke shadows buff.


So I came up with the following for smoke shadow

While equipped with SS casting it (No Matter Range) automatically cloaks the entire squad.

Allies animation is like earlier SS buff (Allies drop smoke bomb)


Idk why DE removed this I remember when You would cloak a team your allies would also do the animation Ash would when its casted soo I thought sharing this with allies would look cool and make sense like if Ash is sharing his smoke bombs with allies.

This not only looks visually appealing but is a million times more effective and efficient plus makes Ash the perfect Team Stealth and survivability for Team Play maybe even Raids.


Note: Smoke Shadow buffs allies and they can enter Nullifier shields and can not be deactivated by any other sources, this makes SS alot more effective and a great augment for Ash along with brings him to the realm of Coop, now DE give Smoke Screen the CC it needs along with this mentioned idea.

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