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[Poll] Which Warframe Needs A Rework The Most?


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You cant stop someone from trolling. There will be trolls. There will always be trolls on practically every game. All you can do is report said greifing for throwing the game.

But you can rework Limbo's powers to be more conducive to actual teamwork, as opposed to his current powerset which is tailor-made to just frustrate your team without actually contributing


Why do you think so many people voted Limbo? We're having a nice thread here talking about actual quality-of-life suggestions, things to make frames more user-friendly (not overpowered, just user-friendly), and all you seem to be saying is "deal with it and get gud"

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You certainly wouldn't bring Limbo to an Excavation mission instead of Frost. Someone might bring a Limbo in addition to Frost, but Cataclysm is far too fiddly, what with causing Tenno to drop power cells when they enter and not actually impeding enemies very well.


A number of people posting in this thread seem to believe they're Limbo experts and that anyone who thinks Limbo needs a rework doesn't understand how his abilities work. In actuality, Limbo's abilities are very straightforward and self-explanatory once you understand how the Rift works, and understanding the Rift is easy once you've played Limbo for less than an hour.


I guarantee that approximately zero of the "Limbo experts" in this thread have ever brought Limbo to their own Triton core farming sessions.

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But you can rework Limbo's powers to be more conducive to actual teamwork, as opposed to his current powerset which is tailor-made to just frustrate your team without actually contributing


Why do you think so many people voted Limbo? We're having a nice thread here talking about actual quality-of-life suggestions, things to make frames more user-friendly (not overpowered, just user-friendly), and all you seem to be saying is "deal with it and get gud"


Limbo's abilities can be used for Teamwork. Use your first on an Ev Trin. They can still ev things. If everyone else is in the rift they can still receive the energy. The Rift doesnt effect abilities at all. You could rift a Trin and Excal in survival and have the Excal using their Ult the entire run. They wont pick things up yeah but I'm sure the other 2 (assuming there is a full squad) can pick up LS.

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You certainly wouldn't bring Limbo to an Excavation mission instead of Frost. Someone might bring a Limbo in addition to Frost, but Cataclysm is far too fiddly, what with causing Tenno to drop power cells when they enter and not actually impeding enemies very well.
A number of people posting in this thread seem to believe they're Limbo experts and that anyone who thinks Limbo needs a rework doesn't understand how his abilities work. In actuality, Limbo's abilities are very straightforward and self-explanatory once you understand how the Rift works, and understanding the Rift is easy once you've played Limbo for less than an hour.
I guarantee that approximately zero of the "Limbo experts" in this thread have ever brought Limbo to their own Triton core farming sessions.


I understand a frost is a requirement for those missions to go off without a hitch but people like to bring what they like and people like limbo. What if its their only frame? Not everyone has a massive amount of slots to keep all the frames.


My partner likes limbo and we play a lot but he can easily screw over a mission and has done numerous times to the point where i asked him to just stop using powers as its making things difficult.


People shouldn't be forced to not bring what they like just because its not right for that mission type (to be honest limbo is the first frame I have ever heard that isn't right for a certain mission type).

Edited by Makairi
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Limbo's abilities can be used for Teamwork. Use your first on an Ev Trin. They can still ev things. If everyone else is in the rift they can still receive the energy. The Rift doesnt effect abilities at all. You could rift a Trin and Excal in survival and have the Excal using their Ult the entire run. They wont pick things up yeah but I'm sure the other 2 (assuming there is a full squad) can pick up LS.

Why would you ever banish a Trin when she can have Link up? Additionally, most people who EV Trin pop the enemy they tag right after casting to immediately gain all of the energy that would be provided over the ticks. 


Finally, isn't relying on powers for 100% of your damage the kind of power spam that people are pining on about making the game not fun?

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Limbo's abilities can be used for Teamwork. Use your first on an Ev Trin. They can still ev things. If everyone else is in the rift they can still receive the energy. The Rift doesnt effect abilities at all. You could rift a Trin and Excal in survival and have the Excal using their Ult the entire run. They wont pick things up yeah but I'm sure the other 2 (assuming there is a full squad) can pick up LS.

That is indeed a decent strategy. But are you noticing the problem? A very specific and conspicuous absence?

His 3 and 4


His 3 only benefits himself, doing nothing for his team. His 4 is actively detrimental to his team, even when using your strategy

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You certainly wouldn't bring Limbo to an Excavation mission instead of Frost. Someone might bring a Limbo in addition to Frost, but Cataclysm is far too fiddly, what with causing Tenno to drop power cells when they enter and not actually impeding enemies very well.
A number of people posting in this thread seem to believe they're Limbo experts and that anyone who thinks Limbo needs a rework doesn't understand how his abilities work. In actuality, Limbo's abilities are very straightforward and self-explanatory once you understand how the Rift works, and understanding the Rift is easy once you've played Limbo for less than an hour.
I guarantee that approximately zero of the "Limbo experts" in this thread have ever brought Limbo to their own Triton core farming sessions.


