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Baro Kiteer Needs A Rework Asap.


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Baro Kiteer and Xur have many things in common but also Xur has a better system IMO. Like Xur, Baro has rare items and also Baro has Ducats or strange coins whatever you want to call them. But here is a KEY difference:


Xur has items you can farm for (Universal remote, Gjallihorn blah blah)


Baro Kiteer only has exclusive items


There is an easy way to fix this IMO: Baro Kiteer comes every weekend offering all old items but every other weekend he is offering 2 new mods(event mods count), 1 new aesthetic and 1 new weapon. This way every 2 weeks you cannot get disappointed. This way players that joined 2 months ago can still get a prisma skana without paying 1.5k or about 50 US Dollars (Without Coupon). Thats ALOT of money for just 1 item. Baro Kiteer SERIOUSLY needs to be fixed because his items #@#% the market (i.e Fanged Fusillade = 40p). If Baro could be reworked to always carry old items and bring new ones every other week or something, it would fix alot of problems with mastery rank weapons

Edited by VoltageKg
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"Kaz, I'm getting a deja vu here."


I remember responding to literally the same thread.


Not sure if it's by the same person, but I remember that thread going down the "nope" route.


Reasons being "If baro brings the same old stuff back every time, there's no exclusivity of the old stuff anymore"


Also, by design baro IS supposed to bring at least one new thing each visit, It's just DE has been dropping the ball lately.


So yeah, nope.

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I only hate the fact that he doesn't get new items that often because "people would burn out because of grinding ducats". Grinding ducats would probably make me play this game more often again.


Let's hope this changes in U18

ducats are problematic for people?  all you do is run some void missions as usual, then go sell any parts you don't need for ducats.  I've got about 2k ducats just sitting around because of getting too many parts, mainly from survivals.  If you have a problem with ducats, then either you're just lazy, you have money management issues, or both...

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Baro himself is a joke of a "Void" trader. His list goes on and on with Prima and Primed, until you suddendly reach a Machete Wraith and a Prova Vandal. How can it be possible that he found such things in the Void? It would be very nice if the event items were kept in events, which is why they are named event items.

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Baro himself is a joke of a "Void" trader. His list goes on and on with Prima and Primed, until you suddendly reach a Machete Wraith and a Prova Vandal. How can it be possible that he found such things in the Void? It would be very nice if the event items were kept in events, which is why they are named event items.

He's a void trader, because he sells his wares for parts that are farmed in the void.



And now for the millionth time. Baro Ki Teer was not designed to constantly flow new content into the game (It was stated in the early devstreams when they first announced him, before he even had a name). Baro Ki Teer was designed to recycle excess prime parts that players have no use for, for other items that can be used, his wares WILL repeat again and again, he will also get new wares from time to time. Farming for Baro and complaining that he has repeats is your own problem.

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No Problem with the void Trader has it is, but I can agree with some points, like Wraith and Vandal weapons, maybe introduce them in some other way, I actually like the ideia that some evnt weapons could be farmable in the future, after all not all players have been playing this game since the get go, also contrary to what some people argue I find that less is better he can't have new stuff that often, for the same reasons I stated abov, not all people have being playing this game since the beggining and makking the poll of stuff he adds larger will make obtaining this items everytime harder since they will take longuer to come back to the rotation, I think that maybe in the future the things that have been moved to Vault may come back trough him, dunno just a random tought I had.

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Who the -language snip- is xur? Xman or something?

xur's from Destiny.



He's a void trader, because he sells his wares for parts that are farmed in the void.



And now for the millionth time. Baro Ki Teer was not designed to constantly flow new content into the game (It was stated in the early devstreams when they first announced him, before he even had a name). Baro Ki Teer was designed to recycle excess prime parts that players have no use for, for other items that can be used, his wares WILL repeat again and again, he will also get new wares from time to time. -snip-

Exactly. It's nice to be able to dump unused parts and give worth to an otherwise "wasted" key (looking at you, akbronco link..)

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Baro sucks. He should be at every relay all the time with all items and just have new ones added to the list every 2 weeks. Everyone wins.


Changing him now would upset the market. Doing so is not fair to people who bought multiple items (prisma skana for example) with the intent reselling later.


Hypothetical response: "They shouldn't be buying multiple items, that's wrong"

Answer: speculation has its price. e.g.: I bought multiple prisma dual cleavers. Haven't been able to unload even one yet. 

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Changing him now would upset the market. Doing so is not fair to people who bought multiple items (prisma skana for example) with the intent reselling later.


