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Do You Believe Warframe Is Going Uphill Or Downhill?


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Overall downhill and uphill but more down in my book


It is far too grindy for everything and events and quests are the worst for it while being badly designed and frankly boring, the cash machine quest was one of the worst things to have been made and RNG in general just takes the mick.


Lore sucks, might aswell not exist and never seems to go anywhere.


The ship and ordis were not needed, we magically get a ship with no explanation, at least make me earn it or something or build it or just me a flat somewhere instead like in a relay.


Useless mods and builds, no variety because it comes down to what beats the grind efficiently due to RNG so everyone eventually gets a suit or weapons and builds it the same and all the mods we use are the same, i would love to be able to add more mod slots to a weapon which should be hard and time consuming but worth it for the payoff of being able to do more with it.


Nerfs, if anything is actually good and can combat the grind or makes a suit worth it to use it will get nerfed in a hotfix or just get broken instead never to be used again, all it does is make players move to a frame that actually works until that gets whacked when the answer is to buff frames to a level where they are actually useful.


Parkour 2.0 because going slow is fun and i swear the exulius slot is not for making money, i cant seem to backflip off a wall now and kangeroo hops cause more problems than they solve while aim glide is somewhat useful but i feel like a handicapped ninja now.


Archwing/sharkwing - overall terrible, feel rushed and shoehorned into quests to force you to play them.


Lack of variation in tilesets, sure its green on earth and water on uranus and sand on mars but no matter what mission its just the same with nothing different, only the corpus tilesets seem different to me with a future feeling to them but even then the ships and layouts are the same, infested aint bad but also the enviroments need more changes like weather or even simple things like day/night cycles.


Bosses and enemies are meh mostly, why should i care? Im a Tenno whatever that means which basically i go around killing whatever because i get told to or because i feel like it, i have no goal, i have no direction, syndicates mean little to me, lotus is a puppetmaster i have to deal with, grineer are damaged humans and corpus are space jews after money while infested are an accident. I fall asleep in void missions, i fell asleep in a T4 Defence because i was bored but we still win and get to whatever wave we needed to only be let down by what part we get given.


I joined in U8 i think when Loki Master Race was a starter frame, i still play now and again but mostly to chat or grind for the latest prime/good weapon or to see what baro the %!& has brought today, i used to play more before the big updates came and changed everything.

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Never really liked the uphill vs. downhill analogy.


Because I usually get it reversed.  Where "downhill" feels like the more desirable state, since you can coast and let gravity take you to your destination.  And where "uphill" is considered more the grueling struggle to climb that mountain or overcome that obstacle and make to a point where you can stop and rest.


As in: "This is going to be an uphill battle from start to finish..."


On Topic: while it's naive to think that things will always keep getting better, indefinitely, I personally think WF is still growing, and will continue to do so for a couple years.  There are still plenty of ideas and features to add to the game.

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warframe has already reached its highest hieghts and unfortunately is in the decline for many a players... some just refuse to admit.. QOL year has somewhat been a disaster which made many jumped ship and quit and many rethinking their passion for the game.


 newcomers will be ever so outspoken and the not so seasoned vets  ( rushed mastery ones) will continue to be the  "DE can do no wrong" advocates.


 while for players like myself it's at a standstill on the declining side of things  because of late nothing truly has been established to hold my interest and everything is now predictable with frames, damages,  mods, grind etc which is mediocre at best.


 the tearing down to rebuild to please a few has got to stop because its literally killing the soul of the game, the unneccesary grind + rng hasn't made the game exciting as it should be  and the weakening of weapons in the name of balance has made the game feels like an elastic cap " one size fits all"


 and coming soon will be the multishot change which has made many a weapon viable for long gameplay will be dumbed down to idk what...


 so in my honest opinion, growing... maybe,  stagnant most definitely, declining absolutely its obvious to see.. and with the holidays coming with new game releases and old time titles for many waiting on  some of their favorite shooters/ space marine/ dungeon/ adventure and open world titles warframe kinda has it days numbered.

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"You know what they say, its all uphill from here"


I think its doing better, the new Parkour and such was a huge improvement. We have different ships finally some Lore on the way, daily quests, Clem. new faction, THE Mother ****ing MOON. More good things to come I think.

