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Destiny's Guardians Vs Warframe's Tenno


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I was actually thinking about this just the other day.


There are a few problems with a match up like this.  The first is that you have to completely throw out gameplay, and focus entirely on the lore.  Just by the gameplay, Tenno seem stronger, but that is because of the focus on third-person acrobatics and melee, with Destiny focusing more on FPS gunplay and tactics.


The second HUGE problem is you have to find a way to reconcile the Lore Deus Ex Machinas, so to speak.


Guardians have light, and their Ghost.  By their lore, they are unkillable as long as they have access to both, wth their Ghost being the conduit of their life-sustaining light.


Tenno have their Oro, and from what I've read, can only be "permanently defeated"  by another creature posessing an Oro.


Now, first of all, both of those points have contradictions within their own respective Lores.


In Warframe, if the cinematics are considered Canon, the "For the Profit" video has a corpus clearly dismembering an Excalibur.  So, Tenno can absolutely be killed.


In Destiny, in the Lore, there are multiple vague circumstances in which a Guardians Light was "Drained" or their Ghost taken.  However, this brings up an important point.  Every one of these, if I recall, was done by the Destiny enemy faction called "The Hive".


The Hive are big on implementing the force known as "The Darkness", which is the opposite of a Guardians Light.  Using this, they are able to effectively kill Guardians, where the other factions work primarily by trying to outnumber and overwhelm the Guardians respectively small numbers and resources, and make their efforts futile.


Now, Tenno are powered by "The Void" and make use of techno-organics.  THis is similar to the organic technology of The Hive.


Guardians make use of extremely advanced Technology, the same way the Corpus do.


These two points should allow us to assume that the Void energy that the Tenno implement should act as analogue to the Darkness, allowing the Tenno to "kill" a Guardian's Light or Ghost, and the advanced Tech should, theoretically, allow a Guardian to  damage and kill a Tenno.


Ok, they can kill each other, at least eventually.


Now, who would win?


Lets assume full parties, as big as possible.  Destiny Raid party's consist of six Guardians, while Tenno never operate in numbers larger than four.


In a match of six Tenno against four Guardians... I honestly don't know who would win.


Yes, the Tenno are fast, and have more varied tactics and weaponry, but the abilities and weapons of the Guardians are really good.  And while we have established that the two warriors can kill each other, killing a Guardian still takes a while.


In the Lore, the accounts of Guardians losing their light, it is implied this takes days.  And Ghosts are suprisingly resiliant.  One that was captured and torn from it's Guardian by the hive, and then expiremented on, still took long enough to die that it was still alive days later after another fireteam was dispatched to trace it's signal and find it, and only finally "extinguished" once it was found.


Another strong point on the side of the Guardians is the subclass Defender, and their ability "Ward of Dawn".  No self-respecting Raid team doesn't have a defender.  In the game and the lore, the sphere-shaped force field created by this ability block any form of attack while it is up, and properly equipped, a Defender (or worse, two) can have this up indefinitely.  Also, a popular piece of equipment in the game blinds any enemies entering this area, similar to Excalibur's blind.  This one ability, alone, would make permanently dropping a group of Guardians difficult.


On top of that, the Guardians bring a suprising amount of Crowd Control and Utility to the fight.  Between group rooting attacks, invisibility, teleporting, they are more evassive and difficult thatn they might first seem.


Then, there is the fact that all Guardian abilities are self-replenishing.  Basically, the all have Energy Siphon built in.


Tenno are extremely deadly and durable, but can, and do, fall to things like superior numbers, overwhelming odds, and debilitating attacks.  Guardians bring these to the table, along with the ability to self-revive near-continuously, and to have that revive quickened to an instant with the help of a team mate.


One versus one, I would have to give it to the Tenno.  They are frankly just bettter dualists and assassins.  However, a Tenno Strike Team versus a Guardian Fireteam, I honestly say it's a pretty even match.  Coin toss.


Edited for spelling.

