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[Clan Weapons] If This Is True, Then There's A Storm A-Brewin On The Horizon...


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Supposedly data mined manufacturing costs for the new dojo research weapons.


Note, these costs can be false and should not be takin as the final value until properly manufactured by the clans in-game.


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Prova -

Manufacturing costs:

1 Fieldron - Not bad, 12 hours and a bit of resources.

300 Alloy plate - again, not bad. The increased drops of alloy plate make this an easy some to come up with.

1000 salvage - easily done.

1 forma - What? A rare drop from either the void or the daily login reward, with no alert missions ever having dropped it? Why?


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Supra -

Manufacturing costs:

10 Fieldron - what...5 DAYS of crafting minimum, along with a huge resource cost of a whopping 10 control modules, 5000 salvage, 2500 plastids, and 300,000 credits? Why?

1000 Alloy plate - harder than the 300, but still doable with a bit of farming.

7000 salvage - total cost of salvage on this wep is 12000, difficult but doable.

1 forma - Perhaps the one weapon I could see this being a justified cost on, if the stats are good enough. Still VERY prohibitive givin the exceeding rarity of any kind of forma, and its valuable use outside of crafting weapons.



Manufacturing costs:

2 Fieldron - not bad, 2 control modules and a day of crafting.

600 circuits - easily obtainable.

4500 ferrite - clans large enough to craft the research rooms are going to be hurting for ferrite, but this is easily farmable.

1 forma - See the prova, no discernable reason a side-grade at best should cost this much.



Manufacturing costs:

5 Fieldron - Ouch, better than the 10 Fieldron by half but still excessive. Still, flux rifle could prove to be worth it.

900 circuits - easily obtainable.

6000 Ferrite - Same situation as the dera's costs. Not too hard to farm.

1 forma - without knowing any of the stats, no idea on how much this weapon is worth.



Manufacturing costs:

10 Fieldron - No, please no!

20 Gallium - Sweet Lucifer no!

600 alloy plate - not bad.

1 forma - possible stats seem positive for the cost.



Manufacturing costs:

2 Mutagen mass - If the cost is anything like the Fieldron, then this isnt too bad (Clan is researching it now).

4500 salvage - not difficult.

600 circuits - not bad.

1 forma - I'm seeing a negative trend here...



Manufacturing costs:

5 Mutagen mass - Same as the 5 Fieldron I would imagine. Not too hard but annoying.

6000 salvage - obtainable in a medium length time span.

5000 nano spores - obtainable in a medium length time span.

1 forma - ...



2 Detonite injector - same boat as the Mutagen mass

5000 Nano spores - obtainable

5000 ferrite - medium difficulty, you'll need around 50 ferrite resource drops for this.

1 forma - ...



5 Detonite injector - same boat as the 5 Mutagen mass

5000 salvage - obtainable

600 alloy plate - obtainable

1 forma - ...


The costs, in my opinion, seem far too high in this possible datamine to balance out the usefullness these weapons could bring to the lineup. I could be wrong, and they could be amazing, but thats my take.


Mastery ranks: edited


Prova - Mastery level 3


Dera - Mastery level 4


Flux rifle - Mastery level 6


Supra - Mastery level 7


Lanka - Mastery level 7


Torid - Mastery level 4


Acrid - Mastery level 7


Ignis - Mastery level 4


Ogris - Mastery level 6



Tl;Dr DE has much to answer for in the Livestream.




Livestream has confirmed that the devs have looked at this topic, and will hopefully lessen the resource cost.


The ranking acting as a stopgate against newer players for these possibly crazy strong weapons has been seen as a positive thing, but I will leave the info up for those who want to know.


Resource cost, especially forma, has been seen as a bit ridiculous for weapons that already require a massive effort on part of smaller clans, and still a decent amount of work for larger clans.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post and the comments DE, faith has been restored! Now if only I could find a pistol or rifle multishot...

Edited by Raklak
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Forma for making weapons? Oh bother... what can't this stuff do?

At least it's farmable I guess... but that means no one will donate their forma to dojo buildings anymore...

Level it to 10 sell and repeat

That was patched sooo many patches ago you wouldn't even believe it... x)

Edited by Sherbniz
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Yes to most of this, but keep in mind that you can now also polarize Warframes and weapons for leveling mastery further with them. Then again, even more Forma needed. Where is all that Forma supposed to come from I wonder...

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Isn't Dera the standard Corpus-Infanterie rifle?

If so, Corpus and Grineer factions must be swimming in Forma - Which only exists in the void.


EDIT: Warframe is still very much free to play. Endgame content is hard to reach - That much I can respect.

But this Forma frenzy for weapons is crazy... I can already see later weaponries needing 20 Forma to build.

Edited by Kasamoto
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If you want to rank fast,

Buy the cheapest weapon, lato,

Level it to 10 sell and repeat, 1000 mastery for 7500 Credits, so not too bad, plus you'll be levying your other gear while doing this.

The same weapons do not return mastery when re-leveling them after a another set was already leveled.

Bottom of http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank



God forbid to have End-Game weapons for all those people who play for months and have high Mastery Rank.


Casual corner? This way --->


They may be worth it in the end, and I acknowledged that, but the massive costs and RNG involved is completely ridiculous for even non-casuals.

God forbid I dislike farming for weeks for a small upgrade.

