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Why Most Players Choose Hexis Suda And Steel


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The Perrin Sequence actually sound more like socialists than capitalists. Unlike the Corpus, they want to achieve peace by restoring economic equality. The only reason why Perrin and Meridian hate each other is a mixture of prejudice and a difference in approach. Perrin seems to want to try and bargain and use diplomatic means before resorting to violence, but Steel Meridian seeks immediate action. Note this is why Red Veil and Steel meridian are allies. Both are not afraid and actually resort to violence as their first choice. 

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The Perrin Sequence actually sound more like socialists than capitalists. Unlike the Corpus, they want to achieve peace by restoring economic equality. The only reason why Perrin and Meridian hate each other is a mixture of prejudice and a difference in approach. Perrin seems to want to try and bargain and use diplomatic means before resorting to violence, but Steel Meridian seeks immediate action. Note this is why Red Veil and Steel meridian are allies. Both are not afraid and actually resort to violence as their first choice. 


Perrin Sequence is absolutely capitalist. They're better than the Corpus in that they're not warmongers but they still, ultimately, care about profit. There's nothing in their dialogue that indicates they want to redistribute wealth.


Also, New Loka are Space Racists, just with a New-Age Hippie-esque vineer.

Edited by NeoCrimson
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It's easy to make every syndicate sound good or bad.


Steel - Abstain from outward conflict to maintain stability within small areas, never ending the true issues of the war and inevitably falling to their own stagnation.


Hexis - Abandon your culture to fulfill an ideology held by outsiders who proclaim to know best for you and your people.


Suda - Cold abhorrence for organic life, willing to discard everything that is not directly beneficial to her own narrow goals.


And for good.


Perrin - Using non-violent measures to bring end to conflict and close the vast fissure between the castes of the system.


Veil - Complete lack of self prioritization, willing to abandon their own life for the greater good. Acknowledged that for peace to be achieved, both the innocent and the guilty must spill blood.


Loka - Seek to re-establish the last bastion of hope for the scattered humans of the system and become a beacon for the oppressed colonies to seek out amid the chaos of war.

Is that the vibes you get from the syndicates?

The Perrin Sequence actually sound more like socialists than capitalists. Unlike the Corpus, they want to achieve peace by restoring economic equality. The only reason why Perrin and Meridian hate each other is a mixture of prejudice and a difference in approach. Perrin seems to want to try and bargain and use diplomatic means before resorting to violence, but Steel Meridian seeks immediate action. Note this is why Red Veil and Steel meridian are allies. Both are not afraid and actually resort to violence as their first choice. 

I mean that's what I get from the text, but I remember I clicked the syndicate that voice and facial expression just creeps me out. I thought the text was out of line as well because I thought corpus were all about lets get void technology. To be honest the whole @(*()$ constellation is only tenno, grineer, infested and corpus. oh there are a few crazy syndicate guys and sentients stuck under uranus's ocean, but other than that where is the problem.

Edited by Heidrek
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Red Veil + Steel Meridian ftw

purge corruption and protect those who can't protect themselves

Dissecting poor grineer on the table. and what's with the quotes of fire and labeling people corrupt. It sounds like nonsense, Assassination are not the best ways to deal with things.

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Perrin and Suda for me actually.  Knowledge and the advancement it pertains for the profit and betterment of life for all. :)


As mentioned most people went Meridian, Hexis and Suda because the initial rewards were better for them.  It was also the first seen combo to most easily get 4 syndicates to the highest tiers.



RIP void key share that came with having set Void keys as rewards (abet they were way too cheap though).

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I sided with Suda because I agree with Suda the most out of all six. Those who lack intelligence and knowledge, who act without facts and/or reason, aren't worth acknowledging. Those who are smart, those who value knowledge, those who take the logical route, are very important people, and there aren't nearly enough of them.


I sided with Hexis simply because they're Suda's ally. Plus, I'm someone who loves challenging the limits and realizing true potential, so I suppose I semi-relate.


I sided with Meridian because they aren't enemies with Suda or Hexis, and I relate to the concept that the helpless need to be helped by those that can offer them assistance. The strong should offer opportunities to the weak, not conquer them.



I felt no such connections to the other three.

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Guess I'm the only one here who choose the syndicate depending on there mods!? XD 

If I had a choice I would join hexis and veil but they don't like each other.. D: 


"A shame to see such potential squandered."

Edited by Arcira
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Started with new loka for their spread of warframe mods, but eventually couldn't bear to continue with their small-minded obsession with a "pure" humanity. Transhumanity, in addition to being what the tenno already are, is also the key to the future.

For that reason, and because protecting the weak as you move toward your new humanity is also important, I threw in my lot with meridian and arbiters.

Shame about the telos boltor.

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It's all about ideology

Steel- Protect the weak

Hexis- Pursue and even greater truth 

Suda- Learn more


Perrin- Cold brutal Capitalism

Veil- Extremism that supports utter violence, also sounds like communism

Loka- Humans are the master race everyone else is inferior 

I don't know about you guys, but that's the vibes I get, and no one wants to be associated with the bottom 3 meanings

Actually  I chose the Cephalon Suda because her room is the coolest in my opinion, and her sass levels are equal to, if not superior to, the Lotus's ontop of her being more brutal than red veil


When talking to her with negative rep

  • "More organic debris to ignore."
  • "A perfect specimen of wasted life."

