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Valkyr's Hysteria Is Not Overpowered.


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There are times where I played her really poorly on purpose to see if I could get a decent chunk of damage reflected back on me. Half the time I can't seem to run out of energy and the other half of the time I don't seem to take any real damage back.

Is it bugged or something?

You have to be next to enemies to take that damage when Hysteria turns off.  As long as you aren't near any enemies (like 5m) then you take no damage.  You can literally bullet jump away and re-toggle with no penalty.  

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You have to be next to enemies to take that damage when Hysteria turns off.  As long as you aren't near any enemies (like 5m) then you take no damage.  You can literally bullet jump away and re-toggle with no penalty.  

yeah man I know how it is supposed to work but it just isn't happening as I play. Even when I am not trying to get out of enemy range it doesn't happen. All I'm doing is killing at random without a thought of position crossing my mind.  and that is with stretch equipped!

I guess I will have to purposefully mess up by purposefully standing next to enemies and turn it off to make the mechanic work.

In which case....something is wrong. lol

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Guys chill out. What ever you say, she is OverPowered, say what ever you want, but she is OP. Immortality need to go.

She's literally had that capability since she was created. :/

Why are you complaining now.


I'll be back in nine hours, have to go to work.

Edited by OfficerBeepsky
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She's literally had that capability since she was created. :/

Why are you complaining now.

A lot of folks have been complaining for a long time. not just now.

Also hysteria was recently buffed, so some folks who were ok with the old version aren't ok with the new one.

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If Hysteria deactivates with enemies within 10 meters, you take 7.5% of the damage you would have taken outside of hysteria. That's what that counter is, and once that starts getting high because the damage enemies are dealing is starting to scale absurdly high? If you screw up and bump into a nullie? You're dead.


That's the balance. If you screw up, you're dead. The T4S video is nothing more than a skilled player pushing the boundaries of the game as far as he can.


Yeah, except for her being able to run through scanner doors and into nullifier bubbles without hysteria being dispelled.

She is immune to EVERY @(*()$ THING in this game, which is why she is insanely overpowered.

On top of that, her energy consumption grows so damn low that you quickly become self-sustaining in energy bubbles.

Also, Valkyr is able to kill fast enough one hour into t4 survival, so if you think she's weak you didn't mod properly.


Currently she's the strongest frame in the game, at least from a damage dealing perspective. the only thing she's got going for herself is the fact that you don't just spam her ult, you actually have to attack individual enemies... but that's all.

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Valkyr in her current state is fine. She was practically useless in the party pre-buff


You lost me right here.  It's as if none of you guys that support her current state have ever played Valkyr prior to this update.  I've already discussed the reasons for her being a completely fine, excellent, balanced frame in other topics ad nauseum, so I'll leave it to you to figure out how to build Valkyr without relying on Hysteria for damage output.

Edited by AzureEmulation
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Yeah, except for her being able to run through scanner doors and into nullifier bubbles without hysteria being dispelled.

She is immune to EVERY @(*()$ THING in this game, which is why she is insanely overpowered.

On top of that, her energy consumption grows so damn low that you quickly become self-sustaining in energy bubbles.

Also, Valkyr is able to kill fast enough one hour into t4 survival, so if you think she's weak you didn't mod properly.


Currently she's the strongest frame in the game, at least from a damage dealing perspective. the only thing she's got going for herself is the fact that you don't just spam her ult, you actually have to attack individual enemies... but that's all.


If that new? Hysteria has always been removed from Nullifer Bubbles unless the recent change has stopped that which would mean its bugged, not intentional. I have seen people stand OUTSIDE of the bubble, attack it with Hysteria melee, and break the bubble then kill the Nullifer from videos after the change (AGayGuyPlays specifically) but none of people just waltzing into a bubble post-change all non-nonchalantly. Also, from a damage perspective Excalibur is still powerful as hell and can last just as long as her. 


