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Improving Survival - Non Endless Espionage Mission


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Lets fix Survival. Not mechanically. Mechanically it is...functional...right now. Lets fix the Player Experience Survival missions offer. 


TL;DR: New Survival


-NO life support mechanic AT ALL


-NO Endless enemy scaling


-Upon spawning, the Lotus announces that several hidden caches are detected. 


-Map markers lead you to the area in which a cache can be found, but NOT directly to each cache


-AT LEAST two caches exist that are NOT marked


-Extraction becomes available once the first cache is looted


-After the first 2 caches, an Eximus squad spawns and hunts the player. They DO NOT spawn right atop the players, but HUNT them across the map.


-After 4 or 5 caches, a Mini Boss wave spawns, closer to the player than the prior Eximus squad.


-After 6 or 8 caches, the Lotus informs players they have found all the hidden caches, and can choose to Extract or face the full brunt of the enemy. At this point, a FULL BOSS spawns. Players can fight it and end the mission, receiving a bonus reward, or they can extract if they feel the risk is too large.


-IF the players find all caches, INCLUDING the unmarked ones, they receive a bonus reward


-IF the players defeat the Eximus wave, they receive a bonus reward


-IF the players defeat the boss, they receive a bonus reward


-ALL rewards received are identified on extraction, just as with loot caches now


-Once the players either extract or the FULL BOSS is defeated, the mission ends. Keep in mind, the main boss only spawns after all marked caches are looted.



Why this suggestion (reading this is optional):


DE has chosen a free to play model. This necessitates some degree of grind. Which further necessitates limiting the amount of loot available on a given mission. I have no problem with this. What I DO take issue with is not the business model, but the METHODS DE uses to implement the business model. 


Endless enemy scaling and life support are NOT fun. Even those who defend such methods claim they "work" or are "functional" or "necessary" given the business model. Literally NO player with whom I have ever communicated honestly ENJOYS the Life Support mechanic. And the same applies to endless enemy scaling. 


So lets get rid of these things.


This suggestion allows DE to continue to limit the amount of loot per mission, just as now. At the same time, it eliminates the need for endless scaling and life support, which almost no one actually LIKES. It uses existing resources and mechanics - no need to create expensive new methods or assets. AND this method gets players our exploring the map, as opposed to just camping in one spot and watching a timer. 


I hope DE considers this. Survival as it exists now is...boring...after a while. Please let me know your thoughts on this suggestion.

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If DE prepared a handmade tile for survival, something akin to a Colosseum, where all cheesy spots they seem to hate are promptly patched out and enemies don't get randomly stuck at even the smallest obstacles, this gamemode could work with just a timer (and maybe occasional cache with additional reward to actually promote some risky decisions) without LS drops.

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Endless enemy scaling and life support are NOT fun. Even those who defend such methods claim they "work" or are "functional" or "necessary" given the business model. Literally NO player with whom I have ever communicated honestly ENJOYS the Life Support mechanic. And the same applies to endless enemy scaling. 



Endless scaling and life support provide a challenge and testing ground for your maxed out kit. if you don't like a challenge, that doesn't mean you need to take it away from those of us who do. Survival in its current form provides a place to practice teamwork against hordes of high level mobs, allowing for high-level-raid practice and stress testing of mod builds and team combinations. I, as a player who enjoys the less chaotic 4 man raid, find long survival missions in the void to be a useful, if not downright necessary stress test for nightmare raid squads. Your idea for a gamemode sounds fun, but replacing survival would, in all honesty, screw over a lot us raiders just trying to test our strategies.

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Its called survival since you need to "survive" against endless enemy and limited air available <(")


First there is nothing fun about the Life Support mechanic. Literally no player I have ever encountered thinks this mechanic is enjoyable. It encourages cheap camping and Nekros spamming and in no way imitates a risky survival situation. 


Secondly, it makes literally ZERO sense. Our frames can survive in hard vacuum; all Archwings do is add thrusters. So why does Life Support matter at all? 


This mechanic really needs to go. It isnt enjoyable at all and that matters.


Survival and defence are my favorite gamemodes because they are endless... I also like that they offer some challenge with their scaling even if they scale a bit too much after while


If Endless enemy scaling stops and we have a hard cap against which to balance things, ALL content can become more challenging and more engaging. At that point you wont HAVE to wait 40 minutes for 5 minutes worth of challenging game play, before things get out of hand and you are forced to flee. With hard caps and proper balance, all content can be fun and challenging to a fair degree. 


But right now DE is trying to balance frame abilities and weapons to be equally effective against both level 10 and level 80 enemies, and that simply cannot be done. 

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Endless scaling and life support provide a challenge and testing ground for your maxed out kit. if you don't like a challenge, that doesn't mean you need to take it away from those of us who do. Survival in its current form provides a place to practice teamwork against hordes of high level mobs, allowing for high-level-raid practice and stress testing of mod builds and team combinations. I, as a player who enjoys the less chaotic 4 man raid, find long survival missions in the void to be a useful, if not downright necessary stress test for nightmare raid squads. Your idea for a gamemode sounds fun, but replacing survival would, in all honesty, screw over a lot us raiders just trying to test our strategies.


Then lets have both modes. This need not actually replace all Survival missions. I would be okay with keeping Survival and adding this as well. We have plenty of tiles on the Star Map. Or, we could replace Deception, which is...useless as a mission type anyway. 


As for Raid testing, though...how do you test for the Trial by running Survival missions? My clan doesnt even kill enemies in the trial until the last stage, with Hek. Before that, its blind, Irradiating Disarm, Chaos, and Slow Nova while Trinity refills energy constantly. We are asked NOT to kill ANYTHING until the last part.

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Secondly, it makes literally ZERO sense. Our frames can survive in hard vacuum; all Archwings do is add thrusters. So why does Life Support matter at all? 

Well, actually...


I was in a dying dream. I saw a bright spot blurring and weaving toward me. I felt a tug toward it from the metal clasps on my suit. It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings. Its Void Shield shimmered blue, strained under the enemy beams. I felt a suddenly tug of acceleration. I closed my eyes and held on it like a child.


Mag Prime Codex entry.

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how do you test for the Trial by running Survival missions? My clan doesnt even kill enemies in the trial until the last stage, with Hek. Before that, its blind, Irradiating Disarm, Chaos, and Slow Nova while Trinity refills energy constantly. We are asked NOT to kill ANYTHING until the last part.

People who have never done the raid before need to know what they're in for. Stress testing the teams builds and cooperation under massive amounts of high level enemy fire is key to surviving a trial.

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People who have never done the raid before need to know what they're in for. Stress testing the teams builds and cooperation under massive amounts of high level enemy fire is key to surviving a trial.

Ridiculous amounts of CC is the key to survival, from my experiences, if everyone has any idea what they are supposed to do, there isn't really much need for cooperation.


Or my definition of cooperation is wrong.

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I love this idea. I hate that the DEs make you wait 40 mins just to get forma. I like the idea, but the squad should work in 2 ways - 1 unarmed player loots the ship/sector/what-ever-the-place-is while the others cover his back. Basicly, its more looting than survival. If not replacing, this would be a great game mode.

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Well, actually...

Fine, let us put on our archwings in the mission. Even if they're too heavy to use (which is doubtful - they have infinite fuel and easily enough thrust to keep us hovering at the very least), we can just stand there propped in a corner with imperators and fluctuses (fluctii?) pointed at the door. Nothing gets past that.

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Fine, let us put on our archwings in the mission. Even if they're too heavy to use (which is doubtful - they have infinite fuel and easily enough thrust to keep us hovering at the very least), we can just stand there propped in a corner with imperators and fluctuses (fluctii?) pointed at the door. Nothing gets past that.

Well, actually...


This is completely possible in any Uranus survival, though there's still a slight problem with AI getting randomly stuck or just refusing to spawn, at all.


Besides that, Grattler deals mere 60k DMG per shot, for whatever reason.

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