Edited by (PS4)Mewing_Raven
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I was actually thinking about this just the other day.


There are a few problems with a match up like this.  The first is that you have to completely throw out gameplay, and focus entirely on the lore.  Just by the gameplay, Tenno seem stronger, but that is because of the focus on third-person acrobatics and melee, with Destiny focusing more on FPS gunplay and tactics.


The second HUGE problem is you have to find a way to reconcile the Lore Deus Ex Machinas, so to speak.


Guardians have light, and their Ghost.  By their lore, they are unkillable as long as they have access to both, wth their Ghost being the conduit of their life-sustaining light.


Tenno have their Oro, and from what I've read, can only be "permanently defeated"  by another creature posessing an Oro.


Now, first of all, both of those points have contradictions within their own respective Lores.


In Warframe, if the cinematics are considered Canon, the "For the Profit" video has a corpus clearly dismembering an Excalibur.  So, Tenno can absolutely be killed.


In Destiny, in the Lore, there are multiple vague circumstances in which a Guardians Light was "Drained" or their Ghost taken.  However, this brings up an important point.  Every one of these, if I recall, was done by the Destiny enemy faction called "The Hive".


The Hive are big on implementing the force known as "The Darkness", which is the opposite of a Guardians Light.  Using this, they are able to effectively kill Guardians, where the other factions work primarily by trying to outnumber and overwhelm the Guardians respectively small numbers and resources, and make their efforts futile.


Now, Tenno are powered by "The Void" and make use of techno-organics.  THis is similar to the organic technology of The Hive.


Guardians make use of extremely advanced Technology, the same way the Corpus do.


These two points should allow us to assume that the Void energy that the Tenno implement should act as analogue to the Darkness, allowing the Tenno to "kill" a Guardian's Light or Ghost, and the advanced Tech should, theoretically, allow a Guardian to  damage and kill a Tenno.


Ok, they can kill each other, at least eventually.


Now, who would win?


Lets assume full parties, as big as possible.  Destiny Raid party's consist of six Guardians, while Tenno never operate in numbers larger than four.


In a match of six Tenno against four Guardians... I honestly don't know who would win.


Yes, the Tenno are fast, and have more varied tactics and weaponry, but the abilities and weapons of the Guardians are really good.  And while we have established that the two warriors can kill each other, killing a Guardian still takes a while.


In the Lore, the accounts of Guardians losing their light, it is implied this takes days.  And Ghosts are suprisingly resiliant.  One that was captured and torn from it's Guardian by the hive, and then expiremented on, still took long enought to die that it was still alive days later after another fireteam was dispatched to trace it's signal and find it, and only finally "extinguished" once it was found.


Another strong point on the side of the Guardians is the subclass Defender, and their ability "Ward of Dawn".  No self-respecting Raid team doesn't have a defender.  In the game and the lore, the sphere-shaped force field created by this ability block any form of attack while it is up, and properly equipped, a Defender (or worse, two) can have this up indefinitely.  Also, a popular piece of equipment in the game blinds any enemies entering this area, similar to Excalibur's blind.  This one ability, alone, would make permanently dropping a group of Guardians difficult.


On top of that, the Guardians bring a suprising amount of Crowd Control and Utility to the fight.  Between group rooting attacks, invisibility, teleporting, they are more evassive and difficult thatn they might first seem.


Then, there is the fact that all Guardian abilities are self-replenishing.  Basically, the all have Energy Siphon built in.


Tenno are extremely deadly and durable, but can, and do, fall to things like superior numbers, overwhelming odds, and debilitating attacks.  Guardians bring these to the table, along with the ability to self-revive near-continuously, and to have that revive quickened to an instant with the help of a team mate.


One versus one, I would have to give it to the Tenno.  They are frankly just bettter dualists and assassins.  However, a Tenno Strike Team versus a Guardian Fireteam, I honestly say it's a pretty even match.  Coin toss.

Sound logic and seemed quited unbiased. That was a good read.