Edited by Lightsmith
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Quality is getting uphill for sure.

The only thing people feel are going "downhill" are because their favourite stuff gets nerfed. And they get salty. And they understand why it has to be nerfed but stay salty anyway.

Other than that, the only "downhill" part for me atm is that Twin Baslok is utter nonsense. Amen.

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The QoL is 'gradually' getting better. So I think it will keep increasing as the game is progressively becoming more fluent gameplay.

However, I'm disturbed with the road DE is going down when it comes to RNG. Obviously RNG is needed for a F2P to stimulate purchases. But you don't want to overly milk your player base, because you never know when they are going to stop producing.

While it's cool that they are releasing frames and weapons at lightning pace, the sheer amount of change is overwhelming to casual and new players. DE needs balance between satisfying their vets and not alienating new players into feeling like the game is just too big to tackle. I joined shortly after solar rails was disabled, and even that felt like a mountain of work to catch up on, compared to the vets.

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Warframe is a bike with rocket , it have massive kinetic energy this time but even a single rock will make some bad effects , there is no balance in updates , every contend that new is almost not cooked enough but this is makes the players stay because players says"how it is going to be when its fixed? / what rework we gonna get ? / is my favorite item is gonna be good ? ) so this goes on like this  and i am hyped for u18 or i should say i am hyped even for hot fixes! 

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Uphill? Downhill?

I rather call it..  stagnation.. or.. slowdown.. :(



Just count events that begins in 2013.. 2014.. and 2015..

Do the same for new mission types introduced..

.. and other significant changes.


Much, much less in this year than in previous years..


Quality? Roughly the same. Nothing impressive for "year of quality", rather contrary. Some quite nice content plus some completelly unbalanced and unpolished.

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Slightly uphill.

The reworks and parkour 2.0 have been great so far, but the added grind and a few unneeded/untested nerfs drag it down.

They call it the year of quality, but to be completely honest, I haven't seen that many changes that I would consider quality asides from the previously mentioned frame reworks and parkour 2.0. Maybe throw archwing 1.5 in there?

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Some community members are nice, but some don't even let you choose your favorite frame. If I have to play a "Effective" frame, then it won't be fun for me. The whole point of a game is to have fun.

We have tons of people crying about "nerfs" we have seemingly more founder hate for no reason, we have irksome children in the console world , irritating people on trade chat, then there's region chat........ go back a couple years when the community was small and it was much more enjoyable

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I haven't been playing super long, admittedly, only a few months, so I can't say my opinion has any merit to it, but I kinda see it currently plateaued at a very slight incline.  Nothing should ever be on a steep incline if you want it to last.  Too sharp an incline and you risk getting too good, too fast, without enough to keep it going for very long before it plummets.  Warframe, as I see it, is designed like most MMOs, to be a fun, enjoyable game that holds back from extreme expenditure so that everyone stays hooked and gets slow trickles of new content to keep it feeling fresh, even if the overall game stays roughly the same.  I personally love the game, though it could be argued that my playing it only a few months means I've yet to get bored but may soon enough, but I look forward to a lot. 


I saw warframe on the market forever ago, but never really got drawn to it until this year, but boy am I now.  The community is rather fun, especially when the right people get involved, and while DE is full of a bunch of dorks, they're fun-loving, creative dorks who pay a lot of attention to their fanbase and treat them with full respect.  I fully believe that any changes they've made that truly angered the community as a whole were done entirely in the spirit of progress, not just for money (which they have to get one way or another or else they go under, people forget that) but because they, as a company, really thought it'd turn out great in the end.

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It was going uphill like a year ago, but nowadays is downhill to me.


- A year ago, most of the public matches were full of players, from the most popular ones to the least popular ones, you could always find at least one player. Today most of nodes are empty, there are players only in draco and other few popular nodes.

- A year ago if I wanted to host a mission in the recruit chat, I used to get dozens of PMs. Today if I want to host a mission I barely make a full squad.

- A year ago, my clan was really active, I could even find other players in the dojo. Today most of my clanmates quit playing long ago and a couple of us are active.