Staying invincible for 15+ minutes straight is OP no matter how you look at it. When compared to Trinity it's not very accurate, because Trinity needs a pretty dedicated build with some high level mods, and preferably some self damaging weapon on hand to do it right. It's also very easy to screw up once and die. You also need to recast it every 20-30 seconds. It's also not a complete invulnerability, so later on you still getting hurt quite a bit. With new Valkyr you just activate it once and run around invincible for 15+ minutes with crazy damage.


I have two suggestions on how to fix it:


1) Remove invincibility and give Valkyr 90% damage reduction (on top of her armor) affected by Strength (caps at 99% like Trinity's Blessing). Leave everything else the same, although maybe remove the damage on deactivation thing.


2) Valkyr recieves damage normally, but her health can't go below 5. When you're at 5 health energy drain increases. This way you will still be able to run around invincible, but you'll have to watch out for damage and use it more strategically, since you'll run out of energy much faster if you just tank mindlessly. Also you'll have to pick the right moment to end Hysteria, so you don't end up in the middle of a crowd with 5 HP.


For your second setup to the ability, there is a very specific mod that would like to speak with you. It isn't hard to get, hell, I believe I have like... thirty of them and I have been playing on and off since April. It's called Rage. With her taking damage she will never run out of energy so this whole increased energy consumption fluttered on the wind. Now, for those who do not have this mod, sure, but once its gotten (which its fairly cheap to get with platinum, like 5P on PS4 I believe) that second limitation goes out the door. Then there is the built in Life Steal. Even if you took that away you can just toss Life steal on her weapon making her virtually never getting to that 5HP thresholds, or getting to it for long anyways. So infinite energy, check, still immortal as f***, check xD

Edited by (PS4)FunyFlyBoy
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It can permanently remove all possible threat from a mission. I'm not sure how anyone with even a single fully functioning brain hemisphere could think that isn't broken. Why are you even playing a shooty game if you know that there's no possible danger or chance of failure?


HYSTERIA CHANGE IDEA: as soon as you press 4, the Lotus says "Yeah, we all know how this is going to work out" and you automatically get a mission complete screen.


it's not a question of whether or not she's powerful enough, or overpowered, it's a question of just how far people want to push the game


This reeks of poorly justified excuse, but it is technically true. Right now, the level that the game is balanced for is completely unchallenging, and the level that's challenging is completely unbalanced. U18 promises a rework to enemy scaling, which will hopefully fix this issue. Once this happens, we'll be much more able to effectively balance content.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Responding? Yes. Discussing? Hardly.

There's so much to discuss with people like 



She is totally overpowered. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Simply that its a fact.


Guys chill out. What ever you say, she is OverPowered, say what ever you want, but she is OP. Immortality need to go.

How do you "discuss" things with those types of responses?

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For your second setup to the ability, there is a very specific mod that would like to speak with you. It isn't hard to get, hell, I believe I have like... thirty of them and I have been playing on and off since April. It's called Rage. With her taking damage she will never run out of energy so this whole increased energy consumption fluttered on the wind. Now, for those who do not have this mod, sure, but once its gotten (which its fairly cheap to get with platinum, like 5P on PS4 I believe) that second limitation goes out the door. Then there is the built in Life Steal. Even if you took that away you can just toss Life steal on her weapon making her virtually never getting to that 5HP thresholds, or getting to it for long anyways. So infinite energy, check, still immortal as f***, check xD

Good point, although nothing prevents us from disabling Rage while you channel Hysteria (similar to how Energy Siphon is disabled) Currently it's technically not working anyways, because you don't lose HP, so not like we will take away something from her. As for the built in Life Steal, that's the point, if you can maintain your heath at high level, you're good. However I'm not sure that would be that easy with melee only. there might need to be some tweaks if that's going to be implemented. Like increasing the energy drain threshold, maybe something like 100 HP or even more. It could start increased draining at half HP, and gradually increase energy drain with the more HP you lose. Maybe remove Blocking from Hysteria, so you have to do some tricky moves to move from one group of enemies to another (suddenly Rip Line comes into play!) It also kinda makes sense that a raging berserker doesn't block, she just moves from enemy to enemy to rip them apart.


