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Corpus Missions Are Boring And Frustrating


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I do love Warframe. I know lately it probably seems this isnt true, but I do. Which is why I come here to provide feedback. 


Feedback like this: Corpus missions are absolutely terrible experiences. There is literally nothing - not one thing - to be enjoyed about Corpus missions. Literally my favorite part of Corpus missions, is Extraction.


Why is this the case? Enemy types.


I just ran the Alert mission (Corpus Exterminate) on Pluto. Rank 39 or so mission.


Every third enemy was a Nullifier. I know because I counted. Every. Third. Enemy. And there I was with Vaykor Hek/Marelok as my only ranged weapons. I literally spent so much time inside nullifier bubbles, that I could not use frame abilities while there were enemies to fight.


This experience...I could get this from literally ANY PvE Shooter in existence. I mean, its run through the map, close distance, shoot. Repeat until enemies are dead. 


Nullifiers - and especially their overwhelming prevalence - are ruining everything unique about Warframe. They literally kill the game. They rob it of identity, of uniqueness. They rob it of fun.


How about we get more Proxies. Hyenas and Bursa. Maybe then we can finally get rid of this terrible enemy type.

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They literally kill the game. 


You need to look up the definition of literally, games cannot die since they aren't alive.


All of this is just your opinion on Nullifiers and yet from reading your post you seem to think everyone feels the same way. Yes Nullifiers can be annoying in groups, although to say that 1/3rd of enemies were Nullifiers is just laughable, but I think they're a fairly fun enemy type.


Post your feedback, but stop making it sound as if your opinion is either the only one that matters, or the same as everyone elses. Nullifiers are not ''literally'' killing the game. Corpus missions aren't completely unenjoyable. It's just how you perceive them and how you should word your threads.

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I do love Warframe. I know lately it probably seems this isnt true, but I do. Which is why I come here to provide feedback. 


Feedback like this: Corpus missions are absolutely terrible experiences. There is literally nothing - not one thing - to be enjoyed about Corpus missions. Literally my favorite part of Corpus missions, is Extraction.


Why is this the case? Enemy types.


I just ran the Alert mission (Corpus Exterminate) on Pluto. Rank 39 or so mission.


Every third enemy was a Nullifier. I know because I counted. Every. Third. Enemy. And there I was with Vaykor Hek/Marelok as my only ranged weapons. I literally spent so much time inside nullifier bubbles, that I could not use frame abilities while there were enemies to fight.


This experience...I could get this from literally ANY PvE Shooter in existence. I mean, its run through the map, close distance, shoot. Repeat until enemies are dead. 


Nullifiers - and especially their overwhelming prevalence - are ruining everything unique about Warframe. They literally kill the game. They rob it of identity, of uniqueness. They rob it of fun.


How about we get more Proxies. Hyenas and Bursa. Maybe then we can finally get rid of this terrible enemy type.


If you opinion is the same as everyones (which you seem to think it is from the tone of your post) then I must be the only player that actually likes current corpus. Corpus are my favorite faction currently followed by infested. I don't like grineer because they are hitscan aimbots and the corrupted are a joke.


So what you deem unfun its the only thing I find actually fun without having to go to 40 minutes to enjoy myself. I play this game for the freedom of mobility plus the insane amount of weapons (I don't limit myself to the "meta") and frames. Not for the abilities. If I wanted to cast powers all the time I'd go play an mmorpg.

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Alerts can do some outlier things.

Enemy Spawns are very specifically controlled, strange insane things like you're describing are far outside the norm, and to be honest, unless it cheeses you (which that didn't in that situation) should be embraced as a change of pace and something distinctly different rather than scolded for not being the same as everything else.

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It amazes me that so many people are okay with things like this.


When I say that Nullifiers are killing the game I speak of the game's identity. Special powers, space Ninjas. That IS Warframe. 


Unless you're fighting a ship full of Nullifiers. Then the game basically becomes generic third person shooter in space. Which is harmful to the identity of Warframe. It lessens the game's unique facets. New players run into things like this, and its going to drive them away from the game. Especially when it happens often, which it does.


As for the quantity of Nullifiers...the mission was Nullifiers and Osprey. Perhaps two Supra corpsmen. But those were quite the rare exception. I simply cannot understand how NOT being able to do ANY of the things that make this game unique, for entire missions, is okay with some people. 

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I have not had the same experience, although I have been in games where as soon as I kill a Bursa another one shows up, even had two at once dragging me around the map.  LOL


Nullifiers are annoying, but they also make sense.


If you had some whacked out space ninja's constantly messing your stuff up you would find a way to minimize their chances and give you a way to nail them.

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It amazes me that so many people are okay with things like this.


When I say that Nullifiers are killing the game I speak of the game's identity. Special powers, space Ninjas. That IS Warframe. 


Unless you're fighting a ship full of Nullifiers. Then the game basically becomes generic third person shooter in space. Which is harmful to the identity of Warframe. It lessens the game's unique facets. New players run into things like this, and its going to drive them away from the game. Especially when it happens often, which it does.


As for the quantity of Nullifiers...the mission was Nullifiers and Osprey. Perhaps two Supra corpsmen. But those were quite the rare exception. I simply cannot understand how NOT being able to do ANY of the things that make this game unique, for entire missions, is okay with some people. 


There you go again saying that the abilities are what make this game what it is. That's subjective. That's your opinion. To me Warframe is a fast paced shooter first, casting simulator second. As I said before, if I wanted to use abilities all the time I'd go play an mmorpg.


I play Warframe because of the mix of parkour + shooting and the occasional ability. The mobility and fast paced action is what makes the game for me. The amount of weapon choice and frame choice are also very nice as is the art style.


If I end up with more than 50 abilities used in a survival/defense/interception long run then I was either using a caster or I was just S#&$ting around. 50 abilities used per game is my average. That's how little I use em.

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I've never had huge issues with Corpus nulls. Their bubbles scale with damage and low RoF better, their allies don't include BS like Bombards and they don't OHKO. They're alright. Corruputed nulls, on the other hand...


If you're having problems this big, bring an AoE weapon. A Penta or Synoid Simulor will deal with them quickly and efficiently.

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There you go again saying that the abilities are what make this game what it is. That's subjective. That's your opinion. To me Warframe is a fast paced shooter first, casting simulator second. As I said before, if I wanted to use abilities all the time I'd go play an mmorpg.

I play Warframe because of the mix of parkour + shooting and the occasional ability. The mobility and fast paced action is what makes the game for me. The amount of weapon choice and frame choice are also very nice as is the art style.

You make good points, I mean, at the end of the day it's a game about killing enemies but not all powers are dedicated to killing enemies. You can't just play it using nothing but powers.

I agree in part, the powers do make Warframe different from your normal CoD/BF/rinse repeat shooter.......but to say that loosing those powers on occasion or dealing with things that could remove your powers temporarily makes it the same as any shooter is pure hyperbole.

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Just smack the nullifiers. And Mesa Peacemaker ignores nullifiers shield for me. As well as Saryn's Miasma. Basically a thing it's AoE renders nullifiers useless.

Sort of. Mesa's Regulators can damage the bubbles just like other direct target abilities, but she is unable to target the Nullifier or enemies within the bubble. However, she can shoo at enemies around it and lower the bubble like that.

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