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Warframe Only Has Three Weapons


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Almost every single weapon in the game is actually amazing if you use it. Problem is people don't because they're mindless "meta" drones.

Recent Ignis Buff is AMAZING. The newly released basolk are not crap like everyone says- they just can't see anything past the numbers that pop off enemies. Status is OP. The majority of players just choose to to accept it even exists because they can't stand anything that doesn't do pure obscene amounts of DPS.

Sonicor is GOD TIER. Convectrix would be great if it wasn't for it's gimmick...

Atlas (not a weapon but close enough) is amazing as well.

DE hasn't been releasing good stuff? How about you try it first.

New weapon isn't crap but it's arguably not worth the resources either.

I like most of the weapons, they're usable. That's probably because I'm not a fan of 2 hour T4S 9001 level game play. I usually be done by 40 min/waves.

Edited by izzatuw
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The newly released basolk are not crap like everyone says- they just can't see anything past the numbers that pop off enemies. Status is OP. The majority of players just choose to to accept it even exists because they can't stand anything that doesn't do pure obscene amounts of DPS.

The twin basolk are directly inferior to the ninkondi in every aspect except slide damage. The ninkondi have the same damage per hit, attack faster, have innate multi-hit strikes in their attack animations (so, they attack even faster), more status chance, are cheaper to build and are faster to build. The twin basolk have a higher slide attack damage, but if you want damage then you're going to pick another weapon.

A weapon's cost should be reflected in its power. Consider the Panthera, which is basically a direct downgrade to the Miter from which it was constructed.

Edited by DoomFruit
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And those weapons are boltor prime, brakk, and scindo prime everything else is mastery fodder.....okay ok maybe I'm just exaggerating a bit but you get the jist of the ever growing problem with warframe.

I don't know what DE is smoking but the past few months of weapon releases have been somewhat of a disappointment. The lack of a decent end game weapon issue making me somewhat deprived of variety when it comes to loadouts. We're pretty much stuck using the same end game gear for months on end that was released 1-2 years old, boltor prime and brakk both old weapons yet they still are the best weapons in the game, like are they for reelz.

So far these two things have been bothering me the most about this issue first,when DE releases a new weapon that is endgame worthy they nerf it to the mastery fodder bin, I can't wrap my head around this why reduce our options of endgame weapons when we don't have much to begin with for example remember the khom it was a decent shotgun that had t4 potential and at the time we didnt have alot of effective shotguns (we still don't) but that was until they nerfed the fire rate and the amount of pellets it fired destorying it and making it mastery fodder, the weapon already had a bad ammo economy and long spool up time but that didn't deter DE from nerfing it to the ground. Oh this one the the silinoid gamma core, it was a great endgame weapon it was a fresh change from the brakk for me and it was a lot fun and games until they nerfed that as well reducing it's damage and raised its fire rate and ammo consumption through the roof, that was a lot of work farming for the rep for a weapon that is now somewhat useless back to brakk I guess we meet agian... and agian and agian AND AGIAN AND GRKJDHROJDJJKSLKK!!!!

Second and worst of all is when DE releases a new weapon as mastery fodder to begin with when compared to what we have already by making newer weapons require older weapons as mats for crafting, as first most people would assume that these would be direct upgrades but you're wrong so wrong a lot of these end up being worse than the weapons required to build it, this method has been implemented horribly wrong. As my own personal suggestions take the same concept of crafting of turning low-mid tier weapons into higher tier weapons at higher mastery ranks putting our useless weapons we'll never use amd craft it into something better (keyword: better) that will be viable for high level content and give more variety when going into t4 void or raids.

Any way I'm done ranting I just had to get this off my chest to have a general discussions about it with the community and to bring light to this issue to DE, I hope I'm not the only one who thinks something needs to be done about this in the future.


