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Codex. Actual Enemies And Objects Lists.



Codex should be sorted by Name.
Update 18.4.4

Record format <Number> <Row number>-<Column number> <Name>

(Yes, i would like it as a table too, so i could add number of scans, locations and link to wiki page. But this forum post editor won't allow using tables.)


001 01-1 Arid Butcher
002 01-2 Arid Butcher Eximus
003 01-3 Arid Eviscerator
004 01-4 Arid Eviscerator Eximus
005 01-5 Arid Heavy Gunner
006 01-6 Arid Heavy Gunner Eximus
007 02-1 Arid Hellion
008 02-2 Arid Lancer
009 02-3 Arid Lancer Eximus
010 02-4 Arid Seeker
011 02-5 Arid Seeker Eximus
012 02-6 Arid Trooper
013 03-1 Arid Trooper Eximus

014 03-2 Artificer

015 03-3 Bailiff
016 03-4 Bailiff Eximus
017 03-5 Ballista
018 03-6 Ballista Eximus
019 04-1 Bombard
020 04-2 Bombard Eximus
021 04-3 Butcher
022 04-4 Butcher Eximus
023 04-5 Captain Vor

024 04-6 Carabus

025 05-1 Commander

026 05-2 Corrupted Vor

027 05-3 Councilor Vay Hek
028 05-4 Darek Draga
029 05-5 Dargyn
030 05-6 Disruptor drone
031 06-1 Draga
032 05-2 Drahk
033 06-3 Drahk Master
034 06-4 Dreg
035 06-5 Drekar Ballista
036 06-6 Drekar Butcher
037 07-1 Drekar Butcher Eximus
038 06-2 Drekar Elite Lancer
039 07-3 Drekar Elite Lancer Eximus
040 07-4 Drekar Eviscerator
041 07-5 Drekar Eviscerator Eximus
042 07-6 Drekar Heavy Gunner
043 08-1 Drekar Heavy Gunner Eximus
044 08-2 Drekar Lancer
045 08-3 Drekar Lancer Eximus
046 08-4 Drekar Manic
047 08-5 Drekar Manic Bombard
048 08-6 Drekar Scorpion

049 09-1 Drekar Seeker
050 09-2 Drekar Seeker Eximus
051 09-3 Drekar Trooper
052 09-4 Drekar Trooper Eximus
053 09-5 Elite Arid Lancer
054 09-6 Elite Arid Lancer Eximus
055 10-1 Elite Frontier Lancer
056 10-2 Elite Frontier Lancer Eximus
057 10-3 Elite Lancer
058 10-4 Elite Lancer Eximus
059 10-5 Eviscerator
060 10-6 Eviscerator Eximus
061 11-1 Flameblade

062 11-2 Frontier Butcher

063 11-3 Frontier Butcher Eximus
064 11-4 Frontier Eviscerator
065 11-5 Frontier Eviscerator Eximus
066 11-6 Frontier Heavy Gunner
067 12-1 Frontier Heavy Gunner Eximus
068 12-2 Frontier Hellion
069 12-3 Frontier Lancer
070 12-4 Frontier Lancer Eximus
071 12-5 Frontier Regulator
072 12-6 Frontier Seeker
073 13-1 Frontier Seeker Eximus
074 13-2 Frontier Trooper
075 13-3 Frontier Trooper Eximus
076 13-4 General Sargas Ruk
077 13-5 Grineer Manic
078 13-6 Grineer Power Carrier
079 14-1 Grineer Target
080 14-2 Grineer Warden
081 14-3 Grineer Warden Eximus
082 14-4 Guardsman
083 14-5 Guardsman Eximus
084 14-6 Heavy Gunner
085 15-1 Hellion
086 15-2 Hellion Dargyn
087 15-3 Hellion Power Carrier
088 15-4 Kela De Thaym
089 15-5 Lancer
090 15-6 Lancer Dreg
091 16-1 Lancer Eximus
092 16-2 Leekter
093 16-3 Lt Lech Kril
094 16-4 Manic Bombard
095 16-5 Manic Bombard Eximus
096 16-6 Napalm
097 17-1 Napalm Eximus
098 17-2 Ogma
099 17-3 Orbital Strike Drone
100 17-4 Powerfist
101 17-5 Powerfist Eximus
102 17-6 Propaganda Drone
103 18-1 Regulator
104 18-2 Roller
105 18-3 Roller Eximus
106 18-4 Scorch
107 18-5 Scorch Eximus
108 18-6 Scorpion
109 19-1 Scorpion Eximus
110 19-2 Seeker
111 19-3 Seeker Eximus
112 19-4 Sensor Regulator

113 19-5 Sensor Regulator Eximus
114 19-6 Shield Dargyn
115 20-1 Shield Lancer
116 20-2 Shield Lancer Eximus
117 20-3 Shield-Hellion Dargyn
118 20-4 Shik Tal
119 20-5 Shock Draga
120 20-6 Sikula
121 21-2 Sprag
122 21-2 Temporal Dreg
123 21-3 Trooper
124 21-4 Trooper Eximus
125 21-5 Tyl Regor
126 21-6 Vay Hek Terra Frame
127 22-1 Vem Tabook
128 22-2 Ven'kra Tel
129 22-3 Zeplen

