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Ash:bladestorm *toggle Drain Mode*


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Rather than an energy drain toggle ability, I'd personally like to see a duration based ability that retains most of the same functionality as its current iteration. Something along the lines of revealing his hidden blades and becoming impossible to hit for 30 seconds. Meleeing an enemy will cause him to teleport to the enemy and perform a finisher attack with increased damage. Ideally he'd have unique finisher animations with faster animation times. It would probably be a bit worse from a time-to-kill perspective than his current iteration, but it could be tweaked and changed around.


I just like the idea of a teleporting assassin flitting around the battlefield murdering everything in his path. I just hope they keep it around in some way.

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Rather than an energy drain toggle ability, I'd personally like to see a duration based ability that retains most of the same functionality as its current iteration. Something along the lines of revealing his hidden blades and becoming impossible to hit for 30 seconds. Meleeing an enemy will cause him to teleport to the enemy and perform a finisher attack with increased damage. Ideally he'd have unique finisher animations with faster animation times. It would probably be a bit worse from a time-to-kill perspective than his current iteration, but it could be tweaked and changed around.


I just like the idea of a teleporting assassin flitting around the battlefield murdering everything in his path. I just hope they keep it around in some way.



Indeed i prefer keeping it as is if DE intend on ruining it instead of making it better but I dont wanna judge it and they redesign it and it works beautifully and looks better and feels better and does the same thing then I welcome it.


All I know is Arcane Trickery and Arcane Strike work wonders with Bladestorm

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IMHO the most issue of blade storm is:

1.The tile limit, you can't hit anything outside of your main target's tile.

Some maps are considered a huge open tile while some are not.

This make its effectiveness unstable.



2.The camera uses very weird Field of View, it usually zooms in way too much.


Edited by aerosoul1337
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sorry to be a dummy here but will his 4th ability focused on one enemy because that doesn't sound like a good Final ability for him if its not well thats awesome I prefer the Multi Strike Linked (but Excalibur has it already so yeah) but the Oni helmet not a big fan of it (no offense tho)

Edited by InfamousDerp
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Indeed i prefer keeping it as is if DE intend on ruining it instead of making it better but I dont wanna judge it and they redesign it and it works beautifully and looks better and feels better and does the same thing then I welcome it.


All I know is Arcane Trickery and Arcane Strike work wonders with Bladestorm

i wasnt a big fan of your idea, but it sounds much better than what ive been hearing from Steve. At times it sounds like he wants to make them like ninja rumblers, sometimes he makes it sound like you shoot clones at targets and have them kill while you continue playing.


These are NOT more interactive ultimates, all it does is take Ash out of the equation. Im sure players like you that are asking for a more interactive bladestorm, don't mean having clones do the killing while Ash continues as usual. 


Steve did mention that it would be like the emperor in Rid$&*^- that seems promising, so maybe there is some miscommunication here....hopefully!


those wrist blade ninjas sound horrible though.

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i wasnt a big fan of your idea, but it sounds much better than what ive been hearing from Steve. At times it sounds like he wants to make them like ninja rumblers, sometimes he makes it sound like you shoot clones at targets and have them kill while you continue playing.


These are NOT more interactive ultimates, all it does is take Ash out of the equation. Im sure players like you that are asking for a more interactive bladestorm, don't mean having clones do the killing while Ash continues as usual. 


Steve did mention that it would be like the emperor in Rid$&*^- that seems promising, so maybe there is some miscommunication here....hopefully!


those wrist blade ninjas sound horrible though.



If I was rich I would Slap the Dog $*** Outta DE with a few Million and be like "This is how You rework $***"


I know exactly why You dont like my concept and its because its another Stance Ultimate. That would actually Make 3 Stance Ultis.

Hysteria, Exalted Blade, Bladestorm. I really think Peacemaker should be done like this, a Stance Ulti that allows Freedom of Movement not stuck in Place which makes Peacemaker straight up WACK ASF (Excuse My slang)


DE have a great game and some good concepts but then they fall astray when they do these clumsy &#! reworks like Saryns and Mesa.

