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Destiny's Guardians Vs Warframe's Tenno


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Specific warframe feats:

-time manipulating

-dimension phasing



-elemental control (fire, wind, earth, air, water (ice), magnetism, gravity, light, sound)

-anti-matter control

-mind control



-indestructible shields

-biological warfare

-soul control /dead rising/ally-life-punch/soul punch enemy

-crowd control

-immunity versus crowd control

-instantaneous healing

-group cloaking



General Warframe feats:

-super human strength (throwing knives that hit with 3 metric ton :calc:, running jumping on walls upwards, sidewards with no effort, ripping apart robots with bare hands, deforming huge metal plates just with a melee weapon attack, sharp "normal" weapons "cut" through metal armor with no effort)

-sonic/hypersonic reflexes (reflect bullets from point blank)

-revive able by any ally tenno

-self revive able for some time




Combat tactics:


-weapon masters

-melee combat masters

-team tactics

-using void powers is normal



Notable feats:

-buffing and stacking capabilities (elemental damage, armor, attack speed, running speed, health, shields, reflecting damage, power strength, weapon damage, all damage)

-aura stacking

-debuffing capabilities (attack damage, attack speed, running speed, root, armor, weak spot, disarming, molecular destabilizing)

-can summon tentacles *o*

-are able to use nearly everything as mine/booby-trap



Notable Equipments:

-Archwing (Space flying, withstanding high radiation in space and pressure in liquids, tactical warheads)

-Trained Animals as companions

-Hightech battle drones

-literally every Tenno can cloak with those

Edited by VoidNomade
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total guardian slaughter


your trying to convert warframes to destiny logic, its not applicable, magnetic is not going to be in their spectrum, you cant cookie cutter it as arc, its not gonna apply, its MAGNETIC cant alter or change it to fit destinys weak mechanics, sorry thats just illogical and not within an argumentative scope. you have to take everything as is, power and mechanics


in truth guardians have new powers, but they are slow, to inact and attack your mainly looking not moving at any high speed (unless titan charge or blink) even then you cant do much more then minor or quick shots to compensate 


Magnetic status effect is Disrupt, which reduces the target's current shields and maximum shield capacity by 75% over a duration of 4 seconds

Shield Polarize:

A drained target produces a violent outburst of magnetic energy inflicting 100% / 150% / 200% / 250% of the enemy's drained shields as Magnetic damage. The explosion will affect all enemies within a 5 / 8 / 11 / 14 meter radius of the drained target.


id just spam mags powers and GOOD BY


even without them being a defender , all guardians have SHIELDS , they are in a sense very similar to corpus in game play (running around , and shooting at tenno)


that is the achiles heel , their own defensive shields 


even inside ward of dawn for arguments sake, mags power is not applied , like nulifier type enemies(again corpus/corrupted)


so if its just a big nulifier shield with guardians cowering inside and we are to weak to punch through it and use "powers"


how did we die all those times as guardians with ward of dawn?


an enemy of high level walks in and wreaked us. into bubble of protection and put the hurt on.


rhino charge, knocks them out of the ward of dawn via KE (kinetic force) not power rag dolls enemies and nocks them out of the bubble , one way to deal with nulifiers . so any high impact weapon will do, jat kittag anyone ? just spam and ragdoll them tell they die :D


also if not that we have the ability to do a sliding slash attack, the guardians have no way to defend against tenno mobility (especially after parkour 2.0)


your thinking within a limited scope of halo style battle, tenno are not going to run and charge you and scream BONZI BONZI valkyr can use ALL her powers while in hysteria , and has augments to stun and she will outrun and maneuver a guardian


a warlock slowly glides away, valkyr just riplines and then tears them apart


and neither are the guardians, in truth the guardians in most higher boss combat find a spot to hunker down and do a long grueling damage over time


tenno are constantly moving dodging and using weapons and powers


now all fun argument aside , your biggest argument is the powers of the guardians


trinity basically nukes them in terms of instant power, CC any target(2 if well of life or energy vampire) (energy vampire does damage based on opponents health)


also with abating link she nukes 45% of armor (with corrosive projection thats 30%) 75% in total


guaranteed at rank 30 she has 3 links (3 man fireteam uh oh guardians xD)


