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Please Stop Forcing Us To Leave Missions


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Endless enemy scaling. Gradually reducing Life Support drops. Spawning enemies 5 minutes apart on defense waves. It does not matter the tactic; the result is the same: Forcing players to STOP playing. 


We come to Warframe because we want to play. Its a fun game, with enjoyable core game play mechanics. I dont know about others, but frankly, the more you FORCE me into literally UNWINNABLE situations and back to my Liset, the more tempted I am to just...go play something else entirely. It might be the game you MADE, but its OUR game in terms of the player experience.


And right now, the player experience is...suffering. Its suffering under the weight of outrageous RNG. Its suffering under the weight of our constantly being placed into unwinnable situations on mission after mission. Its suffering under the weight of our being FORCED to STOP playing periodically. 


Answer me this: Why do enemies on Excavation missions HAVE to constantly escalate in terms of difficulty? The mission is NEVER going to reward me with anything commiserate with the difficulty level of those later enemies. Never. 


The rewards for missions will always remain within the tier they were at the start of the mission. So what is wrong with allowing me to remain on mission for as long as I feel like being there? Why force me out and into a new mission at all? 


Doing this absolutely destroys any sense of coherence or place or immersion you strive to create in a game. IF the enemy has forces we CANNOT beat, why dont they just use those forces FIRST? Likewise, if we know the enemy has forces we CANNOT defeat using our current toolset, why dont we, the Tenno, create some new, armor-piercing rounds or weapons? The history of warfare is one of endless escalation; of move and counter-move. This absolutely WOULD happen. 


But it doesnt. Because...video games. No one cares about whether we are immersed in the experience. About whether the world building is coherent and reliable. About whether the story telling and game play completely contradict each other. After all, its only a video game, right?


Well guess what: The players DO care. Shocking, I know. But internal consistency matters in world building. And Warframe's universe has ZERO internal consistency. ZERO credibility as a believable locale or situation. ZERO coherence.


And its all because of the endless escalation on so called Endless missions. 


So how about we try one or two Survival and Excavation missions that DO NOT have these features. You keep the same reward pools from start to finish. So why not keep the same enemy tiers too? Sure, maybe throw in an Eximus wave or two. But there exists literally NO reason to PUNISH me for playing a mission longer than YOU want me to play it. Its literally valuing monetization over your customers.

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You know what ? I think you're right. Rotation C enemies have to be the top difficulty, it shouldn't keep scaling after that since rewards don't.


Exactly this. ANY attempt to scale enemies beyond this point is to increase the need to grind. Mainly this is due to the Void. If DE forces us to leave they can force us to grind out more keys to go back again. Which means playing more OTHER missions. 


The problem is, its driving my girl and I to play OTHER games, not to play MORE Warframe. And I am sure we are not the only ones. I havent seen many older players from my clan in weeks.

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In first place they dont want to let people be able to push that far at missions (some1 said on 1 of the prime time i guess) so be greatfull they dont nerf to zero everything :D (but they give us rediculous % for dropping something valuable instead)

You keep the same reward pools from start to finish. So why not keep the same enemy tiers too?  
Because if your saryn oneshot everything with one miasma then game woudnt be entertaining ,this would be boring and pointless to progress and evolve , you have saryn which oneshot everything , there is no point to get something else.

But infinity scale ... yes this is big question ... they are alrdy fat as hell but damage ... anyone seen how much damage valky absorbed in t4s ? 

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Yeah, content is incredibly easy to trivialize, but the way to stop it makes playing the game legitimately too punishing. That's a huge issue that I think affects everything in the game.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with the supposed scaling/damage rework (or something) that started with multishot.

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Yeah, content is incredibly easy to trivialize, but the way to stop it makes playing the game legitimately too punishing. That's a huge issue that I think affects everything in the game.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with the supposed scaling/damage rework (or something) that started with multishot.


Another reason to remove endless scaling. If enemies had a hard level cap, with hard armor and health caps, REAL balancing could begin. In Destiny, level 10 enemies can still take down a level 20 player. Content gets easier as you level up, but it is NEVER trivial. This is because REAL level caps exist and the numbers have a maximum beneath which everything is balanced. 


Warframe NEEDS to remove endless scaling in order to balance the game. 

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I completely agree with this.  I'm finding it harder and harder to come back to the game seeing as it is so damn repetitive with rewards just not there anymore.