Some testing and tweaking need to be done, but overall I think it might be an interesting idea. While she technically retains invulnerability, you'll have to work much more for that, and actually turn that off at times.

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Her kit revolves around her ult.


1.) Brings enemies closer to you, or brings you closer to enemies

2.) Speeds up Melee, and buffs Armor.

3.) Stuns enemies, opening them to melee finishers

4.) Absurdly high melee damage, at the downside of needing to get in close, completely disables access to ranged combat. Invincible for the duration, with life steal granted in order to use it to regenerate health. Main benefit? Invulnerability.



So naturally, her ult is going to be the best thing she has, since her entire concept, revolves around using that ult effectively.


She's a lot more powerful now than she was before. But what she was before, was very, very, bad.

If im able to go 1:30 in a T4 survival with just her ult, then she is overpowered. I have no qualms about that. But trying to say she isnt is a false statement. 

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If im able to go 1:30 in a T4 survival with just her ult, then she is overpowered. I have no qualms about that. But trying to say she isnt is a false statement. 


Why are you butthurt about being able to go that far with her? Hysteria is what makes her, she would be absolutely worthless without it. Any frame can go that far anyway, you just need tons of expensive mods for the best build and some skill. "One skill can carry you? OMG NARF, you need 2 skills to be practically unkillable, totally balanced!" such double standard wow


Like, does it really affect you how far people can go (especially in SOLO)? Why do you care in the first place? Just play another frame then if you are one of the OMG GAME IS TOO EASY scrubs.

Edited by Momo93
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Why are you butthurt about being able to go that far with her? Hysteria is what makes her, she would be absolutely worthless without it. Any frame can go that far anyway, you just need tons of expensive mods for the best build and some skill. "One skill can carry you? OMG NARF, you need 2 skills to be practically unkillable, totally balanced!" such double standard wow


Like, does it really affect you how far people can go (especially in SOLO)? Why do you care in the first place? Just play another frame then if you are one of the OMG GAME IS TOO EASY scrubs.


It can permanently remove all possible threat from a mission. I'm not sure how anyone with even a single fully functioning brain hemisphere could think that isn't broken. Why are you even playing a shooty game if you know that there's no possible danger or chance of failure?


HYSTERIA CHANGE IDEA: as soon as you press 4, the Lotus says "Yeah, we all know how this is going to work out" and you automatically get a mission complete screen.

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It's genuinely surprising people don't find God Mode overpowered.


Hysteria should make valkyr extremely tough to kill, however she should still be able to be killed, like every frame in the game. Even the most heavy CC enemies remain the chance to kill you. Exalted blade despite all it's damage does not prevent Excalibur from being killed.

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Really? I think EB, Peacemaker, Miasma and even Trinity demonstrated that people really don't care.


All of those are Press 4-2-Win. But certainly not God Mode as they can be killed During it.



3 of the 4 just do ridiculous damage but you are still vulnerable. Blessing i can partly understand, but even at 99% you can still be killed by high enough damage as trinity has very low base stats.



Every other form of pseudo-invincibility can have the user killed while performing it. or during it.



Invisibility-Stray bullet/AoE

Riftwalk-Can't attack enemies in rift, in rift they can kill you easily. Limbo more or less removes himself from the field than turn invincible.

Vex Armour-Duration based and despite the ridiculous Armour value, still will not protect chroma forever as there will come a point where it will be overwhelmed.


There's no reason for Valkyr to have the cheat codes. If She God mode is the only thing she has then buff her other skills further.

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All of those are Press 4-2-Win. But certainly not God Mode as they can be killed During it.



3 of the 4 just do ridiculous damage but you are still vulnerable. Blessing i can partly understand, but even at 99% you can still be killed by high enough damage as trinity has very low base stats.