BTW ink bypasses shields and nullifiers as long as she is outside it so ogris suicide trinity and caboom 

also lets bring in nyx, i took control of your fellow guardian , max his damage out by 500% and sick him on you, also her own shield will take damage and redeal it back out to enemies within an area 




lets think about this from REAL game play, not fantasy standpoint ,with mechanics of both games intact


a guardians power can have a fats recharge , but its limited within a proxy, there is a limit to that recharge 

From wiki

as a guardian gains power from Killing an enemy " Super Abilities Normally recharge in 5 minutes & 30 Sec  

cooldown reducion in terms of intellect is .35 sec per point of intellect


thats five minutes


a tenno is not so limited, within most start off a tenno can use their first/ second skills and with energy siphon aura they gain energy at a percent rate of their own power


so right off the back any warframe can use a power to stop an enemy or damage them. Excalibur blade charge , rhino charge, valkyr rip line, mags pull , zepher dive bomb, all can be used right off the bat in battle


in terms of weapons damage we could nit pick each weapon, but lets see, dread or paris prime in terms of damage/crit are effective but had to aim at a fast moving guardian (i laughed at that) , now lets pull out amprex a lightning gun similar to storm caller in use. a weapon i can easily use time and time again to blast a guardian with high crits and damage at a very fast damage and with extension i can hit from far away


tenno have weapons of serious dmg/crit/per sec that your not takign into account.


your locked on the logic of a guardian has powers wardof dawn and nighstalkers bow (cant use until charged in 5'30")  and the guardians will band together (3 in fire team and four in warframe squad)


we have numbers, we have a faster initial attack off bat, powers and it will not take 5 minutes to make them into mush 



lets also go into the concept of revives if a guardian dies they cant come back till a teammate revives, (sunslinger brings self back right?)

a sunslinger is killed N comes back in shining glory


and kills the tenno right? WE HAVE 4 revives PER WARFRAME


we can come back 4 times in a row and take on the guardian who can at most self revive once . in a solo combat tenno win


in group combat trinity is the one who will be walking over the corpses of guardians 

You can drop a mic all you like, it still doesnt make the wall of text mean anything.


Just because something is called a "shield" doesnt make it the same shield that Mag's ability effects.   If you name a kitten "Shield", it won't explode when Mag raises her hand.


If the Guardian shields are a different technology, there is a possibility that Tenno technology will not effect them.  A good possibility, considering the Light.


You cannot base this on perceived gameplay, and can only take into account Lore, ability and descriptions, and media, such as canon cinematics.  Tenno look more "powerful" because they are made to look and feel powerful in the gameplay.


with the abilities taken as their description explain them, it would be a much closer match than people seem to think here.

I was referring that the ultimate abilities in warframe seen to be more outrages then the super ability in destiny.

In pure view I do see the mistake I make the super ability can only be broken by a fellow guardian who uses the light as well right.

Simply said thought the ward protects from physical damage and energy damage from the light or lower light powers right.

Now with that being establish our powers are void energy so we have a problem were we cannot define how our energy can affect them.

Precisely.  We hit a wall where we do not know how Void abilities would interact with Light abilities, and that creates a decent chunk of things we can only speculate on.

Edited by (PS4)Mewing_Raven
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You can drop a mic all you like, it still doesnt make the wall of text mean anything.


Just because something is called a "shield" doesnt make it the same shield that Mag's ability effects.   If you name a kitten "Shield", it won't explode when mag raises her hand.


If the Guardian shields are a different technology, there is a possibility that Tenno technology will not effect them.  A good possibility, considering the Light.


