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Warframe Only Has Three Weapons


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It also requires a potato, at least a few Forma, and being leveled up several times to test the weapon against high-level enemies and with varied mod setups, because any weapon with a few random mods can kill level 10 mooks.


That's a not a sacrifice every player is willing to make only to find out at the end of it all that the weapon is crap.


So, you want an UNMODDED, UNPOTATOED and UNforma-ed weapon to be GOD TIER.




You don't want to put the effort into making the weapon as powerful as it can be and then complain that it isn't as powerful as it could be?


You just lost all credibility with me. Even the BOLTOR PRIME needs a few tweaks to make it as powerful as it can be.


If you don't want to do that? Your choice. And yes, your weapons WILL suck compared to others if you do not potato and forma them. But that is not generally the WEAPON'S fault, is it? Put HALF of the effort into it, get HALF the results. Simple.

Edited by Kalenath
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So, you want an UNMODDED, UNPOTATOED and UNforma-ed weapon to be GOD TIER.


It's funny seeing this sort of rageposting from someone smugly commanding everyone else to THINK, as though he's above it all and knows better than everyone else. No, that doesn't even remotely resemble the point I was making.


My point is that no matter how hard someone THINKS, they have no way of knowing whether or not a weapon's any good outside the Star Map until they put a lot of resources and effort into the weapon and then TEST it. Actual, hands-on testing is necessary, and that's exactly what Mogamu does.


If you'd THINK for a moment, you'd realize that not everyone is a bored MR20 who's been playing for two years with 100 Forma backlogged and 20,000 platinum in their account. Most people have to pick and choose what they spend their time and resources on, so it's no surprise that, at least to begin with, they go for what other people tell them is good and top-tier.

Edited by Kastorius
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It's funny seeing this sort of rageposting from someone smugly commanding everyone else to THINK, as though he's above it all and knows better than everyone else. No, that doesn't even remotely resemble the point I was making.


My point is that no matter how hard someone THINKS, they have no way of knowing whether or not a weapon's any good outside the Star Map until they put a lot of resources and effort into the weapon and then TEST it. Actual, hands-on testing is necessary, and that's exactly what Mogamu does.


If you'd THINK for a moment, you'd realize that not everyone is a bored MR20 who's been playing for two years with 100 Forma backlogged and 20,000 platinum in their account. Most people have to pick and choose what they spend their time and resources on, so it's no surprise that, at least to begin with, they go for what other people tell them is good and top-tier.


And if YOU would think for a moment and actually READ what I wrote before rageposting a response to what you THINK I wrote, maybe you might learn something.


Doubtful, but possible.


Like I say, you have no credibility with me because you assume YOUR way is the ONLY way. I never SAID that my way was the only way. I disagreed with people who DEMAND that THEIR way is the only way. I never MENTIONED other players.


(And for the record? MR 20. 74 plat. 20 Forma. 4 Catalysts. 9 Reactors. Every weapon and warframe. Not bored with the game in the slightest.)




MIGHT want to check your assumptions at the door and maybe learn to read.

Edited by Kalenath
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I barely ever use Boltor prime, when I used it it was ok but not something I really brought on to high tiers as I was unimpressed with the results,  I had significantly more preferable options. Though I agree, some of the last few new weapons have been dissapointing. Paracyst and Harpak in particular. Are they kidding with that crap?

Edited by UrielColtan
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And if YOU would think for a moment and actually READ what I wrote before rageposting a response to what you THINK I wrote, maybe you might learn something.


Doubtful, but possible.


The irony here is... well, it's almost palpable.


Rest assured, I'm deeply hurt that I have no credibility with you. Man, that's gonna sting for days.


Please continue looking down your nose at all those people who aren't smart enough, unlike yourself of course (gosh, they have so much to learn from you, if only they'd listen!), to see the potential in weapons that almost everyone who isn't new is already aware of.

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I agree with some weapons being far more powerfull than others [thats not right, there are a lot of cool looking ones] and we are "Forced" to use weapons that are capable of killing enemies on high levels quickly enough.


I personaly would use nothing but AKlato yet their damage is just... sometimes not enough to kill Heavy gunners on low levels.

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The irony here is... well, it's almost palpable.


Rest assured, I'm deeply hurt that I have no credibility with you. Man, that's gonna sting for days.


