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Landslide's Probably Gonna Get Nerfed


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what i can see his first power is : hight risk (since well you headbutt the enemies), but high reward (massive domage).


Its sure that 10k+ domage seem gigantic but we have excal that can stay with his EB forever (mine hit many many time in the range of 100k+). Even with the mechanic of taking less energie it still take 10 time more that EB an hysteria.


Another thing with Atlas he only have 2 domage power his first and his 4 but we know that beside our sentinel compagnion are generally dumd has feet

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if i ever see an atlas in a RAID and doing spy mission with out sounding the alarm and very beneficial in team runs giving team buffs

and out damaging/killing other AOE frames in exterminate missions then only then

i will give him the nerf he deserves by deleting him in my inventory so it be fair to my prime frames coz hes too good ;)

Edited by Pnoyleet
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So are you campaigning for it to be nerfed?


So what if he is?


Really guys, we need to stop being afraid of balance. A 1 ability shouldn't be so powerful it basically demolishes everything in the game. I'd go as far as to say a 4 ability shouldn't be that powerful either.


It's great that he got buffed. He needed it. However Landslide really shouldn't be doing such a huge amount of damage. Maybe if it was closer to Excal's, but instead of slash damage it does impact and stuns/knocks down enemies. That sounds both viable and balanced to me.

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So what if he is?


Really guys, we need to stop being afraid of balance. A 1 ability shouldn't be so powerful it basically demolishes everything in the game. I'd go as far as to say a 4 ability shouldn't be that powerful either.


It's great that he got buffed. He needed it. However Landslide really shouldn't be doing such a huge amount of damage. Maybe if it was closer to Excal's, but instead of slash damage it does impact and stuns/knocks down enemies. That sounds both viable and balanced to me.

Do you even Atlas, Bro?

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Then lets nerf everything....every strong ability....every strong weapon....everything that is strong and what will we be left with? Nothing...absolutely nothing...ATLAS is a BRAWLER AKA FIST FIGHTER mostly sooo it makes sense that his landslide ability deals high ammount of dmg...Basic LOGIC.

If your saying atlases 1st ability needs to be nerfed/is too strong then lets nerf valkyrs hysteria and excals EB and saryn's miasma....i could name many more.

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I can dish out comparable or potentially even higher damage in a much wider area with a properly modded Galatine, Tempo Royale, and Rhino's Roar.


Whenever these nerf campaigns crop up, I wonder if people remember that there is a grenade launcher in this game that can instagib groups of level 80+ enemies, from a distance, without the aid of any Warframe powers.

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So basically, with say 200% power str, with properly built melee it will do 8960 impact and 26880-32256 elemental damage at 4x (43008 if you replace the 2 crit mods with more elementals). So without factoring crit it already is VERY good and justifies the brawler name of the frame. 35k-52k raw damage nuke, that is affected by melee combo multiplier, that after 2 casts gains free maximum efficiency.

Pretty nice honestly, but not not overly special, as Valkyr basically does the same damage per hit in her ult.

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I do think it's a bit overtuned at present and have no doubt DE will be adjusting things soon, and hopefully not too deeply in the Nerf zone.

Speaking of nerfs, I'm wondering where the Nerf Squad is. Usually they're all over this sort of thing like it brings deep philosophical meaning to their lives.

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May be I get to use him now (at least I will check him out) because as of now he was so meeeeeh Warframe. His first power full combo could not even kill some lv 30 enemies it was a waste of time and energy, second is a crappy shield and its super hard to hit anything with the boulder if they are not in narro hallway. 3rd is ok. and 4th is another waste of energy power.


In other words only his 3rd power was good because it had scaling in to higher level and even then there are warframes that can do the same but better.

Edited by DraccoDoom
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He needs something to let him fight in endgame. It's not like its a warframe rule that your first ability MUST be week, infact I can think of quite a few frames where your first ability is your go to. Landslide IS honestly over powered, (and I say that as a hard core fan of the power) But I do feel there is some balance in it. Of course you have to be in close range which CAN be troublesome at times, but more importantly you have to have a melee weapon modded a certain way to even have this level of power. I feel that effort = reward, sometimes things are balanced in that they are so hard to get. (Looking at the 120 Damage mods.) The only way I can see him being remotely playable is for his other abilities to get a buff and have Landslide only take PHYSICAL damage mods for damage modifiers. That or remove the crit ability of his fists.

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We complained about Atlas, a lot, me included. Now he recieves the attention that he needed, the buffs that he needed, now is actually a warframe, and someone has to come to say "its too much, nerf pls? " what. the. F***. 


I cant add too much to the discussion at this point, but i have to agree with many Tennos over here:


1- Being his 1º ability doesnt mean the ability has to suck.


2- Its his only REAL damage ability, the other falling in the utility section. 


3- Doesnt have the benefits of other damage abilities, such as life steal, stupidly high aoe effects, or afk-brain systems that do the work for you. 


4- You are hitting with rock arms to the face of humanoid creatures, have you ever seen what happens to one person when a rock the size of a melon falls on their heads? 


5- Why do you guys have to compare always everything with excalibur ? why do you speak as if excalibur has to be the best at everything and if someone else can do similar stuff than excalibur, it needs a nerf ? 


6- This kind of posts ruin my days. 

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