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Frame Oriented Weapons


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i think it would be cool if in the game each frame had a wep only they could use.


rhino would be able to use a grenade launcher

trinity would have a leach rifle that ehter drains hp or directly gives it to a friend

ember gets a flamethower.

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Okay, if I get to choose between it and the other weapons.

Or each warframe could have their own selection of weapons. Rhino using mainly heavy weapons and someone else using lighter weapons. Someone could have his/hers weapon selection based around close combat, while another warframe has snipers and semiautomatics.

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No, it's great as it is now. I don't want to be limited to snipers when using Loki or light guns when playing Mag!

That's idiotic and I seriously hope nothing like that will ever be implemented. Most of the players want the freedom to choose the warframe AND the weapon of choice.

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No, it's great as it is now. I don't want to be limited to snipers when using Loki or light guns when playing Mag!

That's idiotic and I seriously hope nothing like that will ever be implemented. Most of the players want the freedom to choose the warframe AND the weapon of choice.

I think I sounded too much like I was supporting the idea, but I wasn't.

It's okay that there are powers that distinguish warframes from each other, and then we got weapons that can be used by any warframe.

But I still wouldn't call it idiotic, many games do that and it works fine.

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Idiotic is the wrong term, that's true. Shouldn't have posted that, that was idiotic by me :)

I agree, a lot of games do it that way, but that's what defines these games. Warframe isn't such a game, Warframe needs freedom, not that class-division. That's one aspect I love about Warframe.

Edited by Cyler
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