Actually... there are a few more



Sancti Tigris

Dread/paris prime

Simuloid Gammacor

Vaykor Marelok

Dragon Nikana

Twin Grakatas

Lex Prime

Jat Kittag

Orthos Prime

Secura Penta




There are quite a few good weapons... just not as mainstream as say the boltor prime

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I cant agree with that, those weapons arent actually too powerful compared to others, if you are forced to play solo because bad internet connection(as I did many times), after 35 min on T3 or T4 survival it takes around 1/3 to 1/2 of ammo clip of your boltor prime to kill one bombard, which is already affected by Molecular Prime so yeah I actually agree that many of weapons in game are too weak because game is balanced around full team with mandatory 4xCP aura for endless missions.


and lets not forget that some weapon types have bad synergy, with some frames, which makes them much less viable for long endless missions, for example I find soma prime a really good weapon but since its weapon  focused on doing critical hits, it has bad synergy with nova frame, since antimatter drop works really bad with critics based  weapons because the orb cant be affected by them.

This make every critics based weapon not viable for nova to use, since as endless mission goes on abilities become more and more important.

You do know that antimatter drop fully benefits dmg from laser weapons? And why the hell is it a defining factor for your weapon choosing? Soma is "viable" for any warframe, hate newbs that talk about wf/wep synergy when there isn't any. Use what you want to use geez...

Edited by XWitcherX
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The twin basolk are directly inferior to the ninkondi in every aspect except slide damage.

I'm literally going to stop you right there. Ever since ninkondi became a thing everyone dismisses every other melee that has decent status. Ninkondi use the nunchaku stance. Basolk use the Twin Swords stances. Twin sword stances have better multipliers- decent multihits, and more. Swirling tigers allows you to build up a high combo and NOT lose it because of a pause like the end of the ninkondi's stance's combos have. It also has a move that trips enemies allowing for finishers. It also has a very large AoE "smash" attack at the end of a combo that can proc your AoE in that large area. You cannot compare two completely different weapons without taking the stances into account like everyone has been doing. It is not fair.

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I'm literally going to stop you right there. Ever since ninkondi became a thing everyone dismisses every other melee that has decent status. Ninkondi use the nunchaku stance. Basolk use the Twin Swords stances. Twin sword stances have better multipliers- decent multihits, and more. Swirling tigers allows you to build up a high combo and NOT lose it because of a pause like the end of the ninkondi's stance's combos have. It also has a move that trips enemies allowing for finishers. It also has a very large AoE "smash" attack at the end of a combo that can proc your AoE in that large area. You cannot compare two completely different weapons without taking the stances into account like everyone has been doing. It is not fair.


But no one cares about 'fair' or 'smart' when they can be mindless drones and follow the FTW meta crowd.


That is like comparing Boltor Prime and Ignis. OBVIOUSLY Boltor Prime is better in every way since its stats are higher. Except that Ignis is hitscan (odd as that is for a flamethrower) ignores obstacles (innate punchthrough :) ), hits everything in view (and not), has insane range even without Sinister Reach...


I don't MIND the meta as long as it is not stupid. Start preaching stupid as the new meta and I will speak up.

Edited by Kalenath
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Do you really need a list of "end game" viable weapons? Spontaneously I can think of plenty, Dread, Paris P, (Vaykor) Hek/Marelok, Sancti Tigris, Tonbo, Tonkor, D Nikana, Jat Kittag, etc etc   Maybe it would help if you would try some sometimes. Some of them are pretty recent additions. 


Agree fully, also +1 for monty python pic.


Also I've found my viral/electric modded spectra to be quite effective in raids. It seems to proc constantly on grineer and shred there health, also the electric works wonders on the nullifier drones.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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Almost every single weapon in the game is actually amazing if you use it. Problem is people don't because they're BRAINLESS "meta" drones AND THEY ONLY SEE "NUMBERS".

Recent Ignis Buff is AMAZING. The newly released basolk are not crap like everyone says- they just can't see anything past the numbers that pop off enemies. Status is OP. The majority of players just choose to to accept it even exists because they can't stand anything that doesn't do pure obscene amounts of DPS.


And that's why there's so much noobs eventho they're MR 15+

Truly makes me want to laugh that they're called themself TENNO

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Brakk is no longer "Dabes" ever since Vaykor Marelok appeared.


Boltor Prime isn't "Dabes" either. Soma Prime existed and many Boltor Prime purists have been swayed to the Soma side. Also, whoever could forget amazing Red Crits from our Holy Trinity : Dread , Amprex , Synapse? Rest in peace Electric Shield.


Scindo Prime is fair, but Galatine is on par with it. "Dur more crit more op" no it really is on par with Galatine.


Ichors has always been a top pick as well, it's just that some people prefer heavy weapons that's all. 


