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Argon Crystal


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My best suggestion for getting argon is to do survivals/defenses in the void. If you are trying to run through doing exterminates and open lockers, you'll find it a way more frustrating and less rewarding method of argon hunting. It's quicker to just do an endless mission and pick up a few as you go along fighting hordes. 

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The grind is only there if you think it is. Nothing is forcing you to get things as soon as possible. Nothing is forcing you to TRY to make them, it is a conscious choice.


Argon frustrated the heck out of me when I started, mostly cause I just wanted some new weapon and I bought the BP for the AkZani pistols and really wanted to build them. LOL Felt the same way as you at first, couldn't get them to save my soul.

Same thing for Neurodes.

But the second I stopped caring about them and just played the game......get them all the time. It's nearly impossible to run a Lua mission and extracting at 800-1000 cryotic and not get at least 1 Nuerode. If I spend an hour or so playing Void missions it's almost a guarantee to get 1-2 Argon crystals, usually even more. And yes, I will get about a dozen Control modules in the same time.

Argon is the rarest of the rare, it's also barely even needed which is why it is what it is.

Just like all RNG....stop looking for them...and you will get them. If it's really dire, yeah, grab a resource booster and a chance booster if you really want to stack the deck, run the endless missions, run the sabotage and search the whole level.

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if he did not truly care, think he would have make a post?  Mastery is something to care about to get more rep as well you know. The faster he can get mastery, the faster he can resume on his fun.

He doesn't NEED mastery though. He doesn't NEED mastery to have fun- unless he's under the MR of the last unlock, in which case instead of chasing after this and suffering he could get something he enjoys instead. Mastery rank is not something to care about. It's near-pointless. If someone is letting MR stand in the way of their fun, I consider it foolish.

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He doesn't NEED mastery though. He doesn't NEED mastery to have fun- unless he's under the MR of the last unlock, in which case instead of chasing after this and suffering he could get something he enjoys instead. Mastery rank is not something to care about. It's near-pointless. If someone is letting MR stand in the way of their fun, I consider it foolish.


Unless gaining mastery is how they have their fun... then you have a problem

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I've been in those situations allot in the past where i'll spend 4-9 hours for 1 day in the void doing nothing but hunting argon and having nothing or not enough dropped in 1 day. Then i'd have to start all over from 0 the very next day.


I hate the decay idea... I dont mind them being a rare drop if they didnt have decay  I'd much rather DE just introduced inventory or bag space. Give all resources a weight. Let us extend the bag weight limit by platinum. Then let us sell resources for credits. Although in those scenarios some people will probably have to spend more time inventory management then actually playing the game.


So if i had 1 million nano spores in my inventory i would'nt be able to hold/loot any other resource.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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Most of the newer weapons require argon which is one thing, but the infuriating thing is that the Jordas Precept MISSION requires 3 pieces of Argon I've been doing a lot of void runs and just have 2 Argon over 2 days and soon they'll start to decay.


First it was RNG to start the Natah mission which I still havent gotten yet, and now grind and argon to the frekkin Jordas.


If I was up in Canada I'd go to DEs offices and flip all their tables.


Then I'd go back and tell them to make a new table flipping frame.


┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


add him ability to throw chairs and I would buy that!

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I feel like the issue with Argon isn't with the decaying mechanic, but rather the fact that you can only get it in the Void. You know, that place that DE says they don't want us to have to constantly play when there's an entire solar system to explore. Argon Crystals were implemented so that players would actually have to play the game regularly instead of just stockpiling everything they could ever need, but unfortunately they force you to play a specific map which is already over-saturated with all the worthwhile rewards. Argon should be available everywhere really; it shouldn't matter where you play the game, just that you're playing it.


Drop rate can also be a bit stingy. Would be nice if they were as "rare" as control modules or morphics.

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They re try use solar system map for differents and cool things but same time  slave all players in the void, with argon crystals farm , impossible prime drops , ridiculous prices in ducats trade and abusive ducats prices in baro , result in abandoned map , all concentred in void

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It's the unfortunate nature of RNG. There's a few things that go into it for argon specifically. First of all a rare resource drop is, well, rare. Then when one does happen it's weighted in favor of control modules instead of argon. So, unlike other rare resources, you actually have a rare chance at getting an uncommon chance at getting your resource. Which sucks. Second, most of your rare resource drops will come from containers, and not enemies. Containers have a better drop rate, and most players ignore them.