Please continue looking down your nose at all those people who aren't smart enough, unlike yourself of course (gosh, they have so much to learn from you, if only they'd listen!), to see the potential in weapons that almost everyone who isn't new is already aware of.


You know what the REALLY sad thing is? I don't.


You WANT me to but I refuse to be what you want because that is stupid.


You will take what you want from my writing and ignore the rest. That is your right.


It is MY right to deride people who DEMAND that I adhere to THEIR wishes in a game that I play for fun. (not you by the way until the last page) YOU decided to insult and attack me because YOU felt that I was deriding your opinion. Maybe I was. But that wasn't my goal. I can't change your mind any more than you can change mine.


You play the game your way, I will play the game mine. But I BET I have more fun since I am not finding ways to be salty about everything.


And... l2read.


I agree with some weapons being far more powerfull than others [thats not right, there are a lot of cool looking ones] and we are "Forced" to use weapons that are capable of killing enemies on high levels quickly enough.


I personaly would use nothing but AKlato yet their damage is just... sometimes not enough to kill Heavy gunners on low levels.


Agreed. Not every weapon is suited to take down all enemies.


Funny thing is, I have stuck by the old Akbolto ever since I got it and then Telos Akbolto ever since I got that. Not the most damaging or fastest firing or even the most accurate. But for me? They fit and I have gone to 60 minutes regularly on T4 with them.


There is just something better for me about semi-auto firing a heavy bolt that pins targets to walls. And I LOVE the look.

Edited by Kalenath
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Considering most weapons can perform fine within the lvl40-50ish mark of the game which is around what DE balances things for then, yeah, you're exaggerating a tonne.

I say this as prominently a solo player that avoids the meta because it gets real boring real fast and I prefer to play with what I find fun.


The real issue here is more centered around endless scaling, bad enemy AI and general bad enemy (well not all enemies) design that doesn't mesh with really any other comparable game to WF.

The only reason the community has such a hard on for DEEPEEESSSSSSSSS and numbers is because 90% of what WF's "endgame" is, is just breaking endless scaling.

Which is where the problem lies, difficulty, engaging missions types, and reward distribution along with risk vs reward mechanics for powers and weapons being all over the place and out of wack.


If anyone actually tries to take weapons that aren't a part of the meta to content and levels that are actually centered around what WF is currently balanced for then most work just fine and even past that.

Honestly, using content and enemy lvls past the point of breaking scaling as a reference and bar for what is and isn't good is one of the worst ways to spread misinformation and just generally be deluded about the state of WF and what DE intends.

Not that I know exactly of course, but going by releases, bits DE have said, and testing what actually does and doesn't work its pretty plain to see where the balance lies and roughly what DE has in mind for such things.


Hek, the biggest indicator that 70+ enemies aren't what DE normally intends for WF to be balanced for (Raids being an exception because they exist due to demands for more difficulty and the fact DE still struggles with creating difficulty without lvl scaling) is that players aren't actually rewarded for going up to that mark anymore then they are for bailing at the lvl40-50 mark in endless missions, which is where 90% of the rewards are until the new starchart hits.

So hopefully this changes, but the point is we aren't rewarded for going out of the balancing mark, so clearly you're on your own once you hit that point as far as balance is concerned.

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It's funny seeing this sort of rageposting from someone smugly commanding everyone else to THINK, as though he's above it all and knows better than everyone else. No, that doesn't even remotely resemble the point I was making.


My point is that no matter how hard someone THINKS, they have no way of knowing whether or not a weapon's any good outside the Star Map until they put a lot of resources and effort into the weapon and then TEST it. Actual, hands-on testing is necessary, and that's exactly what Mogamu does.


If you'd THINK for a moment, you'd realize that not everyone is a bored MR20 who's been playing for two years with 100 Forma backlogged and 20,000 platinum in their account. Most people have to pick and choose what they spend their time and resources on, so it's no surprise that, at least to begin with, they go for what other people tell them is good and top-tier.


Actually if you just compare weapons base stats you can see right around where a gun's strength is. Boltor Prime does around 55 base damage a shot. regular braton does 20 damage per shot So using this you can say the boltor does over twice the braton's damage and gets pushed even further with mods. But comparing weapons takes effort, Lucky for you there is a codex with all the weapons stats listed for you!!! 


And there are a lot of good weapons. 