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Sound logic and seemed quited unbiased. That was a good read.

Thank you.  I overanalyze a lot, and this sort of thing goes through my head all the time.  That, and I came from Destiny to Warframe, so I've been comparing and contrasting them for a while now.  I've decided my ultimate game would be warframe, Destiny, and Borderlands 2 tossed into a blender, then with all the Activision strained out.

Edited by (PS4)Mewing_Raven
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Great post, definitely gave some solid points for the Guardians.


Though, I'd say the Tenno still would win in an open field, they just have a cluster of hax. Volt's Shield/Nyx's Absorbs absorbs and tanks an infinite amount of damage, are definitely on par with the feat of "Ward of Dawn".


Limbo's a plane-shifter, he can easily dispatch a Defender into the Rift given a window of vulnerability. Nova's Anti-matter, (let's downgrade to a reasonable tier, just so she can't just pull a planet-buster nuke) will still reasonably cause mass distraction with anti-matter nukes, and Molecular Prime destabilizing their atoms. Mirage's Prism is also a blind-nuke, or even a disco-ball of death lasers.


Also, Mag can at least cripple/discharge a Guardian's shield for a few moments. Trinity can reasonably redirect back damage to a certain degree, while providing support and improving her team's endurance. Also, how susceptible are the Guardians to mind-r4pe? Nyx can definitely make them slap themselves, or at least force a Guardian to kneel down, etc.


I'll give the props to the Guardians for vastly superior weaponry and inta-revives. Still, given prep time, the Guardians might get a 3-4/10 in direct warfare. If not, the Tenno vastly stomps.

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Now, Tenno are powered by "The Void" and make use of techno-organics.  THis is similar to the organic technology of The Hive.




These two points should allow us to assume that the Void energy that the Tenno implement should act as analogue to the Darkness, allowing the Tenno to "kill" a Guardian's Light or Ghost, and the advanced Tech should, theoretically, allow a Guardian to  damage and kill a Tenno.


That's one hell of a big assumption to base a conclusion on.


You're also assuming that dismembering a warframe kills the Tenno that controls it, which is something of a controversial topic. Especially since warframes can be recovered and put back into service with relative ease after being killed. 

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Great post, definitely gave some solid points for the Guardians.


Though, I'd say the Tenno still would win in an open field, they just have a cluster of hax. Volt's Shield/Nyx's Absorbs absorbs and tanks an infinite amount of damage, are definitely on par with the feat of "Ward of Dawn".


Limbo's a plane-shifter, he can easily dispatch a Defender into the Rift given a window of vulnerability. Nova's Anti-matter, (let's downgrade to a reasonable tier, just so she can't just pull a planet-buster nuke) will still reasonably cause mass distraction with anti-matter nukes, and Molecular Prime destabilizing their atoms. Mirage's Prism is also a blind-nuke, or even a disco-ball of death lasers.


Also, Mag can at least cripple/discharge a Guardian's shield for a few moments. Trinity can reasonably redirect back damage to a certain degree, while providing support and improving her team's endurance. Also, how susceptible are the Guardians to mind-r4pe? Nyx can definitely make them slap themselves, or at least force a Guardian to kneel down, etc.


I'll give the props to the Guardians for vastly superior weaponry and inta-revives. Still, given prep time, the Guardians might get a 3-4/10 in direct warfare. If not, the Tenno vastly stomps.

These are also good points, and why I still give it even toss.  It would really come down to battlefield, team composition, and tactics.  A group of three Defenders with the right gear could potentially keep Ward of Dawns up forever, while keeping a group of Gunslingers in a constant supply of Golden Guns, which could theoretically wreck Tennos.  Or not, depending on what warframes are brought to the field.


Once we establish that there are teams of Guradians that are threats to teams of Tenno, and vice versa, it gets to a much, much deeper conversation of tactics and equipment.


As far as the Nyx Mind-Rape thing, I honestly don't know.  The Lore is vague here, though it heavily implies that Warlocks are extremely capable at controlling their own brain-state, as this is a cornerstone of controlling their abilities.


