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I'm Looking For A Good Equinox Build....



So yeah, I've started to play with my Equinox again....noticed her build wasn't looking too good, and i couldn't seem to work around it, and decided to try and get external help. If anyone out there has a Pretty decent Build for her, just Post a Pic of it down below, or just type it out. That'll be great. Thanks in Advance.

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10 answers to this question

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Initially I had separate builds for day and night forms, but I've slowly started drifting towards a build that can adequately use both power sets. I've done a lot of testing, and this has gotten my best results.




The reason that I use Redirection rather than Vitality is because I have two full sets of Arcane Barrier that works wondrously with Night's Pacify ability.

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Just like bunny my build has come to be over hours of testing and tweaking. 4 forma is all you really need but I went with 5 so that I could use parkor mods if I wanted to in the exilus slot. Some people prefer more effeciency so that they can spam maim, but I prefer the extra range and the use of maim as an occasional nuke. I think of my nox as a support dps frame. This build works well with both forms. I especially like using a dagger that has covert lethality on it while using rest from the night form. 1hko's all day!




I generally carry a wepon that can regen energy like synoid gammacor/simulor or the rakta cernos.

Edited by ImTheBlack1
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Well remember, you only really need two forma for these builds to work as their base level because you can decide to not use the exilus slot. Also unless you have maxed primed mods/corrupted mods the power cost will be less as well. Good ol' noxy is a frame you can really experiment with. Shes worth the wait.


And because of Maim shes pretty easy to level in ODD or dark sector defence/survival. 

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This is my day built, because I prefer day for the tons of aoe damage + staggers.




I'm not a WF modding expert so if anyone has feedback on my build to improve it or not, let me know :)
The reason I'm using stretch and not over extended is due the great power str drop.

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^ Is it really worth building for that much strength? I generally don't care for the bleed procs so I mod for max range since the damage conversion is not affected by power strength.

Well to be fair, this build gives Pacify & Provoke 50% power strength to allies in range (and if I trust the wiki equinox too?)

It has a quite good aoe damage while the energy per second is very doable (especially with a weapon like Synoid Simulor)



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After lots of testing myself, I dropped my +strength build and gravitated towards a max range setup. Mostly because the deactivations of the 4th skill don't gain any benefit from strength.


Max range lets you heal teammates easier / hit more enemies, and charge the 4th skill *much* easier/faster. Provoke is really the only loss here, and it's effectiveness is really dependent on team composition.


I have also found Natural Talent to be a big help, as I can quickly toggle Maim on and off for the stun or hit Rest faster.


I've been using Arcane Guardian actually; I can go Vit/SF/Rage for energy generation if needed, depending on the team comp. Also don't have Barrier/Aegis which I agree might be better. But really, with the ability to heal, it's not a big deal to keep Equinox alive.


Max Range, Armor+Vit+Rage for energy generation and okay tankyiness (53% damage reduction with Guardian O.o):


Swapping Armor and Rage for more Strength:


Swapping Natural Talent from the first build for more duration (well suited for Night setups, sleeping large areas):


Edited by Darzk
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After lots of testing myself, I dropped my +strength build and gravitated towards a max range setup. Mostly because the deactivations of the 4th skill don't gain any benefit from strength.


Max range lets you heal teammates easier / hit more enemies, and charge the 4th skill *much* easier/faster. Provoke is really the only loss here, and it's effectiveness is really dependent on team composition.


I have also found Natural Talent to be a big help, as I can quickly toggle Maim on and off for the stun or hit Rest faster.


I've been using Arcane Guardian actually; I can go Vit/SF/Rage for energy generation if needed, depending on the team comp. Also don't have Barrier/Aegis which I agree might be better. But really, with the ability to heal, it's not a big deal to keep Equinox alive.


Max Range, Armor+Vit+Rage for energy generation and okay tankyiness (53% damage reduction with Guardian O.o):


Swapping Armor and Rage for more Strength:


Swapping Natural Talent from the first build for more duration (well suited for Night setups, sleeping large areas):



Based on your 2nd build I managed to put this together and I must admit that I prefer this over my previous build :)



Thank you so much, I truly feel like I learned something more about Equinox today :)

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Based on your 2nd build I managed to put this together and I must admit that I prefer this over my previous build :)

If you remove Constitution, and move the Streamline or FE into that slot, then you can install Continuity, primed or not, into the V slot and have enough extra points to max out Handspring (plus 2%+ more duration). It'll also free up a mod point for when you max out Transient Fortitude somewhere down the line. I'd keep it as is only if you install Mobilize in the Exilus slot instead. The knockdown speed from Constitution does not stack with Handspring, as Handspring makes a new animation with a separate speed from the normal knockdown.

Edited by Darzk
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