Jet kitty is a fan favourite of many. Dragon Nikana has a huge usage in all stages of the game too.

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Let me state whit something i agree whit OP.


I really dislike how weapons need othere weapons to build. When its just one step - fine. But when you have multiple steps this is getting a bit annoying. Building a pistol to then build one more pistol to then build an AK"name" pistol to then build an axe - thats just faffing about. So i would be glad if DE didnt do that.



But the rest i just dont agree. There is plenty of great weapons you can make into mosters for endgame. There is plenty of MR fodder - but there is plenty of great guns to use. And as added bonus whit the upcoming mod rework we may see some crazy new combos we havent really used before.

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I've used almost all the kinds of weapons this game has to offer. They all have their strenghts and weaknesses. There's no such thing like a weapon that shines in every possible aspect, 'cause that would make the game pretty boring and uninteresting.


Almost every weapon from the game, if it's modded properlly can be very usefull in a certain situation, depending on what faction you're fighting with. Don't forget the fact that there's an A, B, C loadout options for a reason.


Personally I never liked Boltor, prime or not and never used Scindo, but I can tell you one thing, I never felt this game has a lack of good weapons, That's because I know the secret in making a certain weapon to behave in a way or another is: first reading carefully the weapon's specifications  (status chance, critical chance, damage rates, rate of fire or rate of attack etc.) and second and the most important aspect is to MOD that weapon according to my needs.

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People will always equate more damage as 'best'.


Funny how Tonkor's stats kind of suck compared to Ogris/Penta.


According to some people, I shouldn't be able to kill stuff faster with a grenade launcher than a scrub with a Boltor Prime, but I do.


I've used almost all the kinds of weapons this game has to offer. They all have their strenghts and weaknesses. There's no such thing like a weapon that shines in every possible aspect, 'cause that would make the game pretty boring and uninteresting.


Problem is, that requires THOUGHT.


That requires people CARE enough about the game to think about said strengths and weaknesses. They don't. They WANT the game boring and uninteresting to suit THEIR wishes because they cannot understand anything that isn't spelled out for them. Preferably on Youtube without pesky writing for them to have to decipher.


Odd that Mogamu isn't like that. He has opinions of course, but he doesn't DISMISS things just because of the STATS. He actually tries them out. Tries different builds. Different means of use. He thinks about what he does. He routinely says people should try the things for themselves.



Edited by Kalenath
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You have numerous brain tumors, this is the damage from the Sancti Tigris, when I'm modding for Magazine Capacity.



Obviously he never tried the Hek or Vaykor Hek either. Even the Sobek is workable with the augment mod. The Boar Prime. The Strun Wraith...


But what the hell do we know? Because someone says it, there ARE no viable shotguns.


Not even the Phage.




So few viable shotguns indeed.

Edited by Kalenath
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You do know that antimatter drop fully benefits dmg from laser weapons? And why the hell is it a defining factor for your weapon choosing? Soma is "viable" for any warframe, hate newbs that talk about wf/wep synergy when there isn't any. Use what you want to use geez...


How laser weapons are related to what I said ?(I dont find laser weapons really fun to use), as someone  who LOVES playing with nova(I know that there are better frames for solo but I find this frame most fun to use and I am best at using it) frame and since I dont have most reliable internet connection I was forced to do a LOT of solo endless missions(which means I can only bring one CP aura) trying to get the stuff I wanted, because of that I had to find more efficent ways to do those missions and I will tell you that I find soma prime MUCH more fun to use, I prefer it to boltor prime but I am forced to bring boltor prime since after 35 minute killing enemies with weapons becomes inefficent and I am forced to do most of kills with antimatter drop so at this point only weapons with pure high dps are good, so I cant use my favorite soma prime that is critics based.


And dont call me newb just because I dont agree with you, saying that there is no wf/wep synergy makes you look foolish, since some weapons are more viable when paired with some frames >_>


Not everyone can bring full team with 4xCP aura to endless mission.

Edited by Culaio
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Problem is, that requires THOUGHT.


It also requires a potato, at least a few Forma, and being leveled up several times to test the weapon against high-level enemies and with varied mod setups, because any weapon with a few random mods can kill level 10 mooks.


That's a not a sacrifice every player is willing to make only to find out at the end of it all that the weapon is crap.

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