Then, there is the vague nature of the Destiny storyline, along with the countless theories of what it means.  Guardians are, indeed, undead, and possibly mindless or a delusional hive-mind of the Traveller, depending on interpretation.  Either could grant them defense or immunity to Nyx's abilities outright.

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That's one hell of a big assumption to base a conclusion on.


You're also assuming that dismembering a warframe kills the Tenno that controls it, which is something of a controversial topic. Especially since warframes can be recovered and put back into service with relative ease after being killed. 

It is a big assumption, but it's all we have.  The other assumptions are that a) One group, either the guardians or the Tenno, are invulnerable to the other, or b) both are invlunerable to each other, or at least neither can stop the other's ressurections.  Either of these conclusions makes the discussion null and void, so I went with the assumption that allowed for more discussion.


Also, the only thing that really has to be recovered from a Guardian is the Ghost, who will then find another suitable hunk of corpse and reanimate it.  Defeating either would require that the Warframe be dissassembled and kept that way, and the Ghost be seperated and kept captured or destroyed.  SO it rounds out to the same thing, both can be "defeated", but with difficulty.

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It is a big assumption, but it's all we have.  The other assumptions are that a) One group, either the guardians or the Tenno, are invulnerable to the other, or b) both are invlunerable to each other, or at least neither can stop the other's ressurections.  Either of these conclusions makes the discussion null and void, so I went with the assumption that allowed for more discussion.


Also, the only thing that really has to be recovered from a Guardian is the Ghost, who will then find another suitable hunk of corpse and reanimate it.  Defeating either would require that the Warframe be dissassembled and kept that way, and the Ghost be seperated and kept captured or destroyed.  SO it rounds out to the same thing, both can be "defeated", but with difficulty.

It only makes the discussion null and void if the only thing you find interesting in discussing is which one could beat the other in a fight. Having an opponent you can't permanently kill makes for an interesting tactical and strategic wrinkle. I discussed upthread some of the implications such a situation might have on the leadership of the two groups. 


The only thing that Destiny has shown that can stop the Ghosts is the power of the Darkness, the Cabal can't deal with Ghosts by capturing or destroying Ghosts and have to rely on operating in Darkness zones to inhibit the Guardians. Warframes are easily rebuilt after disassembly and are very resistant to outright destruction. There will be pieces left that Guardians will have to secure to prevent that frame from being reused. Except that one of the things the Tenno excel at is breaking into places and recovering tech. 


Without any independent benchmarks on what their powers weapons and armor are capable of we have to base conslusions off their displayed capabilities in the narrative and gameplay of their respective titles. Both of them are really effective small scale commando squads that can take on enemy platoons with limited armored support and win. 

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It only makes the discussion null and void if the only thing you find interesting in discussing is which one could beat the other in a fight. Having an opponent you can't permanently kill makes for an interesting tactical and strategic wrinkle. I discussed upthread some of the implications such a situation might have on the leadership of the two groups. 


The only thing that Destiny has shown that can stop the Ghosts is the power of the Darkness, the Cabal can't deal with Ghosts by capturing or destroying Ghosts and have to rely on operating in Darkness zones to inhibit the Guardians. Warframes are easily rebuilt after disassembly and are very resistant to outright destruction. There will be pieces left that Guardians will have to secure to prevent that frame from being reused. Except that one of the things the Tenno excel at is breaking into places and recovering tech. 


Without any independent benchmarks on what their powers weapons and armor are capable of we have to base conslusions off their displayed capabilities in the narrative and gameplay of their respective titles. Both of them are really effective small scale commando squads that can take on enemy platoons with limited armored support and win. 

This also brings to the table the issue of how many Tenno there are, if they can be permanently killed, and if so, wether or not more can be rebuilt.


While the Warframe Lore is aburdly vague on the actual nature of the Tenno within the Warframe, there are multiple in-game references that imply that the Tenno does, indeed, have an anatomy.  Also, the initial story arc of Warframe, at least currently, has you dealing with the Ascaris device, which directly effects the Tenno anatomy.