Makes Me wanna ask "DE wtf Yall doing?"


They did GREAT with Excalibur and Frost and #*($%%@ up Mesa and Saryn and tbh this is why i havent been playing Warframe lately.

I took 2 weeks off and came back and nothing new really, just a Mios which is nice, Bladestorms still in tact and tbh I rather it stay this way then be ruined.


I wish DE would atleast display these reworks and let not only Design Council members vote but the entire community also matters not just Your precious Founders. (No Disrespect) We all matter to. We all play this game as the Founders do and I have a few Founder friends who see My passion for this game and I only been hear for a Year exact.


Please no more NERFS im getting pushed away more and more with each Horrible rework they release. I will go back to playing Shadows of Mordor and Sengoku Basara. 


Look at this illustration of Bladestorm 


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i wasnt a big fan of your idea, but it sounds much better than what ive been hearing from Steve. At times it sounds like he wants to make them like ninja rumblers, sometimes he makes it sound like you shoot clones at targets and have them kill while you continue playing.


These are NOT more interactive ultimates, all it does is take Ash out of the equation. Im sure players like you that are asking for a more interactive bladestorm, don't mean having clones do the killing while Ash continues as usual. 


Steve did mention that it would be like the emperor in Rid$&*^- that seems promising, so maybe there is some miscommunication here....hopefully!


those wrist blade ninjas sound horrible though.


Not at all, My idea is to Make Bladestorm like Ashs Ultimate form. Kinda like Ash transforms into Bladestorm, similar to EB and Hysteria.

Like a Super Ninja mode, or like the Raging Demon that takes over Akuma which is known as the Dark Hadou.


You being a Street Fighter fan like Me im sure You know the Dark Hadou. Thats why My idea was too turn Ash/Clones into this Oni Demon form which feels Ultimate, not just some Stupid Ninja Clones. 


I agree I dont want the Clones to be Bladestorm, I want Ash to be Bladestorm and his Clones accompany him not make them the Ultimate.

It doesnt feel right at all and I might just quit playing this game if this ruins him. Well not exactly quit since I spent money on this game but i wont play as much DE are straying completely away from My Main Warframe and they think its cool.


This is what brought Me and maybe some of You here too...


Lets keep it along these Lines DE please ^^^

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A lot of these ideas sound closely similar to ones I've been cooking up on notepad for a review I was planning to do (and keep postponing because laziness is really OP), especially Smoke Screen and Teleport. Which, if it does happen (oh lotus would I love for it to happen), should probably be renamed into Shadow Step, but that's just me.


The Blade Storm idea I've put forward a few times before already, but to no avail. Now with DE's focus on a more active play style, maybe perhaps we're seeing some hope.




If there is anything I would love to add to your idea, it would be having Shuriken be split between 4 instead of 2. So instead of 2 Shurikens dealing 1,000 damage each, it would be 4 Shurikens doing 500 damage each. Still totals up to 2,000 base damage, this would just give more effectiveness to things like Seeking Shuriken, easily stripping armor off more enemies instead of two at a time per cast. You can really feel annoying it is when your in a high wave or deep into survival, your confronted with many enemies, and you can only debuff two of them at a time.


Smoke Screen:


You've pretty much took the words out of my mouth. Ash needs a rework to his "stealth" ability. At this moment it feels way too contradicting with all his other abilities.


Smoke Screen should be just that; a screen of smoke. A tool used for distraction and to obscure vision.




Again, pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. In my vision, I would rename teleport into Shadow Step; In which we dash forward a set minimal distance instantly. It would have a relatively cheap energy cost, and would still allow for targeted shadow steps to preform finishers with. As I've said so on my first review, Ash is "lethal and elusive". "an unseen and deadly force". If those quotes seem familiar to you Ash fans, it's because it's from the Lotus herself; from the Warframe Profile - Ash video, easily seen on youtube.