Vectis Prime








paris prime/dread









lex prime



twin grakatas


dakra prime


jat kittag





Im not interested in mastery rank fodder. If i make a weapon i check out the weapon then ill put upto 6 forma into it decking it out and then go run a t4 survival to see how much damage it does. Even mid tier weapons can be made great with warframe abilities (warcry/sonar/vex armor/hall of mirors/molecular prime/etc) Just get out of the mainstream weapons

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Is this thread serious?  

Cause that was a lot written to bother messing with the community. 



If you are serious. 

1. You're wrong.
2. I'm not going to write a long thing explaining why you're wrong because it should be obvious those aren't the only weapons that are decent. 

Edited by Vesiga
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Dude... Get the heck out


there are so many good weapons

but so many bad ones


You just have to put time and effort into a gun, before it shines


Though only about 20% of the weapons in the game are actually useful


Try any of these


Galatine, Scindo Prime, Jat Kittag, Dragon Nikana, Ninkondi, Scoliac, Tipedo


Amprex, Dread, Boltor Prime, Latron Prime, Burston Prime, Braton Prime

Dera Vandal, Paris Prime, Tonkor, Quanta Vandal, Tigris or Sancti Tigris

Supra, Synapse, and many other prime weapons


Lex Prime, Brakk, Rakta Ballistica, Vaykor Hekk... most other secondaries are useless

*Hikou Prime is my favorite


I have no idea why, but mostly every secondary weapon is inferior and pathetically weak


Gennerally, if it isnt prime, it is unplayable at higher levels


Most weapons, like lato or sybaris, are so weak in comparison to other guns

Almost every single AK-*** gun is garbage, they just run out of ammo way to fast


Sniper rifles -_- 

They just get forgotten, because they are to slow and weak to be viable vs a Paris or Dread


Warframe is a fast paced combat game, so anything that is weak or slow, is unused


What is the most unused gun though, that's what i wonder


It's a small pool but my most loved/hated guns i wish would get buffs


Like the mire, my first weapon ever, the venka, cool claws, but way to pathetic

anything AK based, should have a ammo mutation installed in it

and all sniper rifles, need reworked


But by far, i hate the Gorgon -_-

that gun, slow reload, weak damage, 5% crit


Anything without any critical chance is just unusable

all weapons, melee or guns, need to have the lowest possible crit % of 10%

5% is just to low for anything, especially with the gimped mod system, 

Every build, it always has Serration/Hornet Strike/Pressure point, as a must

so thats 1 slot out of the equation


then lethal torrent, barrel diffusion, or split chamber etc. multi shots


the biggest flaw i have ever noticed, is how long it takes to max any mod that is Rank 10,

The credit cost is so bad, but it doesn't come close to the grind for 200 gold cores for rank 10/9 

And without those mods, maxed, your nerfed always


Its been like 6 months, and i still don't got Max anything

i just ignored maxing any r10 mods, cause the cost is ridiculously insane, the grind to much

about 1 million credits and 300-500 cores to max some mods, like primed stuff


but other than that, R3-5 mods are easy to max


The mod system and mostly, every gun, needs some sort of balance + upgrade system 

We need a way to actually level up a gun, without just needing mods

a way to power up a gun, permanently by our own choices


Maybe, every time we forma a weapon, we could get a option to power up 1 attribute to a weapon

and we could do this 10 times, per any gun


but formas.... they really need to be revamped


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While i would argue with you about "only three weapons" suitable for end game, i do agree about weird trend of weapons being build from other weapons and ending up weakier than those it was crafted from.

This is not how it works... Or at least not how i want it to be.

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You know what the REALLY sad thing is? I don't.


You WANT me to but I refuse to be what you want because that is stupid.


You will take what you want from my writing and ignore the rest. That is your right.


It is MY right to deride people who DEMAND that I adhere to THEIR wishes in a game that I play for fun. (not you by the way until the last page) YOU decided to insult and attack me because YOU felt that I was deriding your opinion. Maybe I was. But that wasn't my goal. I can't change your mind any more than you can change mine.


You play the game your way, I will play the game mine. But I BET I have more fun since I am not finding ways to be salty about everything.


And... l2read.


Oh god, the sheer butthurt and stupid in this post. 


The dude was nowhere near as condescending, melodramatic and utterly self-unaware as you, please take a cold hard look at your post and Kastorius's initial response. 


But then again, don't. You seemed to have missed that integral cognitive development stage called meta self-awareness, and I wouldn't want to tax you with a mental task you obviously can't handle. 