These are unfortunately all unknown.


I am working off of the assumption that the dissambly enacted upon the Excalibur frame (within the cinematic "For the Profit") kills the Tenno.  it is the best assumption I have, given the current canon Lore.

Edited by (PS4)Mewing_Raven
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This also brings to the table the issue of how many Tenno there are, of they can be permanently killed, and if so, wether or not more can be rebuilt.


While the Warframe Lore is aburdly vague on the actual nature of the Tenno within the Warframe, there are multiple in-game references that imply that the Tenno does, indeed, have an anatomy.  Also, the initial story arc of Warframe, at least currently, has you dealing with the Ascaris device, which directly effects the Tenno anatomy.


These are unfortunately all unknown.


I am working off of the assumption that the dissambly enacted upon the Excalibur frame (within the cinematic "For the Profit") kills the Tenno.  it is the best assumption I have, given the current canon Lore.

That seems like a well support assumption, but even if it's accurate that Tenno are killed with the warframe it doesn't stop other Tenno from rebuilding the frame and using it when their other frames are too damaged to use.


This is quite a big strategic advantage for the Tenno over opponents the Guardians are used to facing. It presents them with foes that appear just as immortal as they are. The Tenno are also able to exploit this fact as their tactical mobility is superior to Guardians, if they start taking too much damage in a fight they can retreat and repair before the Guardians can stop them.


I'm assuming here that the revive mechanic in Warframe is either supposed to represent damage the individual frames take over time rendering it dangerous for a Tenno to use on the field or that it is an in narrative respawn mechanic like the Guardians Ghosts. Both options would give the Tenno an incentive to engage in ninja style raids and assassination against Guardians rather than engaging in a stand up fight against respawning enemies that would deplete this resource.

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Lets assume full parties, as big as possible.  Destiny Raid party's consist of six Guardians, while Tenno never operate in numbers larger than four.


Err... Tenno raids/Trials have up to 8 members in the team.. So they will outnumber the Guardian raiding parties as well.


Also, an idea here: Tenno have the unique ability to 'collect' a fallen foe as seen in Capture missions. It seems logical to me that the Tenno could use this to down a Guardian and then transport the corpus elsewhere before it can be revived by the Ghost. Thus, by taking them out of the fight, I think the Tenno can effectively 'kill' a Guardian in this respect.


Also, though this is a stretch as there are no specific lore feats that can yet be shown, given how Ordis can cause some serious havoc by hacking into enemy systems with the new liset functions, could Ordis potentially hack a Ghost?

Edited by Terumitsu
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Err... Tenno raids/Trials have up to 8 members in the team.. So they will outnumber the Guardian raiding parties as well.


Also, an idea here: Tenno have the unique ability to 'collect' a fallen foe as seen in Capture missions. It seems logical to me that the Tenno could use this to down a Guardian and then transport the corpus elsewhere before it can be revived by the Ghost. Thus, by taking them out of the fight, I think the Tenno can effectively 'kill' a Guardian in this respect.


Also, though this is a stretch as there are no specific lore feats that can yet be shown, given how Ordis can cause some serious havoc by hacking into enemy systems with the new liset functions, could Ordis potentially hack a Ghost?

We don't really know much about how the Tenno 'capture' their targets, but I'd imagine it'd bring the Ghost along for the ride. It seems to be some form of point to point teleportation like the Guardians transmat ability, but it's quite vague. 


If Ordis can hack Ghosts, Ghosts can hack Ordis. They both appear to be semi-autonomous AI with a similar ability to hack and subvert enemy systems. A fight between Ordis and Nolanbot would probably just render any tech outside of the Guardian or Tenno functionally useless as they each countered the others attempts to use it against their operator/partner. 

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We don't really know much about how the Tenno 'capture' their targets, but I'd imagine it'd bring the Ghost along for the ride. It seems to be some form of point to point teleportation like the Guardians transmat ability, but it's quite vague. 