When being attacked by death squad


  • "You are a waste and must be erased."
  • "I'm adding this to my data under the heading: consequences."

Hell she even says this to you when you rank up in her syndicate and raise your standing with her

  • "If this continues, I might care if you come to harm."


Don't tell me she 'aint the brutal sassmaster

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The ones on the left seem at first glance to be more ethically upright choices, so naturally they are the most often chosen by players. However, as others have mentioned, from a certain point of view you can see any of them as good or bad, or in between. It's an interesting choice we get to make as players. 


Personally I chose the three on the left, but I could see arguments for the others. 


One could say Perrin and Suda are actually fairly similar. Both don't really care much beyond their own narrow, selfish goals, and mostly want to stay neutral in the overall war. Suda wants knowledge and Perrin wants money, but they could both be described as rather self centered. 


Arbiters of Hexis seem to be often thought of as a "good" choice, but what they want seems absurdly vague to me, and I can't see anything particularly morally upright about their stance. Red Veil seems more obviously bad than them, except it's really a point of view. Red Veil believes that corruption must be purged in order to make the solar system a better place, and let's face it, they have a valid point. The solar system is in the grips of a battle between the Corpus and the Grineer, both of whom have made it clear (in all the battles we have fought against them) that they love oppressing the worlds they own, and that either one of them would be terrible as the undisputed leader of the region. Red Veil are certainly more reactionary, but I'm not sure we can say they are evil either. Also, let's face it, the Arbiters of Hexis have a freaking sword as their symbol and they have a syandana that actually DRIPS BLOOD the more enemies you kill. And yet they reject the "tenno as warriors mythology"??? It sounds like they have a lot more in common with Red Veil than they would ever like to admit. It's not like the Arbiters have ever shied away from "purging the corrupt", have they? 


Then we have Steel Meridian. This seems like such an obvious difference between them and New Loka, but not really. Both of them sort of have a philosophy of bringing things back to a different day when military exploits were less important, and making sure that people were safe in a protected environment was the top priority. Steel Meridian wants to help the weak and the innocent, and New Loka wants to bring about a New Eden back on Earth, with the environment properly restored. If you look at it closely, you see their goals are actually really similar in scope and nature. 


I think the syndicates are actually a good representation of various human schools of thought, and they way they overlap is an interesting example of how humans can want many of the same things, but have drastically different ideas of how to obtain those things. It's also an interesting study in how humans can frame various philosophies as good, bad, or more good/bad than each other, even though all of them are violent, mean to anyone who disagrees or messes with their aims, and have, at their heart, fairly similar goals when you look at each syndicates analogue on the other side. 


Edit: I was just doing all the three on the left, but as I am working on Steel Meridian, I have been leveling Red Veil alongside. Of course, more than anything it's because I'm a mercenary and I want the Large Ammo Restore Blueprint. But either way, I'll probably get max rank in those four. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Welcome to Warframe 40k.

Where there's no good or evil and the one with the most guns is right.


Everyone has bad and good qualities.


I'm in Perrin, Loka, Red.


I'm okay with Perrin and Loka but Red are kinda too edgy for my tastes but they were a package deal so why the hell not.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Steel- Protect the weak

Hexis- Pursue and even greater truth 

Suda- Learn more


Perrin- Cold brutal Capitalism

Veil- Extremism that supports utter violence, also sounds like communism

Loka- Humans are the master race everyone else is inferior 

Veil is nothing like communism, they simply follow total war concept, loka however follow nazi ideology, then we know motivation of only right side syndicates.

Perrin wants to make money and veil wants revenge though unknown exactly for what, every other syndicate motivation is unknown


Then hexis simply wants to break down orokin ideology about tenno and suda is hypocrite which despises killing yet sells us weapons and gladly send us to kill grineer and corpus.


Ps dont mistake totalitarianism for communism, communism was never achieved in history.

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I wanted to join New Loka right off the bat because they have a life leech mod, as well as a mod for Vulkar (which is my favorite primary at this point), and Ancient Healer Specters. However, in the interest of multi-tasking Syndicates, I have far more invested in Red Veil. The ideologies of fictional organizations mean nothing to me. I'm all about rewards.


It helps that my favorite guy is in the opposite Syndicates that I am. We just give each other the exclusive stuff.

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Even though I went for Loka because space hippies, I agree that some seem less bad than others.

Hexis ideology seems to be focused on individual improvement.

Meridian is all about helping people.

Perrin is about building a fair market.

Suda is kind of meh.

Loka are a bit too fanatical.

Veil are super antagonistic.


They can all look bad simply because they send death squads after you, but those are game mechanics, in ideology I think most are positive for the system, but I could see Loka and Red Veil easily going too far in their "purifications".

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...I choose New Loka, Red Veil and Perrin Sequence because they had the augments and weapons I wanted, and my brother was tackling the other three.


The goal behind that was to make sure we had access to all augments and weapons so we could furnish them to our clan members as either mini clan event rewards or just helping out a new player. 

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