I've used Limbo a few times on Excavation missions. I'd never use my ult unless I'm taking out a group of lower lvl enemies. I cant think of 1 reason why anyone would think using their ult as Limbo around the Excavator would be a good idea.

Yes Limbo's abilities are very straightforward but you'd be surprised by the amount of people I've come across playing Limbo that still dont seem to know how to mod him nor play him properly. (People with a maxed Limbo and decent MR. Wouldnt count those that are still leveling him nor have a decent MR cause I assume those with a low MR wouldn't have all the mods needed)

Why would you ever banish a Trin when she can have Link up? Additionally, most people who EV Trin pop the enemy they tag right after casting to immediately gain all of the energy that would be provided over the ticks. 


Finally, isn't relying on powers for 100% of your damage the kind of power spam that people are pining on about making the game not fun?


Why would Trin need to Link if Banished**

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That is indeed a decent strategy. But are you noticing the problem? A very specific and conspicuous absence?

His 3 and 4


His 3 only benefits himself, doing nothing for his team. His 4 is actively detrimental to his team, even when using your strategy

Yeah his 3rd is completely for himself but other frames do also have those abilities that are just for themselves. As for his 4th, that can be handy in Defence, MD, Intercept and for taking out groups of enemies and it also regens a little energy over time.

Edit : Also his 4th damages enemies when entering and leaving. Im pretty sure power strength effects the damage.

Edited by LoneWolf7007
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The point I am making here is there is no marked benefit in banishing a Trinity. In fact all you pretty much do is disable her weaponry.


They should be mostly Eving and/or blessing anyway so it shouldnt matter all that much. Also with the right build, EV will kill the target quickly anyway. (not higher lvl enemies of course)

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I use Limbo for Spy missions cause its just so fking easy and I use Rift Walk to max my energy. Cat on Defence and Mobile Defence missions. Only time you REALLY need to use Rift Walk is when someone goes down or your about to go down yourself. Never rely on Rift Walk. If you have to rely on his Rift Walk to be able to play then you shouldnt be playing Limbo. Play more of a tank frame like Valk.

When I play limbo I play a decoy healer, heal allies with aguement, and I sit in drift walk, have 3rd ability active and kill the hard ones with a finisher using my melee, works wonders Edited by (XB1)Master4733
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They should be mostly Eving and/or blessing anyway so it shouldnt matter all that much. Also with the right build, EV will kill the target quickly anyway. (not higher lvl enemies of course)

You still have yet to explain why in this situation Banish would be beneficial to Trinity.

The reason why everyone is poking numerous holes in your statements is because Limbo used incorrectly is highly disruptive at best and when used correctly provides negligible benefits while still inhibiting the team.

We want to see him reworked for his benefit, and you being a stubborn troll isn't helping. Go back to hiding under whatever dark bridge you sleep under at night where your dull and unconvincing logic only makes sense to you.

Edited by Xcedis
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When I play limbo I play a decoy healer, heal allies with aguement, and I sit in drift walk, have 3rd ability active and kill the hard ones with a finisher using my melee, works wonders


I've tried playing this way many times, and I always give it up.


Here's why: Against low- and mid-level enemies, Banishing one by one is just silly. I can simply blow them all away by the basketful with any old weapon. Bombards are the one exception to this, since even at level 30-40 they're a pain in the butt, but they alone aren't enough to justify bringing Limbo.


Against high-level enemies, Riftwalk and Banish becomes a MUCH better deal (except for nullifier spam, but that affects all frames), since it grants invincibility and allows you to take on one enemy at a time. Problem is, Rift Surge only increases a weapon's base damage, which means it's a garbage-tier version of Roar. If I want to be almost invincible and get bonus damage to enemies, duration Trinity and Banshee (or Rhino with Roar for that matter) would be a FAR more effective choice, far, FAR more effective.


Sure, that's two frames, but oftentimes you're going to want a Trinity anyway... and guess what? Duration Trinity and Sonar Banshee affect the entire party without any fiddly mechanics, in addition to Sonar being far, far more effective than Rift Surge at increasing damage, and Blessing almost as effective as Rift Walk.


See, people always talk about using Limbo as part of a real team and not just a bunch of randoms, but his abilities basically do three things in a unique way: Increase damage, protect from damage, and regenerate energy. Trinity can do the latter two far better than Limbo, and Limbo is nowhere near good enough at increasing damage output to fill that niche either.


Think about that for a second. Rhino's 3 affects the entire party and increases total damage (not base damage) of weapons AND abilities by 2x or more, full stop. Limbo's 3 affects only him, only while in the Rift, and increases his weapons' base damage, which, with high Power Strength, ends up being about a 50-60% total damage increase.