If you're still having trouble with this then bring in a desecrating Nekros or a pilfering Hydroid. put on Master Thief, grab a Kubrow and slap on Scavenge, and have some kind of loot radar equipped. I recommend doing Capture because you get a full map to explore for containers, and a constant supply of idiots to shoot.

Edited by Lysserd
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First of it was figure of speech, how the hell should I know if its good weapon when I cannot craft it because I CANNOT get argon.

I am doing void all day, t3 and t4 survival, defense, interception and all I get is control module, nothing else...every green drop is control module....


Secondly, so what if my reason is mastery rank? Why do you care? What is it in for you how and why do I play?

What does it change if its weapon I want to use? I still can't get argon and I still need to grind and it still isn't fun, the problem is still there.


I dont have problem with argon decaying but if its decaying at least increase the drop rate, there is no logic in decaying resource you can barely get.


Infinite grinding is not fun



And you missed his entire point.


You are making it sound like your entire game suffers because you don't instantly have the "new thing" that just came out.


Players that come to the game 5 years from now might have 500 weapons they can buy or make, do you seriously think the first thing on their mind will be "oh no!, the grind will be immense in this game. How can I tell if I will enjoy using a particular gun until after I have unlocked all 500 of them and tested them?"


You seriously think that's what will happen, or do you think they will just unlock a handful of them, then make those better, and then just build more as random drops allow? Or you know, do the crazy thing and buy one for a few bucks on the market. Crazy, I know, spending money on a game you like.


Yes, it might be unfortunate that we don't have a "testing range" for weapons we don't have, then again, feel free to mention how many games have that, and anyway, people that can be bothered tend to post helpful videos of what the weapons do, how they work, and if they can do various things.


And yes, sorry, but I do care if your only interest is for Mastery Rank, because it goes to the core of the your complaint, which is "free stuff that I have no intention of using after max rank, gives me an MR number that has no real meaning after about MR8, and I don't want to buy it with real money, or later spend Plat on for a Catalyst or Forma, makes me actually play the game in order to obtain it".


If you can't see the problem in that statement, I'm really not sure what to tell you.

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I hate how Argon crystals decay. I would rather just put a cap on how many you can hold in your inventory at one time. 


I really only get to play Warframe on weekends due copious amount of school work during the week. It's absolutely annoying when I play void missions all weekend and stock up on a bunch of Argon crystals, then decide to build some weapons the next weekend that require Argon crystals only to realize that they all decayed. 

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Look for those Rare/Reinforced containers in the Void, Argon will seem ultra-common by comparison, and you might get one from them.


Although I do agree with those that say decay is unnecessary and a bad design decision. Argon is basically just a speed-bump in today's crafting, but can become a solid brick wall to those that are unfortunate.


But face it, the main reason it exists is so people can't hit the build button on the new shiny weapon in the first few seconds of a new patch (usually)... It's not a very good reason, but there it is.

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wow three pages of comments over argon crystals.  May as well add my two cents.  When I first started playing and got my first argon crystal, I looked it up on the wiki.  I was displeased that it would vanish if I didn't use it quickly.  So I check what needed it, found a bp I could make (nikana I believe) and quickly crafted it.


After that if I wanted something with argon crystals required, I found - something else - to farm for in the void, a prime part or another that I also desired and in doing so (keyshares, speed runs etc) ended up with argons AND something else that I wanted/needed.


Someone else said it earlier I believe ( didnt really read all the previous posts ) don't farm for argons, let them come to you.


So you want to try twin basalks? need atomos? farm some primes for ducats, finish your nyx prime set to sell off, try to get those elusive trinity prime systems.  I assure you at some point an argon crystal or 10 will fall into your lap. 


I now average roughly 20 argons in my inventory at any given time without even trying.  So they decay, there are plenty more out there.  And it's not like there are any blueprints that require 10+ argons at once on a single blueprint (oops, gave DE ideas!)


Good luck and take a break when you get frustrated.  It happens to us all.

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