01 01-1 Alad V
02 01-2 Ambulas
03 01-3 Anti MOA
04 01-4 Anti MOA Eximus
05 01-5 Attack Drone
06 01-6 Attack Drone (Archwing)
07 02-1 Cannon Battery
08 02-2 Carrier
09 02-3 Corpus Power Carrier
10 02-4 Corpus Target
11 02-5 Corpus Tech
12 02-6 Corpus Tech Eximus
13 03-1 Corpus Warden
14 03-2 Corpus Warden Eximus
15 03-3 Corvette
16 03-4 Crewman
17 03-5 Crewman Eximus

18 03-6 Datalyst

19 04-1 Denial Bursa
20 04-2 Detron Crewman
21 04-3 Detron Crewman Eximus
22 04-4 Drover Bursa
23 04-5 Elite Crewman
24 04-6 Elite Crewman Eximus
25 05-1 Fog Comba
26 05-2 Fog Scrambus
27 05-3 Frigate
28 05-4 Fusion MOA
29 05-5 Fusion MOA Eximus
30 05-6 Gox
31 06-1 Hyena LN2

32 06-2 Hyena LN2 (yet anotherbug)
33 06-3 Hyena NG

34 06-4 Hyena NG (yet another bug)
35 06-5 Hyena PB
36 06-6 Hyena TH
37 07-1 Isolator Bursa

38 07-2 Jackel
39 07-3 Leech Ospray
40 07-4 Leech Ospray Eximus
41 07-5 Locust Drone
42 07-6 Lynx
43 08-1 Lynx Ospray
44 08-2 Lynx Turret
45 08-3 Mine Ospray
46 08-4 Mine Ospray Eximus
47 08-5 MOA
48 08-6 MOA Eximus

49 08-1 Nemes

50 08-2 Nul Comba
51 09-3 Nul Scrambus
52 09-4 Nullifier Crewman
53 09-5 Nullifier Crewman Eximus
54 09-6 Oxium Ospray

55 10-1 Penta Ranger

56 10-2 Prod Crewman
57 10-3 Prod Crewman Eximus
58 10-4 Quanta Ranger
59 10-5 Railgun MOA
60 10-6 Railgun MOA Eximus

61 11-1 Ranger
62 11-2 Raptor

63 11-3 Razorback
64 11-4 Sap Comba
65 11-5 Sap Scrambus
66 11-6 Sapping Ospray

67 12-1 Sapping Ospray Eximus
68 12-2 Scavenger Drone
69 12-3 Scavenger Drone Eximus
70 12-4 Shield Ospray
71 12-5 Shield Ospray Eximus
72 12-6 Shockwave MOA

73 13-1 Shockwave MOA Eximus
74 13-2 Slo Comba
75 13-3 Slo Scrambus
76 13-4 Sniper Crewman
77 13-5 Sniper Crewman Eximus
78 13-6 The Sergeant
79 14-1 Turret
80 14-2 Zanuka
81 14-3 Zanuka Hunter

01 01-1 Ancient Disruptor
02 01-2 Ancient Disruptor Eximus
03 01-3 Ancient Healer
04 01-4 Ancient Healer Eximus
05 01-5 Arcane Boiler
06 01-6 Attack Mutalist
07 02-1 Attack Mutalist (raid)
08 02-2 Boiler
09 02-3 Boiler Eximus
10 02-4 Brood Mother
11 02-5 Brood Mother Eximus
12 02-6 Charger
13 03-1 Charger Eximus
14 03-2 Chroma
15 03-3 Crawler
16 03-4 Crawler Eximus
17 03-5 Electric Crawler
18 03-6 Electric Crawler Eximus
19 04-1 Frozen Infested Hive
20 04-2 Gas Infested Hive
21 04-3 Infested Mesa
22 04-4 J3 Jordas Golem
23 04-5 Jordas Golem
24 04-6 Juggernaut
25 05-1 Juggernaut Behemoth
26 05-2 Lancing Infested Hive
27 05-3 Leaper
28 05-4 Leaper Eximus
29 05-5 Lephantis
30 05-6 Lobber Crawler
31 06-1 Lobber Crawler Eximus
32 06-2 Maggot
33 06-3 Mutalist Alad V
34 06-4 Mutalist Lightning Carrier
35 06-5 Mutalist Lightning Carrier (raid)

36 06-6 Mutalist Ospray Carrier
37 07-1 Mutalist Toxic Carrier
38 07-2 Mutalist Toxic Carrier (raid)

39 07-3 Mutalist-Ospray
40 07-4 Nauseous Crawler
41 07-5 Nauseous Crawler Eximus
42 07-6 Phorid
43 08-1 Pulsing Infested Hive
44 08-2 Runner
45 08-3 Security Infested Hive
46 08-4 Stabilization Infested Hive
47 08-5 Swarm-Mutalist MOA
48 08-6 Swarm-Mutalist MOA Eximus
49 09-1 Tar-Mutalist MOA
50 09-2 Tar-Mutalist MOA Eximus
51 09-3 Toxic Ancient
52 09-4 Toxic Ancient Eximus
53 09-5 Toxic Crawler
54 09-6 Toxic Crawler Eximus
55 10-1 Volatile Runner



