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Destiny's Guardians Vs Warframe's Tenno


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Now I am sure you guys remember dark sector pvp were we would revive one time after another without the need of revive. Were our own team could revive us or ourself either way what I am trying to get to

If those that remember we easily found a way to deal with this by basically locking out fallen enemy Tenno into snow globe ,Bastille,vortex undertow

We had many ways of us stopping ourself

In all honesty I would just use limbo yo ba usb every fallen enemy to the void i am not sure if destiny people can travel dimensión with out specific gear

And just for the sake reall tenno are over power just based on lore

And team functioning Tenno work together we literally only have each ot count on so I believe we have great teamwork specially if we tried.

Edited by Leavith
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Look.. I have friends that still play Destiny and rage against the enemies on a regular basis.. Destiny enemies..


If the enemies in Destiny were as fast and as powerfull as Tenno theyd throw their controllers and rage quit.

Guardians aint equipped to handle Tenno.


This is stepping into Gameplay, and out of Lore.  Here, the PLAYERS are having trouble with the GAME.  By the Lore, Guardians can take on scores of enemies. 


Also, plenty of Warframe players have trouble with enemies.  That doesnt make Tenno weak, it means the player is having trouble.

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On this Ward of Dawn thing, I read up on it and apparently other Guardians can break through it. So it doesn't seem far fetched that void magic couldn't breech it as well.


Also, does it wall out enemies to where they can't come into the area the ward is in or does it only allow outgoing bullets through the field?

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I think that focusing on Mag's Shield Polarize has become an unnesscary sticking point.  Her other three abilities would work on Guardians just fine, assuming they weren't behind a Ward of Dawn, and this is her approach to Grineer and Infested anyways.  And besides, being able to top off Tenno shields whenever is still a perfectly fine ability.


Also, the Negator Bubble point is an interesting one, and I could see a few ways that could actually work, like if the bubble simply phased people within it a millisecond outside of current Timespace, seperating them from their power sources.  However, it is also not really a help either way in this debate, as (unfortunately) no Warframe has it.


But as far as Mag, Pull, Bullet Attractor, and Crush would be more than enough to make her still plenty viable.


THIS, is really neat!

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On this Ward of Dawn thing, I read up on it and apparently other Guardians can break through it. So it doesn't seem far fetched that void magic couldn't breech it as well.


Also, does it wall out enemies to where they can't come into the area the ward is in or does it only allow outgoing bullets through the field?

It takes another Guardian Super to break the Ward of Dawn, so it is unknown/unlikely as to whether a Tenno could break it.


Yes, they can walk inside, but a firly common piece of equipment, the Helm of Saint-14, causes any enemies entering the area to be vlinded, similar to Excalibur's Blind, except you can still move.  Generally, this gets you meleed to oblivion, and shotgunned back out the other side.

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THIS, is really neat!

I have a tendency to try to head-canon game tech like that.  I've got a short Destiny fanfic I wrote where two guardians talk through the possible biology of one of the games races, the Fallen.


But yeah, that's where I came up with the ideas abotu Guardians using strong nuclear forces and whatnot.  The Traveller's tech is so advanced it appears to be magic, so being able to literally effect the movement and positioning of basic particles isn't too far fetched.

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It takes another Guardian Super to break the Ward of Dawn, so it is unknown/unlikely as to whether a Tenno could break it.


Yes, they can walk inside, but a firly common piece of equipment, the Helm of Saint-14, causes any enemies entering the area to be vlinded, similar to Excalibur's Blind, except you can still move.  Generally, this gets you meleed to oblivion, and shotgunned back out the other side.


Thing is, I know the exact tactic that would be used against them in this case. I use it all the time with nullifiers. Bullet jump through the field and drop a tonkor on their heads and then ride the blastwave out. It's super fun in practice. Heck the blinding could be used as a way to measure when to pull the trigger, even. But yeah, that ward could easily end up being countered by superior mobility and the tactics that such gives since it's not a perfect defense. Plus it would be punishing since the guardians would be all scrunched up in a small area.