Edited by Raklak
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Damn, there go my hopes of being able to craft one of these for myself. I was kinda looking forward to getting a Rocket Launcher (or the Supra, christ look at that thing, It's basically a Gorgon that fires Latron shots!)

Edited by Aeshi
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... and yet there's no content difficult enough to justify these weapons.

Grinding to get weapons that serve no purpose other than to satisfy the players' hoarder/completionist gene. *Yawn*.

I've already pointlessly grinded to mastery 8.6, this new content is exponentially more grind that I simply have no interest in pursuing.

I can't believe the people who said they didn't want Warframe to be all about farming are the same people who designed & created U8.

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Mastery levels I can understand but requiring a forma is just cheeky. For an item that has so many uses, where it's consumed upon use, it's pretty expensive.

DE better rethink, either the resource requirements of these weapons, or forma prices.


And oh please, what's the big deal about new resource requirements, 10 fieldron samples... I have 49 and I'm not even trying.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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the thing is, that it isn't fieldron samples you need, you aparently need the full fieldron.

full fieldron isn't a random drop. each fieldron requires the following:

10 fieldron samples

1 control module

500 salvage

250 plastids

15k credits

12 hours waiting.

now. for 10 fieldron that becomes:

100 fieldron

10 control modules

5000 salvage

2500 plastids

150'000 credits

120 hours.

quite a lot is it not? especially the time requirement since you can't craft multiple ones at once

edit: also according to the wiki, a control module seems to be rarer than any other "rare" material when it comes to being dropped by a boss, which i can testify to as they drop more common from enemies than the hyena.

Edited by grndragon
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To be honest, I was all RAH RAH RAH, UNFAIR TO SMALL CLANS! When I found out that 50% of the cool guns in this update were hidden behind a forma pay/grind wall. Unless my math is crap, you already need 120 forma which is more or less $130-150 in real world money. Then add the other forma and you're probably looking at around 200 or so.


But I mellowed out after seeing how incredibly bad these guns are compared to the time required to invest in them. I really don't see myself desperately needing these when I can already faceroll most of the game with the stuff I have. So really, our four man clan isn't going to invest that much plat into this because it simply isn't worth it no matter how you slice it.


What I also find poignant is that pretty much all the n00bs that joined up in 200 man clans and spent a week grinding like nutters now find themselves not only having to grind MORE, but also that they can't use their newly aquired weapons unless they... grind some more.


Really, at this point, DE seriously needs to do something about these costs or the playerbase is going to abandon this game if they keep hiding their updates with this pay/grind wall. Really, I could respect a paywall, I really can, but grindwall? That's where I get off the proverbial train.

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20 Gallium is absurd. Period. Especially on top of the other clan material requirements. I am all for having goals to shoot towards, and ok with items that take time to obtain. The fact that we can only craft 2 clan resources of a type per day, REALLY puts a damper on this. DE consistently states that they want to move AWAY from the grindfest, yet they add items like these that require boss run after boss run for a CHANCE drop.

The mastery requirements as a gating mechanism, I am completely fine with. The resource requirements and an almost forced platinum buy-in, BEFORE taking into account weapons slots/catalysts/additional forma for polarizing, is completely uncalled for. If a player is crafting an item via blueprint, there should be no real money cost. This is coming from a player who clearly has no problem with sinking some cash into this game. This isn't about being able to afford forced costs on top of the grind, but the principle of that pricing model.

DE, I love your game, and I loved the direction it was going for quite some time. That said, U8 has me VERY concerned with the direction you now seem to be headed in. You are creating some stellar content, and pushing new ideas that a lot of us very much enjoy. Don't let experimentation become a detriment to what appeared to be your original gameplan. We understand this is a beta, and it is ever-changing, but this is also a beta we are sinking a LOT of money into. Many of us have spent far more on this beta than we have on most retail/live releases. Please keep that in mind when you make some of these toxic decisions concerning pricing/farming.

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And oh please, what's the big deal about new resource requirements, 10 fieldron samples... I have 49 and I'm not even trying.

They're not samples, they're separate materials crafted after you research them in the labs (fieldron research being the first thing in the energy lab, mutagen for bio etc.)

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Yikes. I hope the Dataminers are wrong. I don't mind the mastery levels, but those costs are pretty steep D:

Then again, once it's manufactured does everyone in the clan get one? It might be fair if that's the case.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Yikes. I hope the Dataminers are wrong. I don't mind the mastery levels, but those costs are pretty steep D:

Then again, once it's manufactured does everyone in the clan get one? It might be fair if that's the case.

No, the research only grants you access to the BP. If the datamining is correct, and remains unchanged, these will be the individual blueprint requirements for EACH player to craft the weapon for themselves.

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Ok DE, please make it either or.

With the building system the minimum requirements for setting up research in PURE forma is

cross connector - 5

reactor - 5

oracle - 15

lab - 15

40 Forma.

Alright, acceptable when we grin (and I say GRIND) as a guild

But to top that with more than ridiculous costs to actually get a gun that's at most decent, why do we build the base anyway?

Step 1: adjust the costs of the small connector, t-shape, hallway so we might actually USE them instead of sticking to crossconnector.

Step 2: Either greatly reduce the required forma for the build (perhaps not necessary, those who want can pay) or let go of the forma cost for the weps (better idea, along with some reality check on the other costs)

Edited by twibs
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