Sure now we have more frames, weapons, cosmetics, etc, but you need more than content to make a good game. At this pace, the game will die in 2 or 3 years.

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Melee 2.0 was amazing. Parkour 2.0 ended Tipedo dependence for thousands of scrubcakes the world over. Frost and Excal had amazing reworks, a few weapons from the distant past made a return, we finally got Trinny prime...


The archwing content didn't help at all though. Not gonna lie. Maybe the archwing improvements nearing the console version will change that, but I'm not holding my breath. We also got the Chesa kubrow, the Telos Boltor, we've gone without a Limbo buff...


It's a mixed bag. I can only see the future as it happens.

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Uphill? Downhill?

I rather call it..  stagnation.. or.. slowdown.. :(



Just count events that begins in 2013.. 2014.. and 2015..

Do the same for new mission types introduced..

.. and other significant changes.


Much, much less in this year than in previous years..


Quality? Roughly the same. Nothing impressive for "year of quality", rather contrary. Some quite nice content plus some completelly unbalanced and unpolished.


I'm fairly certain the game quality has been much improved now than 1 year ago on this various post.


Objectively, the game is going steadily uphill, with a few bumps but it's still improving greatly.


In this year alone we got



PvP 2.0

Parkour 2.0

Archwing revisited

Multiple frame rebalances buffs and nerfs with more incoming (Excalibur, frost, ember, rhino)

QoL changes such as impoved waypoints and marking of rare objects, along with finally seing how mods affect our stats.

Ignoring all the new additions to the game such as frame.


While the grind has certainly worsen depending on how you see it, the game itself has improved greatly.

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If nerfing and buffing gets outta control or unannounced it could be catastrophic for player base numbers .i spent 1500+hours dealing with bad rng and weapon nerfs in destiny almost drove me mad . Then I found Warframe .omg I instantly switched . I believe if u work hard towards building up a weapon or Warframe or obtaining a mod , then u finally get to where u want to be and bang it gets nerfed. Eg covert lethality mod or mirage clone numbers just to name a few . If serration is ever removed it's like deleting profits and players from Warframe . There's much talk amongst players about this . So I say it could go either way imo depending on how they change the game in the future, for now Warframe can continue to have my support its good for now .

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I'm fairly certain the game quality has been much improved now than 1 year ago on this various post.


Objectively, the game is going steadily uphill, with a few bumps but it's still improving greatly.


In this year alone we got



PvP 2.0

Parkour 2.0

Archwing revisited

Multiple frame rebalances buffs and nerfs with more incoming (Excalibur, frost, ember, rhino)

QoL changes such as impoved waypoints and marking of rare objects, along with finally seing how mods affect our stats.

Ignoring all the new additions to the game such as frame.


While the grind has certainly worsen depending on how you see it, the game itself has improved greatly.

i think some people look at it this way-


Excalibur rework= great Job DE!


Excalibur Exalted Blade change = Worse thing ever! This game is going downhill. All DE does is nerf! Year of Quality? yeah right!!!

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i think some people look at it this way-


Excalibur rework= great Job DE!


Excalibur Exalted Blade change = Worse thing ever! This game is going downhill. All DE does is nerf! Year of Quality? yeah right!!!

You are probably trying to be sarcastic, but you hit the nail on the head.  They make something new and fun, then when it gets popular they over-nerf it into uselessness.  It makes no sense and keeps me, and others, from feeling like we should invest in the game.


Look at Mag Prime. She should be going for several hundred plat since getting vaulted, but with all her nerfs its hard to practically give her sets away. 


The game is in a downward spiral, and I really can't understand the reasoning behind it.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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You are probably trying to be sarcastic, but you hit the nail on the head.  They make something new and fun, then when it gets popular they over-nerf it into uselessness.  It makes no sense and keeps me, and others, from feeling like we should invest in the game.


Look at Mag Prime. She should be going for several hundred plat since getting vaulted, but with all her nerfs its hard to practically give her sets away. 


The game is in a downward spiral, and I really can't understand the reasoning behind it.


Ironic, as mag is the next frame inline of a major rework.


Not liking some decision, i'm fine with but downward spiral? Literally everything points to the opposite.

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