You cannot base this on perceived gameplay, and can only take into account Lore, ability and descriptions, and media, such as canon cinematics.  Tenno look more "powerful" because they are made to look and feel powerful in the gameplay.


with the abilities taken as their description explain them, it would be a much closer match than people seem to think here.

Precisely.  We hit a wall where we do not know how Void abilities would interact with Light abilities, and that creates a decent chunk of things we can only speculate on.


Are Gaurdians human? Have they ever been human? Are their bodies organic? 



I am pretty sure the answer to that is YES.





Are the succeptable to corrosion, burning, freezing, being shot, explosives, or kinetic force?


Pretty sure yes?



So we can pretty easily say that Warframes powers effect Gaurdians. We can pretty faithfully say Warframes would win this battle handsdown. I could provide a bunch of proof using materials and S#&$ like that but honestly this argument doesn't need any IRL proof because it can easily be seen.



Tenno abilities effect humans and we mow down humans that have the capacity to live thousands of years. (confirmed by Darvo)


So technology is advanced enough that Corpus can live upwards of a thousand year and not be seen as old. So yes their technology is probably advanced.

Edited by Feallike
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Are Gaurdians human? Have they ever been human? Are their bodies organic? 



I am pretty sure the answer to that is YES.





Are the succeptable to corrosion, burning, freezing, being shot, explosives, or kinetic force?


Pretty sure yes?



So we can pretty easily say that Warframes powers effect Gaurdians. We can pretty faithfully say Warframes would win this battle handsdown. I could provide a bunch of proof using materials and S#&$ like that but honestly this argument doesn't need any IRL proof because it can easily be seen.



Tenno abilities effect humans and we mow down humans that have the capacity to live thousands of years. (confirmed by Darvo)


So technology is advanced enough that Corpus can live upwards of a thousand year and not be seen as old. So yes their technology is probably advanced.

Some have been human.  Others have not.  Some are absolutely inorganic, though others appear to be.  However, as they are animated entirely by Light, their actual physical makeup is speculative, at best.  One received a wound in a dream that he woke up bleeding from, but again, wether or not that is actual blood, or some cosmetic analogue to blood, is also speculative.


Also, saying that "it could easily be seen" that Tenno could best Guardians is not true.  That is simply taking the game's artistic style and player perception as a proof, which it is not.


Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to compare the enemies in either franchise, as to draw relative strenght of the Guardians or Tenno from the enemies they face.  I do know, however, that the Fallen can raise their own dead and somewhat control their "souls", and that the Cabal are arguably much more physically impressive than the grineer, unles their joint actuaters and hydrolics are much, much moreimpressive than we can figure.


It is unlikely that they are susceptible to freezing, as they run about on the moon's surface like it's nothing.  The Moon is cold.


As far as corrosion, there is not really much similar to that in Destiny besides some of the Hive attacks, but those hurt more because of the Darkness infused within them.


Solar and Arc damage, which is analogous to FIre and SHock, hurts them, but they never burn or are electrocuted, so it is a logical assumption that the kinetic force is what is damaging them, not the nature of the attack.  In fact, kinetic force seems to be the only thing that can beat through their shields and hurt them, though again, they heal quickly given time.


So, your argument that it "can easily be seen" holds no water.  As is, I've seen nothing to prove that Tenno would hit any harder than a massively skilled and acrobatic Fallen, except the possibility that the Void energy could maybe, possibly, be analogous to Darkness.

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Some have been human.  Others have not.  Some are absolutely inorganic, though others appear to be.  However, as they are animated entirely by Light, their actual physical makeup is speculative, at best.  One received a wound in a dream that he woke up bleeding from, but again, wether or not that is actual blood, or some cosmetic analogue to blood, is also speculative.


Also, saying that "it could easily be seen" that Tenno could best Guardians is not true.  That is simply taking the game's artistic style and player perception as a proof, which it is not.


Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to compare the enemies in either franchise, as to draw relative strenght of the Guardians or Tenno from the enemies they face.  I do know, however, that the Fallen can raise their own dead and somewhat control their "souls", and that the Cabal are arguably much more physically impressive than the grineer, unles their joint actuaters and hydrolics are much, much moreimpressive than we can figure.


It is unlikely that they are susceptible to freezing, as they run about on the moon's surface like it's nothing.  The Moon is cold.


As far as corrosion, there is not really much similar to that in Destiny besides some of the Hive attacks, but those hurt more because of the Darkness infused within them.


Solar and Arc damage, which is analogous to FIre and SHock, hurts them, but they never burn or are electrocuted, so it is a logical assumption that the kinetic force is what is damaging them, not the nature of the attack.  In fact, kinetic force seems to be the only thing that can beat through their shields and hurt them, though again, they heal quickly given time.


So, your argument that it "can easily be seen" holds no water.  As is, I've seen nothing to prove that Tenno would hit any harder than a massively skilled and acrobatic Fallen, except the possibility that the Void energy could maybe, possibly, be analogous to Darkness.

reading the comments make me want to play more but something we forget is the fact that it will actually depend were we fight them.

If we forget everything from weapon to power to movement this two groups fight in alike settings but different environment.

most Tenno environment are terraform for life and can sustain it just the fact being Tenno need life support to even handle outside of planet fight .

while I do not own destiny but seen two 2x it played I think they basically are dead so oxygen is not really required right.and their suit or armor actually makes them astronauts. As for the Tenno we need our support from capsules or from archwing

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I would also nominate Frost (Snow Globe is literally invincible for the first four seconds) Equinox (Maim deals Finisher damage which ignores shields and armor, and Rest might be able to slow her down) Valkyr (literal invincibility, plus Rip Cord) Ash (more Finisher damage) and possibly Mesa (Shooting Gallery + Shatter Shield might be able to buy her enough time to whip out the Peacemakers)

Main reason why I didn't state them is because for Frost, Samus wouldn't have any trouble using Grapple shot to ragdoll pull Frost out of his globe, then slam his body into the ground.


For Equinox, between switching from Day and Night form to find an opportunity to use maim or rest, plenty of time would be given for Samus to scan Equinox and deal with him/her/shim in an painless manner.


For Valkyr, her Hysteria is energy dependent, which isn't immune to Eximus parasites, which Samus can mimic with her energy draining grappleshot in hypermode. The rate of her absorb is so fast Valkyr wouldn't be able to be in Hysteria for any more than maybe 3 seconds, plenty of time for Samus to evade her barrage.


For Mesa, let's say Samus's arm cannon is breifly jammed. She would immediately Shinespark or Boost ball right into Mesa, physically crushing her without needing ammunition. Mesa isn't built for dealing with melee once they are in range to attack her. Even if she were to pull out peacemaker, Samus could screwattack right into her and that would be the end of that.

Edited by Endymion0
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reading the comments make me want to play more but something we forget is the fact that it will actually depend were we fight them.

If we forget everything from weapon to power to movement this two groups fight in alike settings but different environment.

most Tenno environment are terraform for life and can sustain it just the fact being Tenno need life support to even handle outside of planet fight .

while I do not own destiny but seen two 2x it played I think they basically are dead so oxygen is not really required right.and their suit or armor actually makes them astronauts. As for the Tenno we need our support from capsules or from archwing

The short answer about Guardians and oxygen is "The Light sustains them".  It's never explained how they breathe on the surface of the Moon and Mars, or wether or not they need to.  But yes, Survival missions do proove that Guardians can survive where Tenno can't.

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well lets just put 100 guardians and 4 Nova's in one room....what happens? 4x MP = Big boom = Tenno win. I havnt playd Destiny or even look'd at it once but its safe to say Tenno's are the most powerful things in the world (gaming world wise) at the moment.

More powerful than Destiny Guardians, sure. Most powerful fictional things in the gaming world? Heh, Slanesh will enjoy this one's soul.