I tried out a new Valkyr build in a T1 Survival.  I was able to keep going for an hour, but at 61 minutes, I had exhausted all the life support drops and none of the enemies were dropping anymore life support modules.  I was fighting level 100 enemies for the first time ever in this game and having a blast, but I had to bail because my life support meter was dangerously low and no life supports were dropping at all anywhere.

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First things first, enemies spawning on wave 1/2/3-6/7/8-12/13/14-16/17/18-21/22/23- Etc. should be easy. Extremely easy. Only when a reward is at stake, should your skills be put to the test. Are you worthy of this Ash Prime Blueprint Tenno?

With that being said, waves take far too long. Enemies should be poured over you without restricting the next wave until all of the previous are defeated. In simpler terms, yes, I want a cryopod is be over run by timed waves of enemies. But before that could happen, AIs need to stop getting there butts stuck in walls. 

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I tried to run a Suvival today, looking for Hellions for Simaris. (Hint: They didnt spawn. Not once. Yay RNG!).


The entire experience was awful. Just...constant, suicidal enemies charging into my guns. I had forgotten how bad these missions are. And in the end, you have to leave. Not because you cant handle the enemies, but because alone you just cannot get enough life support.


Its the devs deciding for us how to play the game. And its awful. 


Endless missions give rise to endless enemy scaling. Which gives rise to unbalanced power creep. Which kills the game. This really is a no brainer of a fix. If every Survival mission was similar to the last Proxy alert, I would be okay with 20 or 40 minutes and done. I NEEDED a break after those missions and I had a blast. 


But no, we mostly get dreck we are forced to leave because we either run out of air (yeah, that's fun) or cannot damage enemies any longer (even worse) and have to flee. 


Say what you want about Destiny versus Warframe, at least Destiny lets me play the game instead of forcing me to stop constantly. 

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"Endless" needs to go.


This mentality of wanting to turn Warframe into a cheap Tower Defense clone is disappointing. We are operatives running missions, even Global Agenda understood that, and made a decent pass at it.


Difficulty should be based on dealing with a tactically difficult mission and enemies that need to be fought not by just aiming an OP DPS gun down a corridor, but with team working as one.


Survival and Defense have become like the base mechanics in Slot Machine addiction in casinos. Predictable patterns, mindless repetition, and as long as people get just enough rewards to make their brains produce some dopamine, they just repeat it on loop, like zombies.


Yea, screw challenge, interaction and fun game play, just allow us to slaughter enemies indefinitely with no chance of any failure or danger for as long as we can stay conscious, so we can collect more arbitrary drops we will never really use because we already have everything anyway.


What about more game modes? Mission Mutators? Dynamic events inside missions? Relay invasions? There must a million things people could come up with to extend gameplay, is seriously "just make the game easier to farm" the only thing you people can come up with?

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I tried to run a Suvival today, looking for Hellions for Simaris. (Hint: They didnt spawn. Not once. Yay RNG!).

Hahahahahahah, you went looking for Synthesis targets in an ENDLESS mission? What? Hahahahaha, dude. That made my day I can't stop laughing.

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Hahahahahahah, you went looking for Synthesis targets in an ENDLESS mission? What? Hahahahaha, dude. That made my day I can't stop laughing.


I went looking for the daily scan target for Simaris, not a real, actual Synthesis target. And still found none. Another BS RNG fest I have zero interest in now. Especially since it requires visits to a Relay to boot.

"Endless" needs to go.


This mentality of wanting to turn Warframe into a cheap Tower Defense clone is disappointing. We are operatives running missions, even Global Agenda understood that, and made a decent pass at it.


Difficulty should be based on dealing with a tactically difficult mission and enemies that need to be fought not by just aiming an OP DPS gun down a corridor, but with team working as one.


Survival and Defense have become like the base mechanics in Slot Machine addiction in casinos. Predictable patterns, mindless repetition, and as long as people get just enough rewards to make their brains produce some dopamine, they just repeat it on loop, like zombies.


Yea, screw challenge, interaction and fun game play, just allow us to slaughter enemies indefinitely with no chance of any failure or danger for as long as we can stay conscious, so we can collect more arbitrary drops we will never really use because we already have everything anyway.


What about more game modes? Mission Mutators? Dynamic events inside missions? Relay invasions? There must a million things people could come up with to extend gameplay, is seriously "just make the game easier to farm" the only thing you people can come up with?

Agree 100%.

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