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[Guide] Void Puzzles / Obstacle Rooms (Incomplete)




NOTE: Since U9 came with a bunch of new content that needs to be added to this guide, I'd appreciate if everyone would contribute with screenshots and such because I got my hands full atm with work and I'd love this guide to be complete as soon as possible. I'll link each person's contribution in the appropriate place so don't worry about that :D


NOTE2: If you want to see U9 new puzzle rooms you can skip to pages 6 and 7, we got lots of new screenshots by MarmoshaCommander_Snake_Eyes11thCommandment, fuffi2milka, tuman18, and Lactamid

You can check those out for now. I will be moving them to the first page later when I get some free time.



Here are the main components of the Puzzle/Trap system:

Lazer Sphere:

Floor Panel:

Wall Lazers:


Video Set: (by Bliznub )


New Video Set: (By Guiltytwo)





- At Update 8.1.0 they said that they fixed it so that Other teammates can solve host-only puzzles now.

P.S. please don't reply to this thread until I finish reserving enough posts (I will reserve 10 for now). Feel free to post now. I think 8 posts will be enough for me.
P.S. 2: If you find anything wrong/imprecise please message me and I'll fix it.
P.S. 3: I'm still working on this, so any suggestions are welcome. And I'm still uploading and editing the pictures that I have and I will try to take better oriented ones later. Edited by MrFireShot
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Room 1:




Puzzle Room.



In this room there are 2 Lazer Spheres and 4 Floor Panels. This puzzle is only solvable by the host.



So what you have to do in this one is look around the 4 panels until you see a blue one. Stepping on the blue one will make it turn golden and another one will turn blue. So you should only step on the blue ones in order until all 4 blue panels are clicked.



- Sometimes the Panel will turn green instead of blue for some reason. But it is still fine. As long as it didn't become red everything is okay.

- Since everyone is asking about it; Yes, other teammates CAN solve the puzzle but they can't see the colors. So they will have to blindly step on the panels and cross their fingers while hoping that it is a blue/green one. (Seems to be fixed now)

- There are loot rooms on both sides (noted by: Lactamid)



- Enemies can step on the panels.

- Stepping on a wrong panel will activate the Lazer Spheres.

- Red panels are bad. REALLY bad. If you step on a red panel it is bound to activate a trap. But sometimes you are actually given more than one chance to solve the puzzle and the red panel will turn golden again.


Hidden Room:





Room 2:




Agility Test.



In this room there are 2 Lazer Spheres and 1 Activation Floor Panel. This test can be completed by anyone in the squad.



Once you step on the activation panel in the center, the two lazer spheres will be activated and the door at the far end will open. This door hides a hidden loot room and it will close 8-10 seconds after it opens. You have to run fast past the Lazer Spheres and the Cryo Floors and enter the hidden room before the door closes. Once you are in there is another Floor Panel that you could step on which will permanently reopen the door for your teammates to get in and get the loot.



- Try not to touch the Cryo Floor since it will slow you down considerably. I suggest a Loki with switch teleport or an Excalibur with slash dash.

- This room is not always solvable. Sometimes the traps won't activate and the door won't open.


Hidden Room:

-will be added-

Edited by MrFireShot
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Room 3:




Agility Test



This room has a door that only opens from the inside.



There are different ways to get into the hidden room. Some people prefer to use switch teleport or slash dash but I have a simple way that even a slow frost can do. All you have to do is stand on the arc outside the room and wall-climb up, then jump and fall into the hidden room. Once you are in, just go near the door from the inside and it will open allowing your teammates to get in.


Solution in Images:



Hidden Room:


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Room 4:




Agility Test



This room is like the easiest one. Though it is pretty much hard to find because it is usually very far from the objective. 



Not much really, just wall running and wall climbing.


Hidden Room:



Room 5:




Agility Test



This room contains two obstacle courses. They could be done by anyone in the squad.



There are 4 Floor Panels, two on each side. To start one of the two obstacle courses you step on the first panel. Moving Wall Lazers will appear on your side of the obstacle course and you have to run fast towards the end of the room and not get hit by lazers. Once you do that you step on the Floor Panel at the other side of the room and that will open the loot rooms on your side.



- This could also be triggered by enemies.

- You have to run fast because you really don't have more than 6-8 seconds to step on the other panel.

- This particular test is most likely to fail since enemies in the room would've screwed it up long before you reach it. So don't be sad if not all the loot rooms are open for you because that's likely because an enemy screwed up the test.

- Even when you finish the test, some of the loot rooms might not open (could be a bug).


Hidden Room:


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Room 6: (Incomplete)







This room has a chain of puzzles where each will unlock a secret loot room. The first part appears to be only solvable by the host.



There are 4 Floor Panels forming a circle. One of them will be blue/green, which is the one that you can step on. Once you do that the room below will be open:

Inside that room there is another Floor Plate that will open yet another loot room (Note that if you do a normal jump the steam will take you up to the room):





- The Floor Panels could also be triggered by enemies.

- I'm still not very certain if there is any order to step on the Floor Plates to unlock the first room, but I will do more testing and confirm this.