Edited by Terumitsu
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Isn't Destiny closer to Borderlands than it is Warframe? How did this little rivalry start again?

Humanity falls from grace from a high technology level, involving players as superhuman warriors with space-magic powers fighitng:

Bulky space marines


Space Zaambies.

They both "came out" around the same time, they're both very grindy, and they're both instanced MMO with squads.

Edited by Tostov
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Nova's ability increases damage, done.  you still have to kill them.  May be blocked by Ward of Dawn.


Limbo's ability would temporarily banish them, but also leave them in Limbo long enough to regen their health and shields.  Only acts as Crowd Control.  Also, can be dodged.  And may be blocked by Ward of Dawn.


I'm not sure they can be disarmed, but even if they can, their abilities and melee skills don't require weapons.  Also, may be blocked by Ward of Dawn, and if Loki goes inside to do this, he's blind.


Guardian's don't sleep, as far as I can tell, and are undead.  Equinox's ability might not work.  Also, may be blocked by Ward of Dawn.



Trinity is a worry.


However, everything else is Physical Damage, and can be blocked by Ward of Dawn, dodged, or outranged.


And they have Hoverbikes to help with movement, and I still think I could keep up with a Warframe using my Blade Dancer, at least in terms of speed.


And Guardians would WRECK Grineer.

ward of dawn wait till it runs out and attack, just like everyone else does in PVP 


ward of dawn is not a guardians safe zone, sure helm of saint 14 and all that (mag pulls , banshee soundquake, rhino stomp/charge) the mechanics of some warframe powers is to destroy shields and even kill enemies through them , and at most ward of dawn dosnt keep enemies out


i was a serious DEF titan and i know its weaknesses and strengths dont try to play them up. lets not forget a scortch cannon used to shoot through and insta kill ya... EMBER time xD 


MAG would be the best against a DEF titan , just blast the shield away with one power and basically becomes her shield and explodes the guardian(s) inside it 


hyseria valkyr again runs around and slaughters everything,  INVINCIBLE + Life steal , so hmm blade dancer is highly outclassed


vuaban would be another worry


lets see, in our game CC scales infinity, we just CC and could then take full advantage, also stealth damage and kills  


so banshee , loki, ash fun 



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Doesn't really have the fall from grace, does it? Also, starcraft is what happens without the super space-magic people.

"Many core international economic systems folded in upon themselves and shut down as tensions rose regarding the use and capitalization of cybernetics and genetic mutations. Acts of terrorism and violence erupted between the corporate sector and the humanist factions, resulting in forced police actions across Earth. Civil chaos was already rampant in many of the larger countries, but media coverage of the police actions spurred it. The precarious balance of world power ultimately exploded into international pandemonium"


Fall from grace is subjective, there are still humans, but their population dropped by 90%.

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Thing is, I know the exact tactic that would be used against them in this case. I use it all the time with nullifiers. Bullet jump through the field and drop a tonkor on their heads and then ride the blastwave out. It's super fun in practice. Heck the blinding could be used as a way to measure when to pull the trigger, even. But yeah, that ward could easily end up being countered by superior mobility and the tactics that such gives since it's not a perfect defense. Plus it would be punishing since the guardians would be all scrunched up in a small area.

This is a tactic commonly used.  However, two or more Defenders can overlap portions of their Ward of Dawn.  Since the bubble doesn't allow fire in or out, this creates multiple compartments within the wards, allowing for better protection from precisely this.

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"Many core international economic systems folded in upon themselves and shut down as tensions rose regarding the use and capitalization of cybernetics and genetic mutations. Acts of terrorism and violence erupted between the corporate sector and the humanist factions, resulting in forced police actions across Earth. Civil chaos was already rampant in many of the larger countries, but media coverage of the police actions spurred it. The precarious balance of world power ultimately exploded into international pandemonium"


Fall from grace is subjective, there are still humans, but their population dropped by 90%.