If Ordis can hack Ghosts, Ghosts can hack Ordis. They both appear to be semi-autonomous AI with a similar ability to hack and subvert enemy systems. A fight between Ordis and Nolanbot would probably just render any tech outside of the Guardian or Tenno functionally useless as they each countered the others attempts to use it against their operator/partner. 


True, the Ghost could come along. Still, it seems like it is a thing that the Tenno could do to effectively remove threats from the battlefield against things that pretty much don't ever die. But yeah, more information would be needed before this could be considered a viable tactic.


A fight between AI would pretty much come down to who had the better processing ability and defenses... Of which we have no baselines for either as far as I know.

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Great post, definitely gave some solid points for the Guardians.


Though, I'd say the Tenno still would win in an open field, they just have a cluster of hax. Volt's Shield/Nyx's Absorbs absorbs and tanks an infinite amount of damage, are definitely on par with the feat of "Ward of Dawn".


Limbo's a plane-shifter, he can easily dispatch a Defender into the Rift given a window of vulnerability. Nova's Anti-matter, (let's downgrade to a reasonable tier, just so she can't just pull a planet-buster nuke) will still reasonably cause mass distraction with anti-matter nukes, and Molecular Prime destabilizing their atoms. Mirage's Prism is also a blind-nuke, or even a disco-ball of death lasers.


Also, Mag can at least cripple/discharge a Guardian's shield for a few moments. Trinity can reasonably redirect back damage to a certain degree, while providing support and improving her team's endurance. Also, how susceptible are the Guardians to mind-r4pe? Nyx can definitely make them slap themselves, or at least force a Guardian to kneel down, etc.


I'll give the props to the Guardians for vastly superior weaponry and inta-revives. Still, given prep time, the Guardians might get a 3-4/10 in direct warfare. If not, the Tenno vastly stomps.

mag only cripple them? Mag would absolutely obliterate them. (don't forget shield polerize causes an AoE explosion that deals an huge amount of damage as well as completely REMOVE their shields so shield polerize would basically be the equivelent of a intant massive nuke to their Health as well as instant shield removal.... GG

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I think people are forgetting one thing....


Tenno are ninjas so we have the advantage due to having the element of surprise.


Really all we would have to do to beat a large chunk of gaurdians is go to one of their hubs with a nova a trin a vauban and a mag.


First we would all sneak to the middle then nova would set off molecular prime silently atomizing all guardians and their ghosts. Mag would then deplete all of the guardians shield energy causing it to explode around them destroying their ghosts and probable felling many guardians.


From their it would be trin spamming ev and vauban using bastile and/or vortex on any survivors meanwhile the whole squad shoots em down.


What I am saying basically is assuming we get the element of surprise the guardians stand 0 chance basically equating to 4 tenno being able to cause mass guardian death. And even if the guardians defeat those tenno they can always switch warframes back in their liset. Meanwhile the guardians are stuck to.... themselves because they are only human.

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Ok, first, as to the capture mechanic:  The ghost can go "inside" the Guradian.  Your HUD is actually a function of the Ghost, as is you rnavigation, your ability to call your ship and sparrow (hoverbike), and so on.  So, while the Capture mechanic could be a thing, it wouldn't seperate the Ghost from teh guardian.  Also, there is equal chance that bla bla LIGHT bla bla the capture wouldn't work.  Not even the Guardians fully understand Light, so it's a toss up.


Second, the 8 player Tenno teams:  This does change things a bit, and swings the favor a bit more in the direction of the Tenno.  However, I still think the synergy of the Guardian powers, and especially the Ward of Light, would give them more than a decent chance.  it may not be a coin toss anymore, but it is still a fight.