Finally, speaking of nullifiers:


Nullifier Crewman is affected by Cataclysm and will be sent to the Rift Plane. However, his nullification shield will remain in the Material Plane, blocking all outside attacks directed at the Nullifier Crewman but allowing him to damage entities outside freely.


Wow. Just wow.

Edited by Kastorius
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Hydroid, for a crowd control frame, feels fine to me.

Oberon is all-round decent with no specialties so I feel he's fine too.

Limbo...I just don't know how I'm supposed to use him. I've been using him for Interception and void-walking all way through, Banishing anyone who attempts to hack the nodes and kill them. Other than that, he feels pretty situational.

However I do think specific abilities within frames need to be overhauled or replaced...such as Oberon's Hallowed Ground, Mag's Crush and Vauban's Bounce.

Edited by (PS4)Goldengeartwo
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I've tried playing this way many times, and I always give it up.

Here's why: Against low- and mid-level enemies, Banishing one by one is just silly. I can simply blow them all away by the basketful with any old weapon. Bombards are the one exception to this, since even at level 30-40 they're a pain in the butt, but they alone aren't enough to justify bringing Limbo.

Against high-level enemies, Riftwalk and Banish becomes a MUCH better deal (except for nullifier spam, but that affects all frames), since it grants invincibility and allows you to take on one enemy at a time. Problem is, Rift Surge only increases a weapon's base damage, which means it's a garbage-tier version of Roar. If I want to be almost invincible and get bonus damage to enemies, duration Trinity and Banshee (or Rhino with Roar for that matter) would be a FAR more effective choice, far, FAR more effective.

Sure, that's two frames, but oftentimes you're going to want a Trinity anyway... and guess what? Duration Trinity and Sonar Banshee affect the entire party without any fiddly mechanics, in addition to Sonar being far, far more effective than Rift Surge at increasing damage, and Blessing almost as effective as Rift Walk.

See, people always talk about using Limbo as part of a real team and not just a bunch of randoms, but his abilities basically do three things in a unique way: Increase damage, protect from damage, and regenerate energy. Trinity can do the latter two far better than Limbo, and Limbo is nowhere near good enough at increasing damage output to fill that niche either.

Think about that for a second. Rhino's 3 affects the entire party and increases total damage (not base damage) of weapons AND abilities by 2x or more. Limbo's 3 affects him and increases his weapons' base damage, which, with high Power Strength, ends up being about a 50-60% total damage increase.

Let me put it this way that should sum up why I can play this way, I only play limbo with my friends, and with my friends it's basically everyman for himself when you look at it from outside, but we have a priority system, closest person takes it heavy units, farther takes out nullified, and other 2 take out trash enemies, it works for us, ps it's usually a zephyr, 2volts(sometimes 1 Excaliber instead) and a newer player, we are qualifiedXD
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I voted Hydroid. I find his skills to be more for show than actually useful. 


As for Oberon, I feel like the only change he needs is Hallowed Ground being turned into a PBAoE instead of a linear carpet. It'd make the skill a lot more comfortable to use in my opinion.

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Limbo...I just don't know how I'm supposed to use him. I've been using him for Interception and void-walking all way through, Banishing anyone who attempts to hack the nodes and kill them. Other than that, he feels pretty situational.


Same - His abilities seem to have a bigger downside than usefulness, which often leads me to step only into the Rift when I pick someone up from the ground and the occasional cataclysm quick nuke, removing dome the instant I cast it.

Edited by Second_Measure
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I say volt could use a little buffing on his 4, and a little rework of his 1. Lightning strikes will mess you up badly no mater who you are. And you will fall flat on your bum and stay there for a while.. have any of you seen anyone take a lightning strike to the face and still be able to shoot bullseye? Except off course when you are wearing a full Faraday cage.

Also. Have any of you seen a pc hit by lightning? There is not much computing left in that burnt out husk anymore:p (with this I mean moa's and other robotics should just flat out stop working right after a solid hit of lightning)

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If people don't vote Limbo, I'm not sure what game they're playing.


I just voted my favorite frame or atleast one of the most used


For Limbo , I hate this Troll so much that I cannot vote for it 


If I don't mistake Mistake Limbo is the warframe that troll you from the start , where we have begin to try to get him in the space with our low levels archwing getting insta killed... after this i meet the ban troll limbo so yea , when I see one in the squad I'm rushing faster than i ever done 

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I voted Volt, I don't think he is a bad frame or something... is just that I love electric abilities, but for some reason I don't have fun while using volt :c
I just don't know what I don't want for him, but I don't enjoy using him :/
Same with Zephyr D:
But maybe they shouldn't get reworked, because I know that a lot of people enjoy them as they are right now. Maybe DE should make alternative ability kits for each warframe for people like me lol

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