I wasn't actually sure since I'm not all that knowledgable about starcraft's ingame lore stuff, the ",does it?" probably should've been phrased more as a question. That being said, also they're:

Both "RPG" shooters, sorta like borderlands, both are notoriously grindy, both were new releases on the newest gen of consoles, both use small teamwork orientated groups but involve pugs more often than not and other reasons like that.

Ontopic: I mean though, it's quite reasonable for a frost to keep globe up, and a vauban (or even the frost himself) to slow or immobilise those pesky guardians who have the nerve to try an enter his winter wonderland. I mean, it'd really just end up as a stalemate in that sort of situation.

Edited by Tostov
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ward of dawn wait till it runs out and attack, just like everyone else does in PVP 


ward of dawn is not a guardians safe zone, sure helm of saint 14 and all that (mag pulls , banshee soundquake, rhino stomp/charge) the mechanics of some warframe powers is to destroy shields and even kill enemies through them , and at most ward of dawn dosnt keep enemies out


i was a serious DEF titan and i know its weaknesses and strengths dont try to play them up. lets not forget a scortch cannon used to shoot through and insta kill ya... EMBER time xD 


MAG would be the best against a DEF titan , just blast the shield away with one power and basically becomes her shield and explodes the guardian(s) inside it 


hyseria valkyr again runs around and slaughters everything,  INVINCIBLE + Life steal , so hmm blade dancer is highly outclassed


vuaban would be another worry


lets see, in our game CC scales infinity, we just CC and could then take full advantage, also stealth damage and kills  


so banshee , loki, ash fun 



There is, again, absolutely no evidence that Mag's power would work against Guardian shields, and even less that it would work against Ward of Dawn.


The closest thing to Mag's power in Destiny is Arc damage, which does nothing extra to a Ward.  Only Super's break it, and there is no  way we can determine what Tenno abilities, if any, would work on the same level as a Guardian's Light-powered Super.


Vauban just throws a bunch of Grenades, Valkyr can still be outran (or rocket launcher-ed a lot), and Guardians have a completely decent amount of CC, too, especially with the addition of the Nightstalker.

LOL :DDD the weak feeble pointy ears ,  if guard can stomp em good then tenno would have no issues :D

Yeah, let's not bring 40k into this.  Some giant Ork or a small platoon of Space Marines would eat Guardian and Tenno for breakfast, alike.  Especially a prominent Ork.

Ontopic: I mean though, it's quite reasonable for a frost to keep globe up, and a vauban (or even the frost himself) to slow or immobilise those pesky guardians who have the nerve to try an enter his winter wonderland. I mean, it'd really just end up as a stalemate in that sort of situation.


Yeah, my main point is that it wouldn't be the Guardian slaughter-party everyone seems to lean towards.  I think the Tenno would probably edge out in the end, but it would still be close.

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So I went looking around and ward of dawn is dispelled by well other super but the fact being most of the warframe ultimate do worst then this it said nova bomb can kill both the user and destroy the shield I saw the fact one of the nova bomb basically is vortex of Vauban in all honesty fist of havoc rhino stomp with volt ultimate

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So I went looking around and ward of dawn is dispelled by well other super but the fact being most of the warframe ultimate do worst then this it said nova bomb can kill both the user and destroy the shield I saw the fact one of the nova bomb basically is vortex of Vauban in all honesty fist of havoc rhino stomp with volt ultimate

Dude, punctuation is a lovely thing.


As far as the abilities, the Ward of Dawn is broken, specifically, by Guardian Supers.  These are particular, individual abilities powered by Guardian Light.  There is no reasonable way to say that Warframe abilities that "do worse" (you did mean "worse", right?) will break it.  First, There is no gauge by which we can say that a Warframe ability is "worse" (I'm guessing you mean "more powerful") than a Guardian ability, because the damage numbers are completely arbitrary, in that they only let us know how abilities scale within their given game (Destiny or Warframe), not in relation to each other.  Second, even if they are "more powerful", the key to breaking a Ward of Dawn isn't the damage, it is the Super itself.  A Ward can be hit by much, much more damage than a Super can deal via rocket launchers and other heavy weapons, but it is the Super itself that breaks it.  That lends to the idea that the focused attack of Guardian Light is what ultimately causes the Ward to fail.