Every other form of pseudo-invincibility can have the user killed while performing it. or during it.



Invisibility-Stray bullet/AoE

Riftwalk-Can't attack enemies in rift, in rift they can kill you easily. Limbo more or less removes himself from the field than turn invincible.

Vex Armour-Duration based and despite the ridiculous Armour value, still will not protect chroma forever as there will come a point where it will be overwhelmed.


There's no reason for Valkyr to have the cheat codes. If She God mode is the only thing she has then buff her other skills further.

Absorb. Bladestorm. Exalted blade through walls. She has had "cheat codes" since release. You only think it's a problem now because she's not a walking tickle monster who does no damage. 

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Absorb. Bladestorm. Exalted blade through walls. She has had "cheat codes" since release. You only think it's a problem now because she's not a walking tickle monster who does no damage. 

Em, you do realize that unlike Hysteria absorb kiiiinda makes you eat more energy the more you get hit, immobilizes you completely, draws aggro AND doesn't allow you to use about anything?

Just my 2 cents.

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Absorb. Bladestorm. Exalted blade through walls. She has had "cheat codes" since release. You only think it's a problem now because she's not a walking tickle monster who does no damage. 


Absorb locks you in place, unable to attack and Nyx is very vulnerable to range enemies when she leaves it.


Blade storm like exalted blade is press 4 to win. However, neither of these are God mode, which removes the threat of death with little to no consequence.


Also Valkyr's God mode has always been debated. Except back then it has questionably arguable falws



-Her  mobility was poor, bad copter

-She was stuck in melee without a way to remove it

-It did bad damage



All of those were removed.  Toggled God mode.Totally balanced.

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Absorb locks you in place, unable to attack and Nyx is very vulnerable to range enemies when she leaves it.


Blade storm like exalted blade is press 4 to win. However, neither of these are God mode, which removes the threat of death with little to no consequence.


Also Valkyr's God mode has always been debated. Except back then it has questionably arguable falws



-Her  mobility was poor, bad copter

-She was stuck in melee without a way to remove it

-It did bad damage



All of those were removed.  Toggled God mode.Totally balanced.

you are invulnerable during blade storm and carrier picks up energy while in it so yea it's god mode. 



Em, you do realize that unlike Hysteria absorb kiiiinda makes you eat more energy the more you get hit, immobilizes you completely, draws aggro AND doesn't allow you to use about anything?

Just my 2 cents.


All I'm saying is that invulnerability is not the issue because it's in the game and has been forever. 

Edited by Haldos
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you are invulnerable during blade storm and carrier picks up energy while in it so yea it's god mode.




By that logic



Slash Dash, Tidal surge and Rhino charge would classify as God mode. As they too make the frame invulnerable. However, like Blade storm, they have definitive end. Hysteria is not like that as  once toggled it's end point is until your energy runs out, with due to recent changes, is very unlikely it will.


All I'm saying is that invulnerability is not the issue because it's in the game and has been forever. 




That does not prevent it from being changed, many skills have been changed from the inception to now.

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Claiming hysteria is overpowered is also an opinion.


Trinity can make the entire party invincible, and have them never run out of energy too.

Chroma can make himself invincible, while also giving himself like, 500% extra damage to all his weapons.

Both provide damage mitigation, not immortality. There is a difference.

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Don't scream at DE to ruin everyone elses experience because of one player being more skilled and better equipped than you are.


Your goal, as a player, should be to get on that level.

Not to force people who want to minmax to be brought down to yours.


I like this quote. That's something that's always bugged me about this community. "Balance" something based on the performance of a pro. The purpose of a modding system is to have free reign over how you build your character. It would be different in a game based on PVP for obvious reasons, but a Co-op game? Borderlands 2 was highly successful and look how crazy you can get with the modding on there. Hysteria is on the same plate as other skills that can push the envelope if modded correctly like Exalted Blade, Invisibility, and Blade Storm.

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