Third, the Hacking:  Most evidence points to the Traveller, and by extension the Ghosts, as being inorganic life forms, rather than machines.  The Vex, a synthetic race in Destiny, are similar critters.  This would render them as defended against hacking as an organic brain, at least.  Now, this does open the possibility that Nyx could mess with a Ghost, but I have a feeling that, if the writers were presented with that situation, they would bla bla LIGHT bla bla something, so lets just assume that doesn't work.


Fourth, the easily reassembled Warframe technology:  I've gotta call this one a wash, because Guardian tech is similarly resuable.  Most of it is based around a programmable matter called Glimmer, which takes skill to use and sometimes implements an exotic resource component, but can be reshapped an unlimited number of times into new and different gear, weapons, armor, and vehicles.  Considering the Tenno Forge works along a similar concept (sorta), their ability to gather and reuse technology is about even.


FInally, the respawn mechanics:  Even if both mechanics work as normal, the Guardians still get an edge here, since their respawn is automatic after a time, while the Tenno have to have outside assistance or an expendable revive resource, or inexplicably end up back on their ship.  While this isn't a swing-factor by any sense, the Guardians win out on this singular point.

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Tenno. If it weren't for the fact they surpass the Guardians in terms of arsenal and abilities, the Tenno also have the numbers, the flexibility to hop all over the damn battlefield (Guardians are slow as hell.), and their companions. If my Valkyr isn't invincible mode brawling a group of them, my Kubrow sure as hell will be. Or my giann arc trap of a dirigible. Not to mention we have the numbers and cunning. The Guardian would be lost without their ghost lol, take that away and they won't have any clear help, nor the ability to revive, whereas the Tenno don't NEED the Lotus (We merc ourselves off plenty fine for coin), the Tenno can work independently. Guardians? Well, there's a reason they protect the last city on Earth. Tenno were adapted for war, the Guardians? Hm. They die too much. Too squishy.

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mag only cripple them? Mag would absolutely obliterate them. (don't forget shield polerize causes an AoE explosion that deals an huge amount of damage as well as completely REMOVE their shields so shield polerize would basically be the equivelent of a intant massive nuke to their Health as well as instant shield removal.... GG

This is assuming that Guardian shields work along the same technological lines as Tenno and Corpus shields.  Likely, they don't however.  Tenno and Corpus shields are effected by Mag's magnetic abilities, which makes them electro-magnetic in nature.  Almost all of the Guardian Tech is powered by Light, a much more esoteric force.  Guardian shields even work entirely differently than the other shields of the game's enemy races.  The thing is, it is already shown that electrical attacks do no additional damage to Guardian shields when compared to any other energy type.  One of the common weapon damage types in Destiny, ARC, is frequently implemented by the game's enemies, and it effects Guardian shields in precisely the same way.  It is likely that Guardian shields somehow directly implement a kinetic mechanic, possibly through some kind of inertial dampener, but even this is speculation.  Still it is unlikely that Shield Polarize would damage their shields.

Tenno. If it weren't for the fact they surpass the Guardians in terms of arsenal and abilities, the Tenno also have the numbers, the flexibility to hop all over the damn battlefield (Guardians are slow as hell.), and their companions. If my Valkyr isn't invincible mode brawling a group of them, my Kubrow sure as hell will be. Or my giann arc trap of a dirigible. Not to mention we have the numbers and cunning. The Guardian would be lost without their ghost lol, take that away and they won't have any clear help, nor the ability to revive, whereas the Tenno don't NEED the Lotus (We merc ourselves off plenty fine for coin), the Tenno can work independently. Guardians? Well, there's a reason they protect the last city on Earth. Tenno were adapted for war, the Guardians? Hm. They die too much. Too squishy.

Some Guardians are slow, others aren't.  I could cover a battlefield with my Blade Dancer about as fast as I can with my Excalibur.  I don't have as much verticality, but I did have teleporting.

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Ok, first, as to the capture mechanic: The ghost can go "inside" the Guradian. Your HUD is actually a function of the Ghost, as is you rnavigation, your ability to call your ship and sparrow (hoverbike), and so on. So, while the Capture mechanic could be a thing, it wouldn't seperate the Ghost from teh guardian. Also, there is equal chance that bla bla LIGHT bla bla the capture wouldn't work. Not even the Guardians fully understand Light, so it's a toss up.