Edited by (PS4)Mewing_Raven
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Well since your on a Tenno form thread id say majority of your answers will be "The Tenno would win hands down", so theirs that. Personalty the Tenno can take down 1,000 of enemies at a time while destiny's characters have issues taking on a story at this moment in time, sorry siding with the Tenno on this one.

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total guardian slaughter


your trying to convert warframes to destiny logic, its not applicable, magnetic is not going to be in their spectrum, you cant cookie cutter it as arc, its not gonna apply, its MAGNETIC cant alter or change it to fit destinys weak mechanics, sorry thats just illogical and not within an argumentative scope. you have to take everything as is, power and mechanics


in truth guardians have new powers, but they are slow, to inact and attack your mainly looking not moving at any high speed (unless titan charge or blink) even then you cant do much more then minor or quick shots to compensate 


Magnetic status effect is Disrupt, which reduces the target's current shields and maximum shield capacity by 75% over a duration of 4 seconds

Shield Polarize:

A drained target produces a violent outburst of magnetic energy inflicting 100% / 150% / 200% / 250% of the enemy's drained shields as Magnetic damage. The explosion will affect all enemies within a 5 / 8 / 11 / 14 meter radius of the drained target.


id just spam mags powers and GOOD BY


even without them being a defender , all guardians have SHIELDS , they are in a sense very similar to corpus in game play (running around , and shooting at tenno)


that is the achiles heel , their own defensive shields 


even inside ward of dawn for arguments sake, mags power is not applied , like nulifier type enemies(again corpus/corrupted)


so if its just a big nulifier shield with guardians cowering inside and we are to weak to punch through it and use "powers"


how did we die all those times as guardians with ward of dawn?

an enemy of high level walks in and wreaked us. into bubble of protection and put the hurt on.


rhino charge, knocks them out of the ward of dawn via KE (kinetic force) not power rag dolls enemies and nocks them out of the bubble , one way to deal with nulifiers . so any high impact weapon will do, jat kittag anyone ? just spam and ragdoll them tell they die :D


also if not that we have the ability to do a sliding slash attack, the guardians have no way to defend against tenno mobility (especially after parkour 2.0)


your thinking within a limited scope of halo style battle, tenno are not going to run and charge you and scream BONZI BONZI valkyr can use ALL her powers while in hysteria , and has augments to stun and she will outrun and maneuver a guardian


a warlock slowly glides away, valkyr just riplines and then tears them apart


and neither are the guardians, in truth the guardians in most higher boss combat find a spot to hunker down and do a long grueling damage over time


tenno are constantly moving dodging and using weapons and powers


now all fun argument aside , your biggest argument is the powers of the guardians


trinity basically nukes them in terms of instant power, CC any target(2 if well of life or energy vampire) (energy vampire does damage based on opponents health)


also with abating link she nukes 45% of armor (with corrosive projection thats 30%) 75% in total


guaranteed at rank 30 she has 3 links (3 man fireteam uh oh guardians xD)


BTW ink bypasses shields and nullifiers as long as she is outside it so ogris suicide trinity and caboom 

also lets bring in nyx, i took control of your fellow guardian , max his damage out by 500% and sick him on you, also her own shield will take damage and redeal it back out to enemies within an area 




lets think about this from REAL game play, not fantasy standpoint ,with mechanics of both games intact


a guardians power can have a fats recharge , but its limited within a proxy, there is a limit to that recharge 