Blade Storm:


I've made a few suggestions to make Blade Storm an ability where Ash can use his blades and fight in a similar manner as Assassins Creed/Ninja Gaiden like combat setting. At this point I'm fine with settling on just GETTING the ability to that point, and then being able to polish it further, and polish it we shall.



I'm about to go on a rant; this is my view on Ash after coming back from a break, and re evaluating how Ash works as a whole. Mostly personal thoughts, but I do think I bring up some good points.

I'll be honest, and, this is coming from someone with nearly 90 days worth of time clocked into Warframe, and 50% of frame usage belongs to Ash: I haven't been playing him since I got back. It almost feels counterproductive.


I took a couple month break from warframe, came back, tried out Excalibur's rework, and it dawned on me:


Most of Ash's current moveset, COMPLETELY CONTRIDICTS ITSELF.


Why? Where did it go wrong? If I want to mod for Shuriken, I need damage, at least 43%. But to do that. I need to sacrifice either duration, or efficiency.


If I want to mod for smoke screen, I lose out on range,


Teleport? Well... that's fine, for the most part, unless I want smoke screen and


Blade Storm? Well. Let's see. If I want damage, I need to sacrifice duration AND efficiency. TO fix efficiency means to further ruin duration, meaning smoke screen is out of the question.


I tried making a balanced out build that gives, what I believe to be, the sweet-spot duration for smoke screen; 15 seconds. But I couldn't do it. his abilities counteract each other. It feels almost like I was forced to pick a couple of abilities, and just wing it from there. After modding Excalibro to use his ENTIRE tool kit to it's FULLEST potential, this felt wrong. I'm no expert on Excalibur; but I literally just picked him up, played him for a couple days, and just easy moded through an hours worth of survival against grineer on Ceres....and I never even had to pull out Exalted Blade.


Now don't get me wrong, I don't Ash to become Excalibur. Hell to the friggen no. I love the play-style of my rogues, assassins, and ninja's alike. Ash is the reason I came to Warframe, and he'll be my number 1 go to.


I mean, you can't get mad at a guy for wanting to use all his abilities in his tool kit, and wanting some synergy with his abilities.


But yeah, I guess my rant is over.



Long story Short, Ash's skills need to stop punishing each other. It's just... weird as hell. Especially the augments oh god.





Shuriken: Make it throw 4, divide the damage between the 4

Smoke Screen: I agree with this

Teleport: I Agree with it as well, really should be renamed into Shadow Step, personal opinion.

Blade Storm: After almost 2 years later, I still wonder why we can't use these as a weapon toggle. Lose the long borring animation, give us an active ability that lets us feel like we're kicking some major butt.

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A lot of these ideas sound closely similar to ones I've been cooking up on notepad for a review I was planning to do (and keep postponing because laziness is really OP), especially Smoke Screen and Teleport. Which, if it does happen (oh lotus would I love for it to happen), should probably be renamed into Shadow Step, but that's just me.


The Blade Storm idea I've put forward a few times before already, but to no avail. Now with DE's focus on a more active play style, maybe perhaps we're seeing some hope.




If there is anything I would love to add to your idea, it would be having Shuriken be split between 4 instead of 2. So instead of 2 Shurikens dealing 1,000 damage each, it would be 4 Shurikens doing 500 damage each. Still totals up to 2,000 base damage, this would just give more effectiveness to things like Seeking Shuriken, easily stripping armor off more enemies instead of two at a time per cast. You can really feel annoying it is when your in a high wave or deep into survival, your confronted with many enemies, and you can only debuff two of them at a time.


Smoke Screen:


You've pretty much took the words out of my mouth. Ash needs a rework to his "stealth" ability. At this moment it feels way too contradicting with all his other abilities.


Smoke Screen should be just that; a screen of smoke. A tool used for distraction and to obscure vision.




