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A Day In The "life" Of Limbo (The Short Comic) + Marquess (The Warframe Concept) - Feedback And Suggestions Most Welcome (Updated 15 Jan 2016)


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Presenting... A day in the "Life" of Limbo :P



All right, I'm all in...



While playin' in Warframe, a clanmate of mine, HADES.JS, mentioned that he wanted an idea of his to materialize, and he "enlisted" me to try making it possible. He wanted a card-wielding character a la gambit. I imagined the character as a possible contemporary of Limbo - as master of space - this time in the realm of time. So our ideas formed into this concept of a gentleman, or gentlehare: the Marquess.


Character introduction, quest line and abilities

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The Gentleman has arrived!

A dashing, debonair and daring duelist, the Marquess is the exemplar of – as Baro’KiTeer puts it – exquisite taste. With luck and time on his side, he always deal his cards in his favour. He effortlessly slices enemies with his signature rapier, and he does not waste bullets in finishing foes from afar – he is not into hopping around aimlessly! And, no, he doesn’t carry around a basket of eggs with him, although he does have a taste for intricate Fabergé…


“You call yourself a king? With all due respect, milord, I have four kings UNDER MY COMMAND.” – The Marquess


Older work on the Marquess, showing how he may look like when facing the front



Quest: Finding an Old Friend

The quest to get the Marquess Warframe in-game can be accessed once a player completes both “The Limbo Theorem” and “The New Strange” storylines. A Tenno will receive a mysterious transmission from an unknown being who tells him or her that he “is searching for an old friend who has been gone for so long a time”. He then sends a codex containing a ciphered message – the last that he received from his “old friend” – that Ordis will analyse and will be unable to unravel, forcing the Tenno to approach Simaris at Ordis’s recommendation. Maroo, always on the lookout for treasure, will also take interest and is willing to “help out” as long as she gets a share of the reward.

At first, the Great Cephalon would be sceptical because of the events that transcribed in “The New Strange”, but in the end will help the Tenno “in exchange for knowledge that can be gained from this mysterious creature”. Maroo will also tell the Tenno about her thoughts on the codex device, expounding on the idea that the artefact does not look like an Orokin device.

In the course of the quest, the Tenno and Ordis will realize that this mysterious “being” is the Marquess, and that the “old friend” is Limbo, believed dead after the events in “The Limbo Theorem”. They will then learn that Limbo’s “last jump” was not supposed to be a disaster (or as a miscalculation, as Ordis initially concluded), but that the rift he entered was sabotaged by a Sentient. In anger for his friend’s “death”, the Marquess will request the Tenno to join him in hunting down the Sentient perpetrator.

After defeating the enemy, the ciphered codex will glow (it is of Sentient origin) and the message unravelled – it is a recorded message for the Marquess from Limbo, saying that he has finally found “his ultimate destination” and that he wants his friend to see it personally. He will give the Tenno a unique module from “his vast collection”, and then a gilded pocket watch to Maroo – and she will wonder if the item is even worth the effort she gave into helping (this item might be used later as a key in case a Prime Maquess Warframe variant is planned because, after all, the Marquess is not Orokin in origin). The Marquess will then allow Simaris to scan him as gratitude for helping find Limbo. He will then open a rift portal where he will enter and disappear. After Simaris processes the synthesis data, he gives the Tenno a copy of the Warframe blueprint as “payment for good service”.

The Lotus will then wonder as to why Limbo would have Sentient devices with him. She will also wonder about Simaris’s intention in producing – and providing – the Marquess’s Warframe blueprints.


Potential Passives:

  • Warrior of Refined Taste: The Marquess, being a gentleman of noble birth, has mastery of combat arts that only the aristocracy has access to. As such, he gains added combat bonuses when wielding great swords, sword-and-shield pairs, spears and rapiers.
  • Efficiency is the Key: For a person who has all the time in the universe at his disposal, the Marquess does not waste any of it. This is best demonstrated in ranged combat by using firearms that require only a few shots to dispatch an enemy – and anything that requires more bullets is wasteful. The Marquess therefore enjoys unique combat benefits when using pistols that have ten or less bullets in their magazine.
  • Untouchable: As master of the realm of Time, the Marquess “sees” enemies and incoming projectiles as if they are as fast as sick flies. This ability gives him the unique chance of completely evading enemy attacks with split-second body twists.