From wiki

as a guardian gains power from Killing an enemy " Super Abilities Normally recharge in 5 minutes & 30 Sec  

cooldown reducion in terms of intellect is .35 sec per point of intellect


thats five minutes


a tenno is not so limited, within most start off a tenno can use their first/ second skills and with energy siphon aura they gain energy at a percent rate of their own power


so right off the back any warframe can use a power to stop an enemy or damage them. Excalibur blade charge , rhino charge, valkyr rip line, mags pull , zepher dive bomb, all can be used right off the bat in battle


in terms of weapons damage we could nit pick each weapon, but lets see, dread or paris prime in terms of damage/crit are effective but had to aim at a fast moving guardian (i laughed at that) , now lets pull out amprex a lightning gun similar to storm caller in use. a weapon i can easily use time and time again to blast a guardian with high crits and damage at a very fast damage and with extension i can hit from far away


tenno have weapons of serious dmg/crit/per sec that your not takign into account.


your locked on the logic of a guardian has powers wardof dawn and nighstalkers bow (cant use until charged in 5'30")  and the guardians will band together (3 in fire team and four in warframe squad)


we have numbers, we have a faster initial attack off bat, powers and it will not take 5 minutes to make them into mush 



lets also go into the concept of revives if a guardian dies they cant come back till a teammate revives, (sunslinger brings self back right?)

a sunslinger is killed N comes back in shining glory


and kills the tenno right? WE HAVE 4 revives PER WARFRAME


we can come back 4 times in a row and take on the guardian who can at most self revive once . in a solo combat tenno win


in group combat trinity is the one who will be walking over the corpses of guardians 

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Now I am sure you guys remember dark sector pvp were we would revive one time after another without the need of revive. Were our own team could revive us or ourself either way what I am trying to get to

If those that remember we easily found a way to deal with this by basically locking out fallen enemy Tenno into snow globe ,Bastille,vortex undertow

We had many ways of us stopping ourself

In all honesty I would just use limbo yo ba usb every fallen enemy to the void i am not sure if destiny people can travel dimensión with out specific gear

And just for the sake reall tenno are over power just based on lore

And team functioning Tenno work together we literally only have each ot count on so I believe we have great teamwork specially if we tried.

The traveller has actually created guns and weapons that tear through dimensions. Vex, Taken, both use similiar technology, and Guardians have topped it. Kabr used his own light to forge the Aegis shield, capable of destroying Atheon the time god. Guardians are also capable of becoming Gods, at the end of Kings Fall, Toland goes crazy over the fact that none of the guardians sit on Oryx's throne and absorb his power. So while the Guardians may not be able to beat the Tenno, I do believe they're capable.

I mean their defense AI Rasputin was powerful enough to take down and cripple the traveler.

Edited by (PS4)GbHaseo
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Dude, punctuation is a lovely thing.


As far as the abilities, the Ward of Dawn is broken, specifically, by Guardian Supers.  These are particular, individual abilities powered by Guardian Light.  There is no reasonable way to say that Warframe abilities that "do worse" (you did mean "worse", right?) will break it.  First, There is no gauge by which we can say that a Warframe ability is "worse" (I'm guessing you mean "more powerful") than a Guardian ability, because the damage numbers are completely arbitrary, in that they only let us know how abilities scale within their given game (Destiny or Warframe), not in relation to each other.  Second, even if they are "more powerful", the key to breaking a Ward of Dawn isn't the damage, it is the Super itself.  A Ward can be hit by much, much more damage than a Super can deal via rocket launchers and other heavy weapons, but it is the Super itself that breaks it.  That lends to the idea that the focused attack of Guardian Light is what ultimately causes the Ward to fail.

I was referring that the ultimate abilities in warframe seen to be more outrages then the super ability in destiny.

In pure view I do see the mistake I make the super ability can only be broken by a fellow guardian who uses the light as well right.

Simply said thought the ward protects from physical damage and energy damage from the light or lower light powers right.

Now with that being establish our powers are void energy so we have a problem were we cannot define how our energy can affect them.

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