Again, pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. In my vision, I would rename teleport into Shadow Step; In which we dash forward a set minimal distance instantly. It would have a relatively cheap energy cost, and would still allow for targeted shadow steps to preform finishers with. As I've said so on my first review, Ash is "lethal and elusive". "an unseen and deadly force". If those quotes seem familiar to you Ash fans, it's because it's from the Lotus herself; from the Warframe Profile - Ash video, easily seen on youtube.


Blade Storm:


I've made a few suggestions to make Blade Storm an ability where Ash can use his blades and fight in a similar manner as Assassins Creed/Ninja Gaiden like combat setting. At this point I'm fine with settling on just GETTING the ability to that point, and then being able to polish it further, and polish it we shall.



I'm about to go on a rant; this is my view on Ash after coming back from a break, and re evaluating how Ash works as a whole. Mostly personal thoughts, but I do think I bring up some good points.

I'll be honest, and, this is coming from someone with nearly 90 days worth of time clocked into Warframe, and 50% of frame usage belongs to Ash: I haven't been playing him since I got back. It almost feels counterproductive.


I took a couple month break from warframe, came back, tried out Excalibur's rework, and it dawned on me:


Most of Ash's current moveset, COMPLETELY CONTRIDICTS ITSELF.


Why? Where did it go wrong? If I want to mod for Shuriken, I need damage, at least 43%. But to do that. I need to sacrifice either duration, or efficiency.


If I want to mod for smoke screen, I lose out on range,


Teleport? Well... that's fine, for the most part, unless I want smoke screen and


Blade Storm? Well. Let's see. If I want damage, I need to sacrifice duration AND efficiency. TO fix efficiency means to further ruin duration, meaning smoke screen is out of the question.


I tried making a balanced out build that gives, what I believe to be, the sweet-spot duration for smoke screen; 15 seconds. But I couldn't do it. his abilities counteract each other. It feels almost like I was forced to pick a couple of abilities, and just wing it from there. After modding Excalibro to use his ENTIRE tool kit to it's FULLEST potential, this felt wrong. I'm no expert on Excalibur; but I literally just picked him up, played him for a couple days, and just easy moded through an hours worth of survival against grineer on Ceres....and I never even had to pull out Exalted Blade.


Now don't get me wrong, I don't Ash to become Excalibur. Hell to the friggen no. I love the play-style of my rogues, assassins, and ninja's alike. Ash is the reason I came to Warframe, and he'll be my number 1 go to.


I mean, you can't get mad at a guy for wanting to use all his abilities in his tool kit, and wanting some synergy with his abilities.


But yeah, I guess my rant is over.



Long story Short, Ash's skills need to stop punishing each other. It's just... weird as hell. Especially the augments oh god.





Shuriken: Make it throw 4, divide the damage between the 4

Smoke Screen: I agree with this

Teleport: I Agree with it as well, really should be renamed into Shadow Step, personal opinion.

Blade Storm: After almost 2 years later, I still wonder why we can't use these as a weapon toggle. Lose the long borring animation, give us an active ability that lets us feel like we're kicking some major butt.


Welcome back My Ninja.


Btw I think i have seen you around the forums before especially in My threads since I mainly do Ash threads beyond the point that I think Im Famous.


The name Koga will be Branded in every Warframer in this Community as the Ash Enthusiast and to some who hate the Ash Fanboy.

Thats actually a compliment soo idk who people are offending cuz I openly state I Love Ash. 


I am one of the few Ash Players willing to show My builds and share great ideas with others, and Ash is My 1st but Excalibur is My 2nd Love.

Im Big into Melee and as You stated we have alot in common because I play other games and Im always inclined to playing either Nnjas or other similar Assassins class. Its just Me and My style and preference. I love Ninjas and I revolve My ideaologies and philosophies around that.


Im am Honored and I appreciate your time taken to carefully read and reply with great emphasis and detail.