Second, the 8 player Tenno teams: This does change things a bit, and swings the favor a bit more in the direction of the Tenno. However, I still think the synergy of the Guardian powers, and especially the Ward of Light, would give them more than a decent chance. it may not be a coin toss anymore, but it is still a fight. Not to mention Ward of Dawn probably would work the same as a Corpus bubble, and we just run in and melee at (notably) significantly faster speeds until they drop dead. Our powers are much more varied and stronger.

Third, the Hacking: Most evidence points to the Traveller, and by extension the Ghosts, as being inorganic life forms, rather than machines. The Vex, a synthetic race in Destiny, are similar critters. This would render them as defended against hacking as an organic brain, at least. Now, this does open the possibility that Nyx could mess with a Ghost, but I have a feeling that, if the writers were presented with that situation, they would bla bla LIGHT bla bla something, so lets just assume that doesn't work.

Fourth, the easily reassembled Warframe technology: I've gotta call this one a wash, because Guardian tech is similarly resuable. Most of it is based around a programmable matter called Glimmer, which takes skill to use and sometimes implements an exotic resource component, but can be reshapped an unlimited number of times into new and different gear, weapons, armor, and vehicles. Considering the Tenno Forge works along a similar concept (sorta), their ability to gather and reuse technology is about even.

FInally, the respawn mechanics: Even if both mechanics work as normal, the Guardians still get an edge here, since their respawn is automatic after a time, while the Tenno have to have outside assistance or an expendable revive resource, or inexplicably end up back on their ship. While this isn't a swing-factor by any sense, the Guardians win out on this singular point.

One- Their hud is built into the Warframe. They don't need some silly orb to do all their tasks and wipe their &#! for them. Without the Ghost, a Guardian is inexplicably halved in their potential ability.

Two- They can have 3 players, we can have 4. They can have 6, we can have 8. Numbers in reserve are also much more sheer and plentiful whereas actual Guardians in lore are... Well- They're scarce to say the least.

Three- Who the hell knows how Nyx's Mind Control works. We can control Moa and Drones for christ's sakes lol.

Four- The Guardians have to rely on their Ghosts however. You kill the Ghost, and they're dead for good. Tenno don't require outside help to revive, even if they have a limited supply. In lore though, revives for Tenno aren't existant.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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This is assuming that Guardian shields work along the same technological lines as Tenno and Corpus shields.  Likely, they don't however.  Tenno and Corpus shields are effected by Mag's magnetic abilities, which makes them electro-magnetic in nature.  Almost all of the Guardian Tech is powered by Light, a much more esoteric force.  Guardian shields even work entirely differently than the other shields of the game's enemy races.  The thing is, it is already shown that electrical attacks do no additional damage to Guardian shields when compared to any other energy type.  One of the common weapon damage types in Destiny, ARC, is frequently implemented by the game's enemies, and it effects Guardian shields in precisely the same way.  It is likely that Guardian shields somehow directly implement a kinetic mechanic, possibly through some kind of inertial dampener, but even this is speculation.  Still it is unlikely that Shield Polarize would damage their shields.

Some Guardians are slow, others aren't.  I could cover a battlefield with my Blade Dancer about as fast as I can with my Excalibur.  I don't have as much verticality, but I did have teleporting.

At the Tenno's speed? Have you seen how fast we clear out an entire base for enemies? Just because you teleport doesn't make you as fast. They're still limited to running, sprinting, jumping, and whatever of the 3 types of movement they have after said jump. A Tenno run is probably the same speed as a Guardian's sprint, while the Tenno are much less limited in movement with their parkour skills, and bulletjumping can arguably match a Guardian's blink or better-double jump in distance, if not faster, and further. You're going to say a Guardian's slow movement can keep up with a Tenno's penchant for speed and agility?

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