Hypothetical response: "They shouldn't be buying multiple items, that's wrong"

Answer: speculation has its price. e.g.: I bought multiple prisma dual cleavers. Haven't been able to unload even one yet. 


The market is irrelevant, making the game better is not. Changing Baro to actually benefit all players all the time does that. 

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I can agree with this. I'm absolutely frustrated that a lot of my setups could benefit from something like primed continuity, but I get screwed over because I wasn't there when Baro was selling primed continuity. Now I will have to wait for him to sell it again (who the hell knows when that's going to be) because I'm certainly not buying one for 200p off of trading.

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the Void Trader exists as a way to reduce Prime Part clutter and to give such Veterans more things to do while getting rid of that clutter.

it's really not a big deal that the Void Trader doesn't just hand out Legendary Mods to everyone - they're purpose existing for Veteran Players, those who can actually afford to upgrade them.

with a similar deal for the rest of what he sells, due to the obtainment method, they're purpose targeted for the Veteran Players that would have the clutter in the first place.



to complain about that, is to completely misunderstand that the Void Traders' purpose in the game is.

make no mistake, his job is not to be a 'new content store'.

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I only hate the fact that he doesn't get new items that often because "people would burn out because of grinding ducats". Grinding ducats would probably make me play this game more often again.


Let's hope this changes in U18

Im the complete opposite, sick of void grind as is without having to do it even more.


I like Baro as he is - most only complain as they dont all agree on whats "good" - hes been great lately IMO with formely exclusive stances, event mods and stances... vets have these though so instead want more primed mods etcinstead  and some just outright hate when he peddles liset or frame cosmetics. Hes been a good mix of something for everyone though veterans are hardest to please.

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It can be a little nettling to not have anything new to purchase when Baro comes around, but personally I think he's fine as is. If anything having a couple of repeat runs is nice because I have time to naturally accrue ducats rather than frantically farm for things to melt in my spare time. The only change I could see a need for is adding at least one new thing every visit, but I wouldn't be heartbroken if that never came to pass.

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I would love stuff like the imperator and stipetron vandal to come back, but I believe it should be though difficult missions or events like the survive or die weakend, but maybe a bit harder. I'd hate to see exclusive event weapons returned in a way were every random player that was present and did 20 void runs gets them. These items should be behind difficult barriers. They should however return for players that were not around to get them. We should not punish players for not knowing about the game a year ago. while badges should remain exclusive.

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I would love stuff like the imperator and stipetron vandal to come back, but I believe it should be though difficult missions or events like the survive or die weakend, but maybe a bit harder. I'd hate to see exclusive event weapons returned in a way were every random player that was present and did 20 void runs gets them. These items should be behind difficult barriers. They should however return for players that were not around to get them. We should not punish players for not knowing about the game a year ago. while badges should remain exclusive.


I think lackluster/less prestigious event weapons should get the Baro treatment- I doubt anyone's going to be upset about the Sheev going through a Baro rotation, or even entering the market. Snipetron Vandal's a thornier issue though, and I think just sticking it in Baro's inventory would lead to mayhem, so I have to agree with you on putting it as a reward for something sufficiently difficult.


I personally don't have the Snipetron Vandal, so I can't speak for that event, but I feel like the treatment the Rift Sigil has gotten (adding it as a rare reward to tac alert escalations) is an example of a good compromise items like the SV could fall in line with. It still feels exclusive to me so I can wear it with pride, and I know that anyone who has it now has done their fair share to earn it so I don't feel slighted about its return. People who missed it can grab it, vets don't feel cheated, and everyone gets shiny toys to mess around with. It's a win-win.

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One of the little things that contribute to the overpriced mods on trading isn't only the rarity, but the fact that the mods take way too many R5 cores to be maxed. 268 for rank 9 is acceptable, but the double just for rank 10 is a hell of an unfunny joke. If the cost to max them was lower, we'd all see Baro's Primed mods going down a bit in terms of price, which would be beneficial for everyone.


Just so you guys have an idea, I sold a maxed Primed Continuity for 900p once, because it was just a @(*()$ pain to max it and I could have done a lot of other things during the time I was farming the cores.

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Before the trader first appeared, I thought he would be helpful. Honestly believed he would be the guy that would trade 50 sicarus barrels for that Nova prime systems. Not just introduce new and mostly useless items into the game. And since we all started cashing in ducats... look at the values of those prime parts. Most of us had several Frost prime sets before, they were obscenely common. Then we traded them for prisma tubesocks...

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Baro sucks. He should be at every relay all the time with all items and just have new ones added to the list every 2 weeks. Everyone wins.

The market is irrelevant, making the game better is not. Changing Baro to actually benefit all players all the time does that. 


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