If theres any builds you need let me know I will post for You to try out. Especially my Hybrid build. It may render You low Health and shields but You will take the Least damage in squads and You will have similar to Longer Duration in Stealth than Loki/Prime I can garauntee this, not tooo many players have tried this tho but its a build that shouldnt be over looked because it renders You squishy. I run Raids NM Raids and other NM missions with this build as shown here





Hope this may help you out and this Build is best suited if You hgave 2 Maxed Arcane Trickerys equipped on both Your helmet and Syandana

I hope You enjoy



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Thats My Tank Ash but I rather the Squishy one because its team oriented I run Smoke Shadow and I have 17 seconds on Smoke Screen plus Arcane Trickery to stack more duration not Bandaid Smoke Screen what so ever for all You who say Arcane Trickery is a Bandaid, Koga calls Your Bluff and challenges You to Try My build and see how I run Longer Invis more then Most Lokis 

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I use builds almost similar to yours.


I've got three builds currently for different set ups.


This set up is used for team play. It's built around giving my team stealth, and allowing me top speeds to traverse anywhere in a short amount of time, be it to pick up an ally or to rush over and stealth someone in a tight spot.



This is my personal build, when I'm counting on myself to do the dirty work. This is where I try to "balance" his tool set. Enough power strength to make blade storm strong, and most importantly, to make seeking shuriken strip off armor. With enough parkour sense, bullet jump mods alone can give astounding mobility, so I leave myself with just that. Plenty of duration and efficiency, and just enough range so it doesn't feel like I've lost any. In turn, I can't take much damage, but the build is made around the point where I kill things in stealth and with mobility before they can get to me.


This is my Blade Storm build. Pretty self explanatory, for those days when I'm bored and just want to watch the game win for me. Not my favorite, but it's still requested of me from time to time.


...and then there's this. This is what made me twitch my eye.



This gives me about 50k per energy wave slash, a beautiful amount of range for slash dash and radial blind for allowing great group and personal survivability, and even with a bit of duration loss, the area blind still lasts for around 15 seconds, MORE than enough time to get the job done. His abilities perfectly synergize with each other. There's even enough room for survivability mods. Now, I'll say again, I don't want Ash to BECOME ExcaliASH. I, and I think others as well at this point, want to see the other frames reach this kind of synergy with their own abilities.



P.S: To answer your question, you have been in a few of my old threads, so that's probably why my name seems familiar. I believe you also asked me to look into your Phantom Teleport idea, which was also a neat concept. Although I still like the idea of Shadow Step more. Feels more mobile.

Edited by Shuuro
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I use builds almost similar to yours.


I've got three builds currently for different set ups.


This set up is used for team play. It's built around giving my team stealth, and allowing me top speeds to traverse anywhere in a short amount of time, be it to pick up an ally or to rush over and stealth someone in a tight spot.



This is my personal build, when I'm counting on myself to do the dirty work. This is where I try to "balance" his tool set. Enough power strength to make blade storm strong, and most importantly, to make seeking shuriken strip off armor. With enough parkour sense, bullet jump mods alone can give astounding mobility, so I leave myself with just that. Plenty of duration and efficiency, and just enough range so it doesn't feel like I've lost any. In turn, I can't take much damage, but the build is made around the point where I kill things in stealth and with mobility before they can get to me.


This is my Blade Storm build. Pretty self explanatory, for those days when I'm bored and just want to watch the game win for me. Not my favorite, but it's still requested of me from time to time.


...and then there's this. This is what made me twitch my eye.



This gives me about 50k per energy wave slash, a beautiful amount of range for slash dash and radial blind for allowing great group and personal survivability, and even with a bit of duration loss, the area blind still lasts for around 15 seconds, MORE than enough time to get the job done. His abilities perfectly synergize with each other. There's even enough room for survivability mods. Now, I'll say again, I don't want Ash to BECOME ExcaliASH. I, and I think others as well at this point, want to see the other frames reach this kind of synergy with their own abilities.



P.S: To answer your question, you have been in a few of my old threads, so that's probably why my name seems familiar. I believe you also asked me to look into your Phantom Teleport idea, which was also a neat concept. Although I still like the idea of Shadow Step more. Feels more mobile.


Great builds, Yeah Phantom Teleport is actually an Augment idea for Teleport obviously.