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reading the comments make me want to play more but something we forget is the fact that it will actually depend were we fight them.

If we forget everything from weapon to power to movement this two groups fight in alike settings but different environment.

most Tenno environment are terraform for life and can sustain it just the fact being Tenno need life support to even handle outside of planet fight .

while I do not own destiny but seen two 2x it played I think they basically are dead so oxygen is not really required right.and their suit or armor actually makes them astronauts. As for the Tenno we need our support from capsules or from archwing

Actually we didn't know what life support is for...it may not be due to oxygen...I mean have you play the survival mission in earth? why in the freaking world would we need to have life support in earth ? unless...the air is filled with nano machine that will kill all unwelcome guest...I know this have been removed but still...

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Actually we didn't know what life support is for...it may not be due to oxygen...I mean have you play the survival mission in earth? why in the freaking world would we need to have life support in earth ? unless...the air is filled with nano machine that will kill all unwelcome guest...I know this have been removed but still...

you do know that is an un intended glitch right their is a reason why it was replace with excavation and just the fact that the alerts have not been updated that even occurs.

Excavations replace survival for a reason while the dark s cross are not being changed because they will get their own rework for better control and system,what I do know is we need the life support and in all fact being when destroying a window and the room is exposed to space we slowly begin to outright die.same goes for when doing mission in Eris I believe when you start the mission outside in the damaged destroyed part of the infested ship we are dying.

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Some have been human.  Others have not.  Some are absolutely inorganic, though others appear to be.  However, as they are animated entirely by Light, their actual physical makeup is speculative, at best.  One received a wound in a dream that he woke up bleeding from, but again, wether or not that is actual blood, or some cosmetic analogue to blood, is also speculative.


All guardians are either humans or androids corpses. That´s their physical appearance. Nothing else.



Also, saying that "it could easily be seen" that Tenno could best Guardians is not true.  That is simply taking the game's artistic style and player perception as a proof, which it is not.


Than everything you also said about the guardian shares this same argument. Because nothing he has said is NOT in the game lore/description or canon.



Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to compare the enemies in either franchise, as to draw relative strenght of the Guardians or Tenno from the enemies they face.  I do know, however, that the Fallen can raise their own dead and somewhat control their "souls", and that the Cabal are arguably much more physically impressive than the grineer, unles their joint actuaters and hydrolics are much, much moreimpressive than we can figure.


Feats and calcs are feats and calcs. No matter how wishy washy you wanna argue here.



It is unlikely that they are susceptible to freezing, as they run about on the moon's surface like it's nothing.  The Moon is cold.


-160C° max, nothing special, a attack by a elemental manipulator is something different as turning water molecules in the air in an instant is a complete other feat as walking on the moon...



As far as corrosion, there is not really much similar to that in Destiny besides some of the Hive attacks, but those hurt more because of the Darkness infused within them.


Solar and Arc damage, which is analogous to FIre and SHock, hurts them, but they never burn or are electrocuted, so it is a logical assumption that the kinetic force is what is damaging them, not the nature of the attack.  In fact, kinetic force seems to be the only thing that can beat through their shields and hurt them, though again, they heal quickly given time.


That they never burn or electrocute are game decisions. Take your own pill :""That is simply taking the game's artistic style and player perception as a proof, which it is not."



So, your argument that it "can easily be seen" holds no water.  As is, I've seen nothing to prove that Tenno would hit any harder than a massively skilled and acrobatic Fallen, except the possibility that the Void energy could maybe, possibly, be analogous to Darkness.


They can hit and throw things that hit with 3 metric ton EASY.  Than we have a fine set of guns, weapons and other kinetic possible attacks. 

Edited by VoidNomade
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Tenno need warframes to survive, but you didn't say that the tenno have their warframes on. Therefore, due to a loophole, guardians win.


Tenno without their Warframes are terrifying. It's not a power suit, it's a collar. 

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