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Why Do People Hate Glaives?


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I love glaives, but the handling on them is unconfortable and mostly you are forced to use the Power Throw explosion to get the most deadlyness out of it, completely discarding the charming part of them, the bouncing.


Those weapons needs only 2 things to make the perfect comback:

- fast charge speed, wich is needed if we want to take targets we need to kill fast;

- smart ricochet, wich is needed to better use mods like Rebound and Whirlwind and to be able to kill targets behind cover.


Lets put a couple random mindless logic behind these 2 things :

- we are superior soldiers (ninjas, mercenaries, wathever) more like captain america;

- captain america can even make coffee with his damn shield! (not completely confirmed, but you got the point)

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I do enjoy how they look, but I'd love a few changes to them.


-Faster charge for the throw. I can throw 10 hikous per second at high speeds, but it takes that long to throw a single weapon?

-Faster flight time. How a throwing weapon can stay in the air going that slow I'll never know. Regardless, aiming at a moving enemy is really difficult with the current speed.

-Smart bounce. If my weapon is going to bounce around a room like crazy, it would be nice if it would target an enemy or two.

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Because they prefer their Boltor's than a Pseudo-One Shot Life Strike Knockdown Weapon.... wait What?

All Glavies but Cerata are S#&$ty melees...but Kestrel is ragdolling fun. Reloading and a Napalm targetting you? ¡Hold E and let him fly away to the rainbows!...of death.

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Brah. c'mon.





It's my most used weapon hehe~

Though with the few that mention they would like the innate flight speed faster, you always got Whirlwind lol. I think the bigger "issue" would be the -bounce&punch through mods alot of optimized builds need. But that's a whole other issue all together lol.


I also need to not, I can't exactly relate to that complaint, because as you can see my most played Warframe is in fact Zephyr, I mainly only use a Power Strength/Jetstream build, so flight speed has never been an issue since the the release of that augment mod.


Right now I've been using alot of the Cerata with no -bounce mods, as I noticed it homes-in on quite a few enemies, as well it's just fun to do lol. I am really happy though you can aim for a bezerker build since the critical chance is right on the lower-end of those kind of builds, as well as having Astral Twilight and it's amazing combos+multi-hits, you can even omit True Steel in some cases, especially if you want to focus on a more elemental damage build, all you really need is Bezerker and the rest does the job~

This is also assuming if you're aiming for using it more for the stance then just using the throw mechanic for the utility. Either way, other then the rest of the weapons in it's category, this particular throwing weapon you can build it in a quite a few ways, which I absolutely welcome!

Though personally, doing a 50/50 hybrid build wouldn't be really wise as you'll get lukewarm results at best. Hence, I find it best to always just aim for what you would like it to mainly use it for, and splash a bit of other mods for the other spectrum of it.


But I'm just babbling now haha.


Though interestingly to note, I have no idea how the Carrier is my "most used" if I tossed all my sentinels other then my Helios in the garbage years ago lol. As of now my Raksa and Chesa Kubrows are in the 61%+ range, but yet I guess DE doesn't really consider it as a pet/sentinel category?

It would be nice to have Kurbrows count to show it off a bit, but eh, I'm just digressing again haha~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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I love glaive weapons, they are good for most times when used correctly, even the fact that you can throw them and keep shooting gives an extra help. I do not understand entirely if they have a slight homing mechanism for the bounces, but if they connect you can get rid of one line of enemies with it while shooting the other. They also are good for stealth since the explosion is silent (logic).


I don't personally know people that hate them, but if they do, i'd think it's because of it's mechanics, like, it's easier to throw them while you have another weapon in hand

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having to mod for Power throw, quick return, and flight speed really cripples thrown melee weapons when you want to get up close and personal to the enemy. Now if they made those three mods innate to each thrown weapon type, that would open up a world of possibilities on how to mod thrown weapons and bring them into late game/end game missions. 

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The reason I ask this is that I've seen:


- Intense hate or people saying they suck and that they will never use one, even for mastery pts.

- Telling me to switch my cerata for something else in void stuff.

   > (It's my key, so screw off. Especially when I get 2x the kills with cerata than your primary.)

- Discouraging others to never use that weapon.

   > (Like a day ago Player A asked how I liked the cerata. Player B said "don't ever use glaives they suck so bad." And they said other bad things and once they see that I'm doing great with it they say "He is just lucky with that, you rarely get those scores." )


I actually run at the enemies once I throw my cerata.so once I get it back I start ripping people.

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See for me Glaives epitomize what Warframe is really all about: Fun creative ways to kill. Glaives may not be the most effective or powerful melee weapon but seeing an enemy get bisected from a well-timed throw is so satisfying. Now, when you add in te incredibly flashy astral twilight and gleaming talon stance it just looks amazing and the combat flexibility, especially for stealth players, is considerable. Honestly, stat-wise the glaive's aren't that good but they provide a very unique and satisfying method of murder and the only thing I love more than the Glaive Prime is the Redeemer. Neither are super powerful but both are so fun to use.

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Throwing Type weapon (Glaive, Kestrel , etc) are one of my fav melee , 2nd fav after Coptering Long weapon like orthos and bo.

Best part ,like said above , Life Steal Channeling Mod + ReBound is very eficient cause it only counted 1 channeling cost while it able to keep Lifesteal as long it not yet return to your hand.


but, im agree they could do better , especialy the bouncing part is too random (to the extend the weapon gone stuck somewhere and takes too long to return) , reason why most of time i use Quick Return instead.

and Cerata is only so so compared Glaive (or Glaive Prime ) , mainly cause it only have Elemental Damage as Base while have 0 for non Elemental Damage. Make Slash/Impact/Puncture mod useless.


also, they counted as self inflicted-able weapon , try throw it point blank to wall or to your feet, useful for build that rely on Rage Mod , let me have something that more useful to hurt my enemy on primary and 2ndary .

Edited by Courina
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