It could function great with Your Shadow Step as well it only adds Free aim if not implemented for Teleport/Shadow Step and adds a short duration Clone similar to Decoy/Molt. Adding a small CC to Ashs arsenal and making him yet more elusive.


I appreciate your feed back

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This is fking amazing Koga, always giving the best feedbacks and rework idea's for our favorite ninja. And somehow in the back of my mind this does seem like 1 of the most realistic rework idea's i've come across on the forums. Other's were cool but this is just awesome. Making it so that his bladestorm ups his other abilities is a great way to rework Ash. It's almost like you know something we don't here *wink* wink*

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This is fking amazing Koga, always giving the best feedbacks and rework idea's for our favorite ninja. And somehow in the back of my mind this does seem like 1 of the most realistic rework idea's i've come across on the forums. Other's were cool but this is just awesome. Making it so that his bladestorm ups his other abilities is a great way to rework Ash. It's almost like you know something we don't here *wink* wink*


Thank You!


Your words are much appreciated. You are one of the few Ash Players who also thinks alike. 

Im sure You as well grew up playing Ninja games like Shinobi Ninja Gaiden Tenchu etc... 

You Love and Dedicate Hours of Your life as we do to Ash/Prime and now that his Prime exists it only arises this question.




The Darker version of the Prime ofcoarse nowhere near up coming but a thought into the Future of Warframe.

Currently we can suggest great Ideas and Pray that the Community along with DE see like and the Idea may Flourish in game and we May enjoy a Better Ash/Prime.


I would say the way things look right now with the last 2 reworks I dont Like how Mesa and Saryn turned out.

Saryn really isnt as Bad as Mesa but she was still degraded pretty Hard too.


Im Praying Ashs Bladestorm isnt Tarnished. 

I would rather him stay the Same and them Fix Bladestorms FoV, make it Panned out like Volts Speed.

Tune up Shuriken, Add Smoke Clouds to Smoke Screen, Dash Teleport as You said, but the Clone Bladestorm DE Steve Claims is in coming doesnt sound very appealing to Me and I questioned him on Twitter and the Ideas tbh sound Very Vague and Stale. 


Honestly they dont sound very enthusiastic about this, as they said in a Stream "BECAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR" this statement was about buffing Stalker but applies to all.

We made plenty Reworks suggestions and others aswell why did they chose to take Ash waway from Bladestorm?


I really dont like the idea of taking Ash out of the Bladestorm Action.

As I have stated before I love the Clones but the Clones should accompany Ash side by side, similar to mirages but ofcoarse all the Attacks are

Finisher/Slash as the current BS. 


I asked Steve on Twitter if this New Bladestorm will proc Finishers for Arcane Trickery and he didnt answer. This is detrimental to Ash as the Invincibility it provides which is what gets us through End Game content. Ash is frowned upon in Raids and I anounce My Ash Presence in Raids and give great support to my ability, but DE needs to give Ash more, a Bladestorm Rework "NERF" is not what Ash needs, his whole kit can use some slight adjustments and His Ultimate shouldnt be Destroyed only Camera issues should be addressed and make BS Toggle if not 4 to turn off.

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Another thing Guys run Arcane Strike on Ash its Great to Speed up Bladestorm and against LvL80 and up Eximus Ash strikes alot Faster and dispatches them quicker along with Fury and Quickening, Arcane Strike also Procs from Bladestorm. Im currently running Trickery on My Pyra Syandana and Strike on My regular Ash helmet on the Prime version ofc.


I thought that it was Only Fury and Quickening that affected BS speeds since Berserker doesnt work with BS till I tried out Arcane Strike and I realized it made it Insanely faster and a bit nausiating to watch xD


Still pretty Fun to see Ash Just Wreck in High Speed like if he is Ninja Gaiden xD

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I agree with most but trickery is a bandaid.... Smokescreen should be a good ability on its own it shouldn't require investment in trickery. If smokescreen was good on its own then yes trickery wouldn't be a bandaid


Its a Bandaid the way the Majority of You use it.