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Agility Test


This room contains two series obstacle courses. They could be done by anyone in the squad.


There is a Floor Panel that begins the Test which is in the picture in the beginning of this post. Once the button is pressed you only need to walk into the room in front of you but be careful because the door will close in about 10 seconds.


Stepping on the Floor Panel in the previous picture will only open the door to the next obstacle course and reopen the door behind you to let teammates in.


This is the preparation room to begin the second obstacle course. Be VERY careful as once you step on the panel in the middle you will ONLY have 8-10 seconds to clear the WHOLE obstacle course and believe me, you need EVERY SECOND! (Unless you are a loki of course xD). Another thing you have to watch out for is that you can't jump over the arc in the middle. So you HAVE to go through one of the doors on the sides.


This way I start the obstacle course.



Hidden Room:

Getting to the loots still requires some wall-climbimg (cuz we are Ninjas :D)

Here are some more pictures:






P.S. I'd like to give a shout out for Marmosha because he showed me screenshots of this room which encouraged me to go explore till I found it, and Zedonk for taking me to the void on that run :D

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Busok and pdxdubin, I really appreciate your comments and it really made me happy but could you please remove them so that I could have enough room to post the other traps?


Sorry about the inconvenience.

Thanks :D

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Small Places with loots (Hidden or not)

this will be the last piece of guide I make in this thread. Here I will put all small places that contain storage containers and such, but are not very hidden and you don't need to solve a puzzle or escape lazers to get to.


Number One

as i promised, fireshot, screens:


this is where it is.



this is the edge where you need to climb. spawns anywhere between 0-6 additional crates. :)


- This large room sometimes spawns storage containers on the balcony-like thingies on top. It is very easy to wall-climb into that place and then circle the whole room and you would usually find up to 6 storage containers.

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I won't play any more void missions before you finish your topic ..


I missed out on alot of loot cause I have no idea what to do -_-, I checked online but couldn't find any answer, your topic this topic will help me greatly !

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I won't play any more void missions before you finish your topic ..


I missed out on alot of loot cause I have no idea what to do -_-, I checked online but couldn't find any answer, your topic this topic will help me greatly !

Glad I could help :D

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This is awesome, I'd found out most of these already but I totally missed out on one of them!. 


Btw, on the agility test you have with the two laser turrets & the 2 cryo strips, not sure if you know but you can wall run along the curved inner wall to the side of the cryo bits to find a small area with containers & lockers, which can either be exited by a pipe or back the same way you came in. It's certainly not a puzzle but it's a hidden area.

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This is awesome, I'd found out most of these already but I totally missed out on one of them!. 


Btw, on the agility test you have with the two laser turrets & the 2 cryo strips, not sure if you know but you can wall run along the curved inner wall to the side of the cryo bits to find a small area with containers & lockers, which can either be exited by a pipe or back the same way you came in. It's certainly not a puzzle but it's a hidden area.

Yup, I'm already aware of this but I rarely ever found anything useful there. Maybe one or two storage containers that would explode in my face or something xD

But I will get to every hidden room in the void. And since the room on the side is actually not the same hidden room so I'll do it in a separate post :D



MrFireShot .. "taking of the hat"

Thats really usefull thanks alot !!

u r the best !!

Thanks :D

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I have very simple solution to go to Room 3, that I can get there with just first jump. All you have to do is stand onto that arc and jump out of the window in that room's window direction. While you are in the air, make relatively fast half-circular movement of mouse to make yourself face the room3's window. It should make you stand on the sill just before the window. Then you can simply jump between these adornments into the room. I will try to record this jump next time and maybe post the video here. I practiced this and it's very simple to get there. (maybe I'm unlucky but almost all of containers are always closed..so not worth to get there thou)

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Room 1)

Where does the hidden room appear ?

Will stepping on the wrong panel  cause it to fail ?

See the image of the room? see where it says "Loot Room"? That room is usually closed and it opens when you successfully open the puzzle is solved. Pressing on a wrong panel will fail the puzzle and activate the traps.




I have very simple solution to go to Room 3, that I can get there with just first jump. All you have to do is stand onto that arc and jump out of the window in that room's window direction. While you are in the air, make relatively fast half-circular movement of mouse to make yourself face the room3's window. It should make you stand on the sill just before the window. Then you can simply jump between these adornments into the room. I will try to record this jump next time and maybe post the video here. I practiced this and it's very simple to get there. (maybe I'm unlucky but almost all of containers are always closed..so not worth to get there thou)

Works as well :D

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Very good read.  Seems like knowing how to open all the secret rooms can significantly increase the mod drops from void runs.  

Yup Yup :D



Btw I just found THE HARDEST obstacle room and I'm currently editing the screenshots to add them here. Problem is that SO DANG MANY THINGS YOU NEED TO DO TO SOLVE IT! so not even 2 posts will be enough for it xD

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Anyone have tips on room 5? I can get all 4 panels, but it seems like the side rooms close if you try to get them

The side rooms will not close if they are opened. The problem in this room is that the obstacle course will not always activate. Plus I can't seem to test it out thoroughly because usually my teammates or an enemy will screw things up. If I get more information I will update the original post.

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