Rough Idea Sketch on Marq's General Looks:



Working Abilities:

(NOTE: A card’s bonus power strength effect is dependent on the card number, the weakest being the number two and the strongest being the Ace)

Pick a Card/Throw the Card – The first tap of the skill makes the Marquess draw a random card from his 52-deck. He can either keep it to use on other abilities or re-tap this skill to throw the card, with its power depending on the number and the effect depending on the suit:

  • Club: Deals AoE Blast damage upon card contact
  • Heart: Heals nearest ally and restores shields
  • Spade: Summons a clockwork soldier to fight for the Marquess
  • Diamond: Allies’ attack power is increased

A "consumed" card will be returned to his deck, allowing it to be re-drawn.


The Joker – The Marquess calls forth a clockwork Joker to annoy enemies, knocking them down, stunning them and then opening an explosive jack-in-the-box for Blast damage at the end of the duration. If the Marquess decides to use this ability with a drawn card, the following additions will benefit the Joker:

  • Club: The Joker literally brings a club that deals Impact damage per strike
  • Heart: The Joker brings down a “full house”, dealing extra Blast damage in a wider radius upon unleashing the jack-in-the-box
  • Spade: The Joker brings a pike that deals Puncture damage per strike
  • Diamond: A small time barrier surrounds the Joker, slowing enemies around it while boosting the attack and movement speed of allies around it

Chronos – The Marquess demonstrates but a small fragment of his mastery of Chronos by summoning a time barrier that engulfs both friend and foe alike. Allies benefit from this barrier not only with increased movement and attack speed, but also increased power duration for their abilities. Enemies, on the other hand, suffer the exact opposite – reduced movement and attack speed and decreased power duration. Enemy projectiles within the barrier are slowed, reducing their chances to hit targets (hitscan weapons deal reduced damage instead). In addition, if he chooses to use a picked card together with this ability, the following effects occur (with card number dictating strength of effect):

  • Club: Enemies within the barrier have their armor reduced
  • Heart: Allies within the barrier are healed and shields restored
  • Spade: Enemies within the barrier suffer damage per second
  • Diamond: Allies’ power efficiency stats are improved



March of the Kings – The Marquess calls forth one of the four clockwork Kings to do his bidding for the duration of the summoning, the King called depending on the suit of his last drawn card. A King’s actions and behavior depends on the suit:

  • Club: The Conqueror King – summons “lesser soldiers” to join his fight
  • Heart: The Paladin King – absorbs damage taken from allies behind his shield
  • Spade: The Warrior King – deals powerful AoE damage per attack
  • Diamond: The Timeless King – buffs nearby allies with increased power strength and range

In the case the Marquess draws an Ace (the card more powerful than the King himself) from his deck and uses the March, all four Kings will appear to fight for him, with the King matching the Ace’s suit gaining bonuses on its attributes.


Idea Sketches on Marq's Summons:



Other information

  • The Marquess is not a Warframe but a living being from another dimension, making his synthesized Warframe variant an “original” Tenno-developed item, though it would not be possible without the assistance of the Great Cephalon Simaris. The Warframe variant’s abilities are also but a fraction of the original’s true power, implying the original is far more powerful and intimidating – although his general disinterest in the affairs and events transpiring in the Origin System will give him no reason to intervene in the future.
  • For those who are oblivious to the inspiration of the character, the Marquess is inspired from Alice in Wonderland's the March Hare - complete with Victorian garb and steampunky goodness.
  • Baro’KiTeer will give a different set of comments on a player equipped with a Marquess warframe – generally implying that he or she is just a ripoff of an individual with “real” exquisite taste.
  • Because the Marquess exudes an “irresistible” aura of elegance and wealth, it is thus natural for Maroo to take interest in him. She will therefore pester players equipped with the Warframe variant on revealing to her the whereabouts of the Marquess’s legendary treasure hoard.
  • Aaaand, by the way, when you use Marq, make sure to offer a hamster as a sacrifice to the great RNG - his card drawing chances will definitely depend on RNG's whims :P






(in case you're seeing some unfamiliar faces, those are recycled from my previous fan concepts XD listed below if you'd like to check it out)




Edited by Artemicia
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Update: Added idea sketches on Marq's general looks.




