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Argon Crystals


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Hello, first post here.


Anyway my issue with argon crystals is the timer connected to them. Now, I understand that argon crystals decay outside of the void, but the entire resource just disappearing doesn't make sense. And I feel cheated as a result. It's like ice melting when its outside the freezer, there's always something left behind.


I propose that instead of just disappearing, the crystals return to a gas state, becoming 1 Argon Gas resource per decayed Crystal.


Returning the Argon to a crystal would require a clan lab research blueprint, using this recipe to remake the crystal :


- 2 Argon Gas

- 1 Void Key (not sure)

- Etc.


Now i'm not sure how good an idea this is, but i'd really appreciate some feedback






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Yeah, it's kind of a way for them to release something and make it a bit harder to build, as no matter how many argon crystals you collect, they are going to decay.


Having them turn into something totally different upon decaying is an interesting idea should they ever want to add a new resource though!!


Moving this to Feedback --> General

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Ideally, you only farm for them when you need them. Or if you like nabbing ducats, you'll probably end up with a lot unintentionally anyway. I don't really have a problem with the crystals. I'm actually out of them right now, so it motivates me to run some void when I don't.

Honestly, I think with that one void key you use though, you could get two or more full crystals with or without a nekros on a survival mission. The only thing I don't really like is control modules being marked as green resources, but that's another story.

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If we could get "void containers" that could hold 10 argon crystals maybe. That would be nice..

One would need to build these containers tho. Could work a bit like the stasis chambers.

If they were see through and you could place them manually in the ship like the noggle heads that would be fun too. And argon crystals would be nice to look at it think:)

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Now, I understand that argon crystals decay outside of the void, but the entire resource just disappearing doesn't make sense. And I feel cheated as a result. It's like ice melting when its outside the freezer, there's always something left behind.


To use a different analogy, in radioactive decay, not necessarily all of the matter is left behind, the lost mass being converted to energy forms. If you want to restore it back (somehow), then you'd probably need to find a replacement for the lost mass, but if you do that then you're basically finding the same resource again - why use a resource to make.....itself, at more cost?


Not saying that Argon crystals follow the same principle, but the point is that matter can disintegrate. Even if not completely, the byproduct may be useless and restoring it would be redundant as it'd mean finding another sample of its kind anyway.


Instead of suggesting a way of restoring decayed argon crystals, perhaps suggest a way of prolonging its lifespan to delay decay?

Above suggestion of a void container is one.

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Yeah when I "figured out" that Argon Crystals had a expiration date I really didn't like the idea. But seeing as how I run Void missions multiple times every day I never run out.


I like the idea that they change into Argon Gas when they expire. In practice, I wouldn't find too much use in it but I am sure some one who doesn't give "Praise unto the Void" everyday would like this mechanic.

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argon gas is inert, and doesnt do anything in nature anyways.

i like the idea of special resource holders for argon to keep a bundle of them for upto a week before decay.

another  idea is that the decay of argon is inversly proportional to the quantity of argon a player has. 

or just have a total quantity of argon always decay to 1/2 the original amount the next "day" of warframe(0:00 GMT)

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If we could get "void containers" that could hold 10 argon crystals maybe. That would be nice..

One would need to build these containers tho. Could work a bit like the stasis chambers.

If they were see through and you could place them manually in the ship like the noggle heads that would be fun too. And argon crystals would be nice to look at it think:)


The whole Argon thing is a mixed bag.


On one hand you can run just a T1 Survival mission and usually there will be 1-2 every 10 minutes at least, based on my personal runs, so you have a minor inconvenience in burning a key and 20 minutes to get 2, and with 2 you can start practically anything (only 2 items need 3), there also the fact that you only need a total of 63 to build everything that uses them in game.


On the other hand, since it casually trivial to get them by what is basically just having burning a key and the patience to run missions for a half hour, it feels REALLY arbitrary as a mechanic.

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Ordis dutifully hides the orbiter in the void, and argon crystals decay outside of the void, sooo... :D No decay rate, maybe, please?

If Ordis did that every now and then, that'd be great. But I like the idea for crafting argon crystals. Maybe it'd be 2 Argon gas and "X" amount of credits. (don't know how much it should cost)

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I like this idea because if you needed the argon 'gas' resource you'd need to farm it and then wait for it to decay. 

Of course you could rush the decay with a plat purchase, but overall this seems good as it would mean players would run void missions now and then to ensure they always had some argon gas incase they needed it. 

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