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Valkyr's Hysteria Is Not Overpowered.


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I don't care what players think I am saying the DE says Nightmare Raids are endgame.


A horribly broken, unbalanced endgame which will be getting some major changes with the U18 enemy scaling rework. Creating sensible changes should be much easier once we no longer have to pick between whether we want a challenging game or a balanced game.


Right now, it seems to me like the level that most content is balanced at is somewhere between 30-50, but at level 30-50, the challenge is so pathetic that I would get more satisfaction from completing my math homework than completing a mission at that level. Players have to go to insanely high enemy levels to find that challenge, but game balance starts to break down at those levels. Survivability skills are pretty much mandatory, you get CC frames locking down entire tilesets, and cheesing your way to victory is the norm, to the point where people begin to think permanent god mode is actually acceptable.


The U18 enemy scaling rework is the best thing that could possibly happen to Warframe at this point. We need to know what we're balancing for to effectively balance anything.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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A horribly broken, unbalanced endgame which will be getting some major changes with the U18 enemy scaling rework. Creating sensible changes should be much easier once we no longer have to pick between whether we want a challenging game or a balanced game.


Right now, it seems to me like the level that most content is balanced at is somewhere between 30-50, but at level 30-50, the challenge is so pathetic that I would get more satisfaction from completing my math homework than completing a mission at that level. Players have to go to insanely high enemy levels to find that challenge, but game balance starts to break down at those levels. Survivability skills are pretty much mandatory, you get CC frames locking down entire tilesets, and cheesing your way to victory is the norm, to the point where people begin to think permanent god mode is actually acceptable.


The U18 enemy scaling rework is the best thing that could possibly happen to Warframe at this point. We need to know what we're balancing for to effectively balance anything.


Out all of my post you focused on that. I was just putting the fact in that what players think is Endgame is not what I am referencing because the DE is the almighty balancer who decides. They think Nightmare Raids are endgame so endgame balancing is going to be balanced toward that whether we like it or not.

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Out all of my post you focused on that. I was just putting the fact in that what players think is Endgame is not what I am referencing because the DE is the almighty balancer who decides. They think Nightmare Raids are endgame so endgame balancing is going to be balanced toward that whether we like it or not.


Well then that's a serious problem, because in their current state, nightmare raids are horribly broken. If we want something to be balanced for nightmare raids without being OP, then we need a serious change to enemy scaling, which is exactly what U18 promises to do.


As I've already stated, Valkyr is the only warframe aside from Trinity that pretty much just eliminates death as a mechanic.

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Well then that's a serious problem, because in their current state, nightmare raids are horribly broken. If we want something to be balanced for nightmare raids without being OP, then we need a serious change to enemy scaling, which is exactly what U18 promises to do.


As I've already stated, Valkyr is the only warframe aside from Trinity that pretty much just eliminates death as a mechanic.


Not going to take you seriously if you don't actually read my posts good sir. I stated a bunch of frames other than Trin that eliminate death as a mechanic.

Edited by Feallike
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Not going to take you seriously if you don't actually read my posts good sir. I stated a bunch of frames other than Trin that eliminate death as a mechanic.

We've been through this multiple times in this topic. All other powers have quite significant downsides/weaknesses or possibilities to screw up (outside of walking into nullifiers bubble, which also applies to everyone, not just Valkyr)


Nova still can be shot while enemies are slowed, especially on high levels when one random bombard rocket or grenade can one shot her


Mirage only has damage reduction in the dark. It's situational, and on some maps you have to literally stay in one spot to achieve that. It's not complete invulnerability either so it can be outdamaged.


Mesa - weak to melee and AoE, also can be outdamaged


Frost - globus gets destroyed pretty quickly later on. Also AoE ignore his shield


Limbo - banished targets can't deal damage with weapons. Only a few frames have decent enough ability damage to even take advantage of it. Also requires good team coordination to rebanish allies on time, hence easy to mess up


Trinity - While she definitely stands out, but even she has some weaknesses. Requires a dedicated build with self damaging weapon/melee. Quite easy to mess up with Quick Thinking staggering you for too long. Need to recast every 20-30 seconds depending on build. Also can be burst through with really heavy damage.


Excalibur - Blind is LoS, can be outranged, has cooldown. Blocking only works from the front and blocks like 85% damage?


Not sure if I forgot somebody, but everyone has a weakness, even if it only appears like every 20-30 seconds, therefore they can die. Valkyr can run around literally for 1,5 hours and her only weakness are nullifiers, which work absolutely the same on every other frame. Yes she's limited to melee, but it's debatable whether it's a weakness or not, since her damage output becomes really insane, and possibly outdamages most other weapons in the game.


Note that I do not necessary think that all of the above powers are balanced, but at least they are not as badly unbalanced as Hysteria

Edited by (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame
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I'll toss in my two cents by comparing two similar things.

First we have Valkyr with hysteria. You don't like hysteria and it's effects? Very well either dont use it or simply choose a different frame and suddenly hysteria has no negative effect on you (the positive being a possible team using it to pick you up while tanking 20+ mobs). As such, not very game breaking or challenge robbing.

Now lets look at say Trinity, another big topic frame. Don't like blessing, don't use or her...oh wait what's that next to your now magically full health and shields? Or maybe you want to gun fight, don't need energy vamp or any power right just going to shoot things. But wait where is everything, oh you have two other teammates that are just ecstatic about that battery that is trinity and are now proceeding to nuke everything, so much for shooting anything, guess you better get back to that good ol' warframe race to extract.

Now I know, using Trinity isn't a fair comparison so I'll toss in another. Now Excalibur is a tempting choice with his blind (LOS be damned), nuke, and being able to carve a nice long path through hallways and what not, but I trying to make a point that I'll soon explain. As such lets look at Vubuan. Used to be a real big Xini fan back when everything dropped everywhere, so infested defence is alot of fun for me, that is unless there is a vortex and/or Bastille tossing Vubuan, in which case I feel like I've stumbled into some sort of Warframe training dummy mode. Most the fun and enjoyment of the game simply vanishes. And if there is a Trinity as well? I'm likely out at the 5.

So what's the point of all this? What's the TLDR of this all? Simple every frame has something they are good at and when modded right they are insanely good at it. Hell I'll toss in one more, I see it quite often on the forums and in game chat, but there are players getting millions of kills a week and usually they are using one specific frame against one specific faction. Those are Mag and the corpus. In most missions Mag is not much of a warframe and with the greedy pull nerf she has fallen pretty far in the ranks, except in one case. Right now Mag does one thing well, killing corpus in masse, and she does it very very well. Likewise Valkyr has little she is good at, but what she is good at (staying alive) there is none better. Without powers there is no better tank, and as this thread can surely tell you, there is NO BETTER TANK with powers.

-Darc, Valkyr Main 4 Life

PS. As I said in a previous post, I generally don't use any of her powers because I know she doesn't need them.

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