Also regarding OP: 


Boltor Prime's popularity has more to do with its accessibility and ease of use rather than its sheer strength (a fully-modded Amprex outdamages any Boltor by a mile, for example, but Amprex without at least a few Forma is quite inefficient for general use). It's an MR2 gun whose set can be assembled without much trouble (T1 Def, T1 Exterminate, T1 MD...) so it quickly becomes a solid all-purpose gun, a gun you always fall back on. It's quite straightforward so even without heavy Forma investment it does its job in just about any mission. Your feeling of Boltor Prime being the best gun in the game might be heavily due to the fact that it's certainly one of the guns that give the most bang for your buck, more than its actual performance against higher-level enemies. 


I don't think Boltor Prime being "overused" is such a terrible thing, though, except maybe its MR requirement could be raised a little. There's always going to be that weapon or armor set or "build" many people use, not because they think it's the best thing ever, but because it's a generally well-rounded equipment and fit for testing the waters. Except Warframe doesn't really have deep enough waters to "test"...but we'll see. 

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Oh god, the sheer butthurt and stupid in this post. 


The dude was nowhere near as condescending, melodramatic and utterly self-unaware as you, please take a cold hard look at your post and Kastorius's initial response.



Thank you VERY much for not bothering to read the whole of what I wrote.


You BOTH ignored the whole point of the posts in the name of righteous indignation. Well done.



Since neither of you can apparently read between the lines, allow me to spell it out-


1) Sure, not everyone can afford formas/catalysts. They will eventually get what they need, but it will take time. DEMANDING that they focus on only a few of the (many) good weapons denies then the chance to find fun their way.


2) Not everyone wants to put the time into the game to make their gear better. Why should they? Someone will carry their lazy butts eventually. Some of those people want to penalize everyone ELSE for THEIR laziness.


This is not everyone. Most gamers fall somewhere in between the ones who cannot afford anything or want everything handed to them on a silver platter, and those who have everything and/or time to do everything.


Most of the weapons are reasonable and can be very powerful given time and effort to make them so and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Hell, I DOMINATED in T3 yesterday with a no-forma Glaxion set with Combustion Beam. Was hilarious.


But anyone demanding that I turn MY opinion to match THEIRS because theirs is better than mine... That is the single most arrogant thing that many people on these forums do. YOUR opinion is just that, YOUR opinion.





The fact is that people enjoy other weapons and make them perform to standards beyond the OPs three 'best'. Therefore, while the OP may be of the opinion that only three weapons matter, not everyone shares that opinion.


Thank god.

Edited by Kalenath
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It's funny seeing this sort of rageposting from someone smugly commanding everyone else to THINK, as though he's above it all and knows better than everyone else. No, that doesn't even remotely resemble the point I was making.


My point is that no matter how hard someone THINKS, they have no way of knowing whether or not a weapon's any good outside the Star Map until they put a lot of resources and effort into the weapon and then TEST it. Actual, hands-on testing is necessary, and that's exactly what Mogamu does.


If you'd THINK for a moment, you'd realize that not everyone is a bored MR20 who's been playing for two years with 100 Forma backlogged and 20,000 platinum in their account. Most people have to pick and choose what they spend their time and resources on, so it's no surprise that, at least to begin with, they go for what other people tell them is good and top-tier.



Errr the guy do have a point ....


For starter i dont know of a weapon that will hold out on T4 40+min whitout a patato and a forma. If there is one - do share it whit me. Couse even Penta will strugle to do anything else then kill the owner lel.


Fact is even the "god" tier weapons do need a patato and formas.

Example. Unformad and unpatatoed Hek even whit Scattered Justice will not do much as it will be able at best to instal two dmg mods. Now put a patato and 4 formas - behold a weapon that can instant kill Corrupt Heavy Guner in T4 40+ and nail her to the roof....


And whats that nonsens about needing to be MR 20 and no lifer and farmer and other BS.

Im mr 13. Dont have 100 formas and most of the plat i have i got from trading. Best part ? All i have i have gotten while playing the game and enjoying it. 


I do read wiki and i do ask about weapons in clan chat ect. But if i pick a weapon and i like it - i just spend the effort to see if i can make it good. And most of the time - it is good even if not "god" tier. GIving me one more fun weapon in my arsenal. And lets face it - most of the time we run missions that by all means can be finished by warframe powers alone... 


As for the op - i do belive he have no clue what he is talking about.

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