If time permits, will work on idea sketches on Marq's summons: the Joker, the Kings and the Chronos barrier.


By the way, because I have to focus on studying in the weeks to come, I might not be able to dedicate a lot of time on developing Marq's finer details and so I am limited to making idea sketches (this is also the reason why my other ideas in the Fan Concepts section are accumulating dust at the moment). So if any artist likes the idea and is interested to help out with a more robust design, I'll be most delighted. Just post here or send a PM to inform me :)


BTW, here are links to the older ideas within the forums for those who want to draw something out of them (essentially the unfamiliar "faces" in the omake page :P):



Edited by Artemicia
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which marq could be a solo guy and CC person and he would be so fun in game but we would leave that for DE to choose and make Marq exist plus he is the Limbo old best friend plus we Me and Art need your best support for this concept guys and hope u like it too please enjoy the story of marq






and thank you art for making the idea becoming exist now all what we need is DE and people support to make marq exist in warframe and thank you very much

Edited by HADES.JS
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While I feel the Marquess might be a bit too far of a stretch in terms of fitting him in the lore, I'd still probably play him to death simply because he looks good and I love the concept. The comparison between him and Limbo reminds me a lot of the ties between the two time/space legendary Pokemon, Dialga and Palkia, which pretty much seals the deal for me. Tenno/10 would make sweet love to.

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for your love of this concept and your likes about it this would support the concept man so thank you very much for what u said now and hope this concept interest DE because all time trying to communicate with them while they don't answer me and I get my heart broken for that reason so yeah thanks for support and stay tuned please more update about the concept coming and more detail

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While I feel the Marquess might be a bit too far of a stretch in terms of fitting him in the lore, I'd still probably play him to death simply because he looks good and I love the concept. The comparison between him and Limbo reminds me a lot of the ties between the two time/space legendary Pokemon, Dialga and Palkia, which pretty much seals the deal for me. Tenno/10 would make sweet love to.

On the lore stretching part, I would have to agree on that because we have yet to know if there really are beings that exist in the rift plane - and DE's loremasters are perhaps the only ones who can answer that.


Perhaps an alternative lore that fits the current flow of Warframe's story can help, but would need suggestions on the matter. But the item on Limbo being actually "alive and somewhere" should remain, else Marq would not have inspiration on continuing further.

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thanks for that , wait till the last story about marquess comes as soon as possible


(NOTE: Please do not be rude please type something good and if you have complain please type it down without being rude and thanks :) ).

Edited by HADES.JS
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Possible Additional Concepts for the Marquess


Marq's ability augments (available to Cephalon Suda and Perrin Sequence players)

I managed to solicit some possible ideas on Marq's ability augments from clanmates and friends, so here's the gist of the ideas:

> Royal Flush (Pick a Card augment) - drawing the higher tier cards of the 52-deck gives Marq added benefits:

    - Jack: Marq's power duration on next ability is increased for 8 seconds (applies very well to The Joker, Chronos and March of the Kings)

    - Queen: Marq's power range on next ability is increased for 8 seconds (applies very well to Throw a Card and Chronos)

    - King: Marq's power strength on next ability is increased for 8 seconds (applies very well to Throw a Card, Chronos and March of the Kings)

    - Ace: All the abovementioned items benefit Marq for 8 seconds (do we have to elaborate on this one? :P)

> Temporal Distortion (Chronos augment) - enemies within the Chronos barrier suffer from rapid aging, deteriorating their armor and weapon damage values, while allies within the Chronos barrier become "younger", boosting armor and weapon damage values

> Conquest of Kings (March of the Kings augment) - Clockwork Kings gain dual purpose shields that both protect them and, when shields are up, boosts their damage


Marq's signature weapons (name and idea)

A gentleman like Marq should have his favorite weapons:

> Harmonia - a pistol that deals equal puncture and impact damage but at the cost of reload speed

> Koncerz - a sabre-like weapon that deals primarily puncture damage and secondarily impact damage

> Cheshire - a rapier that deals primarily slash damage and secondarily puncture damage (with a stance that uses a back-hilt attack, it will also deal secondary impact damage for the pommel strike)

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