Check out My screen shot I posted a nicw build that offers 17 second smoke screen and My 2 Maxed Trickerys plays a nice stack invisibility Playstyle that is easy to Surpas any Loki invis, or at least Match in Duration but I have achieved almost 5 minutes straight in one T4Survival with the build

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Look at this illustration of Bladestorm 




"Shadow Strike consumes two Elf-shot per use"


I think you will find that if Ash needed to aim at every target to do a kill, and every time he did, something like a base 25 Energy before efficiency was used, you'd complain, even though that's exactly whats happening above.


Worse even, because when you run out of Elf Shot in such a wasteful manner, it will take you a long time to get it back, while in THIS game, Ash would have picked up a bunch of Energy on the way, and would be able to spam Bladestorm, while Shadow Strike is NOT spam-able because of Elf Shot mechanics.

Edited by DSpite
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Not at all, My idea is to Make Bladestorm like Ashs Ultimate form. Kinda like Ash transforms into Bladestorm, similar to EB and Hysteria.

Like a Super Ninja mode, or like the Raging Demon that takes over Akuma which is known as the Dark Hadou.


You being a Street Fighter fan like Me im sure You know the Dark Hadou. Thats why My idea was too turn Ash/Clones into this Oni Demon form which feels Ultimate, not just some Stupid Ninja Clones. 


I agree I dont want the Clones to be Bladestorm, I want Ash to be Bladestorm and his Clones accompany him not make them the Ultimate.

It doesnt feel right at all and I might just quit playing this game if this ruins him. Well not exactly quit since I spent money on this game but i wont play as much DE are straying completely away from My Main Warframe and they think its cool.


This is what brought Me and maybe some of You here too...


Lets keep it along these Lines DE please ^^^


Actually what brought me here was



And strangely enough neither my video OR your video are anywhere near what actually happens in this game, because trailers are not indicative of current mechanics.


In your video, by the time Frost or Ash tried something, Nyx would have mind controlled the entire room, and Ash's Bladestorm would be nothing but a "take out the trash" clean up ability to save a few seconds, and even then only because Excalibur was not fully up yet so he could do a Radial Javelin.


The "action play" you see above would be something we would have if Warframe was a hybrid of CoD and Global Agenda, not a game where we are in fact able to clear rooms in seconds. Your movie shows Tenno's actually doing things the HARD way, same as in mine, as we both know that in the real game, that room would be all dead before the first unit that took an arrow to the head had time to hit the ground.


Also, "DE are straying completely away from My Main Warframe". It's not YOUR Warframe, it's THEIR Warframe.


I mained Excalibur, and was actually slightly annoyed they made him more powerful to be honest, as it takes some of the fun out, and here you are asking for a room-cleaning ability to be made better.


"Note: Bladestorm attacks are considered Stealth/Finishers and should count as Stealth Multipliers. Also Bladestorm Kills undetected should not get You Detected since Bladestorm is the Ultimate Stealth Finisher"


Hmmm ... how about no. How about we let DE do what ever they like and then play the results, and THEN maybe do the feedback part.

Edited by DSpite
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But your build he has hurt range on his bladestorm and no health.... That's beside the point I don't get how that justifies trickery not being a bandaid.. I mean sure u have 17 secs of duration but you have effectively hurt your survivability with no health mods your efficiency slightly and your range. You basically made him ash your version of playing loki looks like it relies on staying invisible. I'm not dissing your playstyle but its built around a bandaid... That build wouldn't be as effective without an augment. Thus in my eyes makes it a bandaid

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I am determined to get a shinobi inspired skin that isn't super bulky and looks nothing like a ninja, cough ASH PRIME cough, and a back nikana WE NEED IT DE make it a 300 plat bundle and ill trow money at the screen PLEASE lol but i like these ability changes they seem pretty usefull and can be used together so it's not bad.


Really DE we need these things and we need that scarf on excal umbra to be used on all frames.


keep up the good work though.

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