01 01-1 Desert Skate

02 01-2 Kubrow


01 01-1 Corrupted Ancient
02 01-2 Corrupted Ancient Eximus
03 01-3 Corrupted Bombard
04 01-4 Corrupted Bombard Eximus
05 01-5 Corrupted Butcher
06 01-6 Corrupted Crewman
07 02-1 Corrupted Crewman Eximus
08 02-2 Corrupted Drone
09 02-3 Corrupted Heavy Gunner
10 02-4 Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus
11 02-5 Corrupted Lancer
12 02-6 Corrupted Lancer Eximus
13 03-1 Corrupted MOA
14 03-2 Corrupted MOA Eximus
15 03-3 Corrupted Nullifier
16 03-4 Corrupted Nullifier Eximus
17 03-5 Orokin Drone
18 03-6 Orokin Drone Eximus



01 01-1 Battalyst

02 01-2 Conculyst

03 01-3 Oculyst



01 01-1 Abandoned Storage Container

02 01-2 Arid Blunt

03 01-3 Blunt

04 01-4 Common Corpus Storage Container

05 01-5 Common Grineer Storage Container

06 01-6 Control Console (Grineer)

07 02-1 Control Console (Corpus)

08 02-2 Death Orb

09 02-3 Drekar Blunt

10 02-4 Excavator

11 02-5 Explosive Barrel

12 02-6 Grineer Exploding Barrel

13 02-1 Infested Tumor

14 02-2 Kubrow Den

15 02-3 Lanx (Uranus underwater shark)

16 02-4 Large Corpus Exploding Barrel

17 02-5 Mining Machine

18 02-6 Moonlight Dragonlily

19 03-1 Moonlight Jadeleaf

20 03-2 Moonlight Threshcone

21 03-3 Orokin Power Core

22 03-4 Orokin Storage Container

23 03-5 Rampart

24 03-6 Rare Corpus Storage Container

25 04-1 Rare Grineer Storage Container

26 04-2 Rare Orokin Storage Container

27 04-3 ???

28 04-4 Reinforced Glass

29 04-5 Reinforced Grineer Storage Container

30 04-6 Reinforced Orokin Storage Container

31 05-1 Security Camera

32 05-2 Sunlight Dragonlily

33 05-3 Sunlight Jadeleaf

34 05-4 Sunlight Threshcone

35 05-5 Toxin injector

36 05-6 Turret

37 06-1 Uncommon Corpus Storage Container

38 06-2 Uncommon Grineer Storage Container

39 06-3 Volatile Orokin Container


[All] tab addons:

010 02-4 Arcane Machine

030 05-6 Bailiff Defector

047 08-5 Cascade Bomb

214 36-4 ???

253 43-1 Shadow Stalker

271 46-1 Stalker

Edited by comrade4047
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16 answers to this question

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Your list is correct, and the mobs you have with ??? (name) are also correct. The only mob unknown by myself and not scanned is the manic bombard eximus, and the unknown corpus mob between butcher eximus and captain vor (when you list all mobs by name),

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Your list is correct, and the mobs you have with ??? (name) are also correct. The only mob unknown by myself and not scanned is the manic bombard eximus, and the unknown corpus mob between butcher eximus and captain vor (when you list all mobs by name),

Thank you. I've edited list. We have the very same unknown mob: Corpus 07 on my list and it is btw Butcher Eximus and Captain Vor on global list.



Not a bug. One is for Archwing, the other is for Fusion Moa

Thank you. Corrected.

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The name for Infestation enemy #22 is "J3 Jordas Golem", and it appears in the Trial only.

Thank you. Added to list.



Corpus enemy #7 is "Cannon Battery"

As of this writing, it doesn't exist, but the enemy "Mutalist Cannon Battery" does

Thank you. Added to list. It can't be scanned at the moment, right?

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Really nice list. There's also a couple of entries that only show up in the All tab, such as Arcane Machine, Stalker, Maroo and a few others.


Also, don't forget Objects! If anyone wants, I can post a list of them here similar to OP's.

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Really nice list. There's also a couple of entries that only show up in the All tab, such as Arcane Machine, Stalker, Maroo and a few others.


Also, don't forget Objects! If anyone wants, I can post a list of them here similar to OP's.

Thanks for idea. I've added Objects and All parts.


Yes it is.

Because it shed some light on (few) entries that wikia does not.

Thank you.

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#113. 19-5 would be the "Sensor Regulator Eximus".


As far as it concerns me, an object list is not really necessary.

The only problem there lies in finding the reinforced corpus & orokin containers.

Rare as snow in hell. Or in winter nowadays.

Edited by kazenioware
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#113. 19-5 would be the "Sensor Regulator Eximus".


As far as it concerns me, an object list is not really necessary.

The only problem there lies in finding the reinforced corpus & orokin containers.

Rare as snow in hell. Or in